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  1. That's some boss castle right there sheesh +1
  2. MC Name:Aw_0ken Persona Name: Estel Blanc ID: 81947
  3. Aw_0ken


    Arlen was born in Oren. He lived in a middle class family, his father was a farmer and his mother a stay at home mom. Due to them being halfbreads, they were often misjudged, Arlen hated people like that and he wanted to prove himself. Arlen had a dream of being an honourable warrior and he was generally amazed by warriors. He trained everyday in his backyard, even after he was done helping his father in the fields. Even if he failed he knew that he would achieve his dreams if he kept trying. Years passed and Arlen was ready to be a warrior in Oren but when he tried to join the local guard, he was laughed at by others, saying that halfbreads could never become warriors and that they were weak even if they tried their best. Being laughed and made fun of his race he promised himself that he would prove everyone of those warriors wrong by becoming a great warrior. One day as he was doing a delivery on behalf of his father, he noticed a party of foreign warriors, when he approached them and asked them if he could join them and after presenting his reasons, they gladly accepted him. He chose to move to another town, Elysium. His father being proud of his descision agreed to let him go but his mother was scared for him she was scared about his safety but after countless attempts of trying to make her agree she finally agreed.
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