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Posts posted by Sandman_Plays

  1. Caspian heard the sorry news a singular tear rolling down his face as he read the parchment, the man mourned his friend, his ally and his brother, he carefully wraps the scroll up once more placing it upon his desk, he looks out the windows the cold Haeseni air bathing his face, his breath misting as it expelled from his lungs he watched the courtyard, more and more brothers joining in training and learning together.

    "Look at what have we have built brother... its glorious and would never have been achievable without you"

    The man murmors to himself, the tear still lingering upon his face, he bows his head signing the lorraine over himself

    "A true Brother until the very end, you have earned your place in the seven skies, rest well Petyr your oath is fufilled and I could not be prouder of a man in all my days"

  2. Ser Caspian smiles at reading the news of the fundraiser and begins to prepare a speech, one of community, brotherhood and strength in unity between his brothers and sisters, the man truly proud of how far they had come in recent months.

    "This night is for you brothers and sisters, enjoy it relish in your victories and know that whilst I hold the reins of marshalship there wont be a moment I do not push for better for you all"

    The Marshal ushers men to start drawing out the brotherhood stores of booze and food, to help prepare for the grand feast hosted by the Gracious Lady Maer.



  3. Not one for taking all the credit Caspian had mentioned that serving Haense was its own reward, nonetheless an award had been placed in his lap, he was taken aback by it all and humbly accepted, though he was aware his brothers had aided in such, in fact the Royal Captain had decided to make something of a feast in honour of those whom had saved Yuri, at the tavern keeps expense!

    "I only live to serve" Is all he had replied to the Edict upon reading it.

    Ser Caspian would trudge off to continue his duties, with a slight smile brewing on his visage of such a gracious act, though one he knew he could not take full credit for, and had no intention of doing such.

  4. Caspian Layland had finished his toils within the fields, Deeming it only fitting to donate the fruits of such labours to those in need, the man had survived his trails, and infact had found himself truly intertwined with his faith, Ready to continue his work, though now with a larger perspective, he delivers the bread into the Colborns vast stores, he knew it was time to return to Haense, Reclaiming his Armor and his title of Ser he prepares for his largest battle, one that would shake his very soul to its core, nonetheless the man was steadfast in his resolve.

    "A Kind and Pious life is the one I choose, A defender of the faith is what I am, till my last day" 
    The words echoing throughout the young knights mind, as he travelled back to Haense.


  5. RSfKqJofbYd7nudk8O2DjhW-lcbEHOWepWDosiF-LAxhBsrZb1VnWPNzZH86nMIHIcVPm5RKpORn8BwO76Xy229I81n0ftn1ZS92Syalj5aFwZ0-Vm4ohhNBulnNx85Idc72WvmDiE0OeVwyZ5SmJOw




    -=Call to Arms=-


    As the birds flew from the towers of Karosgrad, calling upon the Crown’s most loyal followers, one found its way to a small farmstead just south of the city. A young Gwaine Porter, son of the renowned Ser Jackson ‘the Resolute’ Porter picked up the note, sealed with the wax sigil of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. The man cracked open the sealed note and began to read its contents.


    After reading the troubling news he sighed, looking over to his father’s claymore hung upon the wall, before nodding slowly.


    “Bound by duty.” He mumbled whilst walking over to the feared blade, knowing of what he must do. He meandered outside his cozy homestead gifted to him by the Koeng himself, slipping a hand into his pocket and retrieving a Barclay branded cigarette, and placed it upon his lips before lighting it from a small match. He exhaled a plume of smoke into the cold air and looked across the water, watching the ceaseless waves lap against the snowy shore. Before long, he finished his final comfort, stamped out the flames of the tobacco into the soil, and made his way to the storeroom. He dusted off his black-and-gold-trimmed Haeseni mail, and began the march through the snow-capped woods as the sun drew long, and cast his stretching shadow across the ground.


    As he walked, as the wind whistled through the pine trees, he heard his father’s voice in the back of his head.


    “A Porter will always heed the call.”

    “A Porter will fight to his last breath.”
    “A Porter will honor his vows.”
    “A Porter's sword is always pledged to the Royalty of Haense.”

    As the thoughts rattled in his mind, he pondered whether he could even begin to live up to his father’s name and legacy, the sheer noble deeds of his father before him only making Gwaine's path more prestigious to follow. As he approached the gate, a guard flagged him to a halt.

    “Who goes there, friend or foe, nation and affiliations!” The man bellowed coated in Haeseni Armor.

    “Gwaine Porter, son of Ser Jackson Porter the Resolute!” Gwaine would reply confident his answer may grant him access to the city.


    With a slight awkward shuffle the Guardsmen recognised the name, House Porter. He raised the gates. 

