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  1. A venator, hunting their own joy in the Gilded Courts’ beautiful gardens at last. 🝐 Clericism is an aengudaemonic holy magic that occupies [3] magic slots. 🝐 Clericism requires the ability to channel His Cleansed Law, which is bestowed through a connection ritual. 🝐 Clericism is incompatible with all Void magics, all Deific magics, all Dark magics, and all CA’s. 🝐 Clericism is compatible with all Misc magics. 🝐 Clericism is only compatible with the four descendant races; humans, elves, orcs and dwarves. Tier 1 | [2] Verses, attained following connection 🜞 Ritual Casting, [PH] Calm, [WC] Arbiter of the Silver Cloak, [HA] Shroud from Suffering Tier 2 | [4] Verses, attained [2] OOC weeks after connection 🜞 [PH] Mend, [WC] Arbiter of the Blue Cloak, [HA] Aegisian Rains Tier 3 | [6] Verses, attained [1] OOC month after connection 🜞 Zeal, [PH] Cleanse, [WC] Arbiter of the White Cloak, [WC] Prophet’s Purification, [HA] Blessed Waters Tier 4 | [8] Verses, attained [2] OOC months after connection 🜞 [PH] Purge, [WC] Venator’s Rally, [HA] Eternal Vigil Tier 5 | [10] Verses, attained [3] OOC months after connection 🜞 [WC] Itharel’s Intercession, [HA] Law’s Revelation Changelog Clerics of old, clutching radiant gifts. 🝐 Aengul of Purity and Justice, Tahariae has ever sought to rid the world of its imperfections. Of all aengudaemons, He has upheld the sanctity of the Creator’s designs the most zealously. The clerics who follow Him strive to preserve the world’s destiny, cleansing heretics who practise soul-warping magics and correcting moral failings in the hearts of otherwise righteous descendants. To the pained, their Lord is succour, to the lost He is guidance and to the evil, to the sinful, to the tainted, He is doom. 🝐 The state of the mortal world drew Tahariae into a time of deep meditation some three hundred years ago. During that time, Tahariae pondered His innermost being and emerged reilluminated. How the scrolls of His Law now grow under the light of His mind, each moment revealing new truths to guide the mortal world through a sea of falsehoods. It is this Law, His Cleansed Law, that He is bringing into the world with the aid of His many devout judges, the souls of His departed clerics who dwell with Him now in His Gilded Court. He sits now as the overseer of a new nation rising in the hearts of all people, a nation of noble souls capable of ruling sagely over all the lands. 🝐 Tahariae has come to the understanding that direct aengudaemonic intervention is an imperfection, a fact best expressed by the death of His dear brother Xan. There is nothing which an aengudaemon can offer that is of more value than the hidden wonders of the descendants or the Most High’s unfailing will. The purity which Tahariae reveals to the world is a light which He sees glimmering in the hearts of all beings just as they are, an innate goodness and nobility of spirit that can overcome any hardship. 🝐 One might call His Cleansed Law the antithesis of Mivtahza, the conviction that the heart of the universe is filled with a compassionate, charitable and chivalrous blood. The distrust between souls, both descendant and animal, sprouts from the weed Iblees planted in Mundus’ virgin earth at the climax of the Thirty Years War. There was a time before the Infernal Climb, and clerics aspire to triumph over it and begin a new era of Aegisian idyllicism. The demonic notion that ‘Might is Right’ is only “true” for a reality darkened by the shadow of the Betrayer’s corruption; a shadow which Tahariae seeks to quell with His overwhelming radiance. 🝐 To live the cleric’s life is to discover the Law in the world, communicate that Law to Tahariae through communion, and express the Law in a world that has been blinded to its own inner light. Of all the passages of the Law, “the Appearance of Truth” is heralded as the greatest touchstone for all clerics, teaching them how to seek the Most High’s remaining sparks of inspiration and kindle them once again. A mere seven verses, its imagery, charisma and subtle teachings have inspired countless devoted souls. 🝐 The Appearance of Truth is chronologically the very first chapter of His Cleansed Law, a poem of seedling ideas from which the whole Law sprouts. It details Tahariae’s mystical initiation into the art of foresight and prophecy, which He achieved when meditating on the battlefield Aegis had become following the Thirty Years War. Below are the tenets of the clerics’ path as derived from Tahariae’s first insight into the nature of reality and the struggle the descendants would have to embark upon in order to save that nature from destruction. Tenets A cleric’s soul revels in the gifts of the Law, a star of bright insight on their brow. 🝐 Clerics are not connected to Tahariae. The injection of aengudaemonic mana into the cycles of energy within the mortal world is an inherently disruptive and coercive process. Tahariae recognizes that forcing Mundus to submit to His energies twists it away from the purity inherent within it. In order to safeguard and exalt purity as the highest good, Tahariae has chosen to protect it from afar rather than intervening directly in mortal affairs. 🝐 Without Tahariae’s direct intervention to aid them, a cleric relies on the Cleansed Law itself in order to create aengudaemonic mana from the mana in the mortal world. Just as they choose to accept His Cleansed Law of their own volition, a cleric can offer the Law to the world itself, to the hidden energies of the sky, the rivers and trees, in the hopes that they too will choose to take sanctuary within its truth. The energies that are produced shine brightly and act as a passageway for the souls of the Gilded Court to peer into the world and render their judgement upon it. Temples of the Cleansed Law 🝐 The canon of His Cleansed Law is so vast that no physical space could ever contain it. In order to make the Law manifest in the mortal realm, special temples must be constructed in the image of Tahariae’s courthouse. The knowledge required to make a temple is available to all clerics regardless of tier. 🝐 A temple cannot be constructed with supernatural aid. It must be a work of mortal toil alone. 🝐 A temple must be at least [15*15] blocks in size. 🝐 A temple must have at least [3] rooms with the following purposes; an entryway to divide the profane from the sacred, a hall of prayer in which laymen can receive the Law's sage guidance, and an inner sanctum in which the scrolls of the Law are kept safe. 🝐 The scrolls of the Law within a temple must be made from natural substances. Alchemical substances are considered natural. 🝐 A temple must be tended to by at least [3] clerics, one for each of the temple’s sacred spaces. 🝐 A temple is a natural gateway through which the Gilded Court’s solar symmetry can flood into the world. The flow of a river might be altered in order to flow out from the temple like a coronal arc, or paving stones might slowly warp and shift over several months to resemble the Sun’s circular image, perhaps even changing colour. This warping emanates [10] blocks from the temple’s outer walls. 🝐 Lightstones grow in the region surrounding a temple. Many lightstones that grow in the vicinity of a temple have Flexio runes glowing inside them, seeds of the Law having taken root in them during their growth. 🜞 A temple generates up to [3] lightstone nodes, the first of which appears after [1] OOC week has passed since a temple was established. The second node then appears after a total of [3] OOC weeks have passed, and the third appears after a total of [5] OOC weeks have passed. 🝐 The power swirling within the walls of a temple make it particularly suited for the infusion of vast amounts of aengudaemonic mana into artefacts, allowing for the creation of MARTs through freeform rituals. These MARTs must be submitted on the forums as normal for approval, where the specifics of their creation must be detailed. A newly connected cleric, overflowing with light. How the Law’s truth sings through their veins! Connection 🝐 Integrating the Law into one’s life is necessary before a mortal can receive His Cleansed Law in a temple. This process of integration tends to take several IC years of study, prayer and active service beneath a practising cleric who is able to hear the prospective cleric's confessions and counsel them how to set their sins right. 🝐 The process should involve the prospective cleric identifying at least [3] sins that they must atone for through their study of sections of the Law. Although a student cannot yet read the Law in its true form, they are still able to read passages of it that are transcribed and brought out of a temple, which are instrumental in acclimating them to the lifestyle they wish to lead. These sins can take many forms and do not necessarily have to be violent. Sorrow is a sin, a lack of hope and piety, a despair that numbs a soul to the world rather than energising a soul to take part in it. Greed is a sin, a focus on this corrupt world of poisoned materials rather than the perfect heaven Tahariae is attempting to guide mortals toward. 🝐 Once an apprentice is ready to become a cleric, their teacher is able to perform a freeform ritual in a temple which imbues them with a sensitivity to the Cleansed Law’s power. Henceforth, they are able to invoke the Law in order to cast miracles. Every cleric is bestowed with a personal colour of light that represents their particular affinity to the Law. This colour manifests around them in a glowing aura whenever they cast miracles. In days of old, it is said that Tahariae bestowed four lights upon His chosen priests. With the death of His dearest brother, Xan, the Stag has cut the gold light from His heart and left it as an offering for the departed Lord of the Sun. Now, only three lights burn in His radiant body… Light of the Pious 🌣 Also called the Left Antler, the silver light of the pious represents Tahariae’s unwavering devotion to the ways of His Father, and signifies much the same in His followers. Those blessed with this light are hard to shake from their devotion to the divine, and can be uncompromising in expecting that devotion in others. Their charisma, however, is unparalleled, moved as they are by the motions of heaven. Their whole lives are one long prayer, a ritual for a purer tomorrow. Light of the Wise 🌣 The white light of sage wisdom is often called Tahariae’s Soul, or occasionally His Pelt. It is an armour against lawlessness, a tonic which cures the illogical thoughts of tainted souls. Clerics who shine with this light regularly have an inclination for undoing the threads of tangled minds, and are most versed in the annals of His Cleansed Law. They are calculating, considered and cautious, staring endlessly at the horizon. What shadows they see there are deep as midnight, broken only by the Stag’s moonlight. Light of the Steadfast 🌣 What renews the soul for battle but the waters of the river, washing one’s hands of war-spilt blood? Tahariae’s blue light is His mercy for soldiers, men-at-arms and crusaders across the world, His Right Antler of mercy for all those who wage battle time and again in His holy name. Those blessed with this light can weather any storm, cleansing themselves of emotional hardship with ease. They are often reserved and aloof, the least evangelising of the three lights, demonstrating their devotion through action rather than through inner faith. Redlines: Judges 🝐 Clerics use their gathered light to call forth the spirits of honoured descendants residing within Tahariae’s realm, who replace the connection that provided the cleric’s of old with Tahariae’s power. All Tahariaen miracles are performed through this process, a petitioning cleric receiving a responding soul who manifests in the mortal world in order to render aid or punish the guilty. Disconnection 🝐 A disconnection ritual also exists, which is selectively revealed to clerics by the Court at Tahariae’s behest. Generally speaking, however, this disconnection ritual is knowledge locked, and must be passed on from cleric to cleric. It can only be learnt and performed once a cleric is [T5]. It requires that a cleric gathers [2] other [T5] clerics in a temple in addition to their disconnection target. 🝐 The ritual takes [6] emotes to cast and requires that participating clerics spend all of their available Verses and all clerics must have their full maximum of [10] Verses available in order to cast this ritual. Clerics may still cast Zeal in order to refill their Verses once this miracle has been cast. The ritual involves the condemnation of the disconnectee, withdrawing the Law’s protection from them and leaving the former cleric to fend for themselves in a lawless spiritual desert. During the ritual, the Court’s many judges gather to punish the target, deafening and blinding them to the Law’s power. 🝐 Disconnected souls remain Called to Service for the rest of their lives, limiting the mana available to them. Although a disconnected cleric is no longer sent on dreaming missions, they remain weakened physically by the tax of mana levied upon their soul. This Call to Service prevents a cleric from taking up other forms of magic, although they can be reconnected to clericism if they undergo the same sin-shedding trials as they had done when originally connected. A disconnected cleric regains the ability to activate enchantments without penalty. Redlines: A devout soul listens to the stars in a moment of calm; so many trials await them. 🝐 Tahariae believes staunchly in a world free of aengudaemonic intervention. In order to summon the souls of the Gilded Court to Mundus, a cleric draws on the mana of their surroundings to produce aengudaemonic mana through the power of His Cleansed Law. This process ensures that the energies within Mundus are contained as a stable loop of mana free from interference. The mana which the Law gathers comes from the environment is compressed and transmuted into aengudaemonic mana through the Law’s power. Drawing upon this mana would normally leave a vacuum in the environment, an emptiness where the world’s energies used to be, but the Law’s righteousness protects the world from this damage by levying a debt from the casting cleric. 🝐 This debt is levied in the form of the Call to Service, a lingering mana deficiency within the cleric’s soul, particularly in the Soul Blueprint or Body portion of the soul. The Call affects all clerics equally, each shouldering the burden of their work. Certain miracles also extend the Call to their targets for a limited time, in exchange for the gifts of miraculous healing or otherwise. Call to Service Effects 🝐 The Call to Service causes a bodily weakness similar to Voidal weakness. This weakness prevents the cleric from wearing armour heavier than medium armour, and prevents them from wielding two handed melee weapons in combat. Due to a cleric’s reduced strength, wearing medium armour reduces their sprint to [6] blocks, as wearing heavy armour would for someone at full strength. 🝐 If a cleric uses an enchantment created using an impure magic, the Call to Service saps them of a great majority of their mana as just punishment for that souls invocation of the sinful. Once a cleric has used an impure enchantment, they lose access to their miracles for the next [1] OOC week, and become incapable of activating other enchantments during that time due to their soul’s severe mana deficiency. 🝐 The Call to Service causes dreams in which one is drawn from their body by Tahariae’s will, sent to battle impurities across the world. These dreams are normally abstract but may involve current events. One might be sent to comfort someone who has lost a loved one, or they may be sent to chastise a tainted being. Whatever the case, whenever a cleric is sent on these dreaming missions, the stress of this dream on their mind and soul robs them of proper rest. This can lead to the cleric awakening already feeling exhausted. These dreams become particularly prevalent after a cleric has performed miracles. Redlines: Devoted servant, gentle lord, worker of wonders! Hail to the one true son, enduring still in the peaceful glade! Wound Chart 🜋 Minor Wounds: Scrapes, Bruises and Lacerations. Everyday wounds that do not cause significant impairment. 🜋 Moderate Wounds: Gashes, Cuts, Punctures, Dislocations and Burns. Wounds that are debilitating and cause moderate impairment. 🜋 Major Wounds: Broken Bones, Impalement, Dismemberment and Mutilation. Wounds that are severely debilitating and can cause permanent impairment or death. Verses 🜋 [T1] 🜋 Clerics use Verses of the Law in order to power their miracles. Casting Implements 🜋 [T1] 🜋 Many more powerful miracles require that a cleric is wielding a casting implement. Ritual Casting 🜋 [T1][2 Emotes | 0 Verses] 🜋 (Non-Combative / Active) Whilst outside of combat, clerics can extend the casting of a miracle in order to spread the burden between them. Zeal 🜋 [T3][2 Emotes: 1 Connect + 1 Cast | 0 Verses] 🜋 (Combative / Active) The cleric rouses their pious spirit and gives themselves over to the Law, refilling their reserves of spent power. Calm 🜋 [T1][2 Emotes: 1 Connect + 1 Cast | 2 Verses] 🜋 (Non-Combative / Active) The cleric calls forth an arbiter of the Gilded Court in order to dull mortal sufferings with the Law’s spiritual medicine. Mend 🜋 [T2][2+ Emotes: 1 Connect + 1+ Cast | 2+ Verses] 🜋 (Non-Combative / Active) The cleric heals the wound of a descendant with the aid of a judge, using the Law to soothe unjustly dealt pain. Cleanse 🜋 [T3][4 Emotes: 1 Connect + 3 Cast | 2+ Verses] 🜋 (Non-Combative / Active) The cleric expunges poisons and illnesses through the Law’s power, calling upon the aid of a wise prophet. Purge 🜋 [T4][4 Emotes: 1 Connect + 3 Cast | 3 Verses] 🜋 (Non-Combative / Active) The cleric excises taint and supernatural corruption with the help of a venator, whose holy blade slices sinful energy from a descendant's soul. Arbiter of the Silver Cloak 🜋 [T1][3 Emotes: 1 Connect + 2 Cast | 2+/- Verses] 🜋 (Combative / Active) The cleric summons an arbiter’s silver cloak to enshroud themselves with radiance, which they use to harass their enemies with arrows of silver light. Arbiter of the Blue Cloak 🜋 [T2][2 Emotes: 1 Connect + 1 Cast | 2- Verses] 🜋 (Combative / Active) The cleric asks an arbiter of the blue to intervene in the battlefield, either attacking an enemy or defending an ally from attack. Arbiter of the White Cloak 🜋 [T3][3 Emotes: 1 Connect + 2 Cast | 4- Verses] 🜋 (Combative / Active) The cleric calls forth an arbiter of the white to declare the Law’s peaceful ways, healing an ally of a wound. Prophet’s Purification 🜋 [T3][4 Emotes: 1 Connect + 3 Cast | 6 Verses] 🜋 (Combative / Active) The cleric petitions a prophet to protect them and their allies from supernatural harm using their boundless, peaceful light. Venator’s Rally 🜋 [T4][4 Emotes: 1 Connect + 3 Cast | 6 Verses] 🜋 (Combative / Active) The cleric calls forth a venator to leap into enemy lines, striking enemies and granting succour to their allies. Itharel’s Intercession 🜋 [T5][5 Emotes: 1 Connect + 4 Cast | 6 Verses] 🜋 (Combative / Active) The cleric calls forth the solar soul of an itharel, burning enemies with their powerful tendrils of light and healing allies around them. Shroud from Suffering 🜋 [T1][3 Emotes: 1 Connect + 2 Cast | 2+ Verses] 🜋 (Non-Combative / Active) The cleric calls forth an arbiter to bring civilization’s order to the wilderness, filling the surrounding area with a comforting radiance that staves off the untamed elements. Aegisian Rains 🜋 [T2][6 Emotes: 1 Connect + 5 Cast | 6 Verses] 🜋 (Non-Combative / Active) The cleric calls forth a prophet who brings with them taint-cleansing rains in order to purify land or destroy tainted relics. Blessed Waters 🜋 [T3][4 Emotes: 1 Connect + 3 Cast | 4 Verses] 🜋 (Non-Combative / Active) The cleric calls forth a judge in order to imbue a targeted vial of water with miraculous healing powers. Eternal Vigil 🜋 [T4][4 Emotes: 1 Connect + 3 Cast | 6 Verses] 🜋 (Non-Combative / Active) The cleric carves a mural with the help of a flame-wielding venator, creating a gateway through which the judges of the Court may step onto Mundus’ soil. Law’s Revelation 🜋 [T5][5 Emotes: 1 Connect + 4 Cast | 6 Verses] 🜋 (Non-Combative / Active) A master cleric calls for the oversight of an itharel in adding their own theses to the Cleansed Law, or calls forth a spectre of a past cleric in order to hear their wisdom. An era of Purity lost, an era of Justice dawning. 🝐 One more log on the fire that is the TAHBOWL… I got started on this about a month ago and have been slaving away at it ever since. This has been an enormous project, with much more needed here than in my Divination lore which turned out very short when all was said and done. If you’ve read all of this and gotten to this part, stand up, go and get something to drink, go outside, you’ve done enough reading for now. But thank you very much! 🝐 The Cleansed Law is a new world order that all clerics can adhere to in their own ways, something that can fit into any culture on the server in order to create a cohesive identity. I also wanted to callback extensively to the various parts of our wider server lore and to Tahariae’s lore itself. I’m very pleased with the integration of Tahariae’s past servants as those who intercede on His behalf, and am very excited for old cleric players to get the opportunity to play their deceased characters again through Law’s Revelation. 🝐 For me, the biggest opportunity in focusing on law and justice as Tahariae’s domain is in encouraging the clericism community to function as the adjudicators of that law. The process of considering the Cleansed Law and discovering how it can best be applied to the world should hopefully lead to interesting philosophical roleplay, and hopefully to at least a little bit of bureaucracy. As the Cleansed Law grows in size, the discussions that will be able to be had about it should naturally become more in-depth and engaging as characters gain access to an increasing number of treatises on different topics. 🝐 The writing of the Cleansed Law itself is a world lore project that would commence following the acceptance of this piece. At first, it would primarily consist of treatises written by NPCs, Tahariae or otherwise, before growing organically through the use of the final Holy Alteration miracle, Law’s Revelation. My hope is that this process will naturally generate an interesting, dynamic and meaningful set of documents that cleric players can use in their roleplay to guide their characters actions. 🝐 Many thanks to… 🝐 …christ2man & TheKingOfTheMoon for your help with getting this done, your input has been invaluable. Couldn’t have done it without you. 🝐 … SacredSource, Johann, Wandiferous and the rest of the covenant clericbros for your input and oversight. 🝐 …Pallodium for the sweet formatting, the post has turned out looking amazing! 🝐 …Ibleesian, for giving me a hand cutting this beast down to size.
