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  1. The Valkyrie's To be a Valkyrie is to defend the innocent all over Aevos. The guild's goal is to be a force unbound by any bias. One that destroys evil and upholds justice. May they be influentially powerful or a soul gone astray the Valkyrie’s will not indulge injustice in anyone. This is a call to all who have wished for an organization that upholds justice no matter who the enemy is. From simple monsters, thieves, or crooks. To raiders, Dark Cults, And large-scale disruptor's of peace. The Valkyrie's vow to have a branch in all four cardinal directions of Aevos. To have eyes everywhere and to uphold justice in every region they can. Come and join the Valkyries as we move to make a better tomorrow in Aevos To be recruited send a letter to Leonardo Mallory Faervel (For more info see down bellow)
  2. The Aditean Pantheon An artistic mock-up of a lesser deity pantheon What is the Aditean Pantheon? The Aditean Pantheon are a collection of six lesser-spirits revered as deities by Aditeans, followers of the Pantheon’s chief goddess Aditea who is known as the crystal Queen of Justice. Each of these spirits are merely aspects of already-existing Greater Immoral spirits, not independent deities in themselves. In the Aditean belief, these lesser spirits reflect the teachings of their religion (shown below) and organize around Aditea for the purposes of cohesion and emphasis. However, each of these deities has their own agendas and abilities as well. The Aditean religion also recognizes this, and therefore reveres each deity on their own merit, but still emphasizes the role of Aditea as the overall matriarch of their faith. Aditeanism, or the worship of the Aditean pantheon, is currently a nomadic religion with little formal structure. The Aditeans put great emphasis on personal intuition and enlightenment over formalized dogmas or rituals. Notwithstanding the emphasis on personal revelation, Aditeanism is currently led by a spiritual leader called Adis Penweather, who goes by the title “Crystar Prophet." The Crystar Prophet is exclusively responsible for communicating the will of Aditea and the rest of the pantheon to its followers, while ultimately leading them towards connection with the pantheon and Creation as a whole. Who Are The Aditean Pantheon? Below are descriptions of the six members of the Aditean pantheon. Aditea, Queen of Justice - Lesser aspect of Velkumezt Aditea is the chief of the Aditean pantheon (bearing the title of “Queen”) and represents the ideal of justice. She specifically represents Velkumzet’s emphasis on law, bringing forth justice upon the wicked alike through divine judgments. The Aditeans venerate Aditea as the Queen of the pantheon; whenever a prayer or request is made to any other pantheon member, Aditea is necessarily included. Aditea is called the “crystal queen” for a few reasons. Justice is fundamentally a spiritual concept for the Aditeans. If one’s being is unjust, they are out of tune not simply with Earthly laws, but with divine law. If one is not in tune with Creation’s law, he rebels against reality and becomes a destructive force. Before justice can be obtained, one must seek enlightenment. Crystals, with their numerous natural and reflective properties, help one see hidden things a bit clearer. For this reason, Aditea’s crystalline depiction is said to help the devout perfect themselves on the path towards enlightenment. Aditea is said to manifest in the form of a humanoid made from quartz and other crystals, holding crystal scales in one hand and a mighty crystalline longsword in the other. Aditea is also said to bring justice to evil-doers and protection to the innocent. Exceptionally clear-sighted and even-handed, Aditea is depicted in Aditean myths as a benevolent, kind, yet stern matriarch who demands the best from all those around her - spirit and faithful alike. She is worshiped by rubbing together quartz (or any other crystal) and meditating on her likeness and principles. She can also be connected through meditation, prayer, or bathing in waters blessed by the Crystar Prophet or his underlings. Okal - Patron of Occult Studies - Lesser Aspect of Theruz For the Aditeans, enlightenment is rarely found without an encounter with magic. Magic is viewed as one of the many tools provided by the Pantheon to both study and preserve Creation - both cardinal aims of the Aditean faith. For this purpose, Aditeans petition Okal, the patron deity of occult studies, to aid them in their studies of the arcane arts. Okal is often depicted in Aditean stories as taking the form of a man with a long robe, wearing crystal headband and pointing towards the sky to symbolize enlightenment. He is presented as an intelligent man, teeming with a profound curiosity and a keen awareness of even the most difficult of subject matter. He is worshiped by burning an incense before a book of prayers or spells bearing his name. Dromond - Patron of Physical Fortitude - Lesser Aspect of Leyd The Aditean emphasis on rational enlightenment and mental fortitude does not come at the expense of a strong physical constitution. The Aditeans petition Dromond, their patron deity of strength, to aid them in strengthening their physical bodies, minds, and spirits throughout life. Dromond is depicted as a muscular man with a fist made of fire and two feet with the force to crush the strongest adversary. In Aditean myths, he is depicted as a sometimes hot-headed, but chivalrous man who is willing to defend the weakest amongst him. He can be worshiped by doing mental or physical exercises while invoking his name. Such activities are numerous and up to the creativity of the faithful: physical exercises such as jousting, archery practice, building structures, and so forth. Mental exercises such as reading, word-games, and so forth. Twia - Patron of Joy Amid Conflict - Lesser Aspect of Ublulhar All descendants require hope to steel the will against an internal foe. By calling