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  1. TRIGGER WARNING Chapter 1 Cindy’s breathing grew ragged, her feet staggering across the dry earth. A trail of red did her leg leave behind, and hungry noses did follow. In recent months her usual stamina had declined, her muscles weakened, her emotions muddled. But she wouldn’t change it for a thing, albeit she wished the world could be a better place for her love. She placed a hand on her stomach, her resolve steeling twofold as she remembered her purpose, turning a corner. A dead end. Her blood ran cold, how could she have let this happen? She knew every street, every alley, every building of these ruins, how could she have forgotten? She spun back towards the alley entrance, but already could she hear them. She could hear their feet dragging, their ragged breaths more broken than her own. She could smell their stink, rotting flesh and the metallic tang of fresh blood. What was meant to be a simple resource run for gasoline, all gone wrong in a matter of minutes. A sharp pain ran up her leg, causing her to cry out, an unneeded reminder of her mangled foot. She clamped a hand over her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut. But it was too late, the shuffling steps stilled, before a single sound rang out, only able to be described as a groaning scream. Another howl rang out, and another, and the shuffling grew louder again, closer. How stupid could she be, first stepping on her own trap, now losing her way? Focus. What street is this? She stilled her mind, brown eyes scanning her surroundings. A door. She prayed beneath her breath as she tried the handle, thanking the stars as it turned. She quickly slammed the door behind her back. Perhaps her luck wasn’t out yet, the sharp smell of acetone filling her lungs. A hospital. But a putrid smell soon followed, one she knew well, and she clamped a hand over her nose and mouth. Resisting the urge to hurl, she gazed at the wreckage. Bodies littered the floor, but they were still and unmoving. For now. She limped past the corpses the best she could, even now unable to fully accept the reality of it. Focus. She thought again. Focus. BANG. Cindy’s whole body flinched, whipping around to peer back down the dark hallway. BANG. Louder now, she saw the source. She could have sworn her heart had stopped, gazing at the door she entered from in helpless fear. BANG. And the door flew open, the stench of decomposing bodies only growing stronger as they poured in through the door, a sob of terror wrenched through her lips before she could help it. She turned and did the only thing she could, she ran. She ran through the hall, turned right, then left. A dead end again. The only way out were the stairs. Rule one, when running never go up. The words echoed through her mind, her heart aching at the memory. But there was only one option. Fire, I need fire. Why did I leave without fire? Up the stairs did she go, gasping out in pain each time her foot hit the ground. But no matter, for the footsteps of the dead never slowed down. Her breath hitched as she felt something tug at her cargo pants, was it one of them or a nail poking out the building’s skeleton? No matter, she only climbed faster, the adrenaline kicking in and driving almost all the pain away. Fate’s final gift spurring her towards the door she knew was near, giving her that burst of energy she needed. She threw herself at the door, praying it was unlocked. It gave way, and she fell forward into… Nothingness. There was nothing. It was dark… silent… nothing but black. Yet somehow she was standing. She could feel her heart pounding, the terror melting into anxiety. She spun around again towards the door, and there it was. Floating in the dark empty space, a rectangle of light. She took a gulp, and took a step towards it… And another… Until she could peer down the stairs from which she came… “No…” She whispered, her hands traveling to her mouth. “Please…” She begged, not knowing whom she was pleading to. “PLEASE!” She screamed, falling to her knees as she sobbed at the sight of her limp and bloodied body on the stairs. Tens of them crowded round her, tearing at her flesh with their claws, ignoring the girl as she screamed in pain. From the other side of the door, Cindy couldn’t hear a thing, but the pain and horror in the girl’s face, her face, were easy to see. She couldn’t look away, couldn’t bring herself to stop watching herself die. Blood poured from her wounds, dripping down the stairs where more of those aberrations awaited to lap it up. Her bloodied handprints painting the walls, a forbidden art piece of hell. Till at last her arms fell limp onto the ground, and her empty, lifeless gaze staring up at Cindy through the open door. Author's note:
  2. I found this cool stream about fish i hope you guys like it : ) My favorite fish is the purple one that looks like he has a nose he looks very funny and kinda like a nose monkey but a fish and i like monkeys this stream says that it : • Help with stress management • Lower blood pressure • Reduces anxiety • Sleep better • Promotes positivity • Improves mental healthfor Meditation Relaxation Sleep White Noise for Sleep coral and i thought u guys might need it Leave a comment on this post about your favorite fish if you find any fish you like. fish fact: Did you know that starfish aren't fish? also add me on discord for more fish facts: Who#5878 PS: Argentina is going great, just worked 12 hours for 12 Argentinian Pesos (that's almost half a chocolate bar) - your friend, Mickaelhz from Argentina with the fish
