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Kingdom of Balian

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  1. Company of Balian Report: 15th of Horen's Calling BA. 55 Penned by Magister Robert Joseph de Lyons I. Parties Involved Attackers: Two Constructs, appearing to be made of Stone. One was 8’ tall and roughly wolf-shaped, though still humanoid, the other was 7’ tall and Orc-like. Likely Paleknights or Golems. Balianese Forces: Don Demetrius var Ruthern, Princess Augustina Novellen, Magister Robyn de Lyons, Amiratus Gaius de Rosius var Ruthern, Lord Commander Peter d’Arkent, Don John d’Arkent, and Private Ren Yu. II. Timeline of Incident Don Demetrius var Ruthern, age 7, was caught outside the city by two constructs. Princess Augustina Novellen observed the situation and reported back to Magister Robyn de Lyons by the gates. They both armored up and approached the scene, asking for the child to be let go. Don Demetrius fell unconscious, with mists coming from his body, like some sort of ritual. The constructs handed him back to Princess Augustina saying they had taken what they needed, and acting as if they would simply leave. Princess Augustina held him and got him behind her, and Magister Robyn worked to try and go in between them and the constructs. The constructs then suddenly attacked Princess Augustina after making it seem like she would be let go, one hitting her over the head with the maul-side of his war axe, while the other stabbed her in the chest with his spear. Magister Robyn reacted, slamming the warhammer into the chest of the construct and cracking it, before being hit over the head by the construct’s war axe’s maul end, having softened the blow slightly with his warhammer. At this point, the City Bell was rung, and a rally consisting of Lord Commander Don Peter d’Arkent, Don John Lothar d’Arkent, Amiratus Don Gaius de Rosius var Ruthern, and Private Ren Yu came down the stairs to reinforce. Magister Robyn regained his senses as he’d standoff with one though not actively fight, while the taller, wolf-like golem moved away with the Princess, while seeming to perform the same ritual he had on Demetrius on her. Eventually, the Princess was dropped, the taller, wolf-like construct started to flee while his compatriot accepted a “klomp” (or duel) with Private Ren Yu, initially for the Princess’ safety, but eventually simply for the sake of it, and the hope that the construct could “steal his (Ren Yu’s) soul.”. Don Peter d’Arkent, Magister Robyn de Lyons, Don John d’Arkent, and Don Gaius de Rosius var Ruthern made chase after the larger construct, who went all the way to the coast and escaped via boat. On their return, Magister Robyn and some others brought Princess Augustina to the clinic for medical attention while the honor duel went on on the stairs. During the duel, due to the lack of honor shown by the construct earlier in the fight by attacking under a truce, Ren Yu wrestled down the construct while Don Gaius shattered it’s knee, back, and head, and Don Peter shattered its chest, at which point it crumbled. Don Peter, Princess Augustina, and Don Demetrius all received medical attention afterwards from various people, including Sir Aer’dir of the Paladins. III. Comments on Incident Due to the comments on stealing souls and their general look and demeanor, and based on my research, I believe these constructs to have been Paleknights. If not Paleknights, they are most likely some form of rouge golems. Princess Lydia informed me afterwards that these same constructs have attacked Minitz. We decided it wise to inquire around the nations to see if they have bothered others, and if so, which nations, to look for patterns. I will work with the Legate’s Office on this initiative. We should likely keep the injured, especially Princess Augustina and Don Demetrius, under supervision due to this “soul draining”. Signed HIS EXELLENCY, Robert Joseph de Lyons, Magister of the Kingdom of Balian
  2. Issued by THE OFFICE OF THE LEGATE 10th of Peter’s Glory 51 BA The Kingdom of Norland The Kingdom of Aaun The Dual Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska The Crown of Amaethea The Vale of Nevaehlan The Arch-Principality of Celia’nor The Grand Kingdom of Urguan The Commonwealth of Petra The Silver State of Haelun’or The Principality of Nor’Asath The War Nation of Krugmar The Halfling State of Bywater The Most Serene State of Lurin The United Domain of Vortice The Republic of Vikela The Duchy of Helious The Kingdom of Barrowton SPOILER: For further information and advice on travel plans, please contact the Office of the Legate and the Ambassador of the particular nation(s) you are interested in visiting. The Legate: Sapphire#1345 The Amiratus: high_fire#1060 The Kingdom of Aaun: beautifulwatty#6584 The Vale of Nevaehlan: Mady#1494 The Principality of Nor’Asath: Wavey#2871