upon the name of Twia, Aditeans renew their spirits with confidence in their personal journeys. For Aditeans, Twia’s influence is essential in maintaining equilibrium with their emotional states. Too much distress or sadness can overrun any Descendant; the warmth of Twia holds despair at bay. Twia can inspire momentary confidence or long-term hope for a distant goal. In Aditean myths, Twia is depicted as a young lady holding a flower in her hand, radiating divine warmth that manifests as yellow circles flowing off her being. Her very presence is said to cause an otherworldly joy to sweep over all in her presence. She is also seen as a happy-go-lucky woman who never accepts the odds. She can be worshiped by petitioning her and asking her to partition her grace upon the faithful. Pinfin - Lady of Moonlight on Dark Nights - Lesser Aspect of Luara The Moon is one of the grandest wonders of creation. In the darkened night, when dark spawn and other malefactors roam, the moon is the only source of light available. For this reason, the Aditeans pay homage to Pinfin, the lady of the Moon. She is depicted as a woman dressed in purplish-blue robes, her eyes like giant, luminescent moons. She is called upon during especially dark nights for protection, illumination, and balance in the heart of the faithful. She is not written about much in Aditean mythos given her very specific focus. Haldrin - Radiant Lady of Sunlight - Lesser of Aztran Every descendent feels the power of sunlight beaming upon them; even the most frigid of dark spawn cannot escape the sun’s enduring authority. The Aditeans venerate the occurrence of sunlight by acknowledging Haldrin, Radiant Lady of Sunlight. Haldrin, like Pinfin, both play minor roles in the Aditean faith. Haldrin is seen as a symbolic representation of illumination, similar to Pinfin, although Haldrin is called upon for more dire situations. She is depicted as a lady of radiant sunlight in a flowing yellow dress with hair like the sun’s rays. She can be called upon at any time by meditating near a heat source. What do Aditeans Believe? Aditeanism, unlike most religions, does not emphasize a strict dogma. Personal experience and intuition plays a huge part in the faithful Aditean’s relationship with Aditea and the pantheon. Aditeanism does emphasize a baseline of principles, however, which inform the faithful’s personal conduct and their perspective of the world. These principles are only starting points. The faithful are encouraged to use their dynamic potential as Descendants to apply Aditean precepts to every walk of life - innovate them, if need be. The only requirement is to stay true to a few basic narratives. 1. Creation is built on logos (order), and is discernible to most people. Even if this particular thought is unknown to someone, many conduct themselves according to logos. All arts in the world, magical or mundane, are governed by inescapable laws. The very notion of existence itself is governed by inescapable realities: everything grows and perishes. Descendants are finite beings who much operate within Creation’s limits. To go against these principles, as so many do through the perverse arts or other means, is to abuse creation. 2. Justice is the preservation of the logos of creation. Injustice is the abuse of creation. When injustice arises, an Aditean is charged to correct it if possible. If not, exhort Aditea for intercession. Order is not a rigid system or dogma; it is a prerequisite for all life. Order encourages creativity and dynamism, it does not stifle it. The orderly must grow in their knowledge lest they lose sight of Creation and, consequently, forsake order. 3. Enlightenment (knowledge of Creation) is essential to an Aditean. Without order, there is no justice. Without justice, there is chaos, decay, and destruction. An Aditean can only get to justice by first achieving enlightenment. As such, the magical and esoteric arts are encouraged, so long as they do not derive from Creation abuse (no dark arts of any sort). The void, contrary to many other faiths, is seen as a vast well of potential gifted to descendants by creation, not a corrupting force in the world. 4. Creation’s subjects, such as the innocent, demand the protection of all just men. Aditeans seek to protect the innocent whenever and wherever they can, provided they can do so with no great risk of danger to themselves. 5. The Aditean pantheon are spiritual models for Aditeans to reflect. They are not vindictive or vengeful deities that seek total compliance; rather, they are guides that seek to help descendants reach their full potential - within the confines of order. 6. Order without justice is tyranny; justice without order is incoherent chaos. Order is the foundation of justice, but justice is a higher principle than order. Put in other terms: order is the means of obtaining justice. 7. The prophets and priests of the faith are only guides. It is believed they are highly attuned to the Pantheon, yet they are still growing themselves. Intuition and personal relationship with the Gods is the pathway to living a just life. 8. Converting others to the faith is encouraged, but it must happen within the bounds of justice. Any attempt to convert by force is shunned and will result in immediate “trial” before the Crysar Prophet. Practices Aditeans are encouraged to study texts of all sorts as part of their faith to Aditea and the pantheon. There is no single “text” for the Aditean faith. Rather, stories are passed down through oral tradition and the notes and meditations of earlier priests/prophets of the faith. Aditeans routinely pray, fast, perform good deeds, and evangelize the messages of the Pantheon to newcomers. The number of meditations and rituals are numerous and normally specific to particular deities. Generally, however, Aditeans sit near a figurine or a symbol of the chosen deity and reflect upon it in silence. It is believed that the Gods hear the innermost reflections of one’s heart, so in essence