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  1. The path of the Aspect's Chosen is not paved with fame and fortune. It is a quiet, woodland stroll, of silent suffering and wordless joy. The service that druids provide to the Balance, and subsequently the Aspects, is a long, storied, and arduous tale. There have existed druids so dedicated and steadfast in their attunement that we continue to pass their teachings on today, tomorrow, and ever more. There have existed druids so disturbed and troubled by their attunement that we pass on the story of their struggles in tandem. This is as it should be, for there is no great spiritual harvest without there also being a great spiritual winter, and the fulfillment of the complex flow of Balance is unachievable without equal portions of joy and lamentations. It is not without great caution that the Verdant Path is offered, yet it should be equally so that great caution is taken when withholding the path from the inhabitants of the realm. In this belief, perhaps the small yet industrious bee may offer their wisdom. The duty of the bee is immense; without the support of its kin the bee would die without the products of the hive. The flowers would go untended, their plants withering without the careful attention of their striped friends. The bear would never know the sweetness of the hive's determined industry, and the bird may never take nourishment that is the sacrifice of the bee. For the continuation of this harmony that is Balance, it is paramount that the role of the Student, the Druid, the Guide, and the Grove is defined to the best of literature's means in which it may serve as the pillars of the Druid's values, goals, and purpose. The Student The King and Peasant are not so much unalike, for both may thirst for the rivers of spiritual knowledge. To take the path of Dedicancy is that which is truly sacred: it is the agreement to learn, to submit one's self to strife and challenge in the hope of achieving deeper understanding of our tumultuous world. The Students are those among us that may make great discoveries, face indescribably challenging conflict, and learn lessons in which they foster a great desire to share. The Student's role is to learn, but it is also their sacred, unsung, and perhaps unintentional role to teach their Guide. To assume that a Student's Guide has experienced every challenge and hardship is not only irresponsible but demeaning for both. The seed is the representation of the potentiality of life, such as the student is the representation of the potentiality of great knowledge. Guides need only to foster their growth, and learn from their journey so that the next seed, or Student, may be just as enriched as their elders. The process itself of becoming a Student is very easy, and can be taken by anyone of good character and pure intent. When a seeker has discovered the inspiring acts of a druid and gained a thirst for deeper understanding, they may beseech the druid for their tutelage. In this gesture, the Student may be unknowingly granting the greatest honor achievable for a Druid: the affirmation of the value of their teachings and a desire to learn from that Druid. From there, their path may begin through a series of tasks and lessons that pertain to real, current duties of the druidic community of the time. The Student will immerse themselves in the realm of Balance's struggle, and gain valuable insight before the Student is attuned into the Great Family. These tasks may range from challenging, quiet, cerebral and physical. In preparation for the Student's body and soul to serve a the greater call of nature, they must incorporate themselves in the daily struggles of existing Druids. This should not be a path unhappily followed, for should a Student find that there is no value in that which is being taught it is just as vital to allow them to stray from the path or seek another Druid. While the desired understanding can and has been attained by a single Guide's teaching, it is an unnatural restriction to expect it totally from each Guide and Student relationship. The Seed, or Student, must be allowed to grow in accordance to what answers they seek, and secrecy will stifle their potential growth to an unknown severity. The Student is the Spring season of the cycle of the Druidic cycle. The Druid To willingly suffer on the behalf of those that cannot speak is to love purely and justly The baptism of a graduated Student in the energies of attunement is a right of passage all within the Great Family have taken. The great equalizer of druids is the process of Attunement, for once the path is taken and endured, they join a family of those that can see, hear, and feel that which was previously unknowable. Every druid, newborn and elder, hears the same voices, delights, and anguish of the natural world. It is the light of perspective that shines upon Druids and allows their individual strengths to blossom, and give a kaleidoscope of culture and meaning to an otherwise overwhelming sense of perception. Elders have often said that the culmination of all hopes, fears, struggles and bonds they have nurtured and severed bombard the mind of the newborn druid like a great tidal wave. Here, the Aspects are presented the soul of the Student and examine the dedication of the oath they have sworn to nature. All unsung accomplishments, the quiet deeds of kindness, and grand victories for the preservation of the Balance are seen and heard by the Mother and