  2. THE OF THE ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ Upholding the balance is at the centre of everything, the foundation on which all Mali’ame societies have been built, and the basis of all traditional Mali’ame law. This balance applies to nature and to society, with a heavy emphasis on elnarnsae’ame and Aspectism as the pathway to achieving harmony. In recent years, there have been many discussions and debates amongst the denizens of Nevaehlen about whether the realm should have a codex of written laws. But, contrary to what some believe, Nevaehlen has never been lawless. There are a collection of natural laws that are intrinsic to our way of life as Mali’ame and followers of the Wild Faith, rules that we follow without thinking and without explicit instruction. I have compiled these laws in written form, in the hope it might inform any future codex, if one ever comes to pass by a vote of the Omentahu. Illynora Aureon Sylvaeri 211 S.A. ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘❁⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ I. The balance of nature and society is the cornerstone of all Mali'ame law. II. Aspectism and, by extension, elnarnsae’ame, is the sole recognised religion and pathway for upholding this balance. ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘❁⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ THE LAWS OF III. Farming is prohibited, except for Ame’lie groves. In the days of Irrin Sirame, our people were nomads, travelling from forests to woodlands to rivers to lakes, living off the land and moving on before the natural balance could be disrupted. We kept no livestock and built no farms. Farming, particularly agriculture, can disrupt the balance in several ways. It reduces the variety of plant and animal species in an area, weakening the land. Farming crops degrades the soil, meaning that Ame’lie trees cannot take root. Ploughing fields and irrigating with false water destroys the natural habitats of creatures who once lived there. Waste from livestock contaminates nearby streams and flows to the ocean. Keeping livestock for slaughter is also sanctioned; hunting wild animals is the only permitted method of obtaining meat. Exceptions to this are the sacred Ame’lie groves. The Aureon Seed was the first to cultivate ikurn’amonn, ironwood trees, and many Mali’ame nurture other forms of Ame’lie. They provide us with resources for food, clothing, houses, and even alcohol, while also growing in harmony with the wider natural world. IV. Sadistic behaviour towards plants or animals is strictly disallowed. This includes hunting; an animal must not be hunted for sport or for glory, only to gain sustenance from its meat and use of its hide. Clean kills are mandatory, with no animal being left to suffer, and expressions of gratitude to the Father and patron Mani of that animal are expected. V. The practice of Voidal magic and other dark arts is forbidden. VI. Protection of Fae creatures is required. This law came to be in the el’Naeri Evarir Act of 1663 F.A., requiring the protection of creatures of the Fae including but not limited to sprites, cervitaurs, satyrs, and bryophites. VII. Disturbance of the natural landscape is prohibited. This includes obtrusive construction; any buildings must blend seamlessly into the natural environment rather than exist in spite of it. Vandalism of natural spaces, whether intentionally or unintentionally, is forbidden. VIII. Overfishing and overhunting are prohibited to protect and preserve natural resources. ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘❁⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ THE LAWS OF IX. Unprovoked violence against innocents is forbidden, including injury, killing, and kidnapping. I had an interesting philosophical debate with a group of Mali’ame in Nevaehlen about if, and when, killing is acceptable. The generally accepted consensus was that unprovoked violence should be forbidden, but there were circumstances where violence was warranted, such as to protect oneself, another, or nature. X. Theft is prohibited. In this same debate, we had an enlightening conversation about what items were capable of being stolen. All agreed that natural resources such as water were incapable of being owned and therefore incapable of being stolen, but what of other items? I pointed to the necklace at my throat, made of pearls gathered on the shores of Aegrothond in Arcas. Were pearls not a natural resource? How, then, could I say that I owned it? Many suggested that an item, even one forged from natural resources, became the property of someone once it had been altered and had sentimental meaning attached to it. These pearls were no longer just pearls, but a necklace made by my own two hands, which I have owned for over two centuries. It is undoubtedly mine. The group agreed that there was an instinctive knowledge of what amounted to theft and what amounted to a sharing of communal resources. The war between Garthon and Teynei’Hiylu. XI. There is no King but Malin. The sentiment that “there is no King but Malin” is one that is deeply familiar to those of the Almenodrim. It is what we fought for and what we stood by during those long years of the Elven Cold War. Yet, within the Mali’ame there have been Mortal Kings and Mortal Queens, beginning with Kairn Ithelanen and ending with Awaiti Aureon. This, too, went against Mali’ame custom. The tale of the Archdruid Garthon is one that has been lost to time. He gathered his Mali’ame brethren at a grand feast and said, “When Malin disappeared, we were left helpless. Our brothers the Mali’ker went with their Velulaei, and the High Elves with their Larihei, and we were forgotten. We, the only ones who dared to stay with what our father had taught us. Elvenkind is fractured. The time for a new King of the Elves is come.” In his eyes, it was time for a new king, and who better to take up the mantle than Garthon himself, who remembered Malin’s rule? Garthon met Taynei’Hiylu the Green Dragon in secret and pleaded with her to give him the power to conquer all Mali. Taynei not only rebuffed him but stripped him of his archdruid rank. She even attempted to unattune him, but Garthon fought back and fled. In his exile, he found an ancient piece of magic that allowed him to enslave nature to his command. With this ancient, terrible magic at his fingertips, all the wilds were Garthon’s to command. He travelled from Seed to Seed, convincing them to join his army. “Join me, and I overflow your Ame’lie with fruit and bring all the game to your forests. Refuse, and I make your trees wither and your animals die.” Some Seeds joined him, but many more resisted. They saw Garthon as a draoi usurper, attempting to claim a title which only Malin himself could ever bear. In the war that followed, brother turned against sister and the destruction ravaged their beloved forests. Beloun, Chirr and other Seeds stood with Garthon. Nor’ehya, Aureon, Tahorran and Caerme’onn stood with Taynei’Hiylu. In the final battle, Taynei’Hiylu entered in her dragaar form, fighting against Garthon’s hold on the wilds by channelling the pure power of the Aspects. The battle was won. Garthon had lost. Taynei’Hiylu pursued Garthon into the woods, but rather than slaying him where he stood, she offered him mercy. Garthon’s heart had hardened, and Taynei’s peace fell on deaf ears. He used that ancient magic to seal Taynei’Hiylu away as the Aspects had once done so many centuries ago. Just as Garthon turned to return to his army, an arrow pierced through his back, loosed from the bow of Irrin Sirame. Irrin rushed to where Taynei’Hiylu had been swallowed by the earth, but it was no use. The bindings Garthon had put in place could not be undone by her, nor any other druid. This tale serves as a reminder that there is no King but Malin, and any attempts to claim such a title can only lead to death and destruction. XII. Interbreeding between Mali and non-Mali is strictly forbidden, as such leads to a child being doubly cursed. XIII. Children are defined as those Mali under the age of fifty years. Physically, Mali reach maturity at the age of eighteen, much like other Descendant races. Culturally, adulthood is not attained until the age of fifty. Therefore, marriage under the age of fifty is severely frowned upon, as is having children below this age, particularly where the relationship is between an Elf over the age of fifty and an Elf under the age of fifty. Mali are still considered young and to be “living their kalem’Valah” until the age of one hundred. XIV. Violence against children is strictly forbidden and punishable to the harshest of degrees. Elven children are so rare and precious that nearly every codex of Mali’ame law has included a specific rule against the harming of children. XV. Slavery is prohibited; Mali’ame live in service only to the Aspects. XVI. Slander against the state and acts of treason are punishable offenses. Many Mali’ame realms were more of a nation state than Nevaehlen, which exists more as a closely-knit community and village. It is unlikely that treason would ever be committed, and unlikely that it would be recognised as a legitimate law by the Nevaehli’onn. XVII. Seed leaders may represent their own. If a member of a Seed is ever brought before a court or exarch, traditional law holds that the Seed leader may stand as their representative. XVIII. The Omentahu has the right to question the leadership and vote on matters of law and governance. XIX. Only full-blooded Elves can be citizens and own property. This is an example of an archaic law that existed in the Dominion of Malin, Diarchy of Irrinor, Principality of Aegrothond, and Princedom of Elvenesse, but no longer reflects the values of the modern Mali’ame in Nevaehlen. ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘❁⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ XX. Desecration of holy shrines and sites is forbidden. XXI. Interruption of religious ceremonies is prohibited. XXII. Only Mali’ame can practice Aspectism and the Wild Faith. This was a once held belief that is no longer true nor enforced. There are many non-Mali’ame and indeed non-Mali practitioners of Aspectism and elnaensae’ame. XXIII. No other religions except Aspectism and the Wild Faith are allowed to be practiced. Much like the above, this law is no longer enforced nor recognised. In Aegrothond, Elvenesse, and all its successor states, many of the Almenodrim worshiped the Sea Goddess Thalassa and other minor sea deities. The Mali of Illivira practice Duarchism, which is a blend of Aspectism and the worship of Thalassa and Faunus. Nevaehlen is home to a community of Bortu who worship the Brathmordakin, and Kha who worship their various Aenguls and Daemons. ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘❁⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ XXIV. Branding. A commonly practiced punishment was to brand or maim someone who had broken the law, or mark them with the ilmyumier of Siss’siru’s Grip. XXV. Banishment. Banishment (or a Shun from a Druidic Grove), is a recognised and frequently practiced form of punishment, even in Nevaehlen where there are no written laws. XXVI. Public flogging. This punishment was used frequently in the Dominion of Malin as a punitive measure, meant to humiliate the wrongdoer just as much as provide them with physical pain. It has long since fallen out of favour. XXVII. Death. In line with the earlier discussion on whether killing is ever permissible, execution was a method of punishment used in many Mali’ame nations. ⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘❁⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘⫘ This writing represents the core laws that have remained constant across many Mali’ame societies, emphasising the eternal and sacred balance, the importance of Aspectism, and the preservation of Mali’ame culture, history, and traditions. There are many and more laws that have been unique to only one nation, reflecting the specific values and worldviews of that community. The Dominion of Malin The Dominion’s Codex of Law under the reign of High Princess Awaiti Aureon, 1646 F.A. The Compendium of Rights under the reign of High Prince Belestram Sylvaeri, 1649 F.A. The el’Naeri Evarir Act, establishing the relationship between the Naelurir Grove and government of the Dominion of Malin, 1663 F.A. The Dominion’s Codex of Law under the reign of Mortal King Abelas Caerme’onn, 1675 F.A. The Mother Grove The Laws of the Mother Grove, 1700 F.A. The Diarchy of Irrinor The Laws and Mandates of the Diarchy of Irrinor, 1726 F.A. The Principality of Aegrothond The Common Law of Aegrothond during the reign of High Prince Belestram Sylvaeri and High Princess Illynora Sylvaeri, 1705 F.A. The Almenorean Codex of Law during the reign of High Prince Fëanor Sylvaeri, 1770 F.A. The Crown of Elvenesse Indor Tiran, the Codex Elvenesse, during the reign of High Prince Fëanor Sylvaeri, 0 S.A. The Vale of Nevaehlen Code of Conduct for the Vale of Nevaehlen and Father Circle, 12 S.A. The Crown of Amaethea The Amaethean Law Codex during the reign of High Prince Kosher Daesmon, 108 S.A. The Crown of Amathine The Amathine Law Codex during the reign of High Princess Idril Sylvaeri, 170 S.A.
  3. 12th of Tobias’ Bounty, 2001 facts of the case are as follows, Prior to the incident, the Lotharian Regency published a declaration, stating its intention to refuse to grant, award or dispose of any titles belonging to the Novellen D’Atrus Family. Ivan Cardinal Lotharia, TO DISCUSS THE MATTERS OF BALIAN - THE REGENT'S PROCLAMATION (1993). On the 6th of Godfrey’s Triumph, in the year of our Lord 1999, Mikhail Sarkozic published a missive claiming the titles of the Novellen D’Atrus family, the Ruthern var Balian family, and the D'Arkent family. Mikhail Sarkozic, TO CLAIM OUR TRUE TITLES (1999). In his missive, he disavowed the Kingdom of Balian and urged its people to revolt. Id. Mr. Sarkozic then urged the Holy Mother Church and the Lotharian Regency to grant him the claimed titles. Id. Mr. Sarkozic also used the coat of Arms of the Exhilic Duchy of Adria to publish his missive. He would then sign his name with self-proclaimed princely honorifics and titles. Id. The Lotharian Regency, with affirmation from the Pontifical Auditor of the Supreme Tribunal, placed Mikhail Sarkozic in a state of interdiction because of his breach of the canticle of temperance and desire to incite unrest within Canondom. Ivan Cardinal Lotharia, AVARICE. - TO MIKHAIL SARKOZIC (1999). Mikhail Sarkozic would then subsequently be summoned to trial by the Lotharian Regency with both the Cardinal of Lotharia and the Auditor of the Supreme Pontifical Tribunal overseeing the trial scheduled for the 10th of Sun’s Smile, in the year of our Lord 2000. Alaric var Ruthern, A COURT SUMMONS - MIKHAIL SARKOZIC (1999). Mikhail Sarkozic would reply in a published missive that he does not intend to appear at the trial. Mikhail Sarkozic, COURT REPLY (2000). Furthermore, he would again sign his name with self-proclaimed princely honorifics and titles. Id. The Cardinal of Lotharia replied with a private letter admonishing him of his questioning of ecclesiastical authority. He further warned him of his transgressions before urging him to appear before the regency. The trial commenced as planned. Mr. Sarkozic, however, did not appear before the regency and tribunal. Mikhail Sarkozic was tried in absentia. For the breach of the Canticle of Temperance, circumventing and shopping for penance alternatives, for purposefully and publicly absconding from the proceedings per his recent reply to the summons for trial, we find Mikhail Sarkozic guilty of the aforementioned charges. DOCTRINE It is a well settled doctrine that the four Holy Scrolls: Virtue, Gospel, Spirit and Auspice are foundations of canon morality and its laws. High Pontiff Daniel VI, Rev. by High Pontiff St. James II, CODEX IURIUS CANONICI DANIELUS PONTIFEX - SECOND EDITION (1801). These scrolls are to be interpreted to provide jurisprudence on Canon Law. Thus, they are to be considered the highest authority in Canon jurisprudence. Id. The Scroll of Virtue states, “[f]or I have given to you the pleasures of the world, and they shall comfort you in the theater of virtue. And you shall take them carefully, and shall not become a creature of worldly indulgence as the beasts of the earth.”, (Virtue 3:7-8). This verse, located within the Canticle of Temperance chapter, provides further instructions in its final lines, “[a]nd I am the Lord GOD without peer, and My joys are the holy joys, and My comfort is the virtuous comfort, and all the blessings of the Virtue shall fall before the righteous who do not indulge.”, (Id at 3:10). Verses eight to nine of Virtue admonishes greed. Verse ten affirms this admonishment, instructing the faithful to avoid indulgence. The Book of Joren, in the Scroll of Spirit, provides that, “[t]here can be no laxity in faith for any reason, not war nor peace, not wealth nor poverty.”, (Spirit 2:13). The aforementioned verse in spirit forbids any laxness of faith for worldly possessions. The Vision of Portent, in the Scroll of Auspice, warns against the condemnation of the Canticle of Temperance, “[a]nd before the commoners, the first condemns temperance, and gluttony is exalted.”, (Auspice 1:23). The final verse of Portent describes the consequences of disavowing the canticles, “[t]he world is changed, and there is a period of sin.”, (Id at 1:42). Such strong commandments enumerated above provide a powerful foundation against Avarice, which shall henceforth be considered the most serious transgression against the Canticle of Temperance. On the matters of title retention, the Novellen D’Atrus family were affirmed of their titles under the Pontificate of Tylos III. The titles of the Novellen D’Atrus family were granted to them by High Pontiff Tylos III, who crowned King John I as the King of Balian. All subsequent titles were then affirmed when High Pontiff Pontian IV crowned Alexander I. The titles were then again affirmed when High Pontiff Sixtus V crowned Adrian I. The titles were affirmed again within Aevos when High Pontiff Caius I crowned Sybille I and Alexander II, chronologically. To ensure precedent and the acknowledgement of pontifical authority, the titles remained within the possession of the family. This precedent, by extension, protects the titles of the families of Ruthern var Balian and D'Arkent. DISCUSSION Mikhail Sarkozic’s recent actions provide a prima facie example of pure avarice. The Lotharian regency, under the direction of Cardinal Ivan of Lotharia, has stated its refusal to act as a title bank. The declaration from the regency is, through extension, a form of ecclesiastical authority due to its connection with the Holy Mother Church. Such a declaration against the disposal of titles by the regency is founded within the Canticle of Temperance. As the most devout servants of the LORD, the Holy Mother Church is instructed to faithfully execute the enshrined doctrines provided within all the Holy Scrolls. Furthermore, The Cardinal of Lotharia is considered a senior member of the High Pontiff’s curia. It is the Cardinal’s duty to ensure that the diocese he oversees remains faithful to Canon doctrine. Although the Book of Joren is directed to the line of Joren, it still requires all faithful to adhere to the commandments of the ALMIGHTY, avoiding laxness in faith for the desire of worldly possessions. All faithful are BOUND to follow the Holy Scrolls, regardless of their ancestry. Spirit provides further authority for the canticle of temperance. Mikhail Sarkozic, both being from the line of Joren and being a faithful of Canondom, was required to adhere to the commandments set forth by the ALMIGHTY within the scrolls. The ominous warning stated within Auspice provides for the basic foundation to strongly condemn any form of avarice; For it taints the soul and all morality of the faithful. Mikhail Sarkozic’s soul crossed a sacred line. His soul darkens as Avarice screams within his mind and body, delving further towards the maws of sin. ADJUDICATION To claim materialistic titles with hollow words of affirmation in itself is a breach of the Canticle of Temperance. For the faithful must be content with what they have. Such title claiming taints the soul as the songs of Avarice darken one's heart. The Holy Mother Church and all members of its curia SHALL NOT act as a title bank. The trial before the Lotharian regency was an opportunity for Mikhail Sarkozic to present his case. It is conceded that he was required to repent. However, one can still present their case once summoned for repentance before trial. If their case is strong and founded in good faith, it can positively affect the final decision. Unfortunately, Mikhail Sarkozic refused to appear before the regency. The refusal from Mikhail Sarkozic to appear for trial brings us to the matter of questioning Ecclesiastical authority. Both Cardinal Ivan of Lotharia and Friar Jacque are senior members of the Pontifical Curia. Both are the Pontifical Secretary and Supreme Auditor of the Pontifical Tribunal respectively. To question their authority is to question the authority of the Holy Mother Church and the Vicar of GOD, the High Pontiff; For they are members of his curia. Nevertheless, a shepherd must guide the flock whilst firm and just. Lady Kasandra Sarkozic of Aldersburg was given the opportunity to testify for her family and kin. She was considered a witness substituting the appearance of the good Markus Sarkozic, the Count Emeritus of Aldersburg and an elder kin of Mikhail Sarkozic. Her testimony provided us with a holistic approach to our subsequent decision against Mikhail Sarkozic. The prosecution appointed within the Kingdom of Balian provided their own arguments and testimony for the matters of treason against Balian and the incitement of unrest. The prosecution’s testimony has also been taken into account for the subsequent decision. Thus we hold the following: Mikhail Sarkozic is now observed in a STATE OF EXCOMMUNICATION. The flock must keep in mind that excommunication is not a declaration by the Holy Mother Church, but rather an observation for when one commits a high transgression. Nevertheless, opportunities for penance are still provided during this state. Mikhail Sarkozic is to forgo all titles he claims, as punishment for his bad-faith attempt to incite unrest, whilst his soul was tainted by the rotten touch of Avarice. All siblings of Mikhail Sarkozic shall be under the guardianship of Kasandra Sarkozic of Aldersburg and her family. For the current Sarkozics of Aldersburg have proven to be a faithful tribe within Canondom. Mikhail Sarkozic shall take up monastic vows and lifestyle in penance for his crimes against Faith. He shall not claim any further titles. If all requirements are fulfilled, Mikhail Sarkozic will be absolved of his penance, and he shall no longer be considered an Excommunicant. To adhere to this decision, all Canonist princes are REQUIRED to apprehend Mikhail Sarkozic and extradite him to the Archdiocese of Lotharia if he has found refuge in their realms. All Holy Orders sanctioned by the Holy Mother Church are to locate and apprehend Mikhail Sarkozic to deliver him before the Lotharian Regency. Furthermore, let it be known that If a Canonist nation willingly shelters Mikhail Sarkozic despite knowing his state of excommunication, they shall be found guilty of harbouring, under the Crimes against the Unity of the Church Stated within § 6 of the CODEX IURIUS CANONICI DANIELUS PONTIFEX - SECOND EDITION: §6. A person who aids or gives shelter to an excommunicant has committed the crime of harbouring. (CODEX IURIUS CANONICI DANIELUS PONTIFEX - SECOND EDITION Rev. on 1801). Any Canonist Prince or Holy Order which apprehends Mikhail Sarkozic shall read the penance required of him in this judicial decree. If he refuses to adhere to the penance in any way, shape, or form, he shall be declared Anathema and executed swiftly; for by then he would have forsaken the LORD. Such is affirmed under the watchful gaze of the ALMIGHTY. EN DÉU CONFIEM, Ivan Cardinal Lotharia Averred by: Fr. Jacques-Baptiste Auclair, Auditor of the Supreme Pontifical Tribunal
  4. REVOCATION OF NOBILITY OF HOUSE DE ARDENNES Penned and issued by: TO OUR ESTEEMED REALM, It has been almost a decade since the creation of our perfected Union, which fills Our heart with pride every God-given day. The men and women of the Heartlands, common and noble, work by the sweat of their brow to maintain peace and stability in our region. They hold government positions, assist institutions and indulge in the pleasures of social life. In the midst of all this prosperity, it is hard not to notice the absence of one of the Houses, once an important presence in the society of Aaun, but now almost entirely forgotten, relegated to the depths of history of a violent Heartlander past. The House de Ardennes was created to separate its new, young members by a thick line from the past tied to the House of Haverlock, a House of heroes. Aaun remembers the heroic deeds of Louis Haverlock, who faithfully served King Edmund II as a member of his Regency Council, and with great reverence commemorates the martyrdom of Ser Leopold, Knight-Immortal, who fell courageously in 1952 in defence of Our Royal Cousin. With a rich and accomplished past, being the descendants of people considered important, the current generation of House de Ardennes has seemingly opted to consider their bonds to the Apostolic Crown worthless, neglecting their duties as Peers of the Realm believing that there would be no consequences. Not once did We personally meet any member of House de Ardennes; they never requested an audition or attended Our Court to swear loyalty to Us or the Royal House of Alstion. Not a single coin has flowed into the treasury to pay the taxes imposed on them, and the walls of their keep are crumbling and become overgrown with moss. Our Royal Father, being a good man at heart, had given them a second chance - instead of forcing them from the Floodplains, he relegated their titles to the rank of a barony. Even this display of good will did not elicit any reaction. Thus, with all the aforementioned factors in mind, with great regret that it has come to this, We revoke the status of nobility from House de Ardennes within Our Apostolic Kingdom of Aaun and the Confederation as a whole. Their title shall be returned to the Crown, and members of House de Ardennes shall have the right to earn back their status of nobility in the Heartlands through renewed hard work and by rebuilding their public image and the trust of Our Realm. ISSUED AND PROCLAIMED; In the Hand of Horen, Province of Aaun On the 24th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1981. His Royal and Apostolic Majesty, CHARLES II, King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Margrave of High Peak, Count of Whitespire, Enswerp, Florentine and Talentine, Baron of Blanchet and Virdain, Protector of the Realm
