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Posts posted by Valannor

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Tarathiel Asul'onn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Fire Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Tarathiel Asul'onn


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Voidal Translocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Dael'ran The First and Grand


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  3. This is gonna be my comment for the big trio, but these are all really high quality feats. I love em. Good heccin work, Squak! 


    35 minutes ago, CaesarTheFirst said:

    Okay this is cool and this is what voidal magic should be. Now take all current voidal magic, make it and rework it to be nonvoidal, then pass this. I love this Squak, but I honestly do not want to see this existing under the same category as descartes fireball magic.

    So take all of the evos and make a new subset of magic... Arcane, maybe? 

  4. JGBBiym4ykK8IWvLimk6WU2sDpSv1xaHDMR6QYx7bHedeYib-nffLZ0Cm6zupDiI2Vl9YcJWeB519EXnkGRaAnMQQW3pOVeo-VD-MmHdcqVEBiW9OjHv4QW6GzLDjVfeub3j1evA


    Prevja, citizens of Hanseti-Ruska! A great deal of you will know me for my deeds, but for those who don’t, allow me to introduce myself.


    My name is Tarathiel Asul’onn. I have been a proud citizen of the Kingdom for over a decade now, having been knighted under the Order of Maya and the Lily, and I have been an active member of the political sphere for nearly ten years now, as well as the owner of the Old Stout Crow Pub since our arrival upon Almaris. I have served two terms within the Duma, as both your Tribune and your Alderwoman, and in that time I have strived to meet all the promises I have made, and indeed, many of those have been kept. In eight years, I had proposed and sponsored numerous bills aimed at fulfilling the platform I had run my prior campaigns off of, and the vast majority of those were passed in Duma. An example of such would be the Veteran’s Affairs Act that I co-wrote with the late Astoro, as well as the Priesthood Protection Act, as well as the Punishment Severity Act, and the Fine Adjustment Act. 


    Having done my best to serve the best interests of the Haeseni people in the Duma, it is now that I wish to serve you as your Maer. Indeed, things like enabling and supporting an active and thriving community cannot be done through legislature, but through administrative action, the likes of which the role of Maer is designed for. As your Maer, I would endeavor to spur development across the city, and work with the Treasury to establish paid work for those in need of it, be it cleaning up the wildlife and monstrous beasts which plague our lands, or construction work dedicated to expanding our infrastructure. I would take steps to liven the city up as a whole, and make it one of the truly greatest places upon Almaris, through both design and community, by adding more flair and decoration about the city as a whole, and working to bring the city itself to life. And I would strive to include prominent members of our community in these processes, so that the people have a hand in bringing my vision of prosperity to life, likely through the implementation of an advisory board of reputable citizens. 


    Should I be elected to the position of Grand Maer, I make a solemn vow to try my best to bring the vision I have described to life. With you. The people who make our grand kingdom truly so. 


    Velulei y nae ilumeh,



  5. Just now, rukio said:

    "No. Its too strong." Ezyl would comment to Tara with a grin, some unspoken acknowledgement between the two. "Okay. Maybe. But still." She'd add after a while.




    1899164014_TarathielSignature.png.0d2333af198e20bcb158bd6d296ee109.png would chuckle at that, patting the girl's head as they sat at the bar. The tavern would be silent that night, only the swishing of an animate broom breaking the silence of a cold winter's embrace. 


    "Once the family heirloom has made its way back to us, I'll certainly be giving these gentlemen a look... You should partake of their wares, however. It'd help you greatly, I feel."



    [!] A notice would be sent out across the crownlands, finding itself upon notice boards and doors alike. Such a missive would be shakily scrawled on poor quality parchment, as if scribed in a hurried rush by he who inscribed the tear-stained words upon the page. It would read thusly.



    Brothers and sisters of the Church, I beseech your aid!


    Not but three months ago, a foul presence has taken root within the Basilica of St. Henrik. The house of GOD has been defaced with all sorts of vile obscenities, profane scrawlings and the sort! I fear it the work of Iblees, for all of the works of devilry that have unfolded inside those sacred walls. Bands of men have entered the fallowed halls of the church, and each time they have been driven back by the hellspawn; an exorcism seems to be a pipe dream, in these troubling times. 


    Please, I beg of ye who lay their eyes upon this message! Send aid to us here within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, so that we may drive back this godless influence and reclaim His church! Should you wish for further knowledge, I beseech you to contact Sir Alfred Barclay, or the Holy Ser Johan Vuiller!


    -A Concerned Servant of GOD




    Heya! This is an event I've been hosting for the Canonist Church here in Haense, so I thought I would see about attracting a bit more of a buzz to it. 


    If you would like to participate in this event, feel free to send me a DM over discord (Salty Alty#7030)! I look forward to giving y'all some RP!


    As said in the post, those wanting to know more IRP knowledge on the event should contact either @Harald or @repl1ca!


  7. A Challenge to the Pumpkin God


    A night in the Elvenesse, as shrieks and howls pierce the silence of Krugsmas' eve. 


    The Elvenesse fell silent.


    Often, this would not be cause for concern; even the din and ken of the forest had to cease as those myriad creatures who occupied it were embraced in slumber. But something had changed beneath the vast, unbroken canopy of the wood. Hardly could one sleep at night without hearing some sort of shrieking or howling from the distant treeline, nor could the presence of numerous arachnid species hide themselves from even the most casual observer. And for those who’d seen it, they would know what heralded such changes.


    And around the village of Bramblebury, these changes would perhaps be most apparent. Deep, ghastly claw marks scrawled crude and alien etchings into the surrounding trees, the patterns jagged and careless in their make. If one were ‘lucky,’ they may even spy the occasional skull of a deer, impaled upon the highest branches of the titanic pines and oaks which littered the region. Those well-versed in the behavior of predators could perhaps intuit the meaning behind such; Something was marking its territory. And perhaps, should one follow that line of reasoning…


    Attempting to drive what it saw as a ‘rival’ from its territory. 


    And so it would come in recent months, that such a phenomenon could be observed most plainly. Pumpkins, of all shapes and sizes, would be left about the edge of the village; battered, beaten, or crushed entirely in some cases. Some would be left just out of reach of the wee-folk without the assistance of a ladder, while others would mirror the placement of the skulls, perforated on the highest branches. Perhaps chief among all of these acts of sacrilege would be what lay in the center of a clearing, closer to the halfling village than some may prefer; a pile of accrued pumpkin innards, shaped into a large circle, wherein the bleached skull of a long-dead stag would sit in the center. 


    Though the medium crude and unrefined, the message could be surmised well enough; The Pumpkin God had been issued a challenge...


    And the Forest would not tolerate such an interloper any longer. 



    This post is me wanting to engage in some friendly conflict RP with the lad playing Knox! Feel free to DM me on Discord if you wanna take me up on it!


    Love my halfling bros. ❤️ 


  8. 1 hour ago, Urara said:



    Dear Bianca,


    I work in a tavern with a very beautiful elven woman. The more time I spend with her, the more I'm beginning to fall for her. I'm Canonist and she is not. Is there any way to make this relationship work?


    Lover of Long Ears



    1271014943_TarathielSignature.png.699a4bbdb099a6acfd540c75423693eb.png suddenly grows very concerned, both for her reputation as a good Canonist Mali, and the fact that she may need to smack one of her employees. 

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