  3. The Royal Codex of the Kingdom of Balian Addendum III: Lex Appellationes Table of Contents: LEX APPELLATIONES Article I- - On Judicial Appeals Article II- - Procedure for Appeals LEX APPELATIONES Definitions Appellationes (Appeals) - Request to apply to a higher court (The Magisterium) for the decision of a ruling to be reversed and remanded. Appellant - The party that is appealing the decision of a trial. Appellee - The party that is opposing the appeal. Errors - Mistakes committed in the trial regarding procedures, evidence and witnesses. Remand - Return the case to trial for a reconsideration. Article I - On Judicial Appeals Art. I.01 - On Requesting for Appeal I.01A - Appeals shall be submitted in either written or oral format to the Magisterium. I.01B - The Appellee may oppose the appeal and may submit a Brief in opposition - hereinafter known as an Opposition Brief - to the appeal. I.01C - A trial may be appealed within a time frame of three Saint’s Days for a non-capital crime, and one Saint’s Day for a capital crime, in which the execution may be held at the discretion of the Kritai. I.01D - Upon reception, the Appeal and the Opposition Brief shall be discussed by the Magister, the Amiratus, and the Crown. I.01E - The Appeal shall be determined through a two-thirds or unanimous vote between the Magister, the Amiratus, and the Crown, or if the Crown overrules the vote. I.01F - If the Appeal is granted, the case shall be remanded to a renewed trial and the previous ruling shall be reversed. If there is new evidence regarding the remanded trial, it shall be admitted. I.01G - If the Appeal is denied, the previous ruling shall stand. The Appellant may not submit any further Appeals. Article II- - Procedure for Appeals Art. II.01 - Guidelines for Appeals II.01A - All Appeals must follow a standard and uniform format when submitted. II.01B - Appeals shall be submitted in the following format, either be it oral or written: 1. Title of the case. 2. Date of the judgment of the case. 3. Statement of the facts of the case. 4. Summary of the judgment of the case. 5. What error(s) were committed during the judgment of the case. 6. Why the error(s) require a retrial. II.01C - If the Appeal does not follow the format, the Magister has the ability to refuse to hear the Appeal. Art. II.02 - Guidelines for Opposition Briefs II.02A - All Opposition Briefs must follow a standard and uniform format when submitted. II.02B - Opposition Briefs shall be submitted in the following format, either be it oral or written: 1. Title of the case. 2. Date of the judgment of the case. 3. Statement of the facts of the case. 4. Summary of the judgment of the case. 5. Justification for the judgment of the case. 6. Why a retrial is not necessary if there are no error(s). II.02C - If the Opposition Brief does not follow the format, the Magister has the ability to refuse to hear the Opposition Brief. Signed, HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Gaius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana His Excellency, Robert Joseph de Lyons, Magister of the Kingdom of Balian
  4. Appointment of a New Secretary of Interior 4th of Lothar’s Gift,53 B.A. To our fellow citizens of the Kingdom of Balian, After a screening and interview process with many candidates for the position of Secretary of Interior, and after much discussion amongst the Duana; a decision has now been made. It is with great pleasure to welcome Viscount Franz Sarkozic to the Royal Duana as the new Secretary of Interior. We trust that he will do well and serve our citizens with utmost diligence and integrity, whilst also upholding our public image and infrastructure. IN NOMINE DEI, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca and Valens, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Gaius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana.
  5. The Royal Codex of the Kingdom of Balian Addendum II: Lex Militaris Table of Contents: LEX MILITARIS Article I - On Court Martials Article II - On Military Offences LEX MILITARIS Article I - On Court Martials Art. I.01 - On Calling Court Martials I.01A - When a Soldier of the Regiment of St. Lothar commits a crime as listed in Lex Criminalis or Article II of this Addendum, then they have the right to be tried via a Court Martial by the Regiment. I.01B - The Court Martial may be called for by the Regiment of St. Lothar or by the Accused. In the case of the latter, the Regiment may confirm or deny the request, and if the request is denied or a Court Martial cannot be set up within three Saint’s days, then the case shall fall upon the Magisterium. I.01C - To hold a Court Martial, the Marshal of the Regiment of St. Lothar, along with officers of rank Banneret or Higher, are required. If the Accused is an officer, then they must have officers of higher rank than the Accused on the Tribunal. I.01D - If the Accused is directly under the Marshall in rank, or is the Marshal himself, then the case must be handled as a trial under the Magisterium. I.01E - If the Crime in question is, by its circumstances or general category, likely Treason, then the Tribunal must also include the Magister, Amiratus, and/or Monarch in addition to the three standard members, so that it may be seen as a joint effort between the Royal Office and Regiment of St. Lothar. As with all crimes of Treason, if the accused is caught in the act, or sentenced by the joint panel or Magisterium, the only allowable punishment is execution. Art. I.02 - On Procedure I.02A - Upon the start of the Court Martial, the Tribunal shall walk in and be seated on the Podium. I.02B - The Prosecution shall then make the case against the Accused, calling in their witnesses and evidence. After each witness, the Accused or his representative has the opportunity to briefly and respectfully cross-examine them. I.02C - Once the case is made against the Accused, he or his representative