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Posts posted by sanriu

  1. The Grand Lady of the Aster Courts read over letters that flooded her office pertaining to similar topics. "And mon fils. . .Je pray they had no involvement in this rather depressing altercation." The woman mentioned with a stiff expression as she exhaled slowly. “Mai tu have save travels and  Que dieu vous protège alors que vous fuiez cette terre abandonnée.” She then placed the letter upon her desk blowing out the candle and exiting in search for her Eldest Son. @Continuate


    [ Translation ] “May God protect you as you flee this forsaken land.”

  2. Looking for House Members no specific numbers if you have a slot and wish to help

    feel free to DM me on discord or LOTC 
    Username: Sanriu
    Disord: lusents ( rila )


    Context: French Family that was established for a few years though underground writing a bigger post for them fairly soon.

  3. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Antonia Louvain


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Housemagery [Domestic+Culimancy]


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Farian Malto-Gllydene


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?













    The Halls of the Barony of Montfort are filled with another sound of cries and joyous tears these past Saint Days. The Baroness-Consort of Montfort proclaimed as she and the Baron of Montfort welcomed their wonderful baby boy, Lothar Godfrey, healthy and fully grown for a newborn age of 0.
    His name was decided based upon the Saints, his First name being chosen by his Mother, Lothar The Patron Saint of the Lorraine Cross. A Saint the Baroness-Consort respected when she was much younger as she indeed had a Lorraine of her own.


    Though after the birth The Baroness locked herself in a room to recuperate from the stress of the Pregnancy. Nonetheless The Baron welcomes those who wished to visit the Baby Temesch to come do so the birth announcement had been postponed to give our Baroness a bit more time to recuperate now that she is mentally and physically prepared visits may occur.





    His Lordship, Anthony Marcellus Temesch, Baron of Montfort

    Patriarch of House Temesch et Resmore

  5. Clementine Fransica, The Baroness-Consort of Montfort stared at the missive as her lips curled into a wonderful smile as she rocked the infant in her arms. "Whoever would have thought Little Adrian would wed one day. Perhaps I shall attend and bring the children along as well.."  She placed the missive upon the end table and continued to put the newly born babe of House Temesch to sleep.






    C. 1952


    ☩ GRAND LADY ☩


    Immense the Wake of Stassion as we celebrate our newcomers and blessings from the Saints. A new Grand Lady has been appointed, awakening our once quiet courts and entering them with a vision of refinement to our illustrious Aster Court. The Court is now set to undergo a profound metamorphosis, and to be guided by regal winds of change. It truly is with profound honor and pleasure along with a sense of duty that I the Grand Lady announce the forthcoming provisions and altercations that shall reshape our Courts to be befitting of the exquisite tastes of the March of Stassion, and our esteemed Margravine. As custodians of our noble traditions, we shall ensure that the court reflects the evolving desires and preferences of those who choose to grace it with their presence. 


    Our meticulous endeavors shall encompass not merely superficial changes but a comprehensive reformation that harmonizes the essence of tradition with the contemporary aspirations of our revered dignitaries. The Court of Elegance, a beacon of refinement, shall be tailored to exalt the sophistication and cultural richness that define the very fabric of our March.




     Further Elaborations, about duties of the Official positions Of the Aster Court are the following:





    〈 HH, Ottavia Kasimira of Pompourelia  




    Head of the Entire Court

    Her Highness, The Consort holds full sovereignty over the Aster Court gaining the ability to appoint whomever she pleases. She is also tasked with ensuring that all members of the Aster Court follow the Expectations and maintain proper images befitting of the Aster Court.






    〈 HE, Marie Capucine of Valcour 





    Head to the Aster Court


    The Grand Lady has an important role in the hierarchy of the Aster Council and Court; whoever assumes the position shall oversee the court alongside the Princess-Consort. Ensuring all Council and Court roles are filled and properly managed keeping the Court in proper functionality. The Grand Lady shall also be knowledgeable on the Magraviate’s History and Culture. Allowing herself to be a perfect example for the rest of the Court.


    ☩ The Princess Amanuensis [ Dame, Caterina Sarkozic of Pompourelia] @sondher

    The Princess Amanuensis is tasked with the role of writing invitations and ensuring

     that they are sent out. They are also to write the transcripts of any Court meetings 

    held within the Aster Court.




    The Court Physician, also known as the Royal physician is a Medical Doctor

     who serves the Aster Court. Their primary responsibility is to provide care to 

    Members of the Stassion Household And other Important Individuals of the Court.