  3. Amalric was a mystery to many. Few had ever seen him. Fewer knew his name. He just seemed to appear one day, always lingering in the shadows, just out of sight, just behind his employer. And he died just as quietly as he lived. He never lived to see his 18th birthday. It is surprising to some that he lived to see his 17th. Indeed, Amalric, though a quiet sort, lived an extremely dangerous life. He spent every waking moment surrounded by beasts and monsters, demons and devils, clowns and queens. Power was always within reach, but it was not his to have. He didn't want it. Indeed, he spent all of his life advancing others to their goals. Where did this loyalty get him? In pieces. Pieces.. Morgan can remember the blast. The cannon fire, the volleys that impacted all across Yong Ping. She was just trying to help. She was just trying to be useful. Where did this need to be useful get her? In pieces. The shrapnel tore her limb from limb, cut through her organs and her flesh, diced her apart. She was never supposed to survive it. When an alchemist plucked her mangled body from the wall and carried it away, she was not conscious to see what he did. Til the day she died, Morgan was never sure if she'd have rather had him just leave her. It would've been less trouble, for everyone. She wouldn't have had to do what she did. It'd be a lie if Amalric said he wasn't the vindictive sort. He didn't think he was. So many people had wronged him, but he never gave it any thought. But no matter how many days and years passed, he could not let go of what Karl Amador did to Morgan. His employer, so many times, had told him to stay out of Haense to avoid conflict, but many days were spent sitting. And watching. Watching Karl, watching Petra and Sigismund. And Karl... He had moved on from Morgan. He had gotten himself a wife, and children. A wife. And children. It made Amalric sick. Had Karl forgotten what he'd done to Morgan? All the suffering he caused to his first kiss? Kiss.. In truth, Morgan never expected it to go this way. Karl was never on her mind romantically until that very night they kissed. It was funny, almost. When she was a beggar on the streets, her eyes followed Petra Emma. No one noticed her, the way she stood back and observed Petra and Karl talk. She wanted to approach, to ask for food, or for a friend, but she was shy, and words were trouble. But it was Karl who approached and put food in her hands, and declared himself her friend. She so desperately wanted friends. Someone to follow, someone to give her meaning. She found it that night in someone else, someone who'd lead her astray, ultimately. Someone she'd fall in love with. But Morgan fell in love with so many people. A crush on Karl. A crush on Sigismund. A crush on Petra. A crush on Hesperia. At the time, Karl was the only one who returned her romantic advances. She was so sure they were meant to be. Foolish. He didn't intend to cause such a scene. But he enjoyed every moment of it. Walking into that tavern, reminding Karl, and everyone, of who Morgan was. What he'd done to her. It felt good to be vindictive. To finally make someone scared and regretful. He wanted to punish Karl for forgetting Morgan, for getting her killed. No one knew who Amalric was. They couldn't. He didn't exist, he wasn't a person. He had no paper trail. He liked it. He liked that he seemed to be a ghost of Karl's past, coming to haunt him for all the wrong he'd done. Wasn't that exactly what he was? He was a ghost. A memory forgotten. And of course, Karl being Karl, all he could think about was the assassins. Assassins.. She never wanted it to come to this. Morgan didn't ask for this. But she enjoyed it. She was.. vindictive. Karl never noticed her. He ever even saw her among those who came to kill him. How could he have? She was dressed in armor like the rest. It was all his fault. He had caused so much trouble. From those who wished to do her arm to the ones she lived with yelling at her and demanding to know who she told. Who had she told? Who did you tell? She didn't tell anyone, none but Karl. No one else knew what was required to get her back onto her feet. He said he wouldn't tell anyone. She trusted him. She loved him, but he denied her and spread word of her condition to all who would listen. The rumor came from Haense. It had to have been him. It was not Amalric who sent the assassins. He was more subtle in his maneuvering. He was a private person, he preferred man to man talks, in secluded locations. His revenge was quieter, the way he stalked Karl and Petra and Sigismund. Attended their balls. Watched Sigismund dance. Watch Petra and the boy she courted dance. He even tried talking to her at the time, his mind not so bent on causing suffering. He just wanted her to be his friend again. He wanted to have that tea.. Tea.. Morgan and Petra were supposed to have tea. She was going to have a friend, despite how disfigured she'd been made. Karl abandoned her, Sigismund called her a wretch, but Petra spared her those small kindnesses. She never got to have the tea, because of Karl. Morgan cried about it often, though she'd tell no one. She wanted so desperately a friend, she'd lost everyone. And she would continued to lose. Her sense of self, her identity. Her name. Her appearance. To avoid those who would hunt her, who would ask questions on her appearance, they fixed her. They made her acceptable again. They made her.. Amalric didn't have any friends