shall have the right to bring in witnesses and evidence to defend himself. After each witness, Prosecution may respectfully cross-examine them. I.02D - The Tribunal bears the right to interject with their own questions of the Accused, the Prosecution, or the Witnesses throughout the trial. After the evidence is presented, the Tribunal may ask their final questions of the Accused and Prosecution, and may call back any witnesses or evidence as they deem necessary. I.02E - After the Tribunal’s final questions, the Prosecution and Accused may make brief closing statements. At this point the Tribunal will convene for their deliberation, and return with the verdict and sentence. Art. I.03 - On Categories and Punishments I.03A - As with the Magister or Kritai in a standard Magisterium trial, the Tribunal shall bear the discretion to increase or decrease the category of the crime or the allotted punishment within the category based on the circumstances and severity of the particular crime and the number of crimes committed. I.03B - Certain crimes, including but not limited to the ones mentioned again here in Lex Militaris Article II, especially ones in Crimes Against Order or Crimes Against the State in Lex Criminalis (Articles IV and VI), may have their base category increased to Felony or Treason for soldiers and government officials, due to the higher standards to which they are held by our Kingdom. I.03C - Punishments allotted by the Tribunal are to be executed by the Members of the Tribunal or other soldiers of the Regiment of St. Lothar, under their direct administration and observance, at their discretion. These punishments should, in the case of non-joint Tribunals, be chosen from the list of punishments in this section. I.03D - Fines allotted by the Tribunal are to be paid by the Accused to his Commanding Officer or the Marshal of the Regiment of St. Lothar. I.03E - The List of Punishments to be allotted by Tribunals are as follows: fines, forfeiture of pay without leave, demotion, dishonorable discharge, lashings, pillory, stoning, branding, amputation, and execution via hanging, beheading, or crossbow squad. I.03F - For Crimes where a duel is allowable according to Lex Criminalis, and additionally in cases of the Military Crimes of Malingering, Fraternization, Minor Disobedience, Cowardice, and Undue Restraint may, at the Marshal’s discretion, be handled via a Trial by Combat, where the Accused faces the Marshal in fair combat to first blood, where the outcome of the combat determines the Accused’s guilt. If the Accused fails in the duel, then they are allotted punishments from the list above by the Marshal after the conclusion of the duel. Art. I.04 - On the Use of Magisterium Resources I.04A - While the Regiment of St. Lothar may handle the entire matter of the trial and investigation internally (with the exception of Joint Court Martials as described in Lex Militaris Art. I.01E), the Regiment of St. Lothar is allowed to call upon Magisterium Lawyers, Court Scribes, and Quaestors to aid in the Prosecution, Defense, Investigation, or Recording of a Court Martial at their discretion. Article II - On Military Offenses Art. II.01 - On Malingering II.01A - Where a soldier feigns illness, physical disablement, mental lapse, or mental derangement; or intentionally inflicts self-injury in order to avoid assigned duties or shirk important service for the Regiment of St. Lothar, this shall be the crime of Malingering, an Infraction. Art. II.02 - On Absence without Leave (AWOL) II.02A - Where an individual is in dereliction of duty from an assigned duty location, or fails to appear at an assigned duty location at the prescribed time, or intentionally misses Regiment of St. Lothar movements to preclude themselves from a particular duty, this shall be Absence without Leave, an Infraction. Art. II.03 - On Desertion II.03A - Desertion, defined as the unauthorized exit from a Regiment of St. Lothar unit or place of Regiment of St. Lothar activity with the intent of evading service to the Regiment of St. Lothar indefinitely. When an individual quits their unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service. Or when they join another military organization without proper separation or disclosure with their original service, this shall be Desertion, a Felony. Art. II.04 - On Fraternization II.04A - Where an individual engages in an unprofessional relationship with a subordinate, whether pursued on or off duty. When the relationship detracts from the authority of the superior or disrupts the good order of the Regiment of St. Lothar. The appearance of an unprofessional relationship can occur between officers, enlisted, or a mix of the two. An unprofessional relationship is one that creates the perception of favoritism, misuse of position, or abandonment of organizational doctrine or goals for personal interests, this shall be Fraternization. II.04B - Where an individual of superior rank engages in a romantic relationship with a subordinate that is within their direct chain of command, this shall be Fraternization, a Misdemeanor. II.04C - Where an individual of superior rank engages in an unprofessional relationship of any kind with a subordinate of Levyman. Individuals while serving as a Levymen are prohibited from engaging in any form of romantic activity or interests with other members of the Regiment of St. Lothar, this