  5. The Codex on Vikela Law · · ───────༺ ·୨୧· ༻─────── · · Foreword, The Kingdom of Vikela in all of its various appendages and holdings are bound by this codex of law. These laws are derived from the rule of the King or Queen and their lineage. The Kingdom is in practice of the law and the codex of all documented decrees of the Monarch. No exception or alteration to this Codex is to be made by any other than the reigning Monarch and their representatives to this Codex of law. This Codex overrules all current and previous laws held in effect over The Kingdom of Vikela. Ignorance of the law does not exempt one from the enforcement of the law. Rights of Vikela, All rights shall fall to any person within the sovereign grounds of the Kingdom of Vikela and are inalienable in nature, never to be infringed upon, so long as they are exercised in good faith to the Sovereign and its people. The Sovereign shall forever make every effort to uphold these rights as is their obligation to the people they serve. Acting in opposition to these rights shall not be tolerated by the people, shall not be Allowed by their leaders or contradicted by future authors of the law. Right to Trial All people shall be guaranteed the right to fair trial for all crimes not deemed Heinous or despicable in nature as defined by the Sovereign. Right to Privacy All people shall be guaranteed reasonable privacy of their own affairs which shall not be infringed upon without reasonable certainty of dangerous, seditious, or illegal practice. Right to Peace People residing peacefully within our sovereign land shall pass unmolested and unharmed by any other person without due cause. Right to Voice Citizens reserve the right to voice their complaints, ideas and suggestions to the King or Queen, as well as their agents or representatives, without fear of retribution so long as the words remain honest, honorable and bring no harm to Vikela. Right to Defend The right to defend oneself shall be retained indefinitely as well as all means to do so in order to protect home, family, the weak or Vikela should the call ever arise to do so. Table of Contents Legally Important Terms Defining Reasonable Punishments General Laws of Vikela Pertaining Acts of Theft Burglary Robbery Other Pertaining Acts of Violence Assault Murder Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent Fraud Espionage Vandalism Kidnapping Aiding an Outlaw Undermining Authority & Defenses Poaching and Hunting Poaching Animals Dark Arts Darkspawn practices and Necromancy General Policy Littering Drug Use Taxes Pertaining Vassals of Vikela Pertaining to The Military Definitions of Legally Important Terms Citizen A citizen is defined as someone who legally physically inhabits some part of The Kingdom of Vikela. Citizenship is lost once someone permanently leaves Vikela land or The Kingdom of Vikela. For citizenship to be proven a record must be present in the Vikelan Registry, a document held by the Sovereign Government. Stewards Stewards are tasked with watching over the citizens of Vikela, they manage the basic day to day tasks of the city. This includes making sure citizens have housing, the city registry is updated and that empty houses don't have unapproved people living in them. Stewards can solve most citizens' problems or direct them to the proper people. Military Military Personnel are the citizens of Vikela that have taken the extra step in protecting the Kingdom and City. Led by the Warfare Ministry, the Military Branch of Vikela stands and defends the city's streets, walls, and gates. Tradesmen A tradesmen is any citizen of Vikela that sells goods from a named shop or enterprise, be it in a storefront, caravan, or from within their own home. Inalienable In the context of Vikela law means that if you are a citizen you retain whatever rights are granted for as long as you are in fact a citizen. Criminal A criminal is defined as anyone who breaks any law found within this Codex. Foreign Crimes do not automatically constitute someone's criminality in Vikela, but may be considered in context of one's citizenship in Vikela or a trial. Property An area of land in which one is allocated ownership under the crown's jurisdiction, paid for via mina or other means of labour. Defining Reasonable Punishments The Following Definition serves as a rubric on punishments which may be sentenced to those people who have been deemed to have committed a crime. No entity [Magistrate] shall issue a Punishment or Penalty greater than Listed below aside from The Lord Magistrate or ruling Sovereign. Those sentencing shall use a prudent hand in doling out all punishments, never meeting the maximum punishment without overwhelming evidence of heinous intent, disrespect, or lack of remorse. Those who fail to provide reasonable punishment may face charges equal to that which qualify. Class D Crimes Class D (Petty Crime): Fine of no more than 150 Mina, delivery of no less than 50 iron ingots or bread loaves, written and signed statement of apology. Class C Crimes Class C (Minor Crime): Fine of no more than 500 Mina, banishment of no longer than 2 years, delivery of no less than 100 iron ingots/bread loaves or 25 leather, up to 20 lashes by whip upon the back. Class B Crimes Class B (General Crime): Fine of no more than 1,000 Mina, banishment of no longer than 10 years, delivery of no less than 150 iron ingots/bread loaves or 50 leather. Up to 30 lashes by whip upon the back, branding of a limb or other part of the body. Class A Crimes Class A (Major Crime): Fine of no more than 2,000 Mina, banishment for no less than 10 years, delivery of no less than 200 iron ingots/bread loaves or 100 leather. Pillory for no less than 24 hours, no less than 50 lashes by whip upon the back, branding of the body, loss of one’s limb or extremity, execution by firing squad or being hung by the neck until dead. Evading Punishment In the instance of a convicted criminal fleeing before their punishment is enacted, a manhunt will ensue in which a bounty is placed upon the head of said criminal for the people of Aevos to seek. Said bounty will be in correspondence to the mina fine owed, and the mina fine will double to compensate the Kingdom. Laws of Vikela Lands 01. Pertaining Acts of Theft 01.01 Burglary; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s property. 01.01.01 Minor Burglary (Class D) The theft of 200 Mina or less, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.01.02 Burglary (Class C) The theft of 500 Mina or less, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.01.02 Major Burglary (Class B) The theft of 700 Mina or less, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.01.02 Grand Burglary (Class A) The theft of greater than 700 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.02 Robbery; defined as the stealing of goods from one’s person. 01.02.01 Minor Robbery (Class D) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 200 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.02.02 Robbery (Class C) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of less than 350 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.02.03 Grand Robbery (Class B) Brandishing a weapon or threatening violence to achieve the theft of greater than 500 Mina, in equivalent goods or coins. 01.03 Other Theft; defined as the theft of other goods, services, time ect. 01.03.01 Breaking Contracts (Class C) Violating a previously agreed upon contract (that has been registered and sealed by the King and/or Queen) between two parties, in order to boost profits or deprive the other of their labors. 01.03.02 Animal Theft (Class B) The theft or slaughter of any animal(s) belonging to anyone other than yourself. 01.03.03 Donation Theft (Class B) The misuse of any donated supplies meant for the city or the practise of conning into supporting false or misleading charitable causes. This includes and is not limited to anyone found accepting donations on behalf of House de Astrea and The Kingdom of Vikela without the approval of the King and/or Queen or their representatives. 02. Pertaining Acts of Violence 02.01 Assault; defined as physical attacks upon another. 02.01.01 Third-degree (Class D) An unplanned attack upon another causing minor injury, such as drunken brawls or bouts of passion. 02.01.02 Second-degree (Class C) An unplanned attack upon another causing minor injury. 02.01.03 First-degree (Class B) A planned attack of any form or upon an unplanned attack causing grievous or debilitating injury. 02.01.04 Assault Against The Crown (Class A) Any form of attack or attempted attack made against the Crown or direct heir to the crown. 02.01.06 Torture The Unlawful and purposeful harming of descendants be they a captured prisoner or layman with the intention of causing suffering or extracting information. 02.02. Murder; defined as the unlawful killing of one. 02.02.01 Attempted Murder (Class B) The unplanned attempt of taking another’s life and failing in doing so. 02.02.02 Second-degree (Class B) The unplanned killing of anyone's life within Vikela territory. 02.02.03 First-degree (Class A) The planned killing of anyone's life within Vikela territory. 02.02.04 Raiding (Class A) The attacking of Vikela forces, Citizens or lands in force regardless of justification. 03. Pertaining Acts of Malicious Intent 03.01 Slander; defined as spreading of false and damaging information 03.01.01 Defamation of Character (Class D/C) Actively harming one’s reputation with baseless claims. Usually only brought up if drastic. 03.02 Fraud; defined as deception for unlawful gain. 03.02.01 Petty Impersonation (Class D) Impersonation of a citizen, a guard, or a noble with petty intention. Outcomes of such are not severe, and do not result in the harm of others. 03.02.02 Impersonation (Class C) The impersonation of a citizen, a guard, or a noble with harmful intention. Outcomes of such are that in which result in harm of others, either physically or emotionally. See to defamation additionally if ones character comes to be harmed. 03.02.03 Petty Impersonation (Class D) 03.02.02 General Fraud (Class C) Purposely deceiving another for unlawful gain. (Does not include signed contracts) 03.03 Espionage; defined as the unwarranted spying upon another citizen 03.03.01 Peeping (Class D) Purposefully pressing oneself against or looking through the window of a property to peep inside their residence and spy on the inhabitants with no harmful intent 03.03.02 Minor Espionage (Class C) Spying upon a citizen to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. 03.03.03 State Espionage (Class A) Spying upon a state appointed official to achieve unlawful gain or knowledge. 03.03.04 Trade Espionage (Class B) The unlawful gain of Vikela trade secrets. 03.04 Vandalism; the unlawful destruction of property 03.04.01 Minor Vandalism (Class C) Destruction of property totalling equal to or less than 200 Mina in damages. 03.04.02 Major Vandalism (Class B) Destruction of property equal to or less than 350 Mina in damages. 03.04.03 Grand Vandalism (Class A) Destruction of property totaling more than 500 Mina in damage 03.05 Kidnapping; the unlawful seizure or holding of another in one’s custody. 03.05.01 Kidnapping (Class B) Capturing/ holding one against their will unlawfully. 03.05.02 Grand Napping (Class A) Capturing/ Holding of any member of the House de Astrea Bloodline or Members of the High Council against their will unlawfully. 03.05.03 Slavery (Class A) The Keeping of slaves within The Kingdom of Vikela. Registration of visiting slaves. At discretion of the King and/or Queen for purposes of diplomatic negotiation an exception to article c is for foreign visitors from a land in which slavery is legal to register their slaves. Any and all slaves must be properly registered with city authority, a Steward or High Council member. Registered slaves will be compensated for services rendered while in the bounds of Vikela at current rates for any services rendered. Registered slaves will be granted legal protections of citizens even from their masters while in Vikela. Time limit on protections for owners of registered slaves. Registered slaves remaining in Vikela for over one week’s time will be considered freed, the protections of registration no longer applying. The same visitors may re-register slaves after an absence from the city of at least one week from Vikela lands 03.05.03 Slave Hunting/Capturing (Class A) The hunting or capturing of members of sentient races for the purpose of slave trading.. 03.06 Aiding an Outlaw; defined as granting aid or shelter to a fugitive of House de Astrea. 03.06.01 Petty Aid (Class C) Providing a fugitive sustenance or any means to escape capture. 03.06.02 Aiding (Class B) Providing a fugitive shelter or knowingly aiding them in escaping capture. 03.06.03 Accomplice (Class B) Knowingly helping a fugitive further commit crimes within Vikela or against House de Astrea before their escape. 03.07 Undermining Authority & Defenses; defined as knowingly acting against Vikela Interests interests 03.07.01 Circumventing defenses (Class A) Any act intended to or seen to diminish, divert or damage resources of the Military and the static defences of the city. 03.07.02 Undermining Authority (Class B) Undermining the authority of any member of House de Astrea hierarchy or the Vikela government through malicious acts or words in the aim of harming citizens. 03.07.03 Undermining the de Astrea Bloodline (Class X) Undermining the authority or any attacks or hostile action taken against members of the House de Astrea bloodline are an immediate life in prison sentence, or the death penalty as decided by the King and/or Queen. 03.07.04 Disobedience of Authority (Class C) Purposely disobeying instructions from the King and/or Queen or their agents and representatives within the Vikela Government or ranking a member of the Vikela Military. 03.07.05 Violating Restricted Area (Class B) Entering or being in or on any military Installation of Vikela without the authority to be in the area without an Authorized Escort. 03.07.06 Violation of Treaties (Class A) The Act of any Resident, Citizen or Visitor of Vikela that purposefully acts in a way that can jeopardize or conflicts with any Treaty signed and agreed upon by the Vikela Governance. 03.08 Acts of Discrimination; defined as purposefully Treating another unfavourable or poorly based upon an aspect of themself being different 03.08.01 Religion (Class C) Any act of Discrimination aimed at demeening or hurting someone based upon their chosen set of beliefs. Note: This does not entitle the use of religion as an defence against charges of Malicious Intent. Religion is not a justifiable excuse to harm other innocent civilians, residents or visitors to Vikela. Acts of sacrifice, harm, or chaos in the name of a religious figure is strictly prohibited. 03.08.02 Race (Class C) Any act of Discrimination aimed at demeening or hurting someone based upon their Race 03.08.03 Gender (Class C) Any act of Discrimination based and aimed upon and at their Gender 03.08.04 Sexual Preference (Class C) Any act of Discrimination based upon an Individuals sexual preference 03.08.05 Hate Crime (Class X) Any act that breaks a law within this Codex that is motivated by a Discriminative purpose such as Assault due to someone's beliefs or Race will be treated as having been committed at a Higher than Normal Class of Punishment. 03.08.05 Harassment (Class C) Any harmful actions taken with the intent to annoy, alarm, or alert another person in a negative manner. This includes, but is not limited to - Physical contact, tailing a person in a public place, communicating by message anonymously or through a third party, repeated communications at inconvenient hours that interferes with a person's private life or property, AND/OR repeated taunts, insults, challenges, obscene comments, and words spoken in any manner to provoke a violent or otherwise disorderly response. 03.08.06 Stalking (Class C) The repetitive actions of following, targeting, garnering information regarding, and otherwise tracking and spying on an individual without legal cause or justification, in a manner that is meant to be harmful or sway control of said individual. This includes sending malicious content to an individual by anonymous or third party means, with the intent to intimidate after discovery, as well as loitering and otherwise entering their property in regards to levying manipulation and fear. This covers targeted attacks against a citizen of both 03.09 Poaching; defined as the hunting of animals in House de Astrea territory without permission granted by the King or Queen 03.09.01 Petty Poaching (Class C) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering any animal in amounts no more than 200 Mina. 03.09.02 Grand Poaching (Class B) Unlawfully hunting & slaughtering of any animal totalling more than 200 Mina. 04. General Crime 04.01 Littering; defined as making any public place untidy with rubbish or a large number of objects left lying about. 04.01.01 General Littering (class D) The throwing of any non hazardous goods on the ground or into the waters around Vikela. 04.01.02 Hazardous Littering (class B) The throwing of any hazardous goods that can affect the lives of citizens on to the ground or into the waters around Vikela. 04.02 Drug Use 04.02.01 Public Drug Use (Class D) The usage of any non medicinal drugs within public grounds or non designated areas is prohibited. 04.02.02 Public Drug Dealing (Class D) The Public selling or advertising of drug sales. 04.03 Trespassing; Defined as entering a location unlawfully without permission given explicitly or implicitly 04.03.01 House Squatting (Class D) The moving into any open or used house without the permission of a steward, the King and/or Queen or the rightful owner(s) of the house. 04.03.02 Trespassing (Class D) Entering or being on or in someone's property without their express permission or after being asked to leave. 04.03.03 Trespassing on Clan property (Class B) Entering or being on private property owned by the major clans and families in Vikela without express permission. 04.03.04 Breaking and Entering (Class C) Purposefully trespassing and breaking or causing damage to property in an effort to enter a property within Vikela. 04.03.06 Reckless Magical use (Class C) The Use of Deific, Voidal or Neutral magics in public in a way that could bring harm to other citizens and visitors of Vikela. 04.03.07 Threats and Intimidation (Class C) The use of actions or words in a manner that is meant to scare, intimidate or threaten an individual. This includes verbal threats of harm as well as acts of intimidation such as the unlawful brandishing of weapons. 04.04 On recruitment; Defined by the recruitment of Vikela’s Citizens 04.04.01 Foreign Recruitment (Class C) In which a foreign entity, not approved by the crown enters, without permission, in order to recruit members to a group or organization without any ill intent or national affiliation 04.04.02 Malicious Foreign Recruitment (Class A) In which a foreign entity, not approved by the crown enters, without permission, in order to recruit members to a harmful group, an outside military force or when any group targets children or other vulnerable groups 05. Dark Acts and Creatures 05.01 Dark Worship; defined as the unlawful worship of the Dark Gods, Undead or dark magic creatures 05.01.01 Worship (Class A) Conducting any cult activities related to or to empower Dark Gods, Undead, Voidal entities, or powers that belong to them, Or the aiding of those that do. 05.02 Dark Arts Practice; defined as the unlawful use or Practice of dark arts related to the Dark Gods, Necromancy or other forms of Dark Magic. 05.02.01 Practice (Class A) The practice of any Dark Magic’s within Vikela such as Mysticism, and the summoning or creating of dark powers that may pose a threat to the city or its citizens. 05.02.02 Public Summoning (Class A) The Public summoning and use of any form of dark or demonic creatures within the Kingdom of Vikela is forbidden. 05.02.03 Mental Assault pertaining to Dark Arts (Class A) Any mental injury or assault caused by the committing of Dark arts in any way shape or form will be treated the same as if the assault had been physically performed upon the victim whether intentional or not. As such the class of Crime is determined as per the classes of each tier of assault. Furthermore any fines that were to be levied are to be paid directly to the victim to help finance their recovery. 05.03 Dark and Dangerous Creatures; defined as creatures of Undead, Dark, Demonic or Voidal Nature. 05.03.01 Dark Creature (Class A) Any creatures that are considered dark in nature or Darkspawn. This can include Dark mages that have transformed beyond their mortal form or any other being corrupted by dark forces. This includes things such as Draconic/Drakkar and Mystics. 05.03.02 Voidal Creature(Class A) Any creature that is deemed a threat to Vikela or its people that has been summoned from or simply originates from the void. Also includes creatures that are voidal in nature. 05.03.03 Undead Creature (Class A) Any Person if they can still be considered that, found to be one of the many kinds of undead found throughout the world. Including but not limited to Vampires, Zombies, Liches and Ghosts. 05.03.04 Assisting dark creatures (Class A) Knowingly keeping or assisting any dark magic creatures, undead or Voidal creatures that pose a threat to the city or it’s citizens by any means. Includes housing, feeding, sympathizing, 06. On the Application of Punishments 06.01 Imprisonment; As defined by the constant imprisonment of a person with minimal interaction with the outside world. 06.01.01 Jail Time may consist of interrogations by any agent of the Military or Crown Government in order to gain any additional information 06.01.02 The use of Torture in Interrogations shall only be Approved by the Sovreign, Heir, Lord Commander or Minister of Defence failure to receive proper permissions by leave agent open to prosecution under 02.01.06 On Torture 06.02 On the Criminal Registry; as defined by the list of persons tried and sentenced of crimes in varying degrees 06.02.01 Those who are charged for any crime of class C or Higher will be registered within the Criminal Registry 06.02.02 Those Charged with Class B or higher and remain registered within the Criminal Registry may be searched at any time by a member of the Military 06.02.03 Those Convicted of a Class A crime shall have the right to bear arms or armor revoked, shall submit to regular searches of person and property and shall face increased scrutiny when dealing within Vikela at the discretion of any particular government official 06.02.04 Any person Registered within the Criminal Registry shall have any future crimes increased by 1 class and shall face charges of that particular class regardless of crime committed 06.02.05 A name may be removed from the offenders list at the discretion of the Sovereign of Vikela. 06.03 On Forced Labour; As defined by the requirements of those persons sentenced to Forced Labour and the quality of life provided to them 06.03.01 The Sovereign and the Council of Vikela have decided upon a list of minimum requirements those sentenced to forced labour must be entitled to during their imprisonment.which shall be the following -Beds or Stretchers to Sleep in. -Shelter from the elements. -6 hrs Rest a day. -18 hrs of forced labour per day max. -Food and Water -2 substantial meals per day (Breakfast and Dinner), 15 minute breaks per meal. -Tools to do the Labour -Access to Medical services -Bathing Facilities 06.04 On Prisoners of War; As defined by the requirements of those persons Captured as prisoners of war and the quality of life provided to them. 06.05.01 The Sovereign and the Council of Vikela have decided upon a list of minimum requirements those sentenced captured and judged Prisoners of war must be entitled to during their imprisonment: -Barracks and Bunks to sleep in. -Decent Bathroom facilities. -Decent Food and Water. -Meals a day (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner), 20 minutes break to eat each. -8 hrs rest a day. -Right to Not be Physically abused. -Right to be Ransomed back. -14hrs of labour a day MAX. -Tools for any labour required of them. -Access to Spiritual services. -Access to Medical Aid. -Release back to their Faction of Origin Upon the Conclusion of Hostilities 07. On Taxation and matters of the Interior 07.01 On Taxation; As defined by the collection of Currency from the common populus in order to maintain lands and salaries of the nation and its populus 07.01.01 Minor Tax Fraud (Class C) The act of unlawfully evading the payment of taxes of no more than 200 mina 07.01.02 Tax Fraud (Class B) The act of unlawfully evading the payment of taxes Totaling 201 mina or more Taxes must be paid as specified and failure to pay taxes on a property may result in eviction or seizure of the property and/or goods or services equating to the amount owed 07.01.03 Theft of funds (Class A) The Act of purposefully and maliciously taking of Money from any account, receptacle or payment of the Vikela people 07.01.04 All surplus taxes will be immediately deposited into the national treasury for future use by the Kingdom of Vikela. Else be prosecuted under Theft of Funds 07.01.05 Taxes will be levied at discretion of the Sovereign and its appointed government Officials 07.01.06 Taxes will be collected on a per property basis. 07.01.07 Raw Materials and goods may be used in place of Mina at discretion of the Sovereign or its Appointed Government Officials 07.01.08 Taxes will be collected by the Vikela Treasury whom shall provide clear and effective methods of payment failure to do so shall result in immunity to Minor Tax Fraud 07.02 Building Modification; defined as the unapproved construction or modifications to any building Owned by House de Astrea and modifications made to any building within Vikela. 07.02.01 Government Owned Building Modification (Class B) The unapproved changes to buildings owned by the government and run by citizens. (Ex. Library, Farms, Tavern, Infirmary, Temple, Guard posts) 07.02.02 House Modification (Class B) The unapproved changes or modifications to a citizens house. (Ex. Basements, Extra floors, Exits, Entrances, passages, layout changes) 08. On Vassals of Vikela 08.01 On Vassals; Those whom are deemed fit by the Sovereign to lead and govern a group of people 08.01.01 Vassals, Retainers and the Codex must follow all laws of this Codex within their own territories and shall not establish within their domains any laws that act in contrary to this Codex. 08.01.02 Vassals are entrusted by the King and/or Queen and the High Council of Vikela to govern their people and report any acts of sedition 08.01.03 Vassals are expected to levy taxes or manpower in times of dire need, at the discretion of the King and/or Queen and the High Council. 08.01.04 Vassals reserve the right for their designated leader to sit upon the High Council of Vikela. 08.01.05 Vassals reserve the right to pick their own leader in the manner they see fit without outside interference 08.01.06 Vassals status of Nobility may be revoked by their sovereign 09. On The Military of Vikela 09.01 The Military; The Guard force of Vikela constituted by a body established by this section known as The Order of the Boreal Forest or The Military of Vikela or The Military. 09.01.01 The Military of Vikela shall Consist of the following persons: The King/Queen of Vikela The Prince/Princess Consort The Heir Apparent The Minister of Warfare The Council of Warfare The Crystal Court Generals Sargents Ensigns Captains Masters at Arms Men at Arms Mercenaries on Contract with Vikela on an as needed basis. 09.01.02 Role of the Military of Vikela. The role of the Military is to serve House de Astrea and the peoples of Vikela and uphold the law so as to promote a safe, secure and orderly society. 09.01.03 The functions of The Military of Vikela include the following; -Preserving the peace -Protecting life and property -Preventing the commission of offenses; -Detecting and apprehending offenders; -Helping those in need of assistance -Defending House de Astrea and the de Astrean bloodline -Defending the Kingdom of Vikela 09.02 Rights afforded the to Military of Vikela; additional rights that are afforded to the Military of Vikela in order to pursue peace and order within the Sovereigns lands 09.02.01 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to bear and use any arms within the city and Kingdom of Vikela. 09.02.02 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to wear any armour within the city and Kingdom of Vikela 09.02.03 The Military of Vikela exclusively reserve the right to wear The Military of Vikela Uniform 09.02.04 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to search any citizen with consent or if they suspect the citizen has broken a law covered within the codex. 09.02.05 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to use lethal force in defense of House de Astrea, The Kingdom of Vikela, Kingdom of Vikela, themselves or others, and in upholding the laws of this codex without the fear of repercussions under the laws of this codex. 09.02.06 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to deny entrance into the city or Kingdom of Vikela to anyone bar the King and/or Kingdom and their agents and representatives. 09.02.07 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to remove from the city any individuals they deem mal-contents or see as a danger to House de Astrea or The Kingdom of Vikela. 09.02.08 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to levy fines for crimes committed in The Kingdom of Vikela, Kingdom of Vikela in accordance with the punishment class of the crime committed. 09.02.09 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to arrest any criminal or those suspected of committing a crime. 09.02.10 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to search any home suspected of affiliation with a criminal with a stewards or Ranger Officers permission. 09.02.11 The Military of Vikela are bestowed the right to enforce Vikela Law on behalf of the King and/or Queen and the High Council of Vikela acting as their agents and representatives throughout all of The Kingdom of Vikela, The Kingdom of Vikela and it's Vassals. 09.02.12 The Military of Vikela reserves the right to deny entry to any individual within reason. 09.02.13 The Military of Vikela found in breach of any of the laws they are tasked with enforcing as per this codex will find themselves charged at a level higher than what would be considered usual for the crime. (Ex, Class D becomes a Class B) 09.02.14 The Military of Vikela are granted all the rights normally granted to Citizens in addition to the rights outlined in this section of the codex.