for some time. When he came back from that ball, so upset that he'd been invited and then ignored by Petra, so enraged at the success of Sigismund and Karl, he was told by Hesperia to never return to Haense, for it only caused him pain. But he was obsessed. He'd put so much time and emotions into the trio, he cared so much about their lives, that he returned anyways. Every month, to watch them, to follow them, to listen. Who was he if not for his attachments? Was he a person? He'd been a person. He'd been several people, in fact. So many names, so many faces. And for what? Was this not what being a person was? Caring? Trying to make friends? Being hurt and hurting in turn? Was that not humanity? He'd spent 10 years in the service of Hesperia Von Drakenhof. He loved her. He was obsessed with her. Every second at her shoulder. If he knew her location, then he was there, whether she invited him or not. Amalric was her eternal servant. He changed his name for her. He changed his appearance for her. He lived for her, and he would've killed for her. He would die for her. He did die for her. He'd given everything up but her. He lost his friendships, those he'd known. He agreed to marry her, because he thought was what she wanted. He did everything for her. Though, in the quiet hours of the night, he would know in his heart that he did it for himself. It would take years to unravel the thing that Amalric was when he died. It would take longer to unravel the circumstances of his death, and his relationship with Hesperia Von Drakenhof. Only she could truly tell the complicated and tragic story of his life, and even she didn't know him completely. And this is how he ends. An unfinished story. A mystery unfounded. A tragic ending to a tragic life of a tragic child.
  4. [!] There would be no letters nor words this time. Silence is all that was met in return to those who seeked the Mali'ker. And so it was a morning that the young Mali woke up to a meaningless day. Another empty smile, another empty effort. How many years have been since she had felt peace or calm in her day and night? When was the last time there was no rush or hard pounding in her heart? It has been quite some time since she was truly at peace, no pain or drama following her from place to place. "Am I stuck like this?" she finally spoke softly to herself, reaching for an old plushie that had been made for her. "Is this really all there is without them?" the 'ker continued, pondering while looking into the eyes of the plushie, matching the colors in her own, remembering the reasoning behind it. It was then that the elf began to remember her past, which felt like one lifetime ago, despite her youth. The days when she had it all. The days where she was wanted and called for. When her life had more to it than just walking around and existing in a plain and meaningless manner. Back in those days, she had her best friends by her side, an energetic and funny girl, a sweet and silent boy and a sassy yet caring teen lass. Why was it that they all went on such different paths? One of them became the love of her life, yet disappeared for reasons she could not control. The other, without her knowing, had been years dead, gone without a word or goodbye. The last made her own life, found friends and forgot she existed until a recent meeting. By the thought alone, tears began running down her cheeks. She should've reached out instead of waiting. But alas, it was to late already, her hands reaching to drop the plushie she had upon a mailbox alongside a ring. A promise long broken, yet not forgotten by her. She had her hopes something could change for the better, yet it was never meant to be, not in this life and maybe not in any other either. "What if i wait? Someone will call for me..." she whispered, having made her way upon the top of a gate by the ocean already, looking forwards to the horizon and not daring to look behind, knowing in her heart that if she did, she'd hesitate in doing what she had to do... Not to mention, no one would be there to do so. The Mali'ker knew, better than anyone, that those who could stop her were now gone. Even that one blonde woman she once called a "sister" was long gone. She took a long deep breath, holding it in while her eyes closed, her last tears falling down as she awaited... But no one spoke. What else could she do? Who would she call? And so a cold breeze hit her frame, the scent of the ocean and the calm sound of its waves giving a fake sense of calm and peace during her last moments before it all came to an end. No breath was taken. No word was spoken. No tear was shed for the girl. Maybe that's how it must be. Her now limb and lifeless body by the seaside, under a giant gate of the last city she called her home. She had finally found peace somehow, as no one spoke. [[OOC]] For all the fun i had, i must thank everyone who interacted with this little dumb persona of mine. It was fun playing her but i lost my interest, not to mention it had turned unhealthy for me. I am in no current state of dealing with a character that has too many issues. A special thanks to Disklexia, Tadabug, Hope and everyone who interacted with her the last few times i played her, you guys made it my time playing great. Another special thanks to Strongbear, Audry, Apollo, Thomas, Minty, Mika, RC, Basil and Heartesy for the great begining this persona had, without you guys i wouldnt had enjoyed this character as much as i did back then. And thanks everyone else who ever gave her some time.
