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Everything posted by Javert

  1. As the Tribesmen of the Raenrland sat within their camps across the mountain ranges, one thing was abundantly clear to the leaders of the different Clans. Their tactics of Terror, which were meant to frighten the Rathonians and Norlanders into submission, was not working. Their ambushes seldom had any success, and their most recent attack on Dunrath City proved that more than ever. And so, the Elders of the Clans convened. They debated, argued, and advocated for how their war effort could improve. They knew that if their tactics did not change soon, Norland would eventually claim victory over them one way or another. Hours passed, the realm of Almaris fell into night, and the Tribesmen reached a conclusion. In open combat, the Tribesmen had little hope of winning. They could not openly storm their villages or cities, for they would just be driven back as before. However, what they could do was engage in guerrilla warfare. They could pick their fights carefully and not allow the Norlanders to choose the place of battle, and they could squeeze Dunrath of its imports. To achieve this, the Elders sent a team of Tribals into the night to carry out a mission that, if successful, would make trade and travel between the mainland and Dunrath far more difficult than before. And so these men set out, their torches in hand. They first arrived at the Loch Usaidh Bridge, and tossed their torches upon the wood. The bridge caught fire easily, and soon collapsed into the lake. Despite burning an important entry to Dunrath, the Tribals were not yet done. The men with torches then set off further down the Raenrland roads and began to split up down the different diverging roads. Each man began hacking nearby trees down and constructed road blocks, then tents to accompany them. The Tribals were not just destroying infrastructure, they were making sure none could repair it either. Their tactics truly were changing, and what that means for the Jarldom of Dunrath and other Raenrland settlements remains to be seen.
  2. Ashguard Patrol of the Raenrland 9th of Malin's Welcome, 67th S.A. From the Office of the Marshal of the Ashguard, On this day, a patrol of Ashguardsmen departed on a patrol to capture a Tribal Escapee who had fled from Varhelm after he was captured in the Battle of South Dunbar. Upon realizing the Prisoner was not present in their cell, Marshal Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric ordered Overseer Asmund Camian to organize an impromptu patrol to attempt to re-apprehend the escapee. The Patrol mustered at the base of the Ashwood tree, where the Marshal instructed them of their mission. Among this patrol was Warden Boots Anarore, Man-At-Arms Neriel, Footman Zodd, and Footman Raevna. After the briefing, the band departed into the Raenrland mountains in search of their target. With little difficulty, the Band located the camp where the Escapee was staying among other Tribesmen and Women, roughly six in total. After Overseer Asmund hurled a Molotov into the campfire, the majority of the Tribals were killed with only the Escapee and one other Tribal remaining alive. The two survivors were swiftly captured due to being in a dazed state. Depiction of the Ashguardsmen patrol returning from the Raenrland Upon returning to Varhelm, the Escapee was hung from the Ashwood tree as an example to those who attempt to flee the justice of Norland, while the other prisoner was escorted to the dungeons of the Barracks. It then was realized that the new prisoner held an infant boy in his arms, luckily unharmed from the fighting. Upon realizing this, Marshal Ragnvald had the child removed from the cell and placed in a safe location within Norland until the Father is released at the end of the War with the Tribals. Signed, His highness, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Marshal of the Ashguard, Prince of Norland, Ruler of Eiriksgrad.
  3. Reformation of the Ashguard Issued this 4th of Snow's Maiden, year 67th of the Second Age From the Office of the Marshal of the Ashguard, Following the previous Ashguard Update (Ashguard Reforms and Updates, 63 S.A.), it has become necessary for the Ashguard Leadership to yet again publish another update on the Armed Forces of Norland so that the citizens of Norland may be kept aware of the military situation of Norland. Promotions: Recently, there have been many individuals who have proven their worth as true Men of Norland, and have therefore been promoted for their actions. 1. Asmund Camian shall be made the first of two Overseers, responsible for overseeing the Wardens of Norland and making sure the Ashguard runs smoothly in the absence of the Marshal. 2. Ragnar Sigvardson shall be promoted to Man at Arms Rank Updates: Following the recent Edict of Appointment by the Regency of Norland, there has been mild confusion regarding the responsibilities of the Lord Commander rank. As a result, we wish to make public the following. 1. The rank of Lord Commander, with the consent of the Hand of the King Casimira Edvardsson, is to be officially dissolved and its responsibilities incorporated into the Overseer rank to prevent confusion. Signed, His Highness, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Marshal of the Ashguard, Prince of Norland, and Ruler of Eiriksgrad
  4. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric blinks upon reading of the appointment, having not been consulted at all about the appointment of Asmund as Lord Commander. "What the ****?"