  6. PROCEDIMIENTOS JUDICIALES The Judicial Process of the Viceroyalty of Hypsia Issued by the Office of the Justiciero 15th of FRANCISCO'S RESOLVE, 80 D.R. Procedimientos Judiciales [!] Court underway in the courthouse of Hyspia, where a defendant pleads their case. Judicial Proceedings Legal Practices and Ethics The Legal Practices and Ethics of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia have a complex and hierarchical system of governance and justice, based on a series of reciprocal rights and obligations between individuals, with the structure of the overseeings of judicial proceedings. The Rights and Duties of the Viceroy The rights and duties of the Viceroy are as follows: Preside over legal proceedings; ensure fairness; appoint the Gran Canciller and Justiceiro; maintain law and order; adjudicate disputes; protect his subjects regardless of their social status. The importance of the Viceroy is to ensure that justice is accessible to all. ---- The Rights and Duties of the Gran Canciller The rights and duties of the Gran Canciller are as follows: Act on behalf of the Viceroy in his absence; provide legal advice in accordance with the law; preside over trials in the absence of the Viceroy or Justiceiro; advise the Viceroy; uphold the law, ensuring fairness and justice and protection of the Viceroy’s interests. ---- The Rights and Duties of the Justiciero The Rights and duties of the Justiciero are as follows: Preside over trials by ensuring fair conduct in line with the law; interpret and apply the law; issue rulings; control court proceedings by ensuring fairness and impartiality; weigh and evaluate evidence; instruct lower judges; render judgments, sentencing, and remedies; record court proceedings; apply precedent and uphold the Law and the Viceroy’s interests. ---- Manorial Court of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia A manor court with a local judicial and administrative institution held by the Viceroy of Hyspia to settle disputes among the citizens of Hyspia. Decisions of this court are based on local customs and traditions, typically used with the purpose of local justices, land tenure and property matters, collecting dues and fees, administrative functions, enforcing customary law, mediating disputes and documenting trials. The Burden of Proof Burden of Proof is a fundamental principle in the legal system of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia, The Burden of Proof refers to the responsibility of a party in a legal dispute to provide sufficient evidence to establish their case. Different stands of Proof depend on the type of legal proceedings, detailed below. Civil and Criminal Cases apply to the Burden of Proof with different standards. In both criminal and civil cases, the plaintiff bears the burden of proving the defendant's guilt. In criminal cases, the prosecution must prove their case ‘beyond a reasonable doubt.’ This is the highest standard of proof in the legal system and means that the evidence must be so strong that there is no reasonable doubt about the defendant’s guilt. ‘Preponderance of the evidence’ is typically identified as the burden of proof. This means that the prosecutor must show that it is more likely than not that their claims are true. The evidence provided must be clear and convincing, especially so in cases of fraud or civil liberties. In cases of bigger crimes, this form of evidence may fall between the preponderance of the evidence and beyond a reasonable doubt standard, requiring a higher level of proof than standard civil burdens. The Legal Proceedings of Hyspia may employ legal presumptions that can affect the Burden of Proof. These are assumptions made by the court unless proven otherwise. The role of the Justiciero has a significant role in determining which party carries the Burden of Proof and instructing the Viceroy on the applicable standard of proof. The Justiciero’s responsibility is to evaluate the evidence presented and determine whether the Burden of Proof has been met. Consequences of failing to meet the Burden of Proof may be decided in favor of the opposing party. If requested, another trial may be presented or a Trial By Combat may be pleaded, but can be rejected by the Justiciero or Viceroy of Hyspia. Pre-Trial At the beginning of a trial, a case initiation will be instituted upon arrest or filed complaint of the accused. This will conduct a charging of the defendant and will initiate a lawsuit or prosecution. ---- The parties involved have the right to exchange pleadings. These documents outline the allegations and defenses in the case. ---- Both sides will engage in the discovery process, where they gather and exchange evidence. This will involve dispositions, interrogations, requests for documents, or other means of obtaining information. Other means may involve testing of darkspawn and other warrants of arrest from other cities. ---- Parties may file pre-trial motions to address legal issues or seek certain rulings from the court. These motions can include motions to dismiss, motions to limine or motions for summary judgment. ---- Parties often engage in settlement discussions or negotiations to resolve the case without going to trial. Settlement can occur at any time during the pretrial process. ---- Pre-trial conferences can be informal meetings between the presiding judge and the parties involved to discuss the status of the case. The judge may also address procedural matters and evidentiary issues. ---- Motions of Limine are requests that the judge exclude specific evidence from the trial, typically for legal or evidential reasons. ---- Preparing trial exhibits is not mandatory but is preferred for each party to prepare physical evidence, documents, and exhibits they intend to present at trial. These exhibits should be organized and labeled for easy reference during the trial. ---- Parties identify and prepare witnesses they plan to call at trial. Subpoenas may be issued to ensure the attendance of witnesses who may be reluctant to testify voluntarily. ---- Trial briefs will be conducted before the trial to help the presiding judge understand the case better. These will be outlining the legal and factual issues, arguments, and case law relevant to their positions. ---- Any unresolved pre-trial motions may be argued and decided by the Justiciero or Viceroy. Trial Opening Statements The plaintiff or prosecution will begin their opening statement that will be followed by the defense. During opening statements, each side provides an overview of their case and what they intend to prove. Presentation of Evidence The plaintiff of the prosecution presents their case by calling witnesses and introducing evidence. The evidence provided may include documents, exhibits, and witness testimonies. The defense has the opportunity to cross-examine the witness. Direct Examination The speaker presenting their case questions their own witnesses. The goal is to elicit information and testimony that supports their side of the case. Cross-Examination The opposing party’s speaker questions the witnesses called by the other side. The purpose is to challenge the witnesses’ credibility and the evidence presented. Rebuttal and Surrebuttal After the initial presentation of evidence, there may be a rebuttal phase where each side can call additional witnesses to respond to points made by the opposing side. Closing Arguments Once all the evidence has been presented, both parties make closing arguments. These must be summaries of the case and a final opportunity to persuade the judge or jury. The prosecution goes first, followed by the defense. Verdict Once the presiding judge reaches a verdict, a decision will be announced.. The verdict can be “guilty” or “not guilty.” This decision is based on the evidence presented and the law. If not enough substantial evidence is presented, a second trial or a request of a Trial by Combat may be put in motion. Post-Trial Motions After the verdict or decision, either party may file post-trial motions to challenge the outcome. These may include motions for a new trial or motions to set aside the verdict. Appeals Once the trial is over, either the prosecution or the defendant can appeal to the Viceroy, Justiciero, or Gran Canciller to take a second look at the trial. All citizens of Hyspia, and those prosecuted, are granted the privilege to Appeal. Appeals are not a new trial, and no new evidence can be submitted. Submitting Appeal To submit an Appeal for a trial, either the Prosecution or Defendant must submit a formal Letter of Appeal to the Viceroy, stating the reasoning for why an appeal should be heard. Those that submit appeals without proper grounds will be fined 50 mina. Preparing an Appellate Argument Before the actual in person oral Appeal, both the Prosecution and Defendant submit a written argument in which the sides lay out their side of the case. The Oral Argument After submitting the written arguments, the Viceroy, Gran Canciller, or Justiciero will summon both the Prosecution and Defendant to court, where the Appellate argument will begin. Both sides will plead their case. The Opinion of the Court A verdict will not be announced at the time of the oral argument. Rather, the Viceroy, Gran Canciller, and Justiciero will meet and vote on the outcome. The Viceroy or Gran Canciller will then write the formal opinion of the court, which can be published if the Viceroy sees it fit. If the vote is 2-1, the person in the minority of the vote may choose to write a dissenting opinion explaining their reasons for disagreeing. 5. The Verdict The Court of appeals, in their opinion, may: -Uphold, or affirm the decision of the Viceroy. -Reverse, or overturn the decision of the Viceroy. -Remand, or retry the case. 6. Closing. Once the Court of Appeals gives their verdict through their vote, the decision is final. Another Appeal cannot be made, and the decision of the Court of Appeals cannot be overruled. Sentencing A sentencing phase will occur where the Justiciero or Viceroy will determine the appropriate punishment. Type of Punishments will be the following determined based on the Justiciero or Viceroy. Corporal Punishment Capital Punishment Exile and Outlawry Mutilation Fines and Forfeiture Public Humiliation Imprisonment Trial By Combat Trial by Combat are only subjected if a trial has no proper verdict of the first trial. This may be requested in order to avoid a second trial; a judge or the Viceroy has a right to reject this request based on their own jurisdiction. Combatants will be a Champion chosen by the Viceroy or the prosecutor and the accused. A divine judgment based on the belief that GODAN would favor the innocent or just party and grand them victory in battle. A trial conducted in the presence of clergy and legal authorities, who would oversee the proceedings. Outcome will determine the guilt or innocence of the accused. If a combatant is incapacitated or yields, it is considered a judgment in favor of the opposing party. If both combatants are severely injured or killed, the case may be considered inconclusive and alternative legal methods may be employed. CON DIOS AVANZAMOS, HIS HIGHNESS, Cesar II de Pelear, Viceroy of Hyspia, Duke of Pacazu, Baron of Arenisca and Del’mar, Lord of Ladorada, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Gran Maestre of El Orden de Francisco, Protector of the Hyspian People, Protector of the Farfolk, Patriarch of House de Pelear HIS VICEROYAL EXCELLENCY, Sergio Harold Othaman, Gran Canciller de Hyspia, Lord Minister of His Highness’ Government HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado, Justiciero de Hyspia, Baron of Sevilla, Oficial de Imigracion
  7. Okarir'akaln Proposal for Wartime Laws (This proposal is released to establish a legal framework that clearly defines war crimes. This definition should include acts such as the deliberate targeting of civilians, torture, pillaging, destruction of cultural heritage, and the use of prohibited weapons.) In order to maintain a just and civilised society, it is imperative for a nation to enact policies and laws specifically addressing and prohibiting war crimes. These policies and laws will serve to protect the rights and dignity of individuals during times of armed conflicts. Adopting comprehensive policies and laws against war crimes is crucial for a nation to uphold justice, protect descendant rights, and maintain order during armed conflicts. By establishing clear guidelines, ensuring accountability, and actively prosecuting the perpetrators, such a nation can contribute to a safer and more compassionate world. As Mali'thill, it is up to us to set an example for all other beings, and thus it is even more imperative that we remain measured in how we treat enemy combatants and people even in war. This proposal is thus an attempt at spurring a collective effort at new laws and policies for protecting the weak and vulnerable. Here is a basic framework for policies and laws against war crimes for Haelun'or and its armed forces; written in consultation of the Okarir'Sil; 1. Accountability and Jurisdiction: Establish a dedicated court or tribunal responsible for prosecuting war crimes. Ensure that this court has the necessary authority, resources, and independence to carry out fair and impartial trials. Clearly define jurisdictional boundaries to ensure that all perpetrators, regardless of their status or affiliation, can be held accountable for their actions. The Tribunal must consist of the Okarir'sil and either a second Okarir or a Tilruir. Without either of these a Tribunal is not official in its completion. The accused individuals are brought before the tribunal for trial. They are provided with legal representation (or can represent themselves), and the proceedings adhere to fair trial standards; including the right to a defense, presentation of evidence, cross-examination of witnesses, and the right to appeal judgments (at the cost of appeal fees [100 Minas]). In the case that the Okarir'sil is to be held accountable via tribunal, the entire Silver Council must be present. 2. Prohibition of Targeting Civilians: The intentional targeting of civilians is a grave crime. This includes acts such as indiscriminate attacks, alchemical bombings or magical destruction of populated areas, and deliberate attacks on apothecaries, academies, and religious sites. Civilian lives must be protected at all costs. If granted asylum, Civilians are to be afforded Third Class Citizen rights under Article 33 of the Silver Constitution. 3. Protection of Prisoners of War: Prisoners should be treated with basic dignity and protected from harm until judgement. This includes provisions ensuring their physical integrity, fair treatment and access to medical assistance. Prohibit acts of torture, inhumane treatment, or any form of forced labor until either trial or an official ruling has taken place via the Okarir'sil. 4. Protection of Cultural Heritage: Safeguard cultural and historical sites, monuments, and artifacts during armed conflicts. Strictly prohibited is the intentional destruction, looting, or appropriation of cultural heritage. Measures to ensure the preservation and restoration of damaged or destroyed cultural property should be made where possible. 5. Prohibition of Prohibited Weapons: Identify and prohibit the use of weapons that cause unnecessary suffering or superfluous injury. Magic or alchemical attacks that create uncontrollable or widespread damage to the environment and indiscriminately target civilians are entirely prohibited; including but not limited to necromantic weapons, plagues and void tears. 6. Protection of Healers: Healers and care givers are to be provided with the necessary resources, safeguards, and legal immunity to carry out their duties without fear of persecution or harm. Healers and care givers lose their status if they actively fight, provide weapons or reasources to fight or actively contribute to the war effort on either side. 7. Protection against unjust raids: The seizure of supplies used for funding and supporting a war effort is expected; however the seizure of basic resources required to survive and the pillaging of personal property should be guarded against. Searching individuals on the roads for weaponry beyond that which is expected for personal protection, contraband such as Daemonsteel or ferrum is permitted and seizure is to be expected. Seizing minas/personal effects/tools, however, is prohibited unless the individual is proven to be an enemy combatant, not just an enemy civilian. Thank you for reading, I hope that this proposal leads to alterations and additions to our great Silver Constitution, for the betterment of our Kin across the continent, Signed Yera Silveira Okarir'Akaln of Haelun'or Founder of the Silver Merchant Sovereignty Consulted by Alexander Nightingale Okarir'Sil of Haelun'or
  8. THE SCROLL OF ROYAL LAW RHIM NÚMENDIL VI ANORHÎR Issued 20th The Grand Harvest, 131 SA. In the name of His Royal Majesty Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor SECTION I. Laws of State The following are those laws which outline the hierarchy of our Kingdom’s government, as well as the laws of inheritance and succession. I. The ruling monarch, hereafter referred to as ‘the Crown’ or ‘the White Throne’, shall hold full and unquestioned authority over the lands and titles of the Kingdom. II. The Crown shall have the authority to dictate, enforce and alter this code at their discretion. III. Those empowered by the Crown to enforce the law, including Knights, levies of the royal house, and others appointed to such authority by decree, shall be privileged to interpret and enforce the law as appropriate and necessary, and shall hold that privilege at the pleasure of the Crown. IV. Subjects of the White Throne shall be obligated to adhere to any and all royal decrees or taxes levies. V. The succession of the Kingdom shall be determined by appointment of the Crown. In such an event that the monarch is slain or becomes otherwise incapable of ruling without an appointed heir, the crown shall pass to the oldest trueborn child. VI. The recognized Houses of the realm shall have the right to dictate their own traditions of inheritance. However, should a dispute of inheritance threaten the peace, it may be settled at the Crown’s discretion. VII. No title held by an Adunian House or individual shall, in any circumstance other than Royal assent, pass to one not of Adunic blood. SECTION II. Laws of the Crown Listed hereafter are those laws which shall dictate the honorable conduct to which subjects of and visitors to our Kingdom are to hold themselves. I. For a subject to act to our Kingdom’s detriment in any way, be that by the raising of arms or the aiding of Her enemies, shall be considered Treason. II. To practice or to affiliate knowingly with those who practice the Dark Arts is strictly forbidden, and shall be considered the crime of Unholiness. III. No individual shall willfully slay another outside of defense of self or others, and to do so shall be considered Murder. IV. No person shall willfully do harm to another outside of defense of self or others, and to do so shall be considered Assault. V. To make use of any magic in a manner which is harmful to the Crown’s properties or to others, or in a way that is counter to the decrees of the Crown, shall be considered the crime of Sorcery. VI. To deprive or dispossess another of their rightfully owned property or goods shall be considered Theft. VII. To damage the properties of the Crown shall be considered Vandalism. VIII. To publicly encourage the practice of Pagan faiths, or to cast insult upon our Lord GOD Almighty shall be considered Blasphemy. IX. To damage properties of the Church, or to dishonor icons of the Exalted or the Saints shall be considered Sacrilege. X. Should one accused of a crime so desire, they may request trial by combat or to appeal to the Crown for royal trial. Those known for fact to be guilty do not receive this privilege.
  9. The Royal Codex of the Kingdom of Balian Volume I: Lex Criminalis and Processus Iudicialis Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION I. General Provisions II. Exordium On Royal Authority III. Excerpt Upon the Rights of Man LEX CRIMINALIS Article I - On Definitions Article II - On Injury against the Person Article III - On Injury against Property Article IV - On Injury against the State Article V - On Injury against Morality Article VI - On Injury against Order Article VII - On Inchoate Offenses Article VIII - On Legal Classifications PROCESSUS IUDICIALIS Article I - On Summoning the Court Article II - On Trial upon Arrest Article III - On Legal Procedure Article IV - On Fines Article V - On Physical Punishment Article VI - On Exiles Article VII - On Death Sentences Article VIII - On Prisoners of War Article IX - On Military Criminals Article X - On Peer Criminals Article XI - On Trials of Treason Article XII - On Defense Article XIII - On Repeat Offenders INTRODUCTION General Provisions The Kingdom of Balian: The country in which these laws apply. Constitutes all lands and titles held by the Monarch of Balian and his Vassals. King (or Queen) of Balian: The Reigning Monarch of the Kingdom of Balian. The Crown: The sovereign of the Kingdom of Balian, which controls the Company of Balian and the Balian Peerage and rules under the direction and advice of the Duana. The Royal Codex (TRC): The tomes that shall together cover all laws of the Kingdom of Balian. This First Volume, Lex Criminalis and Processus Iudicialis, shall cover Criminal Law and Judicial Procedures. The Second Volume, Lex Civilis, shall cover Civil Law. The Amiratus: The Amiratus is the chief minister of the Kingdom and is responsible for the proper maintenance and governance of the realm. He wields penultimate authority and is charged with preserving the coronet by all means possible, including in matters of succession. Thus he may also serve as a magistrate in all trials, along with the King and Magister. The Duana: The various stately offices of the Kingdom of Balian, they are comprised of the Amiratus, the Legate, the Censor, the Magister, the Constable, and the Procurator. Their roles are to complete the jobs set out for them in their titles, and to advise the Kingdom on all matters deemed to be necessary by His Royal Majesty. Balian Peerage: The lettered nobility of the Kingdom of Balian. The Magisterium: The Judicial branch of the Balian Government, composed of the Magister, Kritai, Quaestors, Lawyers, and Court Scribes. Exordium On Royal Authority Excerpt Upon the Nature of Royal Authority It is the crown of piety that adorns the King above all other ornaments of kingship. Wealth vanishes; glory perishes, but the gift of God-given government is eternal, and it sets its possessors beyond the reach of oblivion. By the hand of Holy Pontiffs, the King is bestowed a dignity beyond all honors, for it is a dignity bestowed by God. His soul is rendered pure upon ascent and thenceforth reflects the state of his dominions; if sallow be his domain, his spirit languishes in its equal. He weighs the sins of men, and is thus burdened to toil towards a realm kin to the heavens. By the nature of his body, the King is alike to other men--but by his authority, he is above all others, and no man can claim greater jurisdiction. The Royal Office is that of the Lord’s vice-regent in this world, and is wholly unbound by common or temporal law. He is inalienable and indomitable, as he must be so as to govern justly and fairly. In receiving this dignity, the King is compelled to emulate He who granted it, for though all men serve him, he is servant to God. Earthly pomp degrades the majesty of his office, as does wickedness and laxity. To afford wisdom and mercy akin to the Lord’s is the King’s greatest faculty; he is credited with greater capacity than any other to work justice. Yet no man is his judge, and God his only confessor. The King is eminent in all things; he is above the sun that retreats before darkness, and the seas which accede to the ravings of the stars. He is greater than the winds which toss without abandon, and the earth that lays indolent still despite calamity. The King of Balian manifest: successor to its prophets and master to the world, the sovereign of all humanity who provides that esteemed folk with just governance. - Prince-Father Charles Polycarp, Metropolitan of Felsen, 1527 Excerpt Upon the Rights of Man Humanity, created by God in the image of His Prophets, is bestowed upon through His Divine Power the guaranteed, inalienable rights of Man, held above all law and rule. Through the power of the Royal Crown, they are enforced and protected immaculate and indefinite, only transgressed by committing a mortal sin. The Rights of Man include; ● THE RIGHT TO LIFE, so no man will ever be taken to the Skies so soon. ● THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY, so no man will ever be bonded by the shackles of slavery. ● THE RIGHT TO TRIAL, so no man accused of a crime shall be subject to punishment or penalty without first having been judged so by a jury of his peers; having been allowed fair and proper representation; and to always be presumed innocent until proven guilty. These rights are the backbone of human liberty and law, preventing the slip of chaos as seen in time immemorial, acting as a shield before the dark arrows of tyranny and selfish ambition. All sons of the First Prophet, no matter of blood, language, or culture, carry upon them these golden laurels of freedom, through right of birth and sapienic kinship. - Joseph I, 1718 LEX CRIMINALIS Article I - On Definitions Art. I.01 - The activity of the Lex Criminalis is to elucidate our wishes for the dispensation of justice within our realm. At our charge, its precepts are enacted, and in our absence, they shall service the state in contending against iniquity. We thus commit our servants to see to its righteous execution, in accordance with the three principles of law: to live virtuously, to trespass no one, and to give each his due. Art. I.02 - Thus we consider all crime to be an injury against one of the five following areas: the individual, property, the state, morality, or public order. Additionally, the seventh chapter concerns inchoate offenses, and the eighth legal defenses for the mitigation of punishment. Art. I.03 - Of the offenses enumerated herein, each is classified according to its degree, upon which culpability and just punishment shall be evaluated. The applicable sanction for each crime and degree of injury are recorded within Title I. These degrees are: Art. I.03A - Infractions, of least severity, include the appropriated sentences: monetary fine up to two hundred and fifty mina, disbarring from public office for up to two annum, confinement to prison for up to two annum, banishment up to two annum, conscription up to five annum, designated service to faith up to five annum, flogging up to fifteen lashes, birching up to fifteen lashes, pillory up to one hour, branding by hot iron on the chest or buttocks. Art. I.03B - Misdemeanors, of middling severity, include the appropriated sentences: monetary fine up to five-hundred mina, disbarring from public office for up to ten annum, confinement to prison for up to ten annum, banishment up to ten annum, conscription up to twenty annum, designated service to faith up to twenty annum, flogging up to thirty lashes, birching up to thirty lashes, pillory up to three hours, branding by hot iron on a limb, chest, or buttocks. Art. I.03C - Felonies, of great severity, include the appropriated sentences: monetary fine of up to a thousand mina, disbarring from public office for up to a lifetime, confinement to prison for up to a lifetime, banishment up to a lifetime, conscription up to a lifetime, designated service to faith up to a lifetime, flogging up to sixty lashes, birching up to sixty lashes, pillory up to three hours, branding by hot iron on a limb, chest, buttocks, or face, removal of the hand, tongue, or a number of fingers, execution by hanging or beheading. Art. I.03D - Treason, of intolerable severity, includes the appropriate sentences: execution by hanging or beheading, execution by crossbow or arbalest if the offender is an enlisted soldier. Art. I.04 - In disputes between nobles, knights, or squires, where the primary harm is against the honor or character of the defendant (Art. II.08A, Art. II.08B, Art. II.08C, Art, III.06A, Art. III.09A, Art. V.01A, Art. V.02A, and Art. V.03A), a trial may be forgone if both parties agree to a duel, with clearly defined terms which must be mutually agreed to without duress or pressure upon either party. In the case of the defendant winning the duel, the charges are to be dropped. In the case of the defendant losing the duel, they are to be sentenced by the court with punishments in line with the severity of the crime committed. Art. I.05 - Retroaction of All laws, unless otherwise stated, take effect on the moment of ascent and do not apply retroactively to previous time periods. Laws which act retroactively must state such in an ex post facto clause. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article 2 - On Injury Against the Person Art. II.01 - On Assault II.01A - Where an individual intentionally makes an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another, this shall be Assault, a misdemeanor. Art. II.02 - On Battery II.02A - Where an individual intentionally commits upon another an unlawful act of violence which brings about lasting but not permanent injury, incapacitates for any length of time, or utilizes a dangerous weapon, this shall be Battery, a misdemeanor. II.02B - Where an individual unintentionally physically harms a member of the Royal House or Duana, this shall be Harmed Majesty, a felony. II.02C - Where an individual intentionally physically harms a member of the Royal House or Duana, this shall be Harmed Majesty, and charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. II.03 - On Manslaughter II.03A - Where an individual brings about the death of another without malice or intent through an accident or an act of recklessness or negligence, this shall be Involuntary Manslaughter, a felony. II.03B - Where an individual brings about the death of another without malice upon a sudden quarrel or heat of passion, this shall be Voluntary Manslaughter, a felony. II.03C - Where an individual kills a member of the Royal House or Duana without malice, this shall be the crime of Killing of a Government Official, and charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. II.04 - On Murder II.04A - Where an individual intentionally commits such an act of violence upon another which brings about their death with premeditation, this shall be Murder of the First Degree, a felony. II.04B - Where an individual intentionally commits such an act of violence upon another which brings about their death without premeditation, this shall be Murder of the Second Degree, a felony. II.04C - Where an individual murders a member of the Royal House or Duana, with or without premeditation, this shall be the crime of Murder of a Government Official, and charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. II.05 - On Mayhem II.05A - Where an individual intentionally or negligently commits such an act as to bring about the dismemberment of another, the destruction of an eye or other irreparable loss of an appendage or organ, this shall be Mayhem, a felony. II.05B - Where an individual imposes, threatens, or engages in the clipping of ears, this shall be Shearing, a felony. Art. II.06 - On Kidnapping II.06A - Where an individual intentionally abducts, restrains, or confines another individual against their will without physical harm or endangerment of the victim, this shall be Kidnapping, a misdemeanor. II.06B - Where an individual intentionally abducts, restrains, or confines another individual against their will, and in the course of this brings about physical harm or endangerment of the victim, this shall be Kidnapping, a felony. II.06B - Where an individual intentionally abducts, restrains, or confines a member of the Royal House or Duana against their will, with or without threat of harm or endangerment, this shall be Kidnapping of a Government Official, with the penalty of Treason. Art. II.07 - On Hostages II.07A - Where an individual who commits the offense of kidnapping, as defined in Art. II.06, against a person for the purposes of protection from arrest, which substantially increases harm to the victim, this shall be Hostage Taking, a felony. Art. II.08 - On Defamation II.08A - Where an individual disseminates false information about an individual, with intent to harm the reputation of that individual, through speaking in a private setting or limited manner, this shall be Slander, an infraction. II.08B - Where an individual disseminates false information about an individual, with intent to harm the reputation of that individual, through speaking in a public space or widespread manner, this shall be Slander, a misdemeanor. II.08C - Where an individual disseminates false information about an individual, with intent to harm the reputation of that individual, through the distribution of printed materials, this shall be Libel, a misdemeanor. II.08D - Where an individual intentionally and deliberately defames a member of the Royal House or Duana, or the Royal House or Duana as a whole, this shall be Injured Majesty, a felony. Art. II.09 - On Impersonation II.09A - Where an individual intentionally assumes the identity of another individual for any purpose except the carrying out of high treason, this shall be impersonation, an infraction. II.09B - Where an individual intentionally assumes the identity of another individual in order to carry out high treason, this shall be impersonation, charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. II.010 - On Torture and Cruel and Unusual Punishment II.010A - Where an individual intentionally afflicts another with injury for revenge or coercion of one party to another, this shall be Torture, a felony. II.010B - Where an individual sustains the imprisonment of an individual who is below the age of majority, this shall be the Imprisonment of a Minor, a misdemeanor. II.010C - Uses of torture and enhanced interrogation may only be employed with an expressly written and signed writ from a Royal Magistrate in a court of law. The provision of this amendment and due process for the permission of torture by a court of law shall be waived for those deemed as enemy combatants of the Kingdom of Balian. Art. II.011 - On Malpractice II.011A - Where an individual knowingly mistreats or denies necessary care to a patient to a point of great damage, this shall be defined as Malpractice, a misdemeanor. II.011B - If an individual knowingly mistreats or denies necessary care to a patient to the point of death, this shall be treated as Murder in the First Degree, a felony. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article III - On Injury Against Property Art. III.01 - On Theft and Larceny III.01A - Where an individual intentionally deprives another of moveable property without the consent of its owner, and this property totals less than fifty minas in value, this shall be Petty Theft, an infraction. III.01B - Where an individual intentionally deprives another of moveable property without the consent of its owner, and this property totals greater than fifty minas but less than five hundred minas in value, this shall be Larceny, a misdemeanor. III.01C - Where an individual intentionally deprives another of moveable property without the consent of its owner, and this property totals greater than five hundred minas in value, this shall be Grand Larceny, a felony. III.01D - Where an individual intentionally deprives a member of the Royal Family, a Noble House of the Peerage, or a member of the Duana of moveable property without the consent of its owner, or steals state-owned property, and this property is of little monetary, sentimental, governmental, or historical value, this shall be Larceny against a Government Official, a felony. III.01E - Where an individual intentionally deprives a member of the Royal Family, a Noble House of the Peerage, or a member of the Duana of moveable property without the consent of its owner, or steals state-owned property, and this property is of significant monetary, sentimental, governmental, or historical value, this shall be Grand Larceny against a Government Official, a crime of Treason. Art. III.02 - On Burglary III.02A - Where an individual unlawfully enters an uninhabited property this shall be Petty Burglary, a misdemeanor. III.02B - Where an individual unlawfully enters an inhabited property, this shall be Burglary, a felony. III.02C - Where an individual unlawfully enters the restricted or private property of a member of the Royal Family, a Noble House of the Peerage, a Duana Member, or of the Government, this shall be Burglary of Government Property, a crime of Treason. Art. III.03 - On Possession of Burglary Tools III.03A - Where an individual is in possession of any tool, explosive or any other device commonly used in the commission of a burglary, theft or other crime with the intent to make use thereof in commission of a crime, this shall be Possession of Burglary Tools, an infraction. Art. III.04 - On Robbery III.04A - Where an individual intentionally deprives an owner of his moveable property through violence or threat of violence, this shall be Robbery, a felony. III.04B - Where an individual intentionally deprives a member of the Royal Family, a Noble House of the Peerage, or the Duana of his moveable property through violence or threat of violence, this shall be Robbery of a Government Official, a crime of Treason. Art. III.05 - On Forgery III.05A - Where an individual, with the intent to defraud, knowing that he or she has no authority to do so, signs the name of another person or of a fictitious person, this shall be Forgery, an infraction. Art. III.06 - On Vandalism III.06A - Where an individual intentionally or negligently damaged or defaced the property of another, and this damage is of small or moderate amounts, this shall be Vandalism in the Second Degree, an infraction. III.06B - Where an individual intentionally or negligently damaged or defaced the property of another, and this damage is of great amounts, this shall be Vandalism in the First Degree, a misdemeanor. Art. III.07 - On Arson III.07A - Where an individual negligently damages or defaces the property of another through fire, this shall be Arson in the Second Degree, an misdemeanor. III.07B - Where an individual intentionally damages or defaces the property of another through fire, this shall be Arson in the First Degree, a felony. Art. III.08 - On Trespassing III.08A - Where an individual refuses to leave another’s property, or returns to a property they’ve been barred from, this shall be Trespassing, an infraction. III.08B - Where an individual refuses to leave the private property of a member of the Royal Family, a Noble House of the Peerage, a Duana Member, or a restricted part of a Government property, or returns to such a property that they’ve been barred from, this shall be Trespassing on Government Property, a felony. Art. III.09 - On Bad Debt III.09A - Where an individual fails to resolve a relatively small or moderate debt to another individual in a reasonable amount of time, this shall be Bad Debt in the Second Degree, a misdemeanor. III.09B - Where an individual fails to resolve a relatively large debt to another individual in a reasonable amount of time, this shall be Bad Debt in the First Degree, a felony. III.09C - Before convicting an individual of Bad Debt, a court should look to seize an individual's assets. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article IV - On Injury Against the State Art. IV.01 - On Treason and Sedition IV.01A - Where an individual commits acts with the intent to compromise the integrity of the Crown and its constituent institutions by waging insurrection and seeking the destruction of the Royal State by impugning the character and person of the Crown through subversive means such as collusion with enemy entities and actors against the State, this shall be the crime of Treason. IV.01B - Where an individual commits acts with the intent to compromise the integrity of the Crown and its constituent institutions by waging insurrection, committing acts of violence, or raising flag in rebellion against the Royal State, this shall be the crime of Treason. IV.01C - Where an individual intentionally distributes writings that incite people to rise in insurrection, commit acts of violence or raise their flags against the Crown or encourage others through speech to rise in insurrection, commit acts of violence or raise their flags against the Crown, this shall be be the crime of Treason. Art. IV.02 - On Contraband IV.02A - Where an individual knowingly possesses illegal substances, literature, or items, this shall be the crime of Contraband, an infraction. IV.02B - Where an individual knowingly sells, markets, purchases, or transfers ownership of illegal substances, literature, or items, this shall be the crime of Contraband, a misdemeanor. IV.02C - Where an individual knowingly manufactures illegal substances, literature, or items, this shall be the crime of Contraband, a felony. Art. IV.03 - On Obstruction IV.03A - Where an individual interferes with, obstructs the progress of, or otherwise hinders government officials and prosecutors during the apprehension or investigation of a criminal or criminal activity, this shall be the crime of Obstruction, an infraction. Art. IV.04 - On Absconding IV.04A - Where an individual fails or intentionally avoids surrendering oneself to the custody of Royal officials at the appropriate time, this shall be the crime of Absconding, and in the case of the awaiting trial immediately confirms guilt, dismissing the need for lawful hearing. Art. IV.05 - On Bribery IV.05A - Where an individual persuades or attempts to persuade any judicial officer, juror, referee, arbitrator, public official, government official, or any person who may be authorized by the law to hear or determine any question or controversy, with the intent to influence their vote, opinion or decision with a monetary gift, this shall be Bribery, a misdemeanor. IV.05B - Where an judicial officer, juror, referee, arbitrator, public official, government official, or any person who may be authorized by the law to hear or determine any question or controversy accepts or attempts to accept a monetary gift, for the intent of influencing their vote, opinion or decision, this shall be Bribery, a felony. Art. IV.06 - On Extortion IV.06A - Where an individual obtains money, titles, or other property from another with his or her consent, or the obtaining of an official act from a public office, induced by a wrongful use of force or fear, this shall be Extortion, a misdemeanor. Art. IV.07 - On Perjury IV.07A - Where an individual intentionally misleads, deceives, or withholds pertinent information from an interrogating agent of the law during the course of a criminal or civil trial, this shall be Perjury, a felony. IV.07B - Where an individual intentionally misleads, deceives, or withholds pertinent information from an interrogating agent of the law during the course of a trial of treason, this shall be Perjury, charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. IV.08 - On Fraud IV.08A - Where an individual intentionally or negligently fails to abide by the terms of a written or verbal contract, misleads regarding its terms, or provides insufficient consideration for its completion, to the detriment of another, and this detriment is of small or moderate amounts, this shall be Fraud, an infraction. IV.08B - Where an individual intentionally or negligently fails to abide by the terms of a written or verbal contract, misleads regarding its terms, or provides insufficient consideration for its completion, to the detriment of another, and this detriment is of great amounts, this shall be Fraud, a misdemeanor. Art. IV.09 - On Embezzlement IV.09A - When a government official intentionally or negligently, steals, withholds, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the Balianian Kingdom, this shall be Embezzlement, charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. IV.010 - On Unauthorized Military Organizations IV.010A - When an individual intentionally or negligently operates as a part of an organization that meets the definition of a private military organization and is operating under an expired authorization, this shall be an Unauthorized Military Organization in the Second Degree, an infraction. IV.010B - When an individual intentionally or negligently operates as a part of an organization that meets the definition of a private military organization and has not received proper authorization, this shall be an Unauthorized Military Organization in the First Degree, a misdemeanor. Art. IV.011 - On Disobedience IV.011A - Where an individual refuses to appear before the Royal Diet after being summoned by one of its chambers, this shall be the crime of disobedience, an infraction. IV.011B - Where an individual refuses to appear before the Royal Courts after being summoned by its presiding Justice, this shall be the crime of Petty Disobedience, an infraction. IV.011C - Where an agent of the law refuses to enforce a ruling, writ or order of the Royal Courts, this shall be the crime of Disobedience, a misdemeanor. IV.011D - Where an individual refuses a direct order of a member of the Royal Family or Duana, this shall be the crime of Disobedience, a felony. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article V - On Injury against Morality Art. V.01 - On Indecency V.01A - Where an individual intentionally and deliberately dresses in an immoral or obscene fashion, usually in a sexual manner, this shall be the crime of Indecency, an infraction. Art. V.02 - On Deviancy V.02A - Where an individual intentionally acts in unusual or unaccepted standards, especially in social or political behavior, this shall be the crime of Deviancy, an infraction. Art. V.03 - On Obscene Materials V.03A - Where an individual possesses materials that are determined to be obscene to a reasonable person, this shall be the crime of Obscene Materials, an infraction. Art. V.04 - On Fornication V.04A - Where an unmarried individual intentionally fornicates another individual in a public or private location, this shall be the crime of Fornication, an infraction. Art. V.05 - On Adultery V.05A - Where a married individual intentionally fornicates with another who is not the spouse, this shall be the crime of Adultery, a misdemeanor. Art. V.06 - On Consanguinity V.06A - Where an individual intentionally fornicates or has an immoral relationship with one’s close family, such as with father, with mother, with siblings, with aunts, with uncles, with nieces or nephews, with close cousins, or with offspring, this shall be the crime of Consanguinity, a misdemeanor. V.06B - Where the Consanguineous parties are married under the Church of Canon, then a annulment of that marriage may be sought from them by the Magisterium. If the parties entered a civil union under the Kingdom of Balian, then that civil union can be nullified in addition to any other punishments for the consanguinity, as it is invalid per Lex Civilis Art. I.04H and I.04I. Art. V.07 - On Devilry V.07A - Where an individual intentionally and actively participates in the worship of demons and devils, evangelizes the worship of demons and devils, or encourages the growth of demonic cults, this shall be the crime of Devilry, a felony. Art. V.08 - On Dark Magics V.08A - Where an individual intentionally partakes or practices Necromancy, Mysticism, or Blood Magic, this shall be the crime of Dark Magic, a felony. V.08B - Where an individual is found to have become a Vampire, Azdrazi, Herald, Undead, Naztherak, or other Dark Creature or Entity, and who refuses any possible cure to their affliction, this shall be the crime of Dark Magic, a felony. V.08C - Where an individual is found to be intentionally and knowingly harboring, hiding, or aiding Dark Mages or Creatures, this shall be the crime of Aiding in Dark Magic, a felony. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VI - On Injury against Order Art. VI.01 - On Vagrancy VI.01A - Where an individual intentionally lives the life of a vagrant, participating in improper begging, and illegally staying in residences and towns, this shall be the crime of Vagrancy, a misdemeanor. Art. VI.02 - On Concealment of Identity VI.02A - Where an individual intentionally conceals or hides one's identity to an agent of the law, this shall be the crime of Concealment of Identity, an infraction. Art. VI.03 - On Vigilantism VI.03A - Where an individual intentionally apprehends, convicts, or punishes another individual of a crime but is not an agent of the law or given permission by the Royal Office, this shall be the crime of Vigilantism, a felony. Art. VI.04 - On Disturbing the Peace VI.04A - Where an individual intentionally and deliberately hinders or interrupts the common peace by embellished performance or immoral behavior, this shall be the crime of Disturbing the Peace, a misdemeanor. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VII - On Inchoate Offenses Art. VII.01 - On Criminal Organizations and Entities VII.01A - Where an individual of a criminal organization, or entity, has been convicted of a minimum of two offenses within the following tables of the TRC; Article II, Article III, Article IV, Article V, Article VI, or Treason. In which scenario any executive legal bodies of the Kingdom may enact the following law to further arrest, investigate and prosecute any individuals of the associated organization or entity, and is subject to the same class of punishment of the crime committed by the instigator. VII.01B - Where an individual of a criminal organization, or entity, has been convicted of a minimum of two offenses within the following tables of the TRC; Article II, Article III, Article IV, Article V, Article VI, or Treason. In which scenario any executive legal bodies of the Kingdom may enact the following law to further cease and withhold any assets belonging to the specified criminal organization or entity. Art. VII.02 - On Crime by Association VII.02A - Where an individual is directly associated with any convicted criminal, wherein evidence provided suggests cooperation between the convicted criminal and the individual, this shall be crime by association, and is subject to the same class of punishment of the crime of which the individual is associated with. VII.02B - In which scenario any executive legal bodies of the Kingdom may enact the following law to further arrest, investigate and prosecute any individuals of the associated organization or entity, and is subject to the same class of punishment of the crime committed by the instigator. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VIII - On Legal Classifications Art. VIII.01 - On Conspiracy - Where an individual knowingly signals intent to commit a crime at a future time, this shall be the crime of conspiracy, and is subject to the same class of punishment of the crime which conspiracy is caused for. Art. VIII.02 - On Incitement - Where an individual intentionally incites or encourages another individual into committing a crime, this shall be the crime of incitement, and is subject to the same class of punishment of the crime which incitement is caused for. Art. VIII.03 - On Attempt - Where an individual actively attempts, but fails to commit, a crime, the individual shall be held liable with a mitigated punishment according to the crime which was attempted. Art. VIII.04 - On Inadmissible Evidence - Where an individual accuses another of a crime where evidence was obtained through criminal means, the individual accused is not held liable. Art. VIII.05 - To a willing person, it is not a crime - Where an individual consents or actively places oneself in a position of harm or danger, that individual may not bring a claim against another party in tort or delict. Art. VIII.06 - In Equal Fault - Where the individual held liable for a crime and the party convicting the individual for a crime is deemed both at fault, whether for the same crime or similar, both the individual and the convicting party shall not be held liable. Art. VIII.07 - On Duress - Where an individual commits a crime intentionally, but under reasonably proximate threat of force equal to or less than the severity of the crime committed, that individual shall not be held liable. Rather, the individual responsible for the threat shall be held liable. Art. VIII.08 - On Entrapment - Where an individual is encouraged or compelled by an agent of the law to commit a crime they otherwise would not have intended to commit, that individual shall not be held liable. Art. VIII.09 - On Infancy - Where an individual is below the age of twelve years and commits a lesser crime, that individual shall not be held liable. If the individual commits a greater crime, the individual shall be held liable with mitigated punishment or lesser conviction. Art. VIII.10 - On Necessity - Where an individual is compelled by circumstances beyond their control, as a last resort, to commit a crime in order to prevent a more injurious outcome, that individual shall not be held liable. Art. VIII.11 - On Provocation - Where an individual is invoked or compelled by another individual to act with a sudden or temporary loss of self control and commits a crime as a response, the individual shall be held liable with mitigated punishment or lesser conviction. Art. VIII.12 - On Incapability - Where an individual is physically or mentally unable to meet the requirements given by law for punishment or conviction, the individual shall not be held liable. Art. VIII.13 - On Immunity - Where an agent of the law, in the course of their duties and acting within the bounds assigned to them, is compelled to commit a violation of the law, that agent shall not be held liable. PROCESSUS IUDICIALIS Article I - On Summoning the Court PI. I.01 - The Quaestor on the case, the intended Plaintiff, or the Claimant of a civil case, will send a letter to the Magister or make them aware of the case and their intent to pursue it legally. PI. I.02 - The Magister will review the letter and either approve or deny the case. PI. I.03 - If approved, the Magister will nominate a Kritai to oversee the trial and letters will be sent to all involved with the case at hand in order to summon them to court. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article II - On Trial upon Arrest PI. II.01 - Should it be deemed necessary, a recently arrested criminal may be immediately taken to court for a trial. PI. II.02 - This should be approved by The Magister before occurring, but if necessary, can be skipped over. PI. II.03 - Any available Kritai will oversee this case and any Quaestor or Lawyer will prosecute, after being given the information. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article III - On Legal Procedure PI. III.01 - At the start of a trial, all shall rise for the Kritai before they take a seat, officially beginning court. PI. III.02 - The prosecution will make an opening statement summing up their side of the case within a paragraph, followed by the defendant also making an opening statement summing up their side of the case within a paragraph. PI. III.03 - The prosecution will then make 1-3 points, using evidence as a point of proof for their case. They should keep their points concise and to the point less they be cut off by the Kritai, should they believe it necessary. PI. III.04 - The defense will then make their own 1-3 points, using their own evidence, or rebuttal any points made by the prosecution. They also should keep their points concise, less they be cut off by the Kritai. PI. III.05 - Both sides will then make their closing statements, which should again be paragraph sized, the prosecution first and then the defence. PI. III.06 - The Judge will finally render a verdict after hearing both closing statements, and then the punishment will be carried out by the Company of Balian. PI. III.07 - Objections are not to be allowed under any circumstances, as the Kritai will take into account anything they believe to be untoward. PI. III.08 - All trials should be documented for future reference by a scribe. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article IV - On Fines PI. IV.01 - A fine may be given out by a NCO of the Company of Balian or above, or a Kritai on the spot, as long as the crime committed warrants a fine of under 500 mina. PI. IV.02 - All fines must be given to The Magister, who will subsequently hand the money over to The Procurator. PI. IV.03 - If unable to pay the fine, a person will receive either an exile or physical punishment, as decided by a Kritai. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article V - On Physical Punishment PI. V.01 - A crime may be punished with a physical punishment e.g. removal of a hand. If this is decided upon, then said punishment will be carried out in a humane manner. PI. V.02 - The body part will be removed with a swift swing of a blade, it will then immediately be cauterized by fire, or any other medical procedure should a doctor be present to administer it. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VI - On Exiles PI. VI.01 - If a person is punished with exile, they will be given a Saint’s day to remove their belongings from the city before they are placed in exile. PI. VI.02 - Following this a sketch should be made of the person. This sketch and their name will be posted in the gatehouse, for any guard to see should the person try to return. PI. VI.03 - Should they return before their exile is over, they may be subject to further punishment, should it be a longer exile, fine or physical punishment. PI. VI.04 - Exile may be appealed, if this is the case, the person punished should send a letter to The Magister, who will then review the case and determine the course of action from there. PI. VI.05 - A letter shall be sent to the exiled individual once their period of exile is over, notifying them that they are free to return should they please. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VII - On Death Sentences PI. VII.01 - Should a person be sentenced to death, their death will be dealt with in a humane manner. PI. VII.02 - The punished may call for their last rites, as afforded to them by the canonist church, should they be a canonist. PI. VII.03 - When it comes time for the criminal to be killed, their head should be placed on a block, for them to be beheaded. PI. VII.04 - Customarily, it is the Kritai who should swing the sword killing the criminal, however this can be waived should a Kritai not be present. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VIII - On Prisoners of War PI. VIII.01 - Should an enemy be captured in war, their fate may be decided by The Magister, a Kritai or any officer of the Company of Balian, with a trial being overlooked due to the circumstances. PI. VIII.02 - Should there be a disagreement about how to handle this situation, the view of The Magister or Kritai will supersede the military officials. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article IX - On Military Criminals PI. IX.01 - If a member of The Company of Balian commits an offense that is not a higher assault, mutilation, murder or treason, they will be afforded a court martial, which the captain will oversee. PI. IX.02 - If a member of The Company of Balian commits an offense that is not a higher assault, mutilation, murder or treason, they will receive a Magisterium investigation and a subsequent trial. PI. IX.03 - If a member of The Company of Balian is found to have abused their powers to fine lower crimes or pass judgment in war time situations, they will receive a Magisterium investigation and a subsequent trial, potentially resulting in dishonorable discharge or another punishment. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article X - On Peer Criminals PI. X.01 - If a Peer commits an offense, once they have been investigated by the Magisterium, they will be trialed only by The Magister, The Amiratus, or The Reigning Monarch. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article XI - On Trials of Treason PI. XI.01 - A trial concerning the act of treason will only ever be trialed by The Magister, The Amiratus, or The Reigning Monarch. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article XII - On Defence PI. XII.01 - A defendant may call for their own lawyer to defend them in court should they want to. PI. XII.02 - If the lawyer doesn’t arrive within 30 Saint’s minutes, the court will not allow for the defence to have a lawyer and the defendant must defend themselves. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article XIII - On Repeat Offenders PI. XIII.01 - A criminal who has before been found guilty of a crime, will have their punishment increased. E.g a 400 mina fine would become a 600 mina fine. PI. XIII.02 - Should a criminal who commits low level crimes (Those who receive punishments under 500 mina) repeat their offenses, they will not be fined on the spot and subsequently be sent to trial. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Robert Joseph de Lyons, Magister of the Kingdom of Balian
  10. Addendum to the Land Settlement Act of 25 BA 1st of Sun’s Smile in the Year of Our Lord 48 of Balian’s Age BA. [!] Land Settlement Act of 25 BA here INTRODUCTION: It pleases the Crown of Balian to announce that an addendum is being added to that of the ‘The Land Settlement Act of 25 BA’, furthering the depth of what is offered and expanding upon the application process. As referred to in the missive, ‘The Land Settlement Act of 25 BA’, section II, on Land for Commoners, subsection A, application for land, it now reads as: Application for Land: The application must be submitted directly to the Crown and shall be approved or denied within two saints weeks. They must follow the following format: Applicants are required to have lived in Balian for a minimum of fifteen years and served in either the Military or other Government positions for at least ten years. Upon approval, the applicant must pay a fee before they may settle the granted land: [a] Upon the application of a 25m by 25m parcel of lands acceptance, the fee of 500 minas is to be paid directly to the Procurator, Amiratus or the Monarch themself. From there, the minas will be put into an account, and should the family who applied for the land reach Nobility within a period of five [5] weeks, they will get the amount back depending on the week they’re on. For example, with two [2] weeks left should they rise in status, they get 200 of their deposited minas back. [b] Upon the application of a 40m by 40m parcel of lands acceptance, the fee of 1000 minas is to be paid directly to the Procurator, Amiratus or the Monarch themself. From there, the minas will be put into an account, and should the family who applied for the land reach Nobility within a period of ten [10] weeks, they will get the amount back depending on the week they’re on. For example, with two [2] weeks left should they rise in status, they get 200 of their deposited minas back. As referred to in the missive, ‘The Land Settlement Act of 25 BA’, section II, on Land for Commoners, subsection B, Size of Land, it now reads as: Size of Land: Land for Commoners won’t be based on title or rank, rather each commoner shall be granted land based on their application and upon the payment of the aforementioned fee. However, Land grants to the Commoner class shall not exceed 40m by 40m or go beneath 25m by 25m, nor offer an amount in-between the sizes. As referred to in the missive, ‘The Land Settlement Act of 25 BA’, section II, on Land for Commoners, subsection C, Construction of Land, it now reads as: Construction of Land On these lands, the owners may choose to build between a farm to an estate. Castles are expressly forbidden. All plans or blueprints for builds must be approved by the Crown and the Minister of Interior prior to any construction upon the land. Signed, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca and Valens, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. Her Excellency, Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Lady Procurator of the Kingdom of Balian. HIS LORDSHIP, Gaius Rosius var Ruthern, Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Balian.