    〈 The Heads of the Court 




    Painting of HH, Ottavia Kasimira and HE, Marie Capucine 



    The  Heads of the Aster Council Courts shall welcome various ideologies that shall benefit our lands. They have been carefully selected by The Consort, and The Grand Lady themselves going through a series of questions to determine if they were worthy of such positions. The Dames promoted their Intelligence, distinguished skills, and awareness of the realm’s diversity and dynamics, understanding the challenges both Nobility and Commoners face. Showing their ability to be empathetic and reasonable to problems they have yet or shall never be able to experience. 










    Head to the Office of  Entertainment, and Primary Castle Decorator


    The Castle Conservator plays an enormous part in the court’s overall liveliness, they are tasked with ensuring the regular holding of activities and events within the Margraviate are to take place. Along with the responsibilities of holding feasts and soirees, The Castle Conservator is also to ensure the castle is properly decorated for the coming seasons and events taking place.


    ☩ Members of the Event Commission

    Members of the Event Commission are to assist the Castle Conservator in

     hosting, and holding events; These Courtiers are also allowed to propose and run

     events of their own.

    ☩ Court Fool [VACANT]
    The Court Fool is usually a rather humorous individual who is tasked with

    Entertaining the Courts and people of Stassion. Typically brought to

    Events purposefully to entertain the audience.

    ☩ Court poet [ HH, Mathilde Augusta of Stassion] @annanicole__

    Typically responsible for teaching the arts of Poetry, this Courtier typically has studied

    Poetry has a passion and or love for it and shall teach generations to do the same.

    The Court Poet also writes poetry for the Margravate, typically for the Court and Society to

    Emplore themselves in.

    ☩ Master of the hunt [ HL, Henri Fredric Ashford de Falstaff] @mojanghunter

    The Master of the Hunt is a Courtier within the Margravate charged with 

    securing frequent hunts for the Aster Court whenever he shall please.




     〈 HH, Charlotte Valentina of Marsana 〉





    Head to the Office of Household


    The Lady Concierge is in charge of maintaining the Castle itself, they shall be in charge of maintaining the Castle itself, they shall be in charge of handing off keys to those in need of them. They also control the management of servantry and make arrangements for Visitors and Courtiers of the Aster Court. They also play to ensure all Courtiers and Visitors of the court are informed of proper etiquette and fashion standards.


    ☩ The Court Governess [ VACANT ]

    The Court Governess is the Head of Stassions, and education and is tasked with the care and ensuring that the Youth of both the Aster Court. Throughout more specifically the children of the Stassions Household.


    ☩ Mistress of Attire [ VACANT ]
    The Ladies of the Court Tailor is in charge of providing the finest of garments to the Aster Court Male Courtiers, Ensuring all men within Stassion are dressed within the latest Stassion fashions.

    ☩ Grand Master of the Wardrobe [
    VACANT ]
    The designated male Courtier Tailor is in charge of providing the finest of garments to the Aster Court Male Courtiers, Ensuring all men within Stassion are dressed within the latest Stassion fashions.


    ☩ Ladies In Waiting
    When a Lady is of age, the Princess-Consort may choose to Invite them to the court in order to either attend her, or other Ladies within the Household. This can also include being paired with the Princess’ daughters from a young age. It is very important for all Ladies In Waiting to know the proper etiquette within the Aster Court, along with acting as a confidante to her Lady.




    〈 MISS, Valindra Nullivari 〉





    Head to the Office of Enchantments


    A Scholar within the Aster Courts registered as a licensed mage within Stassion. The Grand Mage serves as not only an advisor but also is tasked with Studying and Furthering their knowledge even whilst within their position. They are also to oversee any other mages within the Aster Court, and other forms of Magics that shall proceed within the Margraviate. Whilst also keeping up with the logs of Magic and who is permitted to practice magic within the walls of Stassion.

    ☩ Court Mages
    A group of licensed Mages, who are under the Office of Enchantments are well versed in Several types of Magic. The Court Mages should be knowledgeable and able to spread information about their practice and ope

    ☩Court Alchemist [ VACANT ]
    The Court Alchemist, within the march, are permitted to distribute potions to the Margravate when asked or required and to teach their craft to Students. They should be permitted to note and collect local herbs and guide those who are unaware of their locations as well as teach citizens about their properties.




