Current Lore:
The skin color of Caves Dwarves is always a darker coloration. However, unlike the Dark Elves, this is not a vibrant or deep color. It could almost be described as pale or desaturated. Dark and light grey are the most common skin colors, with some minor variation. These colors rarely have any tint of saturation in them, however, unlike the Dark Elves who commonly have a hint of purple.
The skin tone of Cave Dwarves varies widely and lacks any uniform color. While certain clans, such as the Starbreakers, may be dark or light gray, others, such as dwarves found in the Goldhands can be pale and other lighter shades. Being a Cave Dwarf has no bearing on skin tone; instead, it is determined by lineage.
There appears to have been an error when this lore was written. The proposed change has always been the case and it will make it more clear for when players create non dark cave dwarves for one of the aforementioned clans.