they are holding a silent conversation with the Pantheon. Crystals, torches, staves, and other items can be used to enhance one’s worshiping experience. Aditeans have “temple” where a priest/prophet will deliver sermons, impart wisdom upon the faithful, and answer questions en masse. “Temple” can be unorthodox, however; ranging from diverse topics such as the esoteric arts, the nature of reality, the role of religion in man’s thinking, to more theological topics like the role of justice in faith, the desires of the pantheon, and so forth. Temple reflects the constant Aditean push towards enlightenment, rather than lowly indoctrination or dogma. Other than temple, the only other formal gathering observed by Aditeans is “court.” Court, playing on Aditeanism’s themes of justice, law, and order, is called for one of two purposes: A. a violator of justice is caught by an Aditean faithful in the course of their life, and brought captive to an Aditean settlement. B. An Aditean violates one of the tenets of the faith by going against justice. This “court” is overseen by the Crystar Prophet and only him, to limit the amount of political bias present in the process. The Crystar Prophet engages in an inquisitive process throughout the entire session. Should he decide the accused violated the divine Law in accordance with the Aditean faith, he will issue a proper punishment. Death or execution are reserved for the worst of the worst; those who corrupt Creation with dark magics, or who murder innocents, and so forth. Most punishments are relatively minor or rehabilitative, rather than destructive. Conversion Converting to Aditeanism is remarkably easy. A willing convert must seek our a priest or the Crystar Prophet and swear a simple oath before him: I will be a just and enlightened being, in service to the preservation of Creation’s law of justice, and a servant of it’s patron Aditea. May my actions conform forever to my words.” After uttering that phrase, a priest or the Crystar Prophet will bless the convert before Aditea and thus officially initiate them into the faith. Join the Aditean faith today! Wield the crystal sword of justice and pursue enlightenment for the betterment of our world!
  3. A self-depiction of one thirteen year old Marcella Georgina Ludovar drawing a bow in the Karosgrad square as she aimed for Wu Kiramira, the man who murdered her father. Lady Marcella Georgina Ludovar had been up late, certainly later than she often was. She walked along the steps of the palace, nose buried in a book like it so often is, this one titled, ‘On Slayersteel’. Even as groups gathered and spoke, friends laughed and played, she preferred that sereneness of getting lost in her book, in another world. So, as the groups departed with the calls to gather, she did not take notice at first. The young girl of thirteen simply continued on, flipping to the next page and marking it by earring the page, a horrible habit she has been meaning to drop. It was then that she took note of the sudden silence. Her gaze shot up, glancing around as the previous crowds had seemed to simply go. Relief first coursed through her, always the terribly shy individual before confusion. Where did they go? It wasn’t until a group of two, speaking quickly as they hurried past, that she realized what was happening. They caught her fathers murderer. Her heart dropped and throat caught, her book snapping shut as she rushed after them without another thought. --- Marcella entered the hall, having arrived late after some others and took a seat at the left within the stands. She took in the face of the man they claimed murdered her father. He looked so young. Could he really have done this? Her hands clasped in her lap, trembling as she watched the ongoing trial, attempting for the calm she practiced with Lord Hamish Kortrevich only a Saints day earlier. But she would find none. Wu Kiramira admitted to his crimes, unrepentant. He spat at the grieving daughter of Lord Pyotr Ludovar as she openly began to cry, unable to hold it together anymore. And the punishment was decreed; A Ludovar will execute him, as was only just. She’d been the only one awake, the only one there. The shy girl of thirteen, who stutters out an apology when someone else bumps into her, tasked with upholding the honor of her family and the justice of her father. Through stuttered words, worse than usual due to the circumstances, she requested to borrow a bow. An arrow, one made earlier in the day through a skill learned by a Firr Guile before he passed on is brought out. --- The crowd gathered within the square. Some shouting, others muttering in confusion having not been there for the trial, others wondering why a mere child is meant to shoot this man. Marcella approached, as Wu Kiramira was tied upon the dais, an archery target right behind his head as if an even more blaring signal was needed. The bow lifted, aurum arrow being swiftly inserted. It drew taut as she aimed. Hands trembled as she loosed the arrow, the knee being struck instead of the intended target of his gut. He cursed and shouted, egging her on, wanting her to finish the deed. Marcella Ludovar dropped the bow like a hot poker, shaking like a leaf. It was then he’d been untied and dragged to the Gorillas cage, the crowd following in their wake. --- A portrait not made public in her attempt at helping her grief, helping her to process what happened, of Gorillas within the cage, standing tall amongst a man so small. Marcella could hardly remember what happened afterwards, as it all felt like a feverish dream. The gorillas tore into the man. Children who watched on winced, cried or cheered. Her veiled head lowered, hands clasping before her waist as she’d flinch at each hit, momentarily wishing her hit landed true and that he died on that dais. The deed was done. The crowd dispersed and a pleading hand lifted to a friend, tearfully requesting to be brought home to her sleeping mother.
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