  5. A Very Ferry Wedding The Bride and Groom prior to the wedding Love, it is what drives many a thought and action in one's life. Rolf Perea, descendant of King Pampo Perea, and his beloved Eve Gardnyr wish to share their love with the people of Almaris in holy matrimony within the Basilica of San Luciano in the coming month of The Grand Harvest. For many a year, this pair has enjoyed the company of each other. They have made memories, proclaimed their love, and now wish to be truly married in the eyes of GOD. Therefore, it is the wish of the Bride and Groom to invite the following to be present on their joyous day of Union. His Serene Highness, Lucien Aurele, Prince of Savoy (@Milenkhov) The Right Honorable, Karl Amadeus, Count of Freimark (@Ramon) The Right Honorable, Borys Jazloviecki, Count of Lvinsk (@Oloxx_) His Lordship, Balthazar III, Marquis of Myrine (@Orlanth) Captain Basiyl 'Banjo' Mareno and the entirety of the Ferrymen Band (@Masouri) The Bride and Groom, Eve Gardnyr and Rolf Perea
  7. After a very heated discussion in regards to Hispanic food, and following Orlanth's ranking of Hispanic food below American food, we have concluded that Orlanth's decision was purely Racially motivated! We, the Hispanic Ferrymen, have suffered enough at the hands of Orlanth's absurd food taste and his constant insults against our dishes. #CancelOrlanth #OrlanthHatesHispanics
  8. A certain Barclay walks into Karosgrad carrying a carton of milk not long after hearing of the marriage of his son "Hallo boys, Ich am back!"
  9. "Truly, and utterly, based." said Marshal Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric upon being notified of the contract "Good to have you back, my Ferrymen friends."
  10. "It seems soon we will see a suspicious drop in women firstborns!" said a random Haeseni peasant, who knew that even with the new law, the sky gods would find some way to bypass it!
  11. Are you ready to answer for your crimes against those "people"? Have you ran a settlement before and did you enjoy it When are you playing in Norland

  13. Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric strokes his beard in ponderance
  14. The Battle of South Dunbar 12th of the Sun's Smile, 64th S.A. From the Office of the Marshal of the Ashguard, On this day, the Forces of Norland about 500 strong marched Southwards to the Jarldom of Dunrath upon hearing of suspicious movements in the mountains. upon arriving, they were reinforced by an additional 500 Rathonian citizens and Ashguard garrison, bringing up the combined forces of Norland to 1,000 strong. Led by Warden Boots Anarore and Man-At-Arms Neriel, the Norlandic Army took up positions atop the walls of Dunrath. To the surprise of the Norlandic commanders, a Tribal warband of 1,500 warriors marched forth into the Village of South Dunbar, just on the other side of Lake Fiag. There, they began to pillage and loot the innocent village and assaulted any civilians they could find. From atop the walls, Man-At-Arms Neriel ordered the combined Norlandic forces to sally forth. They descended from the walls, boarded nearby Rathonian Canoes, and sailed across to meet the Tribesmen in battle. Artist's depiction of the Battle of South Dunbar Upon landing on the other side of the lake, the vanguard of 200 Norlanders was met by a contingent of 300 Tribal warriors who had sallied forth from their pillaging to meet the Norlanders head-on. The superior equipment and training of the Ashguardsmen led to no major casualties from the Norlandic side, whilst the Tribal vanguard was all but slaughtered or wounded. Meanwhile, the other 800 Ashguardsmen landed on the eastern flank and pushed inwards towards the town meeting minimal opposition and managing to crush around 400 Tribesmen in the process. The remaining 800 Tribal Warriors fell back into South Dunbar and formed a shield wall whilst the Ashguardsmen rejoined their forces and pushed inwards against the Tribals. There, the brilliance of a soldier named Asmund Camian allowed for the Ashguardsmen to shatter the Tribal formation by equipping 100 Ashguardsmen with molotov cocktails and hurling them towards the shield wall. The dry shields of the Tribal Warriors caused them to burst aflame, shattering their cohesion and eliminating an additional 400 in the chaotic fire that followed. Thankfully, due to the careful watch of the Ashguardsmen, the Fire did not spread further and left the buildings of South Dunbar undamaged. the 400 surviving tribal warriors, being outnumbered and outmatched by the mostly intact Norlandic Army, turned and fled the battle. Finally, the battle was concluded