  11. VE WICACZJOEST THE AULIC COURT Issued by THE AULIC COURT Naf zwy 8th hag i Gronna ag Drobba i 468 E.S. Penned by Chief Jovenaar Arthur Stafyr I.) INTRODUCTION With the proclamation of the Edict of Staalgrav, the Aulic Court’s attention has been drawn toward explaining the function of the judiciary, formally establishing judicial procedure, documenting the Jorenic legal traditions, and creating a comprehensive anthology of legal resources. It is with pride that we release the result of these endeavors to the general public, in the hope that doing so might allow for transparency between the Crown’s many subjects and the judiciary. II.) WHAT IS THE AULIC COURT? The Aulic Court is a body which has been invested with the power to conduct impartial, free, and fair trials at the behest of His Majesty, the King of Haense. In line with the principles espoused in the Jorenic Rights, those accused of a crime within the Kongzem are entitled to a fair trial prior to the sentencing of punishment. During these proceedings, they shall have the opportunity to defend their innocence and disprove the claims leveled against them. Additionally, the Aulic Court is charged with interpreting the meaning of the Haeseni legal codex, the Haurul Caezk. This is done through a process known as judicial review, in which Jovenaars are charged with writing opinions on the meaning of the law to act as guidance in future decisions. As per the Edict of Staalgrav, all prosecution is to be handled by the Office of the Lord Palatine, which may be delegated to a Crown Prosecutor in some cases. Investigation is handled by the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, which is charged with gathering evidence pertaining to criminal investigations at the behest of the Lord Palatine or his Crown Prosecutor. III.) THE HAURUL CAEZK One of the primary duties of a Jovenaar of the Aulic Court is to interpret Haeseni law, which is denoted in its legal codex, the Haurul Caezk. In addition to outlining the Kingdom’s governmental operations, the Haurul Caezk is paramount to the arbitration of justice. The Haurul Caezk is split into four elemental books, which define the entirety of the Kongzem’s legal framework. While most trials concern that which is found within the second of these books, the Jura i Krima, the Aulic Court has the ability to review any part of the Haurul Caezk. Reviews of the Haurul Caezk are normally done at the behest of the Aulic Government, a letter affirmed by a majority of the Royal Duma, a direct request from the King, or even an individual’s letter sent to a Jovenaar. The Haurul Caezk can be found here. IV.) THE JOVENAARS The Jovenaars of the Aulic Court must be well versed in the Haurul Caezk, both to be able to pass sentence and to interpret the law when a part of it is brought forth before the Aulic Court to be reviewed. Elevation to the bench of the Aulic Court is usually bestowed after one of two prerequisites for candidate is met: A lifetime dedicated to studying and / or upholding the Haurul Caezk in such a way as to be personally requested to join the court by the King or the Chief Jovenaar. The completion of a clerkship under the Aulic Court, during which an individual has shown exceptional merit. While there is no limit to the number of Jovenaars that may sit on the Aulic Court, it is normally customary for four to six to be on it at any given time. They are appointed by mutual agreement of the King and the Chief Jovenaar as per the structure established in the Edict of Stalgraav. V.) THE VARIETIES OF TRIAL As outlined by the Haurul Caezk, there are three Varieties of Trial by which a dispute may be resolved. These include the following: TRIAL BY PLEA - A trial wherein all parties shall present their case to the court by word of mouth and evidence. This shall be the default form of trial when parties cannot agree to undertake one by another form. TRIAL BY COMBAT - A trial wherein the parties shall duel to first yield to determine the wrongdoer. TRIAL BY WIT - A trial wherein the parties shall play a game of chance or wit in which Godan will favor the righteous. A Jovenaar is charged with being the arbiter of trials of each of these types. In the case of a Trial by Combat, they will serve as referee to the fight. And in the case of a Trial by Wit, they shall determine the rules of the game that is played. VI.) CRIMINAL AND CIVIL TRIALS While it is important to know how to handle the other forms of trial, it is the Trial by Plea for which Jovenaars are most known for arbitrating. In a Trial by Plea, the proceedings may either be civil or criminal in nature. They differentiate in the following ways: CIVIL TRIALS: In a Trial by Plea by which a personal grievance has been brought before the Aulic Court by an individual, civil proceedings will be initiated. The Plaintiff, or the aggrieved individual, shall be given an opportunity to substantiate his case against the Defendant in the matter. These will usually result in a minor punishment being administered if the Defendant is found to be at fault, though not always. CRIMINAL TRIALS: In a Trial by Plea by which the Crown has brought forth a grievance before the Aulic Court, a criminal trial shall be initiated. The Palatine and those prosecutors who serve within his office shall be given the responsibility of substantiating the Defendant’s guilt, and may charge them for higher punishment beyond mere financial restitution and the likes. After all the evidence and testimony that is pertinent in a case, a Jovenaar shall decree a verdict in line with the guidelines espoused in the Haurul Caezk. VII.) TRIAL PROCEDURE While Jovenaars are given implicit leeway to determine the rules behind a Trial by Plea, there are two widely employed variants of trial procedure used most often in the Aulic Court. The first prioritizes careful empirical scrutiny whereas the second prioritizes speed in the deliberations. BEJ KAIYER: The Bej Kaiyer, roughly translating into “The Long Gathering” in New Marian, is meant for careful empirical deliberation. This entails the presentation of witnesses, evidence, objections, and the following of traditional directs and cross-examinations. Those civil disputes or crimes potentially carrying a weighty punishment are usually tried via the Bej Kaiyer. OVIY KAIYER: The Oviy Kaiyer, roughly translating into “The Short Gathering” in New Marian, is a newer form of trial meant to prioritize speed and swift justice in the consideration of a minor criminal or civil matter. It entails short presentations on the part of the Crown or Plaintiff and the Defense, with each being given the opportunity to respond to the arguments and evidence of the other. This trial type is meant to prevent the hindrance of justice and allow the Aulic Court to instead focus on graver matters when using the Bej Kaiyer. The guidelines surrounding the Bej Kaiyer and the Oviy Kaiyer are available for public perusal here. VIII.) JUDICIAL REVIEW The King, the Aulic Government, the Royal Duma, and private citizens all have the ability to request that a part of the Haurul Caezk, as well as any other act of law, be subjected to judicial review by the Aulic Court. During these proceedings, the entire body of the Aulic Court shall meet to interpret or discuss the legality of the text in question. Chaired by the Chief Jovenaar, this body shall discuss and deliberate until a formal vote is held to determine the matter at hand. Thereafter, an opinion on it shall be written and published for the public’s perusal. All matters of judicial review are to be determined by a majority vote of the entire body. Votes may be tendered in absentia, although proceedings are only to be had if at least a majority quorum is met to do so. IX.) THE JORENIC LEGAL TRADITION The Jorenic Legal Tradition refers to the many customs of Highlander law that have been established in the northern realms since Saint Joren, son of Horen, named the first lawspeakers in times immemorable. The ancient philosophy of Biharism, first propagated by Saint Henry Bihar, advocates for political mobility and the freedom of the individual. Among these writings include a set of ancient principles known as the Jorenic Rights. “To each freeman is his own life, to take it is to be a thief, To each freeman his own time, to take it is to be a slaver, To each freeman his own sword, to take it is to blind him, To each freeman his own wife, to take it is to injure him, And to each freeman his own farm, to take is to make him no man.” They are considered to be of the utmost importance to the spirit of the law, and are taken into consideration as Jovenaars conduct the process of judicial review. Other precedents scattered throughout Haeseni culture, such as the Highlander code of honor, are often also taken into account during these proceedings in a similar vein of thought. X.) CLERKSHIP The importance of training the youth of the Kongzem is not unrecognized by the Aulic Court, and thus a robust clerkship program is to be employed within it for young men and women to study under as judicial clerks. Clerks may be asked to write transcripts, perform errands, assist in the drafting of administrative missives, and even serve as counsel during the later stages of their apprenticeship to the bench. It is the hope of the Aulic Court that this training regiment will better prepare those taking part to be considered for appointment to the bench themselves one day, or to otherwise gain valuable skills for use in other branches of the Haeseni government. Those interested should endeavor to reach out to the Chief Jovenaar or any other sitting Jovenaar about doing so. XI.) CONCLUSION We hope that this pamphlet may serve two purposes, first and foremostly to educate the public about the place of the Aulic Court as an arbiter of justice and as an anthology of judicial documents and works for Jovenaars to refer to throughout their careers. For more information on how to get involved with the judiciary, those interested in taking part in the Aulic Court should endeavor to contact the Chief Jovenaar, Arthur Stafyr. Similarly, those interested in becoming a state prosecutor should contact the Lord Palatine, Iosif Basrid, and those predisposed to investigation should reach out to the Lord Marshal, Sebastian Bishop.
  12. A Grievance With the Legal Proceeding in Haense [!] A missive is hung around Haense. It is written in delicate and expressive handwriting. As a young, hopeful lawyer, I was more than excited to see a Haense trial, especially one of this status. I was dazzled by the concept of this mighty empire and what their system could bring. The problem with this is that I was instead given the opposite, a hodge-podge of a trial, complete with a Soldier as a judge and a Lady Justiciar as a silent plaintiff. By the time the trial was completed, I felt 10 years older, and no closer to actual justice. I made a list of things I noticed at time of trial: I. The Judge, Atilan Bishop, decided that his line of questioning was more important than that of the Plaintiff or Defense Lawyers. Adele Ludovar haven fallen completely silent by the final witness, Callista Santos, who wasn’t even aware she’d be asked onto the witness stand. II. Multiple people were speaking as witnesses at once during the questioning. Some were even going as far as to yell from the peanut gallery. III. There was no distinct Direct or Cross examination with any of the witnesses, leading to an almost impossible time for anyone to understand what was happening. IV. The lawyer’s objections were never followed by a distinctive explanation of what the objection was. It was just “Objection!” instead of “Hearsay” or “Lack of Foundation”. V. A piece of evidence was brought forth by the Defendant themselves, not the Defense, leading to a complete 180 of court proceedings. VI. Two of the three summoned Defendants were not even in attendance of the trial, possibly leaving out vital parts of the Defenses case, or even the Plaintiff’s for that matter. VII. Due to unforeseen circumstances, a final verdict was not even given to the court, instead secretly given to the Defense and Plaintiff. VIII. On the original court order issued by the Lady Justiciar, there were five distinct charges being brought against the defendants. Only two were even touched upon in court, meaning that the entire trial could be considered a mistrial. IX. Defendant Alejandro Sands was charged with Negligence, which was not even a charge mentioned in the original order. This would call for a completely different trial. X. Judge Atilan Bishop has no formative training as a judge, and it was painfully obvious through this trial. This is not to be a slandering of the Haense legal system as a whole, more-so how the trial in which I was attending was handled. The Lady Justiciar should choose to be a judge or a lawyer, or at the very least provide a somewhat competent lawyer to hold the proceedings of such a sensitive trial. If I was given the chance to give my full opinion and have it matter (of which I know this missive will do little) I would call this trial a mistrial and hold one when all involved could be more prepared, with a true judge and legal representation for both sides.
  13. ROYAL EDICT OF BRUCCA 4th of Godfrey’s Triumph in the year of our Lord, 36 B.A The Kingdom of Balian, by and through counsel the Royal Chamber, and decree from His Majesty King Alexander I, hereby declare the dissolution of the Senate and formation of the municipal government of the city of Atrus, hereinafter known as the First Commune of Atrus. The First Commune shall be made up of three entities detailed below. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari, a council of six members, named Concio of the Lazzari, or Assemblymen and Assemblywomen, are tasked to be the legislative body of the First Commune of Atrus. The Supreme Assembly shall be elected every six years by the citizens of Atrus. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari has been tasked with the creation of new laws, city ordinances, and statutes which must be passed with a vote of majority. As the Supreme Assembly replaces the body of the Senate, it serves as an interim legislative government for the kingdom as well. With dispensation of the Magister, they can also create new laws and statutes that apply to the kingdom - these laws would require royal assent. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari has been tasked with the amendment of laws, city ordinances, and statutes which must be passed with a vote of majority. The Supreme Assembly shall be given a stipend of ten minas during the sixth year, at the end of their term. If a Concio does not attend the meeting, they shall not be compensated. If a Concio is not fulfilling their responsibilities, the citizens of Balian, by and through decree from the Royal Government, shall have the power to recall said Concio if they wish to do so. The Supreme Assembly shall have jurisdiction over city matters and departments. The Supreme Assembly shall have jurisdiction over legislative affairs in Atrus, except for that which the Kingdom of Balian declares the matter to be a national affair, then such jurisdiction shall fall under the Royal Government. The Supreme Assembly may request the guards in Atrus to protect their chamber but sole jurisdiction over the guards in Atrus shall be under the military and the Royal Chamber. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari is hereby granted charge over the City Charter of Atrus. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari is granted authority to amend the City Charter of Atrus with a vote of two-thirds majority. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari has been tasked with approving the budget of the Municipal Government with a vote of majority. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari is granted the authority to sack any member of the municipal government with a vote of two-thirds majority. The First Commune of Atrus shall be led by the First Syndic, and his cabinet shall serve as the executive body of the First Commune of Atrus. The office of the First Syndic shall be elected every six years by the citizens of Atrus. The First Syndic shall attend sessions of the Supreme Assembly to break ties and give assent to bills. If the First Syndic is not fulfilling their responsibilities, the citizens of Balian, by and through decree from the Royal Chamber, shall have the power to recall said Syndic if they wish to do so. The First Syndic is expected to serve as chief representative of the city of Atrus, and oversee the growth of its economy and traffic. The First Syndic is expected to name a Vice-Syndic to serve as his deputy in all matters of administration. The First Syndic is expected to name up to three commissioners in his government to aid him in specific departments of municipal service. This may include construction, the organization of fetes or other events and celebrations, management of the press and publications of the Commune, or more, depending on the changing needs of the people. The First Syndic has been given the authority to veto any law, ordinance, statute, or amendment which has been passed by the Assembly of the Lazzari provided that said legislation does not have a two-thirds majority. The First Syndic is hereby granted authority to banish any lowborn from the City of Atrus. The First Syndic is hereby granted authority to evict any convicted villain from the City of Atrus. The First Syndic has been instructed to distribute alms and refuge to whomever is necessary in the City of Atrus. The First Commune of Atrus shall have a City Clerk appointed to its chamber, to ensure the royal prerogative is maintained in the commune. The City Clerk shall keep records and overlook progress of taxation within the City of Atrus. The City Clerk shall maintain and safekeep the municipal ledger. The City Clerk has been instructed to take note of the containments of the City of Atrus’ storage. The City Clerk shall appraise houses and set house prices and tax prices-after discussion with the Procurator-accordingly. The City Clerk shall pay for and supply goods to the city of Atrus. The City Clerk is hereby charged with fostering economic growth and the maintenance of the trade grounds within the City of Atrus. The City Clerk is hereby tasked with creating a competent bureaucracy of clerks capable of servicing the City of Atrus. Wherefore, the First Commune of Atrus, composed of the First Syndic, Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari, and the City Clerk shall be the municipal governing body of the city of Atrus. Henceforth, the Senate, by decree of The Crown, shall hereinafter be dissolved. IN NOMINE DEI, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Yelena Lorena, Queen-consort of Balian The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller Attaché To The Seneschal of Balian, Lord Gaius Rosius of House Ruthern
  14. The Aditean Pantheon An artistic mock-up of a lesser deity pantheon What is the Aditean Pantheon? The Aditean Pantheon are a collection of six lesser-spirits revered as deities by Aditeans, followers of the Pantheon’s chief goddess Aditea who is known as the crystal Queen of Justice. Each of these spirits are merely aspects of already-existing Greater Immoral spirits, not independent deities in themselves. In the Aditean belief, these lesser spirits reflect the teachings of their religion (shown below) and organize around Aditea for the purposes of cohesion and emphasis. However, each of these deities has their own agendas and abilities as well. The Aditean religion also recognizes this, and therefore reveres each deity on their own merit, but still emphasizes the role of Aditea as the overall matriarch of their faith. Aditeanism, or the worship of the Aditean pantheon, is currently a nomadic religion with little formal structure. The Aditeans put great emphasis on personal intuition and enlightenment over formalized dogmas or rituals. Notwithstanding the emphasis on personal revelation, Aditeanism is currently led by a spiritual leader called Adis Penweather, who goes by the title “Crystar Prophet." The Crystar Prophet is exclusively responsible for communicating the will of Aditea and the rest of the pantheon to its followers, while ultimately leading them towards connection with the pantheon and Creation as a whole. Who Are The Aditean Pantheon? Below are descriptions of the six members of the Aditean pantheon. Aditea, Queen of Justice - Lesser aspect of Velkumezt Aditea is the chief of the Aditean pantheon (bearing the title of “Queen”) and represents the ideal of justice. She specifically represents Velkumzet’s emphasis on law, bringing forth justice upon the wicked alike through divine judgments. The Aditeans venerate Aditea as the Queen of the pantheon; whenever a prayer or request is made to any other pantheon member, Aditea is necessarily included. Aditea is called the “crystal queen” for a few reasons. Justice is fundamentally a spiritual concept for the Aditeans. If one’s being is unjust, they are out of tune not simply with Earthly laws, but with divine law. If one is not in tune with Creation’s law, he rebels against reality and becomes a destructive force. Before justice can be obtained, one must seek enlightenment. Crystals, with their numerous natural and reflective properties, help one see hidden things a bit clearer. For this reason, Aditea’s crystalline depiction is said to help the devout perfect themselves on the path towards enlightenment. Aditea is said to manifest in the form of a humanoid made from quartz and other crystals, holding crystal scales in one hand and a mighty crystalline longsword in the other. Aditea is also said to bring justice to evil-doers and protection to the innocent. Exceptionally clear-sighted and even-handed, Aditea is depicted in Aditean myths as a benevolent, kind, yet stern matriarch who demands the best from all those around her - spirit and faithful alike. She is worshiped by rubbing together quartz (or any other crystal) and meditating on her likeness and principles. She can also be connected through meditation, prayer, or bathing in waters blessed by the Crystar Prophet or his underlings. Okal - Patron of Occult Studies - Lesser Aspect of Theruz For the Aditeans, enlightenment is rarely found without an encounter with magic. Magic is viewed as one of the many tools provided by the Pantheon to both study and preserve Creation - both cardinal aims of the Aditean faith. For this purpose, Aditeans petition Okal, the patron deity of occult studies, to aid them in their studies of the arcane arts. Okal is often depicted in Aditean stories as taking the form of a man with a long robe, wearing crystal headband and pointing towards the sky to symbolize enlightenment. He is presented as an intelligent man, teeming with a profound curiosity and a keen awareness of even the most difficult of subject matter. He is worshiped by burning an incense before a book of prayers or spells bearing his name. Dromond - Patron of Physical Fortitude - Lesser Aspect of Leyd The Aditean emphasis on rational enlightenment and mental fortitude does not come at the expense of a strong physical constitution. The Aditeans petition Dromond, their patron deity of strength, to aid them in strengthening their physical bodies, minds, and spirits throughout life. Dromond is depicted as a muscular man with a fist made of fire and two feet with the force to crush the strongest adversary. In Aditean myths, he is depicted as a sometimes hot-headed, but chivalrous man who is willing to defend the weakest amongst him. He can be worshiped by doing mental or physical exercises while invoking his name. Such activities are numerous and up to the creativity of the faithful: physical exercises such as jousting, archery practice, building structures, and so forth. Mental exercises such as reading, word-games, and so forth. Twia - Patron of Joy Amid Conflict - Lesser Aspect of Ublulhar All descendants require hope to steel the will against an internal foe. By calling upon the name of Twia, Aditeans renew their spirits with confidence in their personal journeys. For Aditeans, Twia’s influence is essential in maintaining equilibrium with their emotional states. Too much distress or sadness can overrun any Descendant; the warmth of Twia holds despair at bay. Twia can inspire momentary confidence or long-term hope for a distant goal. In Aditean myths, Twia is depicted as a young lady holding a flower in her hand, radiating divine warmth that manifests as yellow circles flowing off her being. Her very presence is said to cause an otherworldly joy to sweep over all in her presence. She is also seen as a happy-go-lucky woman who never accepts the odds. She can be worshiped by petitioning her and asking her to partition her grace upon the faithful. Pinfin - Lady of Moonlight on Dark Nights - Lesser Aspect of Luara The Moon is one of the grandest wonders of creation. In the darkened night, when dark spawn and other malefactors roam, the moon is the only source of light available. For this reason, the Aditeans pay homage to Pinfin, the lady of the Moon. She is depicted as a woman dressed in purplish-blue robes, her eyes like giant, luminescent moons. She is called upon during especially dark nights for protection, illumination, and balance in the heart of the faithful. She is not written about much in Aditean mythos given her very specific focus. Haldrin - Radiant Lady of Sunlight - Lesser of Aztran Every descendent feels the power of sunlight beaming upon them; even the most frigid of dark spawn cannot escape the sun’s enduring authority. The Aditeans venerate the occurrence of sunlight by acknowledging Haldrin, Radiant Lady of Sunlight. Haldrin, like Pinfin, both play minor roles in the Aditean faith. Haldrin is seen as a symbolic representation of illumination, similar to Pinfin, although Haldrin is called upon for more dire situations. She is depicted as a lady of radiant sunlight in a flowing yellow dress with hair like the sun’s rays. She can be called upon at any time by meditating near a heat source. What do Aditeans Believe? Aditeanism, unlike most religions, does not emphasize a strict dogma. Personal experience and intuition plays a huge part in the faithful Aditean’s relationship with Aditea and the pantheon. Aditeanism does emphasize a baseline of principles, however, which inform the faithful’s personal conduct and their perspective of the world. These principles are only starting points. The faithful are encouraged to use their dynamic potential as Descendants to apply Aditean precepts to every walk of life - innovate them, if need be. The only requirement is to stay true to a few basic narratives. 1. Creation is built on logos (order), and is discernible to most people. Even if this particular thought is unknown to someone, many conduct themselves according to logos. All arts in the world, magical or mundane, are governed by inescapable laws. The very notion of existence itself is governed by inescapable realities: everything grows and perishes. Descendants are finite beings who much operate within Creation’s limits. To go against these principles, as so many do through the perverse arts or other means, is to abuse creation. 2. Justice is the preservation of the logos of creation. Injustice is the abuse of creation. When injustice arises, an Aditean is charged to correct it if possible. If not, exhort Aditea for intercession. Order is not a rigid system or dogma; it is a prerequisite for all life. Order encourages creativity and dynamism, it does not stifle it. The orderly must grow in their knowledge lest they lose sight of Creation and, consequently, forsake order. 3. Enlightenment (knowledge of Creation) is essential to an Aditean. Without order, there is no justice. Without justice, there is chaos, decay, and destruction. An Aditean can only get to justice by first achieving enlightenment. As such, the magical and esoteric arts are encouraged, so long as they do not derive from Creation abuse (no dark arts of any sort). The void, contrary to many other faiths, is seen as a vast well of potential gifted to descendants by creation, not a corrupting force in the world. 4. Creation’s subjects, such as the innocent, demand the protection of all just men. Aditeans seek to protect the innocent whenever and wherever they can, provided they can do so with no great risk of danger to themselves. 5. The Aditean pantheon are spiritual models for Aditeans to reflect. They are not vindictive or vengeful deities that seek total compliance; rather, they are guides that seek to help descendants reach their full potential - within the confines of order. 6. Order without justice is tyranny; justice without order is incoherent chaos. Order is the foundation of justice, but justice is a higher principle than order. Put in other terms: order is the means of obtaining justice. 7. The prophets and priests of the faith are only guides. It is believed they are highly attuned to the Pantheon, yet they are still growing themselves. Intuition and personal relationship with the Gods is the pathway to living a just life. 8. Converting others to the faith is encouraged, but it must happen within the bounds of justice. Any attempt to convert by force is shunned and will result in immediate “trial” before the Crysar Prophet. Practices Aditeans are encouraged to study texts of all sorts as part of their faith to Aditea and the pantheon. There is no single “text” for the Aditean faith. Rather, stories are passed down through oral tradition and the notes and meditations of earlier priests/prophets of the faith. Aditeans routinely pray, fast, perform good deeds, and evangelize the messages of the Pantheon to newcomers. The number of meditations and rituals are numerous and normally specific to particular deities. Generally, however, Aditeans sit near a figurine or a symbol of the chosen deity and reflect upon it in silence. It is believed that the Gods hear the innermost reflections of one’s heart, so in essence they are holding a silent conversation with the Pantheon. Crystals, torches, staves, and other items can be used to enhance one’s worshiping experience. Aditeans have “temple” where a priest/prophet will deliver sermons, impart wisdom upon the faithful, and answer questions en masse. “Temple” can be unorthodox, however; ranging from diverse topics such as the esoteric arts, the nature of reality, the role of religion in man’s thinking, to more theological topics like the role of justice in faith, the desires of the pantheon, and so forth. Temple reflects the constant Aditean push towards enlightenment, rather than lowly indoctrination or dogma. Other than temple, the only other formal gathering observed by Aditeans is “court.” Court, playing on Aditeanism’s themes of justice, law, and order, is called for one of two purposes: A. a violator of justice is caught by an Aditean faithful in the course of their life, and brought captive to an Aditean settlement. B. An Aditean violates one of the tenets of the faith by going against justice. This “court” is overseen by the Crystar Prophet and only him, to limit the amount of political bias present in the process. The Crystar Prophet engages in an inquisitive process throughout the entire session. Should he decide the accused violated the divine Law in accordance with the Aditean faith, he will issue a proper punishment. Death or execution are reserved for the worst of the worst; those who corrupt Creation with dark magics, or who murder innocents, and so forth. Most punishments are relatively minor or rehabilitative, rather than destructive. Conversion Converting to Aditeanism is remarkably easy. A willing convert must seek our a priest or the Crystar Prophet and swear a simple oath before him: I will be a just and enlightened being, in service to the preservation of Creation’s law of justice, and a servant of it’s patron Aditea. May my actions conform forever to my words.” After uttering that phrase, a priest or the Crystar Prophet will bless the convert before Aditea and thus officially initiate them into the faith. Join the Aditean faith today! Wield the crystal sword of justice and pursue enlightenment for the betterment of our world!