    HER HIGHNESS, Ottavia Kasimira of Pompourelia

    The Princess-Consort of Providentia, Margravine of Stassion, Baroness-Consort of Renzfeld,

    Lady of Fredricksburg, Lady Stassion

    HER EXCELLENCY, Marie Capucine Dresnay of Valcour

    The Grand Lady of the Aster Court



    OOC: If you want to join the Court feel free to DM me luscents on discord











  7. image.thumb.png.b49eaab0bc26edbce57ad2c47d7083b7.png




    C. 1951





    Every Mère takes pride upon her enfants as they grow and prosper, they seek to protect them no matter what entails this sad experience we have bestowed the name life to. Every Saints day as Je wander the streets Je see those being attacked or taken away from their rightful posts. Mon Ange fils, Altair Côté Dresnay was attacked by these rather large ignorant barbaric beings I implore you to closely monitor your nations and enfants as they wander these dangerous rempli de saleté as they are no place to merely wander. They shall be the reason Je lose my mind day by day another enfant is either taken from my grasps or gravely injured. Je am growing tired of my bébés coming home with such injuries.

    As a Mère I shall take this upon my own hands, and see to it be dealt with if the ones who harmed mon fils feel confident enough to come forward and admit to your wrong-doings. Je shall possibly become merciful and only remove merely an arm or finger. Though if tu choose to hide and continue this cowardice beahvior Je shall see to it tu meet your ends. 





    Her Excellency, Marie Capucine Dresnay de Valcour

    The Grand Lady of the Aster Court









    4th of Sigsmund's End
    In the year of our lord, 1950





    The House of Temesch et Resmore is overjoyed to finally announce the birth of their firstborn of Temesch et Resmore. These past Saint Months the Barony of Montfort was filled with all sorts of new joy, and sobs… A blessing from the Heavens the Baroness-Consort of Montfort proclaimed as she and the Baron of Montfort welcomed their wonderful baby boy, Mark Anthony, healthy and fully grown for a newborn age of 0.

    His First name is Mark, insinuating he is to make his Mark on history and our lands to benefit both the House and Himself. His middle name. Anthony in honor of his father, someone who shall grow to be rather important in his life and guide him through the trenches of this shallow age. Their child appeared to take after their Novellen Red hair and his father’s eyes of grey. The Barony of Montfort holds hope and continues to pray for another child in the coming years. The Baron and Baroness-Consort welcome their families to come visit and meet their newfound joy. No harm shall come to them in the lands they live in. Granted this fearful time your safety shall be ensured, as this is a joyous occasion that must be celebrated.




    S I G N E D, 


    His Lordship, Anthony Marcellus Temesch, Baron of Montfort, Patriarch of House Temesch et Resmore

    Her Ladyship, Clementine Fransisca Temesch, Baroness-Consort of Montfort,
    Majordomo of the Clementine Court


  9. "How wonderful, I suppose it is time I return. Considering such a joyous occasion.." White hair wrapped down her back, flowing ever so slightly as the wind blew into the tent. It appeared to have grown over sometime though this person looks familiar just slightly older... "I wonder if my appearance will make this occasion all the more enjoyable." Stated Moria Cerusil as she placed down the parchment missive upon a wooden table exiting her tent, hidden in the woods..

  10. Clementine Francisca d'ardent gazed over the missive falling silent, a grin spreading across her face listening to her Mother seem even the slightest bit of excitement over the marriage. All this bride had truly felt would complete this union being her Mothers approval, now having it she is more than excited to wed.

  11. Clementine Fransisca D'Arkent, gazed over the missive her eyes widening as her blue hues reached  its end. "Well isn't that quite a decision, I suppose Anthony has matured enough to make such decisions. How unfortunate.. I wonder where we shall venture now."  The D'Arkent simply shook her head tossing the missive into the fire. "Well done indeed Anthony, May God guide the Temesch Household to a land where they shall prosper."




    The Tragic Death of Louis Dresnay



    In the depths of my heart, a lament swells, a sorrow too profound for mere words to convey. Once resplendent courtyards, now veiled in the shadow of despair, where laughter once danced, now bear the weight of profound grief. My beloved son, Louis, was torn from this earthly realm by the hands of an unjust monarch. It was a mere jest, a fragile wisp of humor that should have stirred mirth, not the fires of wrath.


    This regent, consumed by a monstrous ego and the fragility of his own pride, decreed the unthinkable: the execution of my cherished child. He did not even deign to return the sacred vessel of my son's spirit. What dark fascination drives your heart to withhold his body from its rightful rest? I am left to ponder your macabre intentions. Do you revel in a danse macabre with the departed? You profess to be a Canonist, yet your actions belie your faith, for a true Canonist would never take the life of the innocent over a fleeting jest.