and the Norlandic forces would have victory over the Tribal Assault. Thankfully, no buildings received permanent damage from the raid, and the wounded Ashguardsmen were quickly whisked away to the Rathonian clinic while tribal prisoners were escorted to Varhelm. It is due to the organization and discipline of the Ashguard that the Battle of South Dunbar was won, and that the village remained intact. As a result of his bravery and enginuity during the Battle of South Dunbar, Footman Asmund Camian shall hereby be promoted to Man-At-Arms within the Ashguard. Signed, His highness, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Marshal of the Ashguard, Prince of Norland, Ruler of Eiriksgrad.
  15. Time to commit warcrimes in Kivdrona
  16. Reformation of the Ashguard Issued this 10th of the Deep Cold, year 63rd of the Second Age From the Office of the Marshal of the Ashguard, It has come to the attention of the leadership within the Ashguard that, after a recent study, the military arm of the Kingdom of Norland requires a series of reforms to better suit Our Nation and Our People. As a result, it is at the will of the Marshal of Norland to issue a series of reforms, aimed at both improving Ashguard performance and encouraging those seeking a military path to enlist within the Ashguard. This first series of reforms shall be explained in further detail throughout the contents of this missive, effective immediately upon its publishing. Redefining of Ranks After a studying into the ranks of Our armed forces, it is abundantly clear that the duties of certain ranks within the Ashguard lay open to interpretation and have no clear definition. We hereby seek to define the duties of the following ranks in addition to adding a new rank to the Ashguard: 1. Man at Arms - Responsible for the physical training of Initiates, such as combat training and workout routines as well as formation training. A Man at Arms shall not have the ability to promote Initiates to Footmen, as that remains a privilege for members of the high command. 1A. Men at Arms will be permitted a squad of no more than Five initiates to train, patrol, and perform other duties with. This squad may either be assigned by the High Command or hand-picked by the Man at Arms depending on necessity. 2. Wardens - Responsible for the overseeing of a Vassal Ashguard Garrison and shall be responsible for the recruitment, supplying, and organization of these garrisons. A Warden shall be assigned to a Vassal Fief either by request of the Baronage or by necessity due to the decision of the Marshal of Norland. They shall be given the privilege to promote/demote members of the Ashguard. 2A. A Vassal Garrison shall not be defined as a Vassal levy, instead a Vassal Garrison shall consist of all Ashguardsmen living within a Vassal of Norland. Ex; An Ashguardsman living within the Jarldom of Dunrath shall be considered a member of the Rathonian garrison. Vassal Baronage may command the Garrison within their fief with the oversight of the assigned Warden. 2B. Wardens, when assigned to a Vassal Fief, will be required to reside within their assigned fief in order to allow for easier communication between the Baronage and assigned Warden. 2C. Wardens may not make administrative decisions within their assigned Fief that go beyond Military matters, as their purpose is solely to provide martial aid. 3. Overseers - This new rank shall have only two members personally selected by the Marshal of Norland by merit alone, and will be responsible for overseeing the activities of the Wardens of Norland. If deemed necessary, an Overseer may remove and/or appoint a Warden of a Vassal Fief. They shall be given the privilege to promote/demote members of the Ashguard. 3A. Overseers have the privilege to reside in whichever residential fief of Norland they so desire. 3B. Overseers may not make administrative decisions within any Vassal of Norland that would overstep the Baronage of Norland's privileges. 3C. Overseers will be responsible for keeping the Wardens of Norland in-check. 4. Footmen and Above - As of lately, it has been assumed that any member of the Ashguard may arrest a criminal for suspected charges. However, we wish to clarify the duties of every member of the Footmen rank and above. 4A. All members of the Ashguard, with the exception of Initiates, may arrest and jail suspected criminals. 4B. Members of the Ashguard May Not initiate a criminal trial without the presence of a Keeper of the Red Faith. Signed, His Highness, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Marshal of the Ashguard, Prince of Norland, Ruler of Eiriksgrad.