Father. If the Student has satisfied the tenets of each Aspect in Balance, they will bathe the Student in the first and most important gift of all of the gifts: Perception. Emerging from Attunement, which is often but not necessarily done within a quiet and secluded pool in a grove or the wilds, is akin to second birth. Where there was silence and lack of life now there is song, color and feeling. Attunement is never ceasing, for it is an eternal state of awareness in the delights and distress of all living things. It can be maddening, even fatally so. This is where the Great Family emerges like the eye of a hurricane for their young brother or sister. Druids have been acutely conditioned to recognize anguish, and some have mastered the arts so finely that they may enlist the help of that very thing they protect to support the newborn druid in kind. Even where druids may not possess the means to sway the song of the world so potently, they may possess other skills or acts of care in which to comfort and support the new Druid. As a mother and father of the physical world would hope that their children care for each other, so too should we assume that the Aspects would hope that their druidic children would care for each other. This is the core concern that arises when Druids murder or maim Druids: it is as symbolic violation of nature itself. The Role of the Druid is to practice. Attunement enables the Druid to reach for the Gifts that have been freely offered to us by the Aspects. While the Gifts can make the task of the Druid easier, it is not that which makes impossible solutions possible. The acquisition of the Gifts does not place the Druid in any state of higher or lower authority over Druids that do not possess the same Gifts, they are truly and simply Gifts. The beauty of receiving a gift in the physical realm is the sense of gratitude and appreciation for the self, and even so the desire to share the Gifts persists among the Great Family of Druids. Abuse of the gifts is an unfortunate reality that most Druids are aware of. It has, as well, created a platform for heated debate among Elder Druids, Students, and every Druid in between. The voice of the Student or Dedicant should never be silenced in a flawed desire to pursue perfect dialogue, for they may offer the most valuable insight and perspective simply unavailable to those who have been Attuned. Allow Students and Druids alike to voice their concerns among the matter of ongoing debates, great or small, difficult or easy. The Druid is the Summer season of the Druidic cycle. The Guide There can be no preservation of the Balance without the guidance of Spring's youth, for Winter always comes for the old. The progression of Druid to Guide is much like observing the flight of the songbird, and knowing that at one point that bird did not know how to fly. Yet, it is still very much a songbird, an equivalent to the bird that is still within its egg, unborn and innocently naive. Much like the adult bird in this scenario, it is the role of the Guide to harbor growth and learning within that unhatched egg, so that one day a songbird may fly onto great things. It is also the duty of the Guide to ensure that a Student does not anguish unnecessarily or cruelly, but to allow them to face challenges in spirit of the Balance and in pursuit of ensuring the next generation may bring renewed sanctity to the journey of Druidism. Should the Guide find their spirit weary by the sheer amount of Students, it is the most honorable choice to refer the Student to another Guide. The Guide is a fount of knowledge both abstract and representational, but varying between Guides. It is not expected for a single river of the realm to offer water to every living thing of the world. Therefore we must allow many streams, or Guides, to quench the thirst of many kinds of students. Perhaps a callow teaching when pondered at first, but it is also of principal value to understand the innate wisdom of the Guide. For one who has lived and seen many things on their journey, it is also their discretion to deny a Student's request to learn. This should not be done without great consideration or reason, for it is an observable fact that when we stifle or prevent the learning from an otherwise valid druidic candidate we invoke the ire of talented minds upon ourselves. The ability to teach should never be conflated with an absolute requirement to teach. Additionally, most Guides are nominated to teach through great meetings between Druids called Moots, but it is by no means a requirement to begin passing knowledge to the next generation. The Aspects, through their notorious silence, have clearly spoken in disinterest as to what a descendant may refer to themselves before taking the Verdant Path. The Guide may offer the Verdant Path to peasants, Kings, men, women, elves, orcs, dwarves etc. The state of existence is of no matter to the Aspects that grant us our abilities. Their chiefest interest in this world is and has always only been the Balance, and it is also the duty of the Guide to ensure that other Guides may hold themselves to the standard in which the Aspects have placed faith into and expect from Druids. The Guide will teach the Guide as fervently and kindly as they would their Student. The Guide is the Autumn season of the Druidic cycle. The Grove The Grove will envelop the weary druid and comfort them, nursing their spirit back into vitality The Grove is perhaps the simplest structure of druidic