  5. "I will always love you" [!] The Palmer has left letters in a series of places, leaving them behind where members of her family, and a friend or two, leaving them in their mailboxes with an orchard that matches Astrid’s eye color. To a friend who has always been there: @CherryBoy “Dear Yuelena, we have had some amazing times together. You have seen me at one of my darkest times and you stuck with me. You are something else, you are definitely a little sparky spark. Do you remember that time we went to Haense, because I don’t. You also know how to make a really damn good cup of tea, I enjoyed getting to come over to your house and sitting down, talking about the most random of things at times. You have always been a really good friend who is troubled and I applaud you for that, even if your girlfriend got a little jealous at times. This isn’t my final goodbye, it’s more like a see you later type of deal. Don’t forget me because I won’t forget you, I won’t be around to save you from random strangers who want to bug you while shopping, just remember what I would do in that situation. Remember when I left you with a random elf? That made me laugh, it was a great time for me! Yue, I can’t wait until the next time we get the chance to see each other and hopefully it won’t be when my time comes to pass. I will see you later, as always, stay safe and stay well friend.” [!] At the bottom it would be signed Astrid Palmer To my dear sister Leyu: @minty_roses “Hey, my angry little elf or better known as my sister. I have when we first met that you wanted to kill me for the action that I did all of those years ago but over time we have formed a bond like no other and nobody has seemed to get in the way of that. Something that I never got to tell you, I have always looked to you, you have always been something I have been striving for but I have ultimately failed. Give my best to not so little Andria for me, she is truly a little blessing. I’m sorry that I can’t be there when you needed me the most, I was so wrapped up in the life I was living and I forgot about the people who cared about me. My time hasn’t come to an end, I’m not dead yet, I have a few years left in me, that is for sure. You will always be my older sister in my eyes, the older sister who I can’t say that I love you enough, I have been asked to leave Talon’s and that is what I am doing, I’m leaving few more place but don’t worry wherever I am, just know that I am safe and keeping my family safe. I hope that you still love me when we get the chance to see each other again, hopefully it won’t be when my time comes to pass. [!] At the bottom of the letter it would be signed Astrid Palmer. To my adopted Parents Ainz and Audry: @ComicD @AudTheOdd “Dear father, after some of my recent actions, I have decided that it is time that we have parted ways. Things have changed over time and this is my final goodbye, you took me in when I was in a time of need and I have always thanked you for that. I know that we have had our ups and downs, we have had our good times and our bad. I know that you will probably never forgive me, you have probably hate me for what I have done, but I hope that somewhere deep down inside that you will find a way to forgive me. I don’t know if we will ever see each other again, but maybe it will happen in another life. [!] At the bottom of the letter it would be signed Astrid Palmer. “Dear Audry, you were just kind of thrown in being my mother when you were with Ainz and he chose to adopt me. It took me sometime to accept this after things from my past that I have tried hard to push to the dark places of my mind in an attempt to forget. It was always nice that I had you in my corner when I was causing problems, you were someone I could always turn to when I needed someone to talk to, or even if I just wanted to hangout. I know we haven’t seen each other in a few years, I wish I would have sat down and talked one last time before I left this at your home. I hope you stay well and don’t try to come looking for me, I love you and hopefully we will see each other again before my time comes to pass since I am just a small little human and you are an elf.” [!] At the bottom of the letter it would be signed Astrid Palmer. To one of the best Docs I know: @BasilTheBunny “Hey Pru, I hope you are still being the best doctor I know. I remember when I first met you in the Tavern in Sutica, I was a little trouble maker from the start and over the years you slowly heard some of the things that I have done and you never looked back on me. You were always around when I needed someone to talk to when I didn’t want to turn to my parents, you helped keep me safe when I ran away at the age of 12. You were always there for me when I needed medical help, if it was broken nose or a few broken ribs. You taught me many things as I grew up, you taught me how to fight with a dagger, you taught how to pay for something