shall be Fraternization, a Misdemeanor. II.04D - When the relationship between two individuals can be determined to have been formed, officiated, and legitimized prior to violating the preceding mandates, the persons may not be charged with Fraternization. Art. II.05 - On Disrespect II.05A - Where an individual uses contemptuous language or displays profound disrespect against someone of senior rank or towards the Regiment of St. Lothar, this shall be Disrespect, a Misdemeanor. II.05A - Where an individual uses contemptuous language or displays profound disrespect against a member of the Duana or the Royal House, this shall be Royal Disrespect, a Felony. II.05B - Where an individual makes disloyal statements against the Regiment of St. Lothar or the Kingdom of Balian, this shall be Seditious Rhetoric, a Felony. Art. II.06 - On Insubordination and Disobedience II.06A - Where an individual violates or fails to obey a general order from a Superior Officer or regulation or is derelict in the performance of his duties, this shall be Disobedience, a Misdemeanor. II.06B - Where an individual violates or fails to obey a general order or advisory from the Duana or Royal Family, this shall be Disobedience, a Felony. II.06C - Where an individual willfully disobeys a direct order from someone of senior rank and authority, this shall be Insubordination, a Felony. II.06C - Any form of Disobedience or Insubordination where the Order or Directive disobeyed involves a hostile foreign power or where the action taken blurs the line of a treasonous act, this shall be the crime of Treason. Art. II.07 - On Mutiny and Sedition II.07A - Where an individual usurps or overrides lawful military authority and compels others to obey. This shall be Mutiny, which is the crime of Treason. II.07B - Where an individual commits acts with the intent to compromise the integrity of the Crown and its constituent institutions by waging insurrection and seeking the destruction of the Kingdom of Balian by impugning the character and person of the Crown through subversive means such as collusion with enemy entities and actors against the Kingdom. This shall be Sedition, which is the crime of Treason. II.07C - Where an individual fails to prevent/suppress mutinous or seditious activity to their utmost ability, or fails to inform on mutinous/seditious activity. This shall be Aiding Sedition or Mutiny, a Felony. Art. II.08 - On Undue Surrender and Misbehavior Before the Enemy II.08A - Where an individual displays cowardice in the line of duty, casts away their weapons, sows terror and dissent, or endangers their comrades through inaction, this shall be Cowardice, a Misdemeanor. II.08B - Where an individual intentionally fails to seek, engage, capture, or kill the enemy to their utmost ability, this shall be Undue Restraint, a Misdemeanor. II.08C - Where an individual intentionally and shamefully abandons, surrenders, or gives up to the enemy their post, command, comrades, or resources they are assigned to defend, this shall be Undue Surrender, a Felony. II.08D - Where an individual intentionally fails to relieve or assist their comrades or allies engaged in combat when commanded, this shall be Refusal to Aid an Ally, a Felony. II.08E - Where an individual performs uncommanded actions against enemy civilians, this shall be a War Crime, a Felony. Art. II.09 - On Espionage, Sabotage, and Aiding the Enemy II.09A - Where an individual conducts surveillance, counter-surveillance, reconnaissance, information aggregation, propaganda, or implantation for the enemy against the Regiment of St. Lothar. This shall be Espionage, which is the crime of Treason. II.09B - Where an individual damages, alters, obscures, hinders, or destroys documents, evidence, resources, weapons, or structures for the enemy against the Regiment of St. Lothar. This shall be Sabotage, which is the crime of Treason. II.09C - Where an individual procures, steals, or sells Regiment of St. Lothar or Government documents, resources, or weapons for the enemy, or conceals, harbors, or protects the enemy in any form. This shall be Aiding the Enemy, which is the crime of Treason. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Ser Robert Joseph de Lyons, Viscount of Enderoca, Cavalier of the Order of the Silver Comet, Magister of the Kingdom of Balian
  6. The Royal Codex of the Kingdom of Balian Addendum I: Lex Nobilis Table of Contents: LEX NOBILIS Article I - On Peerage and Nobility LEX NOBILIS Article I - On Peerage and Nobility Art. I.01 - On Establishment and Letters I.01A - A Peerage is established when the Reigning Monarch grants a Letter of Establishment to a Citizen of Balian as defined in Lex Civilis Art. I.01, who is henceforth known as the ‘Peer’. I.01B - Each Letter of Establishment is only granted to one person, and the title of Peer may only be held by one person at a time for that Letter. I.01C - Upon receiving the Letter, and for as long as it is held by the Peer and his Heirs, his family will be considered part of the Nobility within the Kingdom of Balian, and shall bear all the duties and privileges of such. I.01D - Peerages shall pass from the current Peer to his appointed Heir. The Heir must be a legitimate or legitimized member of the Peer’s House. a: By intestate inheritance, the Peerage shall pass to the eldest filiate child of the Peer, be they male or female, or to the Peer’s closest