culture, but has been long and unintentionally involved in political affairs that the Druid should not strive to mingle within. At the core, the Grove is a sanctuary of flora and fauna that provides shelter, nourishment, and physical rest for the Druid. This allows a great many of druids to mingle beneath great canopies and among fantastic creatures, as well as pool the resources of gifts into a convenient place for Students, Druids, and Guides alike to access. Where the more intricate function of the Grove comes in is in management of the site. Typically a grove is maintained by the permanent residence of one or more druids, with some taking on various jobs. Historically, these have been called Archdruids, but there are many names that one may give the caretaker of the Grove such as Raithean, Keeper, etc. Speaking in terms of relevant change that this grants the Druid, there is very little. The Archdruid is granted no additional gifts from the Aspects, nor does their state of awareness within the confines of attunement alter for better or worse. Archdruid, much like Guide, is simply the title of a very important job that facilitates the cooperation of all Druids among the realm. The Grove is a beacon for Druids and Students to come home to, but there must exist one or more to remain and keep the fire lit. Caution is taken when an Archdruid is selected, for it is something that must be agreed upon by many that the person in question possesses the ability to remain steadfast in times of quiet or strife. Groves typically hold vital structures within its suggested borders, including a library or information hub, an attunement pool, memorial grounds, and Moot room. Of course, many groves hold further spaces for other purposes needed for cultural ideas or otherwise, but most have generally followed this list. These give a great feast of tools for the Druids to utilize, particularly on the topic of meetings, public attunement, and historical archives. Arguably the most important function of the Grove is to facilitate the formation of the Moot, or meeting. Students, Druids, and Guides will gather within the Moot area and will discuss threats to the realm, coordinate festivals or events, and consolidate gifts to share with other Druids. There has been a need to discuss any potential harm caused by Druids, for there have existed and will continue to exist those that abuse or otherwise twist nature to serve their own desires. These accursed Druids are known as Draoi, taken from the elvish tongue as a title for an evil or otherwise harmful Druid. While genuine Draoi are fairly few and far between, it is important for Druids to convene and discuss potential conflicts of interest as to better understand how to prevent or rectify the presence of a Draoi. For the Druid, the Grove is a safe haven to rest from the tiring duties throughout the realm. It is not extended only for those that are on the Verdant Path, however, and frequently they have been used to offer refuge for citizens of natural disaster, war, or to simply offer food and comfort for the unfortunate. For this reason, it is a duty for all druids to protect and defend them wherever they may be constructed, be it in the wilds or in the nations of descendants. As nature has given us the means to survive, Druids will continue to offer that survival to all. The presence of one grove or many groves should not indicate a fracture in how the Verdant Path is joined, maintained, and protected. A Grove within the harsh desert serves the same purpose as the Grove within a glade of the mali’ame, a people historically very supportive of the Druidic Mission. Because the main purpose of the Grove is to support Druidic growth, the presence of many groves should serve as a testament to mission success. It should be the ultimate goal of the Druid to exist in harmony with all Groves, and allow the wayward druid to find their calling among all or none should they choose. Welcome, and indeed celebrate the Druid that serves many Groves, for the Balance is granted greater protection through it.
  2. A Document on the Expectations of Conduct for the Father Circle and Nevaehlen, Year 12 of the 2nd Age The following are topics and their descriptions of how members of the Father Circle, as well as those villagers of the Vale, and guests are required and expected to act. All those who visit or live amongst the Vale of Nevaehlen must abide by these rules. The code is subject to change. Druidic trials by the Raitheans may enhance the punishments warranted from those listed below. Topics § 1 - On Classifications of Tenets § 1.01 Shall not harm another druid unwarranted § 1.02 Shall not harm the balance § 1.03 Shall not abuse druidic gifts § 2 - On Classifications of Conduct § 2.01 Required to protect the Father Grove from any harm to the land or its members § 2.02 Required to protect fellow brethren of the Father Circle § 2.03 Required to uphold the tenets of the Father Circle § 2.04 Required to remove any dark mages from the Grove § 2.05 Required to preserve and protect the Father Tree § 2.06 Required to uphold the very Code of Conduct § 2.07 Avoid political matters on Father Circle grounds § 3 - On Classifications of Crime § 3.01 Crimes Against Nature 3.01.1 - Voidal Magic- When a person or group of magi who possesses, practices or attempts to practice the conjuring of spells and creatures within the grove are to vacate the premises or deal with punishments. 