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Everything posted by ILovChoco

  1. ILovChoco


    Jesmyn was born in Sutica, Almaris with a loving family of 5. They were almost the perfect family until her father started to get addicted to gambling and smoking. When he came home, he would yell at them and say bad things and sometimes even hurt Jesmyn's mom. He was murdered by someone he took a loan from but never paid back. Jesmyn's mother was devastated, but she stayed strong for them. She taught Jesmyn's oldest brother business, middle brother hunting, and Jesmyn, gardening. Until we left the house this is what we all mainly focused on. Throught her childhood, Jesmyn would spend her days in the backyard. There, she would play with the animals, paint the surroundings, and plant flowers. She did this up till she left the house. When she was 15 she decided to go to Elysium when she left. Her oldest brother ( Agnus ) was the first to leave the house. Agnus was highly intelligent in business now and decided to pursue his career in Haense. She and her other brother ( Braxton ) developed a special relationship with each other after he saved Jesmyn's life. She would trust Braxton with anything. He left the house next, now very skilled with hunting. Braxton decided to settle in the Haense forests. Before he left, Jesmyn and Braxton talked. She sobbed "Braxy, do u have to go??". Braxton sadly smiled "Yes Jesmy, I do. I will be close to Agnus so, why don't you come to Haense too?". She sadly explained, "Well, I already found a place but it's not close to Hanse". Braxton replied "Oh....That's alright we'll still visit each other right?". She smiled a little bit "Yea, we would". When it was Jesmyn's turn to leave, She kissed her mother goodbye, took her things, and got on a boat to Aegrothond, and then got onto a carriage straight to Elysium, Norland. Now She's just about to go and enter Elysium. Wish her luck!
  2. ILovChoco


    Jesmyn was born in a dainty village ( now destroyed from village raiders ) a little far off Norland. She had loving parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. She has 2 siblings and 6 cousins. When she was 3, village raiders destroyed her village and killed her family. Jesmyn, her siblings, and cousins all hid but she never saw her cousins again. After, her older brother picked her up and they all ran away to the nearest place (Norland). When they got there, Jesmyn's older brother built a hut while her middle brother looked for work. She mostly spent her days as a child being taken care of by animals and growing plants while her brothers were working. Once she could go to school, she studied very hard so she could settle at Elysium which has the best gardens and garden material. At 15, She had some love in school and friends, but those didn't last long. Her boyfriend cheated on her and her friends revealed her secrets and spread rumors about her. This is how she developed trust issues. Her oldest brother was already very successful at the age of 30 but had to work a lot. Jesmyn's middle brother was 23 and helped her with school and taught her how to defend herself and hunt. Of course, She never used her hunting skills because she loved animals. She got good education and met her (to be) best friend in collage. At the age of 20, she tried to find many jobs but it turns out she did not have a "business mind" and got no jobs. Until she was 26, she worked at a hotel finally got enough money to settle down in Elysium. Now, she has finally gotten to Elysium and is going to enter.
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