legitimate living blood relative should the Peer die childless. b: The Peer may specify an heir among their legitimate or legitimized family through their Will and Testament, so long as that Will and Testament is fully approved by the Monarch and his Magisterium prior to the Peer’s death. c: Should the Peer have no living legitimate heirs, the Peerage shall pass back to the Crown. I.01E - Letters may be demoted or revoked by the Crown should the Peer fail to meet their obligations to the Crown and the Kingdom. I.01F - In cases of serious criminal offenses by a Peer, that Peer may be forced to pass down their titles to their Heir, or the Letters may be revoked by the Crown entirely if the crime is serious enough or involves the whole of their House. I.01G - The Crown has the right to promote or demote the status of Peers based on their merit. Art. I.02 - On Obligations and Duties I.02A - Families that own a peerage must assure that they have at least two members in the government at all times, be this in the Royal Balianese Armada, Stewardry, Magisterium, Censory, Diplomatic Corps, Concio, Duana, or some other body. I.02B - Noble Families must host at least one Event for the people of Balian every three Saint’s weeks. These events may be anything, so long as they are open and seek to provide some sort of break from people’s daily lives and worries such as work. I.02C - All members of a Noble Family, whether members of the Royal Balianese Armada or not, are expected to be ready, willing, and able to fight for the Kingdom if called upon during times of war or crisis. I.02D - In addition to being willing to fight themselves, Nobles should be prepared to provide weapons, materials, coinage, and men to the Royal Balianese Armada and Kingdom if called upon by the Crown. I.02E - Noble families must endeavor to use their positions and lands to create new jobs and positions within their peerages and the nation as a whole, for the benefit of commoners, gentrymen, themselves, and the Kingdom as a whole. I.02F - Peers must regularly pay a tax to the Crown proportional to the size of their title. Art. I.03 - On Rights and Privileges I.03A - Peers gain the right to be referred to by their title and rank, and their children and mainline descendants gain the right to be called Lord and Lady, and all their family gain noble status regardless of this distinction. I.03B - Peers gain the right to a parcel of land, the size of which is based on their rank, upon which they can build a Castle or Villa, so long as the blueprints are approved by the Ministry of the Interior. If land is unavailable, the granting of this right may be delayed until land is available. If the building upon the land is a fort or castle, then a master key to all the defenses should be handed to the Lord Commander of the Royal Balianese Armada so that he may help organize an effective defense. I.03C - The Royal Balianese Armada shall rally to swiftly defend the lands of any noble house within the Kingdom. I.03D - Nobles gain the right to call a champion into an honor duel to fight in their place, though any punishments decided by the duel are still doled onto them, not their Champion. I.03E - A Peer gains the right and duty to sit on the Segnoria of the Kingdom of Balian, and through it help with the governance of the Kingdom. The peer may sit themselves, or send a representative from their House. I.03F - Nobles may call upon a member of the Royal House or the Duana for counsel at any time they have need. I.03G - Nobles may take on Wards as described in Lex Civilis Art. I, who may be adopted into their house per the proper legal channels or simply serve to work for the house and learn from that work. I.03H - Nobles have the privilege of having up to two Royal Balianese Armada soldiers as a guard detail if deemed necessary. These guards may also live in their house, villa, or keep should the arrangements be made. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Robert Joseph de Lyons, Magister of the Kingdom of Balian
  7. To Aid Those Most Unfortunate 9th of Lothar's Gift, 52 B.A. Issued from the Crown “[5] And so I have placed into your hearts the blessings of abundance: the virtuous wealth of the spirit. [6] And as I have given to you this blessing of My Word, you shall also give unto your fellows.” ~ Scroll of Virtue; Canticle of Charity Amidst the ongoing threats to the realm of Almaris, the Kingdom of Balian recognizes and stands in solidarity with all nations and settlements who have been affected by the Mori’Quessir onslaught and the Voidal Tear. As these threats ravage the West and the North, the Kingdom of Balian will commit to providing support to our fellow descendent-kind as per the Atrus Covenant. Although geographically separated, we are all descendant-kind. This statement is essential to remember as we look to rid our lands of the growing threats. Regardless of race or faith, we have one common enemy which we must come together to fight. The Siege of Cloud-breaker emphasized the importance of unity among descendant-kind during such times of strife. It is through such unity that the descendants may triumph against the ensuing evil that threatens our world. Ergo, the Kingdom of Balian is opening its gates as a place of refuge for all those who have been forced from their homeland amidst the onslaught of the Mori’Quessir and the Voidal Tear. As our allies from Elvenesse have stated, “May we live long and prosper”, Balian shall commit to seeing our fellow descendent-kind survive and prosper. SPOILER: https://discord.gg/2RT2aZzbYw Signed, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Gaius var Ruthern, Baron of Marsana, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana. HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Persephone Maxima d’Atrus-Vilac, Princess of Balian, Legate of the Kingdom Balian HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Princess Elena Casimira, The Princess Royal of Balian, Countess of Rosemoor
