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Posts posted by Tabby64

  1. 1 hour ago, Nooblius said:



    II. Ballots shall be sent through the mail to the Lord Regent. Votes shall not be spoken in person, nor shall they be offered through DISCORDIAN nor GOOGL’FOERM magiks. [Votes may be given via the AVIARY PLUGIN or direct forum message. Must be in a Roleplay format, and would be considered IRPly a letter sent in mail.]




    This guy must think we're stupid or something. 


  2. Why do we even have to have romance ect rp on LOTC? You can go out and fight a dragon or go on an epic quest. Yet you decide to do cringey romance rp with another greasy fat 40 year old in their mother's basement. 

  3. Current Lore: 

    The skin color of Caves Dwarves is always a darker coloration. However, unlike the Dark Elves, this is not a vibrant or deep color. It could almost be described as pale or desaturated. Dark and light grey are the most common skin colors, with some minor variation. These colors rarely have any tint of saturation in them, however, unlike the Dark Elves who commonly have a hint of purple.



    The skin tone of Cave Dwarves varies widely and lacks any uniform color. While certain clans, such as the  Starbreakers, may be dark or light gray, others, such as dwarves found in the Goldhands can be pale and other lighter shades. Being a Cave Dwarf has no bearing on skin tone; instead, it is determined by lineage. 



    There appears to have been an error when this lore was written. The proposed change has always been the case and it will make it more clear for when players create non dark cave dwarves for one of the aforementioned clans. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Bonito said:
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    i appreciate players trying to reincorporate the auction house in a more rp friendly way. this is neat



    They were pretty big last map in sutica and savoy then they just randomly stopped out of nowhere.


  5. 23 hours ago, monkeypoacher said:

    The motivation behind everything here is boredom. You are not roleplaying in Minecraft because you have an obligation to, or because it is instrumentally productive, even if you tricked yourself into believing that. You are writing lore because it is satisfying and you are bored.


    Glad to see monkey men are back though

    Yeah thats normally the point of having a hobby like playing video games. What is the point to this comment though lol

  6. 15 minutes ago, Benleft said:

    Creature bloat is not a problem as-is... If there are too many lore pages, they can just be compiled into AWESOME creature compendiums. 

    That being said, I feel like “big, semi-obedient” ferret would not be a staple of the setting… I feel like a  “general battle animal pet” piece with VERY good (restrictive) redlines would save lore reviewers a lot of time…

    @SmmerGive him a timeout on the forums. He is giving feedback to lore on Christmas eve

  7. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    I cannot screenshot my ban/log in screen. Here is a discord message explaining the ban https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/886149671972646963/1183277974095679528/Screenshot_2023-12-10_002310.png?ex=6587c07d&is=65754b7d&hm=46c009be86076860c9b1645f868bf8


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    While I don't think it was just one singular event which lead to my eventual ban, I do think the catalyst to it was my post made on November 5th. The post was formatted in a "DNN" or dwarven news network post and had a collection of random screenshots I was given which showed 60th saying various things. My comments in an unnamed discord were also sent over after the post which most likely contributed to some aspects of the ban


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I think there is a lot too unpack here and I am still conflicted about the whole situation and Itdontmatta's handling of it. In hindsight I shouldn't have made the post and as one member of the community told me I was being like eric cartmen. I obviously wont make the same mistake again and will be mindful of what I post on the forums in regards to other players. That being said it was odd to have the person who said I needed to grow up, sending me messages about how I dont use a mic or threatening to post screenshots of me for some reason right after. I was also told nobody respects me and that I should go play roblox instead of LOTC. It makes it much harder to accept a ban and be respectful to the person banning me when this occurs and it's why I have remained conflicted on the matter.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    Although a few of my lore posts have been denied recently, I would like to continue writing lore for the server and also participate in events going around. I also have an interest in the wars that have been occurring within aevos.


    Attach other relevant information.



  8. 10 hours ago, TreeSmoothie said:




    This is just from my own personal experience- I'm apart of my state's swordfighting guild, it's almost impossible to use a spear with one hand unless you mean to throw it. It just doesn't work. Similarly, you can hold a longsword with one hand, but because it is long (and thus heavier), holding it in one hand and then trying to use it will hurt your wrist really bad whilst trying to fight with it (alongside doing very little in terms of force).

    I meant just let them use two hands for a spear. U silly goose

  9. 16 hours ago, MeteorDragon said:

    In my opinion, neither longswords nor spears should be allowed to be used by a fully voidal poisoned mage due to the fact they can be two handed weapons. Shortswords, rapiers, and other only one handed weapons should be the limit to their abilities


    16 hours ago, TreeSmoothie said:

    Spears def require 2 hands, longswords are about the same

    Tbh I think them being able to use spears wouldn't be too crazy. 

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