  17. Soon. (Whenever Im not on my current 3 personas) Pizza rat, I hate spiders with a burning passion.
  18. Sup Timer Whenever the Warband servers are active in my timezone, but id be lying if I said I didnt miss KRP or the other servers. Favorite nation? Thats actually difficult. I really enjoy rping in Norland, so thats probably my number one. However, i also enjoy Haense, Urguan, and even to an extent the Modern Oren since its seeming to go back into the sort of medieval vibe.
  19. My good friend Gandhi If I could revive any of them, it would probably be Henry Bishop. I loved playing that persona and he had a lot of memories When August gets married, so keep me updated. He needs to have his tragic father arc eventually
  20. For music? Cant really say ive got a favorite genre but in terms of a song I really enjoy Little Dark Age because it makes me feel nostalgic Favorite RP moment is very difficult to pick since most of the rp ive done is really fun. However, id have to say when my persona Henry Bishop got his arm blown off by a trebuchet. Sounds morbid i know, but it led to me getting a dope atronach arm so I cant complain. Favorite memory has to be joining the Sedan Rebellion. It was the first time I had gotten to be involved in a war (Sutican war had mostly ended when i first joined) so I was extremely hyped up. Regardless of how it ended, it was fun as hell. what would I change? Let Nations be killed via Warclaim. My reasoning is that if a nation gets all their tiles taken but their capital cant be conquered, it leads to a sort of awkward byzantine-like political scenario. Feels weird to have nations have some sort of skygod protection when they cant protect themselves through means of rp If i could change anything it would probably be my impulsiveness. Ive gotten it under control but in the past its been a relatively bad problem. some advice I have is dont get ahead of yourself, start out small. Host events to attract people, let people know your settlement exists, etc. Also, wait to get into big politics until you know your settlement is capable of handling such or else your settlement will likely end up raided to death. Nope. Matter of fact im in one right now, and on very rare occasions they even play on lotc as well. Granted, they prefer more relaxed rp than the political-military stuff I do. Probably by the time im out of college. I really enjoy RPing on LOTC but eventually ive got to get on with my life, granted thats not for a couple of years so that isnt any time soon. ive always wanted to join Event Team, but for right now im very content with being on the Wiki team. Other than that, I cant see myself going any higher since the idea of Moderation stresses me the hell out
  21. Yes, im fully aware I can check my profile to see when I joined, but frankly im a lazy shit. Anyway, i know its at least been over a year or something, so I suppose its time for an Ask Me Anything. Id format this better but im on my phone so it is what it is I started off on this server when @Lickspittle held me at gunpoint to join his family in Haense, and from there I went on to bounce around from time to time between communities. I stuck with Haense for a while, tried out Oren for a small bit, made Hyspia in the Wildlands, joined Norland, joined Sedan, so on and so forth. Eventually @HogoBojo convinced me to join CT to work on the wiki, and here we are today. So yeah, ask me anything because i love this server.
  22. "Ich am nicht surprised." said Ludwig von Audrick as he read the missive from within his home in Haverlock.
  23. "Very nice." said Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric upon reading the missive!
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