    Now, I am clad in mourning's shroud, every moment haunted by the fading echoes of my son's laughter and the whispered remembrances of his words, his endearing smile, and the distinct contours of his face. Within this sea of sorrow, a tempest of rage churns, but it is not despair that fuels this fire; it is a burning, righteous fury. With a heart heavy as lead and a mind ablaze, I have sought solace among those who dare to challenge a usurper's reign, in pursuit of genuine justice where the courts have faltered.


    With compassionate allies and hearts that bear the weight of empathy, we shall forge our plans. May divine grace grant me the strength to find forgiveness in my soul before these designs come to fruition. I beseech the heavens that my comrades and I may witness the downfall of your monarch, just as my son met his end, and that your city may stand abandoned, a desolate realm, blanketed only by the icy shroud of eternal winter.


    Marie Dresnay, Regent-Matriarch of Maison Dresnay




  13. Clementine Francisca grinned at the missive, as it was read to her whilst she prepared for a party she was to attend fairly soon. "This event truly was interesting to plan, I pray he believes it is manly enough for him." She laughed to herself at the last bit, continuing on with her preperations.

  14. The second youngest Grand-Daughter of the Former Viscount of Pompourelia, Clementine Francisca, could do nothing but stare in horror at the missive, as she dropped  to her knees. The Missive slowly becoming crumbled in her hands, as she clasped them together crying out in agony and distress. Praying to God  asking why; why was he the one who had to be taken away from her. She'd much rather it been anyone else, but him, Why did she have to lose the one person who actually paid her any mind. Her tears slowly making their way down her once pale now flushed face, the one person in her family she felt who truly loved her. The only one who gave her even a dime of their attention gone, just like that the only person she truly loved and cared for ripped away from her at such a young age. Who's arms was she to run into now? 

    She weeped, and sobbed drowning in her own sorrows locked away in her room. The few yet joyful memories of her Grand-Father flashing through her mind as her sorrow began to swallow her whole.



    My Dearest Ladies of Alamaris,


    It is with great pleasure that I extend an invitation to you to attend a tea party, to celebrate ourselves and our bravery. Whilst we eagerly await the return of our brave men and women from the battlefields, we must come together to show our strength and solidarity as a community of women.


    The tea part will be held in the afternoon at a private location, which we have carefully chosen for its elegant ambiance and charming surroundings. Please dress in your finest attire, as it befits this joyous occasion.


    I am certain that you will relish the assortment of teas and delectable treats that we have planned, including some traditional pastries of Adria, which are renowned for their delicate texture and exquisite taste. Everyone is welcome to bring traditional pastries from their nations as well.




    “But indeed I would rather have nothing but tea.” 


    As we gather to savor the pleasures of this momentous occasion, let us also take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made by our gallant soldiers, our cause is a testament to their patriotism and bravery.


    During this tea party we will have the opportunity to share our stories, offer words of encouragement, and pray for their safe return. Let us demonstrate our gratitude for their services and our unwavering support for their heroic efforts.


    It is my sincerest hope that you all will honor us with your presence, as we raise our teacups to toast the future of our beloveds and the women who fought no matter the side or reasoning.

    If you intend on attending please reach out to
    Elisaveta Nadia  Korvacz for the location

           with affection and admiration,



    Elisaveta Nadia Korvacz
    Lady Emerntia Vilac

    Lady Lorena Sarkozic


    [[OOC: FRIDAY, MARCH 24th @ 5PM EST]]


  16. Ullruthir Kriswynn scanned  over the missive with her blue hues that slowly became cloudy, simply shaking her head. Though there were no tears spilt no visible sign of being upset . “I wasted all my tears for you when you were alive for it to come to this. You truly are an idiot Acanthus, though you were a idiot I once loved.” - “I wish you’d been honest with your feelings and intentions maybe we would’ve been together in this life time, see you in the forest old friend.” The woman said as she tossed the missive into the roaring fire going over to her now daughter Mariana hugging her. “Lets go to the clinic my dear.”

  17. Ullruthir was given the message by her assistant, as she sat at her desk. Her eyes red and puffy with bags she appeared to have gone without sleep for some time. "Rid of this Demon.. It has no place in Ameathea or this world. Such a devious creature should be beheaded." She stated to herself as the assistant went back to their post. She rubbed her forehead before she got up to go speak with the Ex- High Prince of Ameathea. (@AgentofDeath13 )

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