  8. The Royal Codex of the Kingdom of Balian Volume II: Lex Civilis Table of Contents: LEX CIVILIS Article I - On Personhood and Unions Article II - On Paternity, Filiation and Bastardry Article III - On Property Ownership Article IV - On Obligation Article V - On Contracts LEX CIVILIS Article I - On Personhood and Unions Art. I.01 - On Establishing Citizenship I.01A - A citizen is to be defined as a person who maintains permanent residence within the Kingdom of Balian. By maintaining this residence within the Kingdom, the individual declares fealty to the Crown of Balian and declares themself subject to the laws of the Kingdom. I.01B - The possession and continued use of property within the Kingdom for a period as judged by the King, Amiratus, Magistrate, or Kritai assigned to the case can be used as legal proof of citizenship if so requested by the citizen. I.01C - Citizenship may be granted or revoked by decree of the Monarch or Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian. I.01D - Citizens of the nation shall maintain suffrage in city and national elections so long as they fill out government censuses. I.01E - In cases of conviction by a court of law, suffrage for the individual is revoked. I.01F - Citizens of the nation shall maintain the exclusive right to occupy public office. I.01G - Citizens may be conscripted into the Company of Balian by order of the Crown during times of war. Art. I.02 - On Establishing Entities I.02A - Corporations, companies, associations, and foundations are recognised as entities under law and are accountable hereafter to the laws governing them. I.02B - Legal entities enjoy the same privileges, including the possession and acquisition of property, chattel, et al. afforded to citizens, excluding suffrage in national elections. I.02C - Royal decree may revoke entity status if so required. Art. I.03 - On Marriage I.03A - All marriages require the consent of the legal heads of house of both the man and the woman participating in matrimony, along with the two participants. If this permission is withheld and the marriage proceeds, it is to be considered unlawful and null. I.03B - Minors may not enter into a marriage. I.03C - Marriages involving close blood kin (close cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, offspring, or siblings) are considered Consanguinity, a misdemeanor, as described in Lex Criminalis Art. V.06. I.03D - Nobles may not marry Commoners without approval from the Crown or Amiratus, and their head of house. Members of the Gentry gain the right to marry into nobility without such approval. I.03E - All marriages between a man of noble birth and a female peer shall be required to be matrilineal in nature. (i) Upon his marriage to the bride, the groom shall adopt her family surname and hers alone. (ii) Any children born of such a marriage are also to bear the surname of the female peer. (iii) The property, land, and titles of the bride shall remain under the personal jurisdiction of the female peer following this matrimony. (iv) Should the peer in question become deceased, her family titles and possessions shall be passed onto her eldest child or, in absence of one, her eldest sibling or their progeny. (v). A woman who is married patrilineally is excluded from inheriting a peerage. Art. I.04 - On Civil Unions I.04A – Civil unions shall be defined as the enjoining of non-human individuals who do not follow the Canon into the institution of marriage as recognized by the Kingdom of Balian. I.04B – Children born of a civil union legally recognized by a court of law in the Kingdom of Balian shall, by right, be lawfully entitled to their inheritance and are subject to all Filiation Laws described in Art. II.01. I.04C – Civil unions are dissolved upon the case of legal separation and or death of either spouse. I.04D – Civil unions shall be performed by the Magisterium of the Kingdom of Balian I.04E - There shall be no union without freely given consent from both parties. I.04F - Persons already joined in a civil union may not enter into another. I.04G - Minors may not enter into civil unions. I.04H - Direct line relatives of consanguinity as defined in Art. I.03C of Lex Civilis and Art V.06 of Lex Criminalis may not be united with each other in a civil union. I.04J – It shall be the right of the Monarch and his Magisterium which created the union, to render the nullity of union should this be deemed necessary. I.04K – A registry is to be established to maintain a list of marriages officiated under the provision of civil unions within the Magisterium of the Kingdom of Balian. I.04L – The Court Scribes of the Magisterium shall maintain the official record of all civil unions officiated by the Magisterium of the Kingdom of Balian. Art. I.05 - On the Legal Status of Living or