3.01.2 - Land Destruction- When a person or group who deliberately destroys, or attempts to destroy an environment are to vacate the premises. 3.01.3 - Animal Cruelty- When a person or group who deliberately harms, or attempts to harm an animal with malicious intent are to vacate the premises. 3.01.4 - Disturbance of Nature- When a non-druid person or group who intentionally acts in a means to disrupt nature's peace are to vacate the premises. § 3.02 - Crimes Against Members § 3.02.1 - Violence- When a person or group attempts or successfully kidnaps, assaults, murders, or harrasses members of the Father Circle, a banishment and shun are warranted within the Grove. § 3.02.2 - Theft- When a person or group attempts or successfully steals the property of a member, a warning will be administered. § 3.03 - Crimes Against the Grove 3.03.1 - Disturbance of the Father Tree- When a person or group attempts, or successfully attacks, harms, or destroys the Father Tree, a banishment is warranted. 3.03.2 - Destruction of Property- When a person or group attempts or successfully sabotages, destroys, or vandalizes property within the Grove, a banishment is warranted. § 3.04 - Crimes Against the Circle 3.04.1 - Propaganda- When a person or group spreads false information about the Father Circle, whether the slander is within or outside the Grove, a banishment is warranted. § 4 - On Classifications of Entry § 4.01 Dark Mages- Individuals who possess or practice the use of dark mages are not welcomed within the Grove; ie, Necromancy, voidal magic, demons. Any who are found within the Grove will be removed from the premises. § 4.02 Unnatural Creatures- Any unnatural creature is not welcomed within the Grove; ie, Undead, voidal constructs. Exceptions can be made for Sorvians depending on their intentions. Any who are found within the Grove will be removed from the premises. § 4.03 Refusal to Leave- Any individual or group who refuses to leave upon order of the members of the Father Circle or Vale, a banishment will be warranted. § 5 - On Classifications of Punishments § 5.01 Banishment- The person or group is not allowed entry within the Vale of Nevaehlen. § 5.02 Shun- The person or group will not be spoken to and are not allowed within the Vale of Nevaehlen. **Under special cases where any of the above is brought to a druidic trial or handled by a Raithean of the Father Circle, further punishments may be dealt depending on the situation. [[ Special thanks to @josey for the new Sigil art! And @Kalehart, @Delmodan and @Unwillingly for feedback! ]]
  3. A move to a brighter future: With many reasons and tensions driving us, we will now move forward with new lands not under the rule of those seeking to oppress us, internally and externally. With the discussions and alliances forged between us and many others, we must now seek out a land not controlled by our constant oppressors. And so, we have taken up a new grove in the fledgling nation of Aeroch-Nor. We will be neutral and independent once more, and we will be able to grow and thrive like never before. We will hold respect to all views of the Aspects in the interest of good will between ourselves and the varied peoples of the world, and teach of the Aspects to all who come to learn. We will nurture the surrounding lands and help forests and crops flourish and bring balance to the region as we reach out to continue our charge to bring balance to the world as a whole once more. We have many allies who seek balance, order, purity, and the protection and betterment of life in all forms, and we will work alongside them in an unprecedented show of mutual respect and cooperation, the likes of which has never been achieved before. We welcome all Brothers and Sisters, no matter what path or Circle you follow, for we are all children of the Aspects. Circle of the Stream Official Charter Introduction Within the Old Order, it was common for the workings of the circle to be taught by word of mouth. With no official document, the workings were left to change each time a new group of Archdruids took their place. This is unproductive and creates friction. The Circle of Steam, therefore, establishes this charter for the purposes of defining how the circle functions. Druid Guides Druid Guides take up the responsibility of recruiting and teaching new druids. In exchange for these increased responsibilities, they are considered part of the Inner Circle. The duties of a Druid Guide include: Interviewing Seekers Accepting Seekers as Dedicants Providing Lessons and Tasks for Dedicants Attunement of Dedicants Further instruction and lessons of newly attuned Druids Archdruids Archdruids take up all the Responsibilities of the Druid Guide along with additional responsibilities. Archdruids are considered part of the Inner Circle. The duties of an Archdruid include: The duties listed under Druid Guides Calling and leading Moots Initiating a vote on Shunning and Unshunning an individual (See Moots for voting procedure) May engage in diplomatic discussions on behalf of the Circle. Any agreement reached is subject to a full circle vote. May make decisions of immediate effect during times of crisis or emergency, but at the first possible opportunity these decisions will come up for vote during a Moot to determine if they continue or can be done away with. Hierophants Hierophant is an honorary title granted to druids who have performed great services to the Circle. While a Hierophant is generally independent of any circle and should be respected, Hierophants