    “The Koeng awaits you, friend.” He mentions as Gwaine wanders past, the dark streets begin to light up with the cracking of dawn, the cold air still enveloping the land around him. Gwaine found himself in a form of nostalgia as he walked the ancient streets of Haense, as his father once had, walking toward the grand palace, nodding to the Guardsmen upon entry. He would follow the route that he had always known straight to the Koeng’s office.


    “My Koeng.” He spoke calmly to the man before him, The Koeng stood over a table dotted with locations and strategic positions. He looked up slowly.

     “Gwaine, I am glad you are here… Let’s get to work.”


    The door slowly closed behind the pair as they began to plot, the crows caw at the breaking of warmth in the weather, and Gwaine as his father had before him, answered the call to arms; for the rights of Haense, and her people, fearless at the utmost possibility that he would meet his end.


    Tov y Yermey, 386 ES





    Those around the keep of Otistadt and the Kingdom of Haense would receive a flurry of invitations, in the form of flyers, detailing a grand party in the noble Ludovar keep where everyone was invited. The contents would read as followed…


    “Tell all of the up and commence of House Ludovar, Some may have thought we were done but that is niet the case, we have been working hard over the last year for this day, and we would like to share it with you below are specific invites though all will be allowed within the keeps walls upon the day.


    “The celebration will be one regarding the Expansion of House Ludovar and the Return of Lord Roberts Brother, Lord Aleksey. Within such, we have founded many new enterprises and even a charity, this will be a catalyst for a new GOLDEN AGE for House Ludovar!”


    The flyer would go on, mentioning plentiful fine wine and food available to the guests, along with jovial music to dance to. Not only that, but a final duel would commence, crowning a Champion for the entertainment of the noble lords and ladies in attendance.


    In the name of charity - any and all spare drink and food will be donated to the poor and homeless of the city. Any charitable donation throughout the night would be appreciated, and invested in further upcoming plans of the organisation. 




    At the base of the flyer, a list was attached, naming the current businesses falling under the Ludovar Company. 


    The Royal Ludovar Company 

    Ludovar Luxuries

    Ludovar Securities

    Safe Storage

    The Ludovar Foundation


    Invitations were sent, but not limited to:

    His Royal Majesty, Heinrik II Barbanov, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his pedigree @Rudi

    His Grace, Erich Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble pedigree @DeadGuyMatt

    His Grace, Ailred var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his pedigree @biggestdon

    His Grace, Ruslan Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his pedigree @Sarmadon

    The Honorable, Isaac Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt and his pedigree @Pureimp10

    His Lordship, Yvo Mondblume, Baron of Richtenburg and his pedigree @Limo_man

    His Royal Highness, Franz Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his pedigree @Gusano

    His Lordship, Stefan Vyronov, Baron of Astfield and his pedigree @Wolfey34

    The Honorable, Jan Kortrevich, County of Jerovitz and his pedigree @Luminaire

    His Serene Highness, Leopold de Joannes, Prince of Sedan and his noble pedigree @yopplwasupxxx



    His Lordship, Aleksey Ludovar, Founder of The Ludovar Foundation







    OOC- This Event will be held on Wednesday! the 18th of August at 4pm EST, Feel free to show up and Support your favourite Charity and enjoy the duel.
    All those who wish to Join the Duel Send me a message to win a purse of 100 mina and be crowned the Champion of Otistadt.

  7. wCebQ9r4kgKgKMSi9R8QoiBDp84eJDiwQJNHdKJ6SQBcvasWVAZlJrdmhknZhsCj3F11oZk0dVqy0rPQ4uiYKdr63HEO7-Oh9jVCMA8ArIvH6lUww03zdlcGygY2ueuPRxC8uwW6

    Lord Aleksey Luka Ludovar

    Gronna and Droba 385 E.S.



    As Aleksey would arrive to the place in which he had called home, the landscape would be covered in a thick velvet black, with a glance to the sky the Man could determine that it was around 3 in the morning, as the stars passed over head, he was truthfully exhausted having left Haense in search of himself, he had found quite the adventure across Almaris.


    The time spent away had aged him not just physically but mentally, the 12 years spent away from his home, his family allowed him to mature greatly, his dark green eyes scanned the landscape as the frozen northern winds continued to whistle against his jacket, gently lapping against his exposed skin, causing his hair to stand on ends, the faint glow of the first gates of Haense coming into view, narrowly lit by the torches that laid within the wall braziers.

    He urged his steed onward towards the gates, noting quickly that the ground had gone from rough stone to more polished and worn cobble, within the space of a few steps a welcoming noise to his ears, as he approached the guards who stood ever vigilant he would slow himself down to a halt nodding to the men, he wondered what they must have thought seeing this random man in battered and ruined armor bearing no house colours and covered in dirt, though he himself too tired to care, his only distinguishing feature was the cape he wore, despite its tattered look it still beared a clear Ludovar House crest.