Sentient Entities I.05A - All living or sentient entities are to be divided into the following four legal classifications: (i) Persons. (ii) Constructs. (iii) Flora and Fauna. (iv) Abominations. Art. I.06 - On Persons I.06A - Persons shall enjoy the protection of the laws of the Kingdom, and the rights they so afford, as well as legal liability for themselves should they breach them. I.06B - Persons shall be legally liable for their own actions, lest they be under the age of twelve years, in which case their legal guardians shall be liable. I.06C - Persons shall maintain the right to due process when convicted. I.06D - The aforementioned right shall be waived by agents of foreign states or organizations which are in a state of war with the Kingdom. I.06E - Persons are eligible for citizenship. I.06F - Persons are defined as pure-blooded members of one of the four primary Descendent races (human, elf, dwarf, orc), mixed-blooded individuals whose blood is a combination of Descendent races, Beast Races (Hou-Zi, Wonks, and Kharajyr), and those who were formerly of one of these races and have been transformed by means not considered as Abomination in Art. I.09. Art. I.07 - On Constructs I.07A - A Construct is afforded the right to its existence. I.07B - Constructs are ineligible for citizenship. I.07C - A Construct’s owner or creator is legally responsible for it, and is liable in court for any damages it may cause or crimes it may commit. I.07D - A Construct may not own property. I.07E - Constructs are defined as Animii, Golems, Atronachs, or any other semi-intelligent and/or sentient entity constructed through magical, technical, or alchemical means that are not considered Abomination per Art. I.09. I.07G - Constructs are allowed to testify in court, should they be the witness of a crime. Art. I.08 - On Flora and Fauna I.08A - Flora and fauna are considered property under the law. I.08B - Flora and fauna are defined as plants and animals. I.08C - The owner of such property will be legally liable for any damage it may cause. Art. I.09 - On Abominations I.09A - Abominations are afforded no legal rights. I.09B - Abominations are defined as all creatures of a necrotic, demonic, vampiric, draconic or otherwise unholy nature of origin. I.09C - An individual who was previously a pure-blooded or mixed-blooded person, who is no longer a descendant and who is necrotic, demonic, draconic, or vampiric in nature, will be regarded as an abomination. Article II - On Paternity, Filiation and Bastardry Art. II.01 - On Filiation II.01A - Filiation is assumed when the child is born to parents in a marriage or civil union, and is assumed to be absent otherwise. A child with a recognised filial relation to their father is deemed “legitimate”. Children born outside wedlock are deemed “illegitimate”. II.01B - Filiation determines surnames. II.01C - Filiation is determined by the paternal line. II.01D - It is the obligation of the father to care for the child. II.01E - Either parent or the head of a house may declare filiation or lack thereof. Any such declaration of legitimacy or illegitimacy must be approved by the Crown or its Magisterium before going into effect. II.01F - Illegitimate children enjoy no legal entitlement to inheritance. II.01G - In the case of Matrilineal marriages, all filiation law shall apply to the mother and maternal line, rather than the father and the paternal line. Art. II.02 - On Guardianship II.02A - As noted in Art. II.01, the guardianship of a child is first in the hands of the parents of that child. If the child is orphaned, guardianship may be passed via a simplified adoption to any close blood kin - grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins, or the like - should they be of the age of majority and wish to take on guardianship. II.02B - It is the right of the Church of the Canon to take wards of the church, should there be no sufficient guardian by blood. II.02C - It is the right of the King to decide wards of the state, should there be no sufficient guard by blood and the refusal of the Canon. II.02D - Children who are wards of the Church or State may be adopted by a family from that position, as described in Art. II.03, or will maintain that wardship status until reaching adulthood. II.02E - If the child who is a ward of the Canon or the State or under the Guardianship of a Blood Relation has a surname or titles, then they shall maintain them when they reach adulthood. If the child does not have a surname or for some reason cannot use their original surname, then they may be assigned one by the courts. Art. II.03 - On Adoption II.03A - Adoption is defined as the legal acquisition of guardianship over an individual under the age of majority who has no living parents or guardians. II.03B - Adoption cases are handled through the Magisterium, which grants the permission to adopt. II.03C - Adoption does not overrule filiation, and therefore the adoptee retains their original surname. If they have no surname or have been disowned by their original house, they will be assigned one by the courts. II.03D - Adoptees gain no intestate right to the inheritance of the adopter. Art. II.04 - On Wardships II.04A - Children over the age of five, with or without living parents or guardians, may be taken on as Wards under a Noble House or members of the Duana. II.04B - If the warding child has a living parent or legal