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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Cheese

  1. ahhhhhhhhHHHHHHH

  2. For those of you who know me for the gold star stickers I hand out, I'm releasing twenty limited edition GLOWY stickers!!!! Look out for them ;)

    1. Laeonathan


      Gold Stars...🧐

    2. WhatASithuation


      gold stars........ ive had one in my inventory forever just waiting for an opportunity to stick that on a guys forehead

  3. I always love it when a comment has more upvotes than the original post

  4. I think we should start druid discourse next

  5. server wide paladin discourse was not on my 2024 bingo card

    1. greygre


      I just need discourse over a mechanical magic plugin and i've got bingo

    2. ThatFunkyBunch
  6. When will we fix forum signatures I miss people's funnies :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xo31


      its not forum signatures, discord did something with their api so everyone using discord links got screwed

    3. Shiredom


      It's all lost if it was hosted through discord. Issue is not on LOTC's end.

    4. Cheese
  7. Why is literally everyone posting lore amendments

    1. AlternisJ


      because lotc of doon and they finally can do stuff

    2. Caravaggio


      Amendment amendment: amendments cannot amend other amendments

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