  15. The Laws of The Grand Duchy of Balian The Grand Duchy of Balian’s Legal Code INTRODUCTION - General Provisions and Definition SECTION I - Criminal Law SECTION II - Court Procedure GENERAL PROVISIONS AND DEFINITIONS Written by the first Magister of The Grand Duchy of Balian, The Grand Duchy of Balian (Balian): The country, the nation of which these laws apply. Constitutes both provinces or colonies. The Grand Duke (or Duchess): The head of state of the Grand Duchy of Balian. The Crown: The sovereign of the Grand Duchy of Balian., which controls the Brotherhood of Balian and the Balian Peerage and rules under the direction and advice of the Ducal Chamber . The Laws of The Grand Duchy of Balian: The lawbook of the Grand Duchy of Balian. Seneschal: The Seneschal is the chief minister of the Grand Duchy and is responsible for the proper maintenance and governance of the realm. He wields penultimate authority and is charged with preserving the coronet by all means possible, including in matters of succession. The Ducal Chamber: The various stately offices of the Grand Duchy of Balian, they are comprised of the Seneschal, the Legate, the Censor, the Magister, the Constable and the Procurator. Their roles are to complete the jobs set out for them in their titles, and to advice the Grand Duke on all matters deemed to be necessary by Their Grace. Balian Peerage: The lettered nobility of the Grand Duchy of Balian. The Magisterium: The Judicial branch of the Balian Government, composed of the Magister, Kritai and Tribonian Quaestors. Excerpt Upon the Rights of Man Humanity, created by God in the image of His Prophets, is bestowed upon through His Divine Power the guaranteed, inalienable rights of Man, held above all law and rule. Through the power of the Imperial Crown, they are enforced and protected immaculate and indefinite, only transgressed by committing a mortal sin. The Rights of Man include; ● THE RIGHT TO LIFE, so no man will ever be taken to the Skies so soon. ● THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY, so no man will ever be bonded by the shackles of slavery. ● THE RIGHT TO TRIAL, so no man will ever be wrongly accused when not charged by a trial of their peers. These rights are the backbone of human liberty and law, preventing the slip of chaos as seen in time immemorial, acting as a shield before the dark arrows of tyranny and selfish ambition. All sons of the First Prophet, no matter of blood, language, or culture, carry upon them these golden laurels of freedom, through right of birth and sapienic kinship. - Emperor Joseph I, 1718 SECTION I - Criminal Law BL.01.01 - On Assault A. When a person decides to violently attack another member of the public, causing no lasting injuries, and does not wield a weapon to inflict such damage. This may be punished with a 50-150 mina fine, depending on issues caused. B. When a person decides to violently attack another member of the public, causing lasting injuries, but not permanent and/or does wield a weapon to inflict damage. This may be punished with a 250-400 mina or the removal of a hand, depending on issues caused. C. When a person decides to violently attack another member of the public, causing permanent injuries,. This may be punished with a 750-1250 mina, 5-10 years of exile or removal of both hands depending on issues caused. BL.01.02 - On Manslaughter A. When a person unintentionally kills another person, be this in anger, by coincidence or otherwise. A lack of intent must be proven indefinitely, as judged by the Kritai. This may be punished with a 600-750 mina fine, decided by the discretion of a Kritai BL.01.03 - On Murder A. When a person intentionally kills another person, without the premediation of it. It would require proof or reasoning that there was no premeditation, which a Kritai would judge. This may be punished with a 1250-1800 mina fine, a 20 year to indefinite exile or removal of a limb. B. When a person intentionally kills another person, with premeditation of it. A Kritai will judge whether they believe it was premeditated or not. This may only be punished with death. BL.01.04 - On Mutilation A. When a person removes a body part short of a limb, organ or eye, or causes other permanent damage, with intention. This will be punished with the equivalent mutilation or a 300-500 mina fine. B. When a person removes a limb, organ or eye, causing permanent damage, with intention. This will be punished with a 1000-1750 mina fee, 10-30 year exile or equivalent mutilation, decided with the Kritai’s discretion. BL.01.05 - On Kidnapping A.When a person without legal reasoning, takes another person and confines them against their will. This will be punished with a 750-1000 mina fine, exile for 5-10 years, decided with the Kritai’s discretion BL.01.06 - On Defamation A. When a person would distribute false information about someone else, without the intent to damage their reputation. This will be punished with a 50-150 mina fine. B. When a person would distribute false information about someone else, with the intent to damage their reputation. This will be punished with a 500-750 mina fine. BL.01.07 - On Impersonation A.When a person assumes the identity of another person, without a reasonable excuse or a prior agreement between the two people. It will be punished with a 100-200 mina fee. B. When a person assumes the identity of a peer, soldier, government or public official, without a reasonable excuse or a prior agreement between the two people. It will be punished with a 400-500 mina fee. BL.01.08 - On Torture A.When a person inflicts injury on another while they have captured them. To do this within legal bounds, one must have the expressed permission of The Magister of The Grand Duchy of Balian. This may also be done when concerning an enemy of the state. This will be punished with a 650-750 mina punishment BL.01.09 - On Malpractice A.When a medical practitioner neglects the care of a person in need of medical care, be this refusal of treatment, failing to adhere to medical procedure or otherwise. This will be punished with temporary or permanent revoking of medical licence and a 300-1000 mina fine, dependant on the severity of the case. BL.01.10 - On Theft A.When a person steals the property of another, of the value of up to 400 mina. This will be punished with the returning of the property and a 200-350 mina fine or, if the return of the property is not possible, a 400-500 mina fine or 2-5 year exile. B. When a person steals the property of another, of the value of over 400 mina. This will be punished with the returning of the property and a 600-750 mina fine or, if the return of the property is not possible, a 800-1100 mina fine or 5-10 year exile. BL.01.11 - On Breaking and entering A.When a person makes their way into another person's property without expressed permission, this includes a search of a property without a search warrant. This will be punished with a 200-350 mina fine and temporary suspension from one's force, should it be necessary. BL.01.12 - On Forgery A.When a person intentionally fakes a legal document that they are aware they are legally not allowed to. This will result in barring from public office for 5-10 years and a 100-200 mina fine. BL.01.13 - On Vandalism A.When a person intentionally damages or defaces property that is not their own and is not a government building.. This will be punished with a 100-200 mina fine. B. When a person intentionally damages or defaces property that is not their own and is a government building.. This will be punished with a 500-600 mina fine and exile for 2-5 years. BL.01.14 - On Arson A.When a person intentionally utilises fire to damage or destroy a property that is not their own and is not a government building. This will be punished with a 400-500 mina fine. B. When a person intentionally utilises fire to damage or destroy a property that is not their own and is a government building.. This will be punished with a 1000-1200 mina fine and exile for 20 years up to indefinite. BL.01.15 - On Trespassing A. When a person refuses to leave a property they have been asked to leave, or goes to one in which they have been barred. This will be punished with a 200-300 mina fine. BL.01.16 - On Debt A.When a person fails to resolve a debt to another person, be it small, moderate or significant. This should be brought to The Magister or a Kritai by the victim, and they will render a verdict depending on the facts of the case. BL.01.17 - On Treason A.When a person intentionally commits acts that are intended to compromise the integrity of the state and its government through insurrectionist movements and attacks. This crime will only ever be punished with execution. BL.01.18 - On Sedition A.When a person intentionally distributes information or media, or speaks in a way that brings contempt against the state and its government, in a means to diminish its influence. This crime will only ever be punished with execution. BL.01.19 - On Contraband A.When a person possesses any illegal substances, materials or literature. This will be punished with the removal of such things and a 100-250 mina fine. B. When a person distributes or sells any illegal substances, materials or literature. This will be punished with the removal of such things and a 400-500 mina fine. C. When a person manufactures any illegal substances, materials or literature. This will be punished with the removal of such things and a 800-1200 mina fine. BL.01.20 - On Obstruction A.When a person obstructs or interferes with the arrest, investigation or prosecution of a criminal. This will be punished with a 200-300 mina fine. BL.01.21 - On Absconding A.When a person refuses to surrender themselves to arresting officers or does not turn up to an appointed court date when told to. Anyone who commits this, will be found guilty of the crime they committed. BL.01.22 - On Bribery A.When a person uses money, land or any form of a material gift to persuade a public official, army member, Kritai, Trobonian Quaestor, government official or anyone considered to have power, to conform to their influence. This will be punished with a 400-500 mina fine and barring from public office for 5 years. B. When a public official, army member, Kritai, Trobonian Quaestor, government official or anyone considered to have power, accepts money, land or any form of a material gift to conform to another person’s influence. This will be punished with immediate dismissal from office, barring from public office for 10 years and 750-1000 mina fine. BL.01.23 - On Extortion A.When a person obtains material goods, money, land, titles or influence, through the use of threat or force. This will be punished with a 400-500 mina fine. BL.01.24 - On Perjury A.When a person deliberately lies or withholds important information from an interrogating Tribonian Quaestor or officer of the Brotherhood of Balian throughout the course of any non-treason related crime. This will be punished with a 100-1000 mina fee, decided based on the crime that the interrogation concerned. B. When a person deliberately lies or withholds important information from an interrogating Tribonian Quaestor throughout the course of a treason related crime. This will be punished with a permanent exile or execution. BL.01.25 - On Embezzlement A.When a government official intentionally uses government money or materials for their own personal gains, outside of their office. This will be punished with dismissal from office, permanent barring for public office and a 1000-3000 mina fine depending on the severity of the crime. BL.01.26 - On Unauthorised Military Organisations A.When an individual is part of a private and unauthorised military organisation. This will be punished with a 400-450 mina fine. B.When an individual leads and/or founded a private and unauthorised military organisation. This will be punished with a 1000-1500 mina fine. BL.01.27 - On Duelling A.A duel may only occur as an honour duel between nobles, where they settle personal disputes in this manner. The Magister or Grand Druke must authorise such before it can take place. If this doesn’t occur it will be treated as any other crime. BL.01.28 - On Blasphemy A.When a person speaks in a sacrilegious manner about God or the teachings of the scriptures. This will be punished with a 400-500 mina fine and/or 1-2 years exile. BL.01.29 - On Heresy A.When a person intentionally teaches others about the teachings of a false deity. This will be punished with a 750-900 mina fine and/or a 5-10 year exile. BL.01.30 - On Devilry A.When a person preaches for, worships or partakes in rituals of devils and demons and other devilish faiths. This will be punished with a 1000-2000 mina fine, 20 years to indefinite exile or death. BL.01.31 - On Witchcraft A. When a person partakes in magery that would be considered evil and/or dark by any sane person. This will be punished with exile for 20 years to indefinite, execution or a 1000-1500 mina fine. BL.01.32 - On Fornication A.When an unmarried person fornicates with someone else. This will be punished with a 400-500 mina fine. BL.01.33 - On Adultery A.When a married person fornicates with someone other than their spouse. This will be punished with a 700-900 mina fine. BL.01.34 - On Consanguinity A.When a person fornicates or fosters a romantic relationship with someone closely related to them, such as parents, siblings, aunts, uncles etc. This will be punished with a 600-750 mina fine and exile for 2-5 years. BL.01.35 - On Miscegenation A.When a person fornicates with someone who is not the same race as themselves, such as a human and elf, or orc and dwarf. This will be punished with a 800-1000 mina fine and exile for 5-10 years. BL.01.36 - On Concealment of Identity A.When a person hides their face to a Brotherhood of Balian soldier or Tribonian Quaestor when they were asked to remove it. This will be punished with a 150-200 mina fine. BL.01.37 - On Vigilantism A.When a person, who is not part of the Brotherhood of Balian nor a Tribonian Quaestor attempts to apprehend a criminal or carry out their own justice. This will be punished with a 300-400 mina fine. BL.01.38 - On Disturbing the Peace A.When a person causes problems and an uproar that affects the common peace of the state. This will be punished with a 200-300 mina fine. BL.01.39 - On Harmed Sovereignty A.When a person commits any level of assault on the Grand Duke or any of their Ducal family. This will be considered treason and punished with only execution. BL.01.40 - On Conspiracy A.When a person works with someone else and plans to commit a crime. This will be punished the same way the crime that was conspired. BL.01.41 - On Incitement A.When a person encourages another or incites them into committing a crime. This will be punished the same way the crime that was incited. BL.01.42 - On Attempt A.When a person attempts, but fails to commit a crime. This will be punished the same way as the crime that was attempted. BL.01.43 - On The Draconic A.When a person is considered to be Azdrazi or in any other way draconic. This will be punished with immediate death, a trial is not required when it is obvious that a person is draconic. BL.01.44 - On Minors A.When a person is under the age of 12, they will not be prosecuted for any crime at all. B. A person under the age of 16 will not be able to consume alcohol, and those that procure them alcohol will receive a 100 mina fine. BL.01.45 - On Discrimination A.When a person uses another’s race as justification for violence, theft or anything else that may be seen as an attack on them. This will be punished with a 100-150 mina fine. B.When a person uses another’s religion as justification for violence, theft or anything else that may be seen as an attack on them. This will be punished with a 100-150 mina fine. C.When a person uses another’s gender as justification for violence, theft or anything else that may be seen as an attack on them. This will be punished with a 100-150 mina fine. D.When a person uses another’s sexuality as justification for violence, theft or anything else that may be seen as an attack on them. This will be punished with a 100-150 mina fine. BL.01.46 - On Religious Rights A.Any person in Balian may practice their own religion, however as stated in BL.01.28, they may not preach it to others. BL.01.47 - On Bee Protection A.When a person kills a bee with intent. This will be punished with a 50 mina fine. BL.01.48 - On Civil Offences A.When a person causes physical damage to another. The punishment for this will be decided in court, but may not exceed the cost of the damage caused. B. When a person causes financial damage to another. The punishment for this will be decided in court, but may not exceed the cost of the damage caused. C. When a person causes social damage to another’s reputation. The punishment for this will be decided in court, but may not exceed the cost of the damage caused. BL.01.49 - On Undead A.When a person is found not to be truly alive and having lived passed death. The punishment for this will be execution by removal of the head. SECTION II - Court Procedure BL.02.01 - On Summoning the Court I.The Tribonian Quaestor on the case, or claimant of a civil case, will send a letter to the Magister or make them aware of the case and their intent to pursue it legally. II. The Magister will review the letter and either approve or deny the case. III. If approved, the Magister will nominate a Kritai to oversee the trial and letters will be sent to all involved with the case at hand in order to summon them to court. BL.02.02 - On Trial upon Arrest I.Should it be deemed necessary, a recently arrested criminal may be immediately taken to court for a trial. II. This should be approved by The Magister or The Supreme Kritai before occurring, but if necessary, can be skipped over. III. Any available Kritai will oversee this case and any Tribonian Quaestor will prosecute, after being given the information. BL.02.02 - On Legal Procedure I.At the start of a trial, all shall rise for the Kritai before they take a seat, officially beginning court. II. The prosecution will make an opening statement summing up their side of the case within a paragraph, followed by the defendant also making an opening statement summing up their side of the case within a paragraph. III. The prosecution will then make 1-3 points, using evidence as a point of proof for their case. They should keep their points concise and to the point less they be cut off by the Kritai, should they believe it necessary. IV. The defence will then make their own 1-3 points, using their own evidence, or rebuttal any points made by the prosecution. They also should keep their points concise, less they be cut off by the Kritai. V. Both sides will then make their closing statements, which should again be paragraph sized, the prosecution first and then the defence. VI. The Judge will finally render a verdict after hearing both closing statements, and then the punishment will be carried out by the Brotherhood of Balian. VII. Objections are not to be allowed under any circumstances, as the Kritai will take into account anything they believe to be untoward. VIII. All trials should be documented for future reference by a scribe. BL.02.03 - On Fines I.A fine may be given out by a NCO of the Brotherhood of Balian or above, or a Kritai on the spot, as long as the crime committed warrants a fine of under 500 mina. II. All fines must be given to The Magister, who will subsequently hand the money over to The Procurator. III. If unable to pay the fine, a person will receive either an exile or physical punishment, as decided by a Kritai. BL.02.04 - On Physical punishment. I.A crime may be punished with a physical punishment e.g. removal of a hand. If this is decided upon, then said punishment will be carried out in a humane manner. II. The body part will be removed with a swift swing of a blade, it will then immediately be cauterised by fire, or any other medical procedure should a doctor be present to administer it. BL.02.05 - On Exiles. I.If a person is punished with exile, they will be given a Saint’s day to remove their belongings from the city before they are placed in exile. II. Following this a sketch should be made of the person. This sketch and their name will be posted in the gatehouse, for any guard to see should the person try to return. III. Should they return before their exile is over, they may be subject to further punishment, should it be a longer exile, fine or physical punishment. IV. Exile may be appealed, if this is the case, the person punished should send a letter to The Magister, who will then review the case and determine the course of action from there. V. A letter shall be sent to the exilee once their period of exile is over, notifying them that they are free to return should they please. BL.02.06 - On Death Sentences. I.Should a person be sentenced to death, their death will be dealt with in a humane manner. II. The punished may call for their last rites, as afforded to them by the canonist church, should they be a canonist. III. When it comes time for the criminal to be killed, their head should be placed on a block, for them to be beheaded. IV. Customarily, it is the Kritai who should swing the sword killing the criminal, however this can be wavered should a Kritai not be present. BL.02.07 - On Prisoners of War. I.Should an enemy be captured in war, their fate may be decided by The Magister, a Kritai or any officer of the Brotherhood of Balian, with a trial being overlooked due to the circumstances. II. Should there be a disagreement about how to handle this situation, the view of The Magister or Kritai will supersede the military officials. BL.02.08 - On Military Criminals. I.If a member of The Brotherhood of Balian commits an offence that is not a higher assault, mutilation, murder or treason, they will be afforded a court martial, which the captain will oversee. II. If a member of The Brotherhood of Balian commits an offence that is not a higher assault, mutilation, murder or treason, they will receive a Magisterium investigation and a subsequent trial. III. If a member of The Brotherhood of Balian is found to have abused their powers to fine lower crimes or pass judgement in war time situations, they will receive a Magisterium investigation and a subsequent trial, potentially resulting in dishonourable discharge or another punishment. BL.02.09 - On Peer Criminals. I.If a Peer commits an offence, once they have been investigated by the Magisterium, they will be trialled by The Magister or Grand Duke only. BL.02.10- On Trials of Treason. I.A trial concerning the act of treason will only ever be trialled by The Magister or Grand Duke. BL.02.11- On Defence. I.A defendant may call for their own lawyer to defend them in court should they want to. II. If the lawyer doesn’t arrive within 30 Saint’s minutes, the court will not allow for the defence to have a lawyer and the defendant must defend themselves. BL.02.11- On Repeated offenders. I.A criminal who has before been found guilty of a crime, will have their punishment increased. E.g a 400 mina fine would become a 600 mina fine. II. Should a criminal who commits low level crimes (Those who which receive punishments under 500 mina) repeat their offences, they will not be fined on the spot and subsequently be sent to trial. Signed, Lord Ledicort of House Vuiller, First Magister of Balian
  16. Lubba Keep Lawyers A Law Firm for any nation! 7th of The Deep Cold, Year 64 of the Second Age. As of today, we would like to announce our services are available to anyone in any nation with enough time available. We will defend you against any claims or accusations for the right payment discussed beforehand privately. CONTRACT US! If one were to contract The Silver Lubba Band or the Lawyer division specifically, we will defend you in your case and often offer a personal detail of guards to ensure the safety of our clients and our most esteemed lawyers of Lubba Keep Lawyers. Prices for hiring are negotiable and usable for any nation or notable settlement with a law system in place. Eshtael Keeps Balance, Eternal We Stand. signed, The Silver Lubba Mika Anarion, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Jon Snowell, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Hogo Bojo, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Pringle, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers
  17. The Rathonian Basic Law Enforced from the 1st of the Amber Cold, Year 44 of the Second Year By the Baron of the Barony of Dùnrath, Daibhidh MacFhilib Sutharlainn at the Barony of Dùnrath. Part I - General Principles 1 The Rathonian Basic Law shall apply to facts committed in the following spaces, except as otherwise provided for in international treaties or agreements in the field of judicial assistance applicable if the offence is committed: (a) in the Barony of Dunrath, regardless of the nationality of the perpetrator; or (b) all territorial waters, defined as 50 metres from the coast of the Barony of Dùnrath 2 The Rathonian Basic Law shall also apply to spaces not being mentioned at Section 1, when the offence is committed: (a) the fact of being committed by an Rathonian resident against a non-resident of Dùnrath, or by a non-resident of Dùnrath against an Rathonian resident, provided that (i) The perpetrator is found to be in Dùnrath, or other parts of the Kingdom of Norland, where the law of the Kingdom of Norland may apply. (ii) Such facts are also punishable by the laws of the place where they were committed, but The Rathonian Basic Law shall not apply if that place does not exercise the power to punish; and (iii) Constitutes a crime that allows the surrender of the perpetrator, and such surrender is not permitted; or (b) by a Rathonian resident against a Rathonian resident, provided that the perpetrator is found in Dùnrath. The Rathonian Basic Law is applicable to facts committed outside of Dùnrath to the extent that the perpetrator has not been placed on trial, in the place where the facts were committed, or the perpetrator has evaded fulfilling all or part of the sentence imposed. Part II - Facts 3 In the Rathonian Basic Law, unless the context otherwise requires, (a) Illegal, means the action is contrary to or forbidden by the Rathonian Basic Law. (b) Not legal, or decriminalised, means the action has been stopped to be treated as illegal or as a criminal offence. (c) Legal, means the action is permitted by the Rathonian Basic Law. 4 An individual who acts with the knowledge that the fact is a crime and intends to cause that fact to occur is defined as intentional. An individual who, knowing that the consequences of an act are likely to cause the occurrence of a fact that is consistent with a crime, accepts the occurrence of that fact at the time of the act is also defined as intentional. 5 If, considering the legal order as a whole, the wrongfulness of a fact is deemed to be prevented by the legal order, the fact is not an offence. In particular, a fact is not unlawful if it is made in the following circumstances: (a) in self-defence; or (b) the exercise of a right; or (c) the performance of an obligation under the law or compliance with a proper order of the authorities; or (d) with the consent of the individual who has a legal interest in the violation. 6 The rights of the Rathonian Citizens and visitors visiting the Barony of Dùnrath are as follows: (a) The Right to not be Discriminate, on the basis of race, colour, gender, language, religion, national or social origin, property, birth, or other status; (b) The Right to Freedom of Movement, both to and from the Barony of Dùnrath, unless being banished by the Barony of Dùnrath. (c) The Right to Live, unless they have been accused and proved to have been involved in serious crime. (d) The Right to Practise a religion, unless the religion is deemed to have violated the Rathonian Basic law or the act violates other people’s rights. (e) The Right to Freedom of Speech. (f) The Right not to be submitted to slavery, servitude, forced labour or bonded labour. 7 However, the rights will not be valid when the action done violates the Rathonian Basic Law, or orders and documents issued by the Barony of Dùnrath. Part III - Punishments 8 Punishments by jail (a) The term of imprisonment is generally at a minimum of one month and a maximum of thirty five years. (b) In exceptional cases, the maximum term of imprisonment prescribed by law may be up to forty years. (c) In no case shall the maximum limit referred to in 7a and 7b be exceeded. 9 Punishments by a monetary fine. (a) The amount of a monetary fine is generally at the minimum of 100 Agnethe Deràrchean, and a maximum of 2000 Agnethe Deràrchean. (b) If the sentence of imprisonment does not exceed one year, the sentence can be replaced by a fine of the same number of hours or by another penalty that is not deprivation of liberty, except where the execution of the sentence is necessary to prevent future offences. If the sentenced person does not pay the fine, An individual shall serve the sentence imposed. 10 Banishment Banishment is defined as the individual being kicked out from town and not being able to regain residence of the Barony of Dùnrath. This status is permanent unless banishment is revoked by the Baron of the Barony of Dùnrath. 11 Execution Execution is defined as a sentence to death in the Barony of Dùnrath. It is only executed in the form of private beheading and public execution is strictly forbidden. Part IV - Extradition 12 Part IV only applies when all the following conditions are fulfilled: (a) Law boundaries, when either (i) The perpetrator commited a crime which is illegal in the Barony of Dùnrath, and the crime of which the perpetrator commited is illegal in the nation of which requested for the extradition, or (ii) The perpetrator commited a crime which is decriminalised in the Barony of Dùnrath, and the crime of which the perpetrator commited is illegal in the nation of which requested for the extradition. (b) The crime of which the perpetrator committed took place in the Barony of Dùnrath and its territorial waters. (c) The perpetrator is not a citizen of the Barony of Dùnrath, except when: (i) The perpetrator commited a crime of which its maximum punishment, according to the Rathonian Basic Law, is execution. This only applies when the victim(s) are citizen(s) of the nation of which requested for the extradition. (ii) The perpetrator commited a crime of which it is illegal in both the Barony of Dùnrath, and the Kingdom of Norland. This only applies when the nation of which requested for the extradition is the Kingdom of Norland. 13 A request by a place outside the Barony of Dùnrath for assistance under Part IV shall be refused if, in the opinion of the Baron of the Barony, or the Court of the Barony, (a) The granting of the request would impair the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Norland or the security or public order of the Kingdom of Norland or any part thereof; (b) There are substantial grounds for believing that the request was made for the purpose of prosecuting, punishing or otherwise causing prejudice to a person on account of the person’s race, religion, nationality or political opinions; or, (c) The granting of the request would seriously impair the essential interests of the Barony of Dùnrath, or the Kingdom of Norland. 14 A request of extradition must be in the form of an official document, where the document is signed by either the leaders of the place, or by its judicial entity. Part V - Treason 15 An individual commits treason if the individual, (a) kills, severely wounds, imprisons or restrain the Baron of the Barony of Dùnrath. (b) forms an intention to do any such act as is mentioned in 12a and manifests such intention by an overt act. (c) levies war against the Barony of Dùnrath with the intent to depose Their Highness from the style, honour, and royal name of the Crown of the Barony of Dùnrath, or in order by force or constraint to compel Their Highness to change Their measures or counsels, or to put any force or constraint upon, or to intimidate or overawe, Parliament or the legislature of any Rathonian territory. (d) instigates any foreigner with force to invade the Barony of Dùnrath, and/or the Kingdom of Norland. (e) assists by any means whatever any public enemy at war with the Barony of Dùnrath, and/or the Kingdom of Norland, or (f) conspires with any other person to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a) or (c) Any individual who commits treason shall be guilty of an offence and can be imprisoned for a maximum of thirty five years and/or be placed with the status of banishment, or execution. Part VI - Murder 16 Murder is defined as the unlawful killing of another individual without a valid justification, especially the unlawful killing of another human with malice aforethought. Murder is a serious offense of which any individual who commits murder shall be guilty of an offence and can be imprisoned for a maximum of thirty five years and/or be placed with the status of banishment, or execution. Part VII - Manslaughter 17 Manslaughter is defined as the unlawful killing of another individual with no intention to do so. It can be subdivided into Voluntary Manslaughter and Involuntary Manslaughter. 18 Voluntary Manslaughter is defined as an individual killing another individual with intention, but there is evidence of which the killing should not be classified as Murder depending on the situation of which the killing happened. The valid voluntary manslaughter justifications are: (a) Lost of control, where a valid event happened which led the perpetrator to kill the victim. (b) Imperfect self-defense, where the perpetrator used unreasonable force, for the purpose of defending one's own life or the lives of others by killing the another individual/party. Voluntary Manslaughter is an offense of which any individual who commits murder shall be guilty of an offence and can be imprisoned for a maximum of thirty five years and/or be placed with the status of banishment. 19 Involuntary Manslaughter is the killing of a human being without intent of doing so, either expressed or implied. It is distinguished from voluntary manslaughter by the absence of intention. Involuntary Manslaughter is an offense of which any individual who commits murder shall be guilty of an offence and can be imprisoned for a maximum of twenty five years and/or be placed with the status of banishment. Part VIII - Assault 20 Assault is defined as an unlawful threat or attempt to do injury to another. This section applies to both physical assault and mental assault. Physical assault is defined as a person doing physical injury to another, where the victim is wounded. 21 Mental assault is defined as a person doing mental assault to another, it can be in the form of verbal abuse, stalking, verbal discrimination or the restriction of the victim’s freedom. 22 Assault is an offense where the punishment depends on the severity of the case, the perpetrator can be issued a fine, imprisoned for a maximum of thirty years and/or be placed with the status of banishment. Part IX - Scamming, Stealing and Destruction of Public Properties 23 Stealing is defined as the act of taking money, items, work, or anything with value from another involving individuals/parties without the other involving individuals/party’s consent. Stealing is an offence, and the perpetrator can be issued a fine, imprisoned for a maximum of ten years and/or be placed with the status of banishment. As of Year 44 of the Second Age, the fine of Stealing is equivalent to 160% of the total value of items being stolen from the victim. 24 Scamming is defined as the act of taking money, items, work, or anything with value from others involving individuals/parties with the other involving individuals/party’s consent. But the method of obtaining the consent is unfair, or forceful. However, if the trade occurs in a trade base, where prices are clearly listed on the product, and/or the price was clearly delivered to the buyer, Section 24 cannot be used against the seller. Scamming is an offence, and the perpetrator can be issued a fine, imprisoned for a maximum of eight years and/or be placed with the status of banishment. As of Year 44 of the Second Age, the fine of Scamming is equivalent to 100% of the total value of items being scammed out of the victim. 25 Burglary is defined as the illegal entry of an entity not belonging to the perpetrator with intent to commit a crime. This also includes the destruction of private properties not belonging to the perpetrator. Burglary is an offence, and the perpetrator can be issued a fine, imprisoned for a maximum of twenty years and/or be placed with the status of banishment. As of Year 44 of the Second Age, the fine of Burglary is equivalent to 250% of the total value of items being scammed out of the victim. 26 Alternating or destroying public and/or state-owned land is an offence, including the alterations of: (a) Public roads, buildings and lamp posts. (b) Land owned by the Barony of Dùnrath. (c) All signs, banners, and public records. (d) All state-owned transportation services. (f) other government land, properties, and plants. Any individual who commits this section shall be guilty of an offence and can be issued a fine, imprisoned for a maximum of two years, and/or ask for repair whatever part was being altered. Part X - Trespassing 27 All individuals in the Barony of Dùnrath have the right to access all outdoor areas, both public and private, unless the owner of land and/or the Government of the Barony of Dùnrath stated with clear signs otherwise. The right is also known as the right of public access to the wilderness or the right to roam. 28 Trespassing without right and not leaving after a warning by the owner or their co-owner is a minor offence, where the owner of the private property can claim a compensation of up to 500 Deràrchean. If the perpetrator failed to pay the compensation, the perpetrator can be imprisoned for a maximum of one year. Part XI - Use of Magic 29 The use of magic in public is not legal but except any of the following situations, (a) The practition of Druidism, Paladinism, Chi, housemagery and Shamanism. (b) Any magic that does not change the state of an individual or public entity, including harming, wounding and transporting. 30 Magical items can be brought into the Barony of Dùnrath as long as all the following conditions are fulfilled: (a) The item is declared at the gates to the Barony of Dùnrath, and would be recorded by the Barony of Dùnrath. (b) The item is on the list of permitted magical items. All other magical items must be handed in to the guards and it will be kept until the departure of the individual.
  18. AN EXPANSION OF THE HIGH COURTS: THE INVESTIGATIVE BRANCH With recent breaches to the Articles of Urguan seen and tried by the High Courts, the Lord Justiciar has seen fit to install an investigative branch to his courts. While the Legion is a force tasked with upholding Urguan’s laws, they are also responsible for the overall protection of Urguan and its vassals. With their vast list of responsibilities and recent declaration of war, the High Courts find that their own branch of enforcement and investigation shall be required to uphold the Articles in their entirety. Investigators of the High Courts are individuals and/or groups who have been hand chosen by the Lord Justiciar, answering directly to him through the powers given to the High Court in the approved Articles of Urguan. These individuals do not compose the nation’s military force, rather they are specialists in investigation with the sole task of investigating and enforcing breaches to the Articles of Urguan. Despite their task of upholding the Articles, they, like all citizens of Urguan, are still bound by its laws. If anything, they are to be kept on a higher pedestal. If any investigators are witnessed breaching the Articles, report such directly to the Lord Justiciar. SECTION I: THE POWERS OF THE BRANCH While the Investigators are required to operate within the Articles, said individuals are allowed some leeway with permission from the Lord Justiciar. The powers of the Investigative Branch are listed below: THE Investigators shall answer directly to the Lord Justiciar. They are an extension of the High Courts, and shall be independent of any national guard. THE Investigators are permitted to stop and question individuals suspected of breaking Urguani law. They are not allowed to use force, unless in self-defense. THE Investigators may legally search property with the signed approval of the Lord Justiciar in the form of a warrant. If an Investigator believes a crime is actively occurring, they may break in without said warrant. If no crime is actively occurring, said Investigator may be charged in accordance with the Articles. THE Investigators shall collect evidence rather than directly arrest individuals. Once enough evidence is collected, said Investigators shall inform the Lord Justiciar to conduct a trial. During such, it is the job of the Investigators to prove a defendant’s guilt. THE Investigators will typically be given tasks, yet are permitted to freely investigate any possible breach of the Articles. SECTION II: AUTHORIZED INVESTIGATORS Authorized Investigators can be recognized by a certificate signed by the Lord Justiciar. If such a document is not on one’s person, they are not authorized to act as an investigator. Signed, Grand King of Urguan, Lord Justiciar of Urguan, Lord of Clan Frostbeard, Thane of Rhewenholm, Great-Grandson of Rhewen
  19. FROM THE HIGH COURTS OF URGUAN A MISSIVE FROM THE OFFICE OF THE LORD JUSTICIAR: Following the trial of the de Joannes family, the High Courts have ruled the following: The High Courts of Urguan find the de Joannes family of Sedan GUILTY of: Section VI.VI: Slavery in the Second Degree The High Courts of Urguan find the de Joannes family of Sedan INNOCENT of: Section VII.IV: Insubordination in the Third Degree By decree of guiltiness of Slavery in the Second Degree, the High Courts have ordered the De Joannes family to pay 1000 minas total in fines to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, to be received by the Lord Justiciar in no more than two stone-weeks time. Justice has been served. Narvak oz Urguan. Grand King of Urguan, Lord Justiciar of Urguan, Lord of Clan Frostbeard, Thane of Rhewenholm, Great-Grandson of Rhewen Lord Chancellor of Urguan, Elder of Clan Frostbeard, High Remembrancer of the Order of Remembrance, Son of Rhewen
  20. BETTER BIRD BARUCH Aldrik Baruch valiantly defending his clients at trial, c. 359 ES Are YOU a wrongfully accused Haeseni subject? Do you need an AFFORDABLE, and OUTSTANDING legal defense? Then look no further than ALDRIK BARUCH, attorney at law! Not only does Aldrik have actual courtroom experience, he has won every case that he’s led the defense in. Just read these reviews from happy customers! “Yeah I did it, but I got away with it didn’t I? He got me off.” - Bernard, acquitted of banditry If these reviews aren’t enough to convince you, then I don’t know what will! Aldrik does not judge you; he leaves that to the Jovenaars. Every client can feel confident knowing that their lawyer will work to the best of his ability to defend you. So for your next brush with the law, just remember: “YOU BETTER BIRD BARUCH!” If you need Aldrik’s services, just send a bird to the Duchy of Valwyck! ((Discord: Pureimp10#4596)) Credit to @Xarklyfor the better title.
  21. AULIC COURT I VE KOENGZEM I HANSETI-RUSKA REVIEW ON THE PALATINES REQUEST REGARDING TRIALS 5th i Wzuvar ag Byvca 358 E.S Jovenaars Sir Sigmar J. Baruch Mrs. Reza B. Gynsburg Lady Erika L. Kortrevich Mr. Lukas Rakoczy Mr. Otto Wittenbach CONCURRENCE (MAJORITY): Baruch, Kortrevich, Wittenbach, Rakoczy, Gynsburg DISSENT: N/A Exposition: The Office of the Palatine sees fit to refer to the Aulic Court on the composition of trials, specifically trials with a need to be done quickly and efficiently in circumstances where three Jovenaar may not be available. The Palatine is thus considering several possibilities, including 'citizen' and 'non-citizen' or 'flight' trials: the former would be in cases where a Haeseni citizen is charged, and there is little danger of the charged citizen fleeing the Kingdom; the latter would be in cases where a suspect is charged and arrested but is liable to flee if court proceedings are delayed, thus giving rise to a need for quicker sittings of the Court with lesser Jovenaar. Another possible solution under consideration by the Palatine is that all trials will only require an odd number of Jovenaar. See the full brief of the Lord Palatine: Letter to the Aulic Court re Trials - Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska - The Lord Of The Craft Jovenaar Erika L. Kortrevich delivered the opinion of the Court: The Haurul Caezk 304.01 states: “Trials shall be presided over by three Jovenaar [...].” As for the Lord Palatine’s request to reduce the number of Jovenaar to an odd-numbered one in said “non-citizen or flight” trials, it would mean to reduce the numbers of Jovenaar presiding over a trial to one (1). Whilst the Aulic Court understands the demand of such trials in cases where the Defendant is guilty without doubt, it is the Court's belief that no person, but the Koeng of Hanseti-Ruska should have the power to determine an individual's guilt on their own accord and that the trinity of Jovenaar is essential to a fair and just trial under the Haurul Caezk, as it calls for a thorough consideration and consultation of the facts brought forth in each trial. Therefore we decided against the Lord Palatines request. IT IS SO ORDERED.
  22. AULIC COURT OF THE KINGDOM OF HANSETI-RUSKA REVIEW ON THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS OF REPEATING PROPOSALS 5th of Wzuvar & Byvca, 355 E.S. Jovenaars Sir Sigmar J. Baruch Ms. Reza B. Gynsburg Mr. Otto Wittenbach Mr. Lukas Rakoczy MAJORITY: Rakoczy, joined by Gynsburg CONCURRENCE: Wittenbach DISSENT: Baruch Exposition A multitude of acts are rejected at the behest of the Duma vote, as has been seen in recent years. The Josefian reforms have also brought a period of great change to the procedure of the Duma. However, as the Duma cannot legislate on itself (see Aulic Court Review: Relationship Between the Royal Duma and the Aulic Government), this request for review must be issued. As a sitting member of the Duma, and peer of the realm, the Duke of Valwyck sees fit to defer to the Aulic Court for a legal opinion on the following: The Haurul Caezk states that a bill of the Royal Duma must be passed by majority vote and may become law with the confirmation of the Koeng following its majority vote, implicating that it is failed when said bill does not reach these requisites: 212.01: Members of the Duma may submit bills to the Royal Duma that must be passed by majority vote; 212.042: Once passed with a majority vote, a legislative bill shall require assent from the Crown to become binding law; The question that should be raised is whether or not a bill that has failed to reach these requisites after being introduced in the Duma should have the ability to be reintroduced, unaltered, in the Duma sessions following its failure, including the cohort contrary to the one it was first presented in. See the full amicus brief from Lord Matyas Baruch: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197497-letter-to-the-aulic-court-353-es/ Jovenaar Lukas Rakoczy delivered the opinion of the court; The dispute focuses primarily on the question of whether legislation that has failed once may be re-introduced without modification during a meeting of another cohort. Even though noble cohorts have since been removed from the structure of the Royal Duma at the time of publication, the court still finds it pertinent to offer a judgement on this matter. It is the belief of the Aulic Court that the Royal Duma may not re-introduce failed legislation without major modification during the same four-year session. Any legislation that passes the Duma does so with the consent of the people, with legislators voting on behalf of and as the representatives of the people and the peers. Legislation that fails to pass, therefore, has clearly failed to attain the consent and support of the people, and to re-introduce such legislation would be to subvert the will of the people. Jovenaar Sigmar J. Baruch in dissent; On the dispute of re-introducing legislation without modification after failure to pass, this Jovenaar finds that through decades of set precedent and no objections to the matter found within the Haurul Caezk, it would be unprecedented and detrimental to the ability of the Royal Duma to restrict members of the body from introducing bills to the floor. Furthermore, it is not the place of the Aulic Courts to legislate on the abilities of members of the Royal Duma which directly affects their service within the Duma, it is only the Aulic Courts place to protect precedent, and interpret the Law. It is the ability of Duma members to introduce legislation in hopes of it becoming written law, therefore we should not restrict the capacity in which members can do this and take part in the writing and introducing of legislation. IT IS SO ORDERED.
  23. The Monarchial Garde The Monarchial Garde is a military organization supporting the true wars for justice and order within the regions of Anthos. We serve for the righteous, and protect the true causes. Our oath is to protect the innocent, and so shall we use our steel to do so. We settled ourselves on the far side of the road to the crossing, and we have honor each man or woman from any race or origin. Let us protect the wonders of life, rather than destroying it. The Monarchial duty Besides training and preparement, we are everywhere when needed. From raising our banners in a war, to patrolling the streets of the city to protect its citizens. We are independent, and are not affected by political ties nor any superior force. We protect what is righteous, together or alone. When not in war, you follow your oath by being where you are required, from Abresi to the cloud temple. As member of the Monarchial garde, you have the right to raise your sword to evil and crime. In return of your service we will provide you with a safe place to stay in our barracks close to the road to the Nation Crossing. Rankings: Commander - Highest in command, leads the whole Garde with the General. Centurion - Batallion leader, coordinating attacks with small selected groups. Sergeant - Experienced & Honored fighter within the Garde. Millitant - Recognized soldier of the guard Recruit - Unoathed and recently joined soldier. The Uniform When on duty all the members of the Garde are required to wear uniform, as the present the colours of justice and order. ((Head can be edited)) This is the official format to join the Monarchial Garde:
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