    “Name, Where you’re from, Allegiance, Purpose of visit” Was announced by a clearly tired guard, to which came a very grateful reply “Lord Aleksey Luka Ludovar, Kingdom of Haense, Aligned to the family Ludovar and my purpose of visit…” He thinks for a moment before creaking a light smile “Returning home”

    The guards upon the gate reared upon hearing the name, No one had seen the “Lucky” lord in over twelve years, so as responsible men they brought the torch closer to the mans face, reveal a much aged Aleksey, his patch on his arm confirming such “Welcome home Lord Ludovar” They smiled as he passed throughout the gate making his way towards the main street. A tear built within his eye as he looked over the City in which he had grown up, he was Home.

    After a long deepend sleep, The lord Ludovar awoke within the Tavern located in the center of Haense, he found fresh clothes laid upon his bed including a letter bearing the official house Ludovar symbol with a simple crack it read “Kazstadt” Upon reading it he knew what it meant, with a slight sigh and a quick wash he changed and set off toward his family Keep.

    “Father, Brother” He nodded to them both before glancing around the keep “It seems… quiet?” With no words of welcome the men of the House informed him of the recent event within Haense as well as the troubles that had occurred within Ludovar itself, Appears Aleksey has a lot of work to do….


  8. [!]

    A Young Aleksey Ludovar would hear of the great Koengs Speech, and nod approvingly
    "Da, It is good he looks after those of the church, especially in times of great peril..." 

    After a brief moment he would continue on his journey to the Lord Palatine's office.


  9. [!]

    The young Aleksey Luka Ludovar, Smiles at this
    "Da, Finally being held accountable... Lucky after that Amador Dog He was next on the list, I hope the marshal will bag and drag him if he doesn't  by Godan Ill help him drag him myself" 

    With a slight Gleeful smile he saunters off the the Marshals office to help compile a report alongside him

  10. LudovarCoatWithRingGold.png?width=353&height=427

    .Formal declaration of a challenge.


    I, Aleksey Luka Ludovar, hereby challenge the Amador Dog Ramdir, to a duel of which tests our mettle and our honour, you have disrupted my families livelihood, and escaped punishment though I will remind you as Haense has appeared to have forgotten, Ludovar’s never forget.

    When you sat by idly like the mouse of a man you are, you left us to die in the Godan forsaken cave, had you have any inclination of being truly worthy of a noble title you would have stood and protected our right to exist and yet, you stood there and watched as they buried us under the mountain.


    Due to this insult you caused my family great harm, my Aunt now must use forged legs as her own were destroyed by the sheer cold, so in kind, I will be taking your life in avengement, I promised you in the tavern moments after I was released that I would end your bloodline, I intend to keep my word, unlike yourself whom broke it at the first sign of any resistance you cowardly dog.


    So in this open letter I leave it to you, Ramdir Amador, face me in single combat, blades only or forever be known as a cowardly worm, and bring shame upon your noble name for eternity, I shall give you three saints days to answer the call.
    10x8 Inch (25x20cm) Print. XJF106601 Trial by Ordeal - The Combat (engraving) (b/w photo) by English School, (19th century); Private Collection; English, out of copyright. . Image supplied by Fine Art Finder. Product ID:12699797_676_0

    -Signed Aleksey Luka Ludovar


  11. [!] The Ex Lieutenant hears the words and slowly closes his eyes... a solemn glance towards the palace before subtle shake of his head.

    "To my left I see my fellow brothers, to the right I see the same. For all in the world, we fight for the peace of this land. Through God, he gave us stewardship of the realm. Through stewardship, we gained the knowledge of diligence and prudence. Through diligence, we may conquer all without fault. And if I should falter in my course, send me never to the skies above. If I should succeed, bestow unto me His blessings, forevermore. For, now I march into a valley through which there is no path. And the stones cascade behind me, to seal my retreat. Though in this valley, I find my Brothers; Now I am named Guardian of My Homeland. Should I falter, my shield shall turn to ash; But I shall not falter."

    [!] As he finishes the HRA Chant, he says a small prayer to the one above,  he had watched her grow up, and had trained her, even fought along side her, Jackson felt for the first time in a while, A sadness above all with a simple pour of his flask he takes his leave...

  12. [!] Jackson Would read the paper for a moment before placing a singular hand to his headband, he looks around before... bursting out laughing, 
    "I have a partner? and this is the best they can come up with"
    The man takes a few moments before finally nodding and coming up with own assumptions 
    "Alright Mr. Hearsay.... game on"
    He tosses the Paper into a fire before making his way in to town, they had Jackson's attention, question was could they handle it?


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