recognized by the Circle have additional privileges. Hierophants recognized by the Circle of the Stream may: Issue a challenge against an Archdruid. In the case that the number of Archdruids drops below full and the existing Archdruids refuse to hold a moot to select new Archdruids within two elven weeks, a Hierophant may call a moot for the sole purpose of electing new Archdruids. In this case, Archdruids are selected by full circle votes. Teach their own students, known as Acolytes, in the same manner that Dedicants are taught, outside of the Circle or as part of it, at their discretion. Hierophancy is either granted by the circle, or formally recognized by vote during a Moot if the Hierophancy is granted by another circle. If another circle grants Hierophancy to a druid and that druid’s status is recognized by this circle, that recognition is automatically revoked if the druid’s Hierophancy is removed by the circle that granted it, or a vote is held by the Circle to no longer recognize the title. Another circle removing Hierophancy from a druid does not prevent this circle from granting that druid Hierophancy. Another circle attempting to remove Hierophancy from a druid granted the title by this circle is considered invalid and has no standing upon their title in the eyes of the Stream Circle. Hierophants raised by another circle that later merges with this circle are considered to have been granted Hierophancy by this circle, whether or not they were recognised prior to the merge, as a sign of respect. In the case that another circle’s Hierophant is not formally recognised by this circle, they are to be respected, but they are not qualified to exercise the powers normally granted to Hierophants. Dedicants Dedicants are the students, the learners, who wish to one day become Druids. Nothing is changing for Dedicants as compared to other circles, this is a long-held tradition and has been proven more than beneficial and wise. Druids holding Political Office The practice of Druids holding a political role is an oft-debated topic, changing many times in the Old Order, and some exceptions being made even to this day. Within the Circle of the Stream, you are permitted to hold Political Office so long as you still perform your duties to the Aspects and the Circle. Only Archdruids of the Circle of the Stream may hold the two Druid seats on the Aeroch Nor Council. If you are part of any other Political Position, you may not hold the title of Archdruid or Guide under any circumstances. You are expected to still receive lessons on your Druidic gifts regularly, including sessions of meditation. You are expected to still serve the balance to the best of your ability within your held position, with understanding given that you do hold responsibilities with your position as well. If a decision or action arises within your position that may conflict with the ideals of the Circle, you are to consult with the Archdruids to clarify the situation and try to find the best course of action. The Challenge The Challenge is the method by which an Archdruid may be forcefully removed. A Challenge is declared by a Heirophant recognized by the Circle. When a Challenge is declared, another Hierophant (or druid, in the case that no other Hierophants are available) is selected as a neutral party. The neutral party formulates a challenge of skill. Any druid who is a member of the Circle, other than the neutral party and declarer of the challenge, may participate. The winner of the Challenge takes the Archdruid position. Moots A moot is a meeting of druids. Moots are called by Archdruids unless under circumstances stated in the Charter. For a moot to take place, it must be publically announced no less than two elven days in advance, and a majority of the inner circle must be present. Votes may only be held in a moot. There are two types of votes that occur: An Inner Circle vote, and a full circle vote. An Inner Circle vote is a vote held amongst all attending members of the inner circle, requiring a simple majority to pass. A majority of the Inner Circle is required to hold an Inner Circle vote. A full circle vote is a vote held amongst all attending druids of this circle, requiring a simple majority to pass. An inner circle vote may be changed to a full circle vote by an Archdruid, at their discretion. Issues that fall under an Inner Circle vote: Raising a new guide Removing guides Raising a new Archdruid Recognizing a Hierophant raised by another circle Granting Hierophancy Any unspecified votes dealing with the management of the guiding branch Issues that fall under a full circle vote: Proposed shuns Unattunement of a member of the circle Finalizing diplomatic agreements Removing recognition of a Hierophant raised by another circle Repealing Hierophancy previously granted by the circle. Unspecified votes on matters that affect the circle as a whole Amending the Charter In the event that the Charter proves insufficient or needs to be altered, it may be amended given the following procedure. An Archdruid shall publically call a moot, giving no less than two elven weeks notice. A majority of active druids of the circle is required to attend. Each proposed amendment is presented individually, receiving a vote on it’s own merit. Amendments require a 2/3 majority full circle vote to pass. ((A second post below this one will contain the Druidic ranks and those that hold them within this Circle))
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