when I had no idea what I was doing. I thought I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up but the cards that I was dealt, they had me headed down a different direction, but I have picked a few tricks of the trade over the years from you. I want to sit in the boring council meetings with you but I don’t think that will be possible for a while, maybe Mika will keep my seat open until I decide to return or maybe he will find someone better. I will see you soon, maybe in a few months, maybe in a few years, who knows. [!] At the bottom of the letter it would be signed Astrid Palmer. To the love of my life: @minty_roses “Dear Giada, you are something truly amazing, the years I have gotten to spend with you, they have been some of the best years of my life. I have always been there for you, I have always dropped everything in your time of need, I have been your shoulder to cry on, I have always been there when you need to talk or just wanted someone there to listen. I will never forget you, you will always have a special place in my heart, right near my father Garret. I wish I would have been able to spend more time with you before I wrote this and left it at your home. I remember the day I first laid my pale blue eyes on you, you gave me a sense of peace, something that I have always longed for. Our story doesn’t end here, we have a few more chapters to write, remember this for me, I am always safe and I will always love you. I will make sure that our son stops a few times in Providence to make sure that everything is well, maybe I will even make the trip a time or two to check in on you and your family. I have loved getting the chance to watch them grow up over the years, they have put a smile on my face for many years. But I fear that some of my recent actions have changed the course I’m headed, and this is my time to leave. You need to stay strong, I’m not going anywhere, this is more see you later but I won’t be around everyday. I don’t know the next time I will be able to see you but please for me, remember that I will always love you. ” [!] At the bottom of the letter it would be signed Astrid Palmer If you went to her house in Providence, there would be nothing left, maybe a few crumbs on the floor. Everything would seem to be packed up and moved. The beds would be nicely made, all the valuables taken, and no sign of the family that once lived there. You can try to send her a letter, who knows if it will be responded to. OOC: If you were mentioned in one of the letters, please respond how your persona would react!
  6. While meditating, Astrid Palmer takes out her notebook and starts to write. Date: Unknown I have done many thing in my past, somethings I am not proud of and others are the best time of my life. My life took a a turn for the dark side when I was 12 after a rough argument with my father Garret Palmer, he has now be dead for 10 years. I regret letting what happen to him go through, I miss him a little more as each day passes. He will never get to see me get married or watch his grandchildren grow up in this world. If I could ever see him again, I would tell him that I am sorry for the pain that I caused. I will always love you Junior even if you lost your faith and trust in me while taking your final breathes. The woman would have tears start to run down her face as she continued to write. To the family that has adopted me and brought me into their lives, I am truly great full for the love that you have shown me throughout the years. I am sorry that I couldn't be the daughter that you thought I was going to be. I know that I have my issues, my past has been slowly creeping back to me and I am afraid what that might cause with our relationships. I hope you will always love me the same way I do with all of you. Ainz and Audry, thank you for being there when I need you the most. Leyu, I am sorry for the pain that I have caused you and I hope you will find a way to forgive me at some point. Pru, thank you for always being there when I need a doctor and a friend. Astrid takes a moment to look over the tops of the trees before she continues As I reach the end of this page, all I can think about is the people I hold close to me, I know that I have distance myself from my real family. It was something that needed to be done, it was for the better. As head of the Palmer family, I need to call a meeting, I am the one who needs to discus certain topics and possibly change things within the family. I know that we aren't perfect, but we should at least try to be, I know it will be hard to do but it's something that needs to be done one way or another. If I can slowly make the climb up the mountain so can you. Astrid looks over the page that she had written a few times before she closes her journal and goes back to meditating, calming her mind back down, finally relaxing in a world of peace.
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