guardian, they must consent to the Wardship of their child, or else it is deemed null and void. II.04C - Wards are expected to work and learn from the House or Official under whom they are warding, and are thus exempt from the laws laid out in Art. V.06. II.04D - Wardships may be dissolved by the Ward, their family, or the House or Official they are warding under at any time. II.04E - Wards maintain their original surname, claims, and titles, and gain no new surname, claims, or titles by being a Ward, outside of the Wardship itself. Article III - On Property Ownership Art. III.01 - On Classification III.01A - All things subject to appropriation shall be considered either immovable or movable property. III.01B - The classification of property may be decided by the King. III.01C - Property is either public or private domain, as decided by the King. III.01D - Should a piece of public domain property be ceded, enclosed or no longer be destined for general use, it shall become the property of the Royal Crown. Art. III.02 - On Ownership III.02A - Ownership is the right to enjoyment and disposal of a thing, without limitation beyond the law. III.02B - Ownership is acquired through occupancy, by gift, testament, and intestate succession, and as a result of contracts of tradition. III.02C - Nobody may be deprived of ownership by another. III.02D - The owner of a plot of land is the owner of the surface and that beneath it. III.02E - Property capable of appropriation without an owner, such as abandoned movable things or wild game, are acquired by occupancy. III.02F - Game (as in, wild animals) that pass from their respective breeding place to lands owned by a different owner shall be the property of the latter, unless found to have been attracted through fraud, artifice, or lure. III.02G - A person who finds a movable thing must return it to its owner, unless it is declared treasure. The movable thing must be held for two years, and the thing shall belong to the person who found it after the lapse of this period of time. If it cannot be held without severe maintenance that would otherwise cause detriment to the value of the movable thing, it will be publicly auctioned. If unable to be auctioned, it shall be redistributed by the Royal Crown. III.02H - If the owner is to appear within this time, the finder is entitled to a prize for finding equal to one tenth of the value of the thing. III.02I - Treasures belong to the owner of the land of which it is found, or if conflicted, to the Royal Crown. The status of treasure is decided by judgment of the King, Amiratus, or Magistrate. The Royal Crown is entitled to fifty percent of the value of the treasure from the finder. III.02J - Creatures that are not produced by natural means, will be considered property of the owner, therefore making the owner liable for any actions done by the creature. These include: Golems, Atronachs, and Animii. Art. III.03 - On Absence III.03A - Following a public absence, as decided by a magistrate or the King, of eight years or more, it is the right of these parties to redistribute the patrimony of the absentee among his heirs. III.03B - If no heir is present to make claim to the patrimony, it may be placed under the Royal Crown until such an heir should arise. Art. III.04 - On Accession III.04A - The fruits of the property, be they civil, industrial, or natural, belong to the owner of the property. III.04B - Anything built, sewn, or produced in another’s plot of land belongs to the owner of the plot of land. Art. III.05 - On Boundaries III.05A - Any owner is entitled to mark and define the boundaries of their properties and lands and hold the right to define the boundaries as such when brought to a court of law. III.05B - These boundaries may not be defined if they infringe or encroach upon the boundaries of the lands and properties of another, if this is deemed a matter of legal conflict, it is the duty of the steward of the lands and the Magisterium of the Crown to decide the boundaries. Art. III.06 - On Possession and Acquisition III.06A - Possession is the holding of a thing, or the enjoyment of a right by a legal person. III.06B - Possession is to be assumed to be being acted in good faith. III.06C - Hereditary property is transferred to the heir without interruption from the moment of death or abdication of the Descendant. III.06D - Possession may not occur violently. If a man believes they have the right to deprive another of their property, it is to be brought before a court if it is refused to be delivered by the owner. III.06E - A possessor may lose the thing; (i) By abandonment. (ii) By total destruction or loss. (iii) By another’s possession, even against their will, should the new possession last uncontested for more than ten years. Article IV - On Obligation Art. IV.01 - On Defining Obligation IV.01A - All obligations consist of giving or receiving an object, or doing or refraining from doing an act. IV.01B - Obligations Arise from Law and Contract. IV.01C - Those that arise from acts or omissions of fault or negligence shall be governed by the following provisions. Art. IV.02 - On The Extinguishing of Obligation IV.02A - The promise of the delivery of a thing is a promise of delivery of the thing in proper and working condition and in entirety, even if not directly mentioned or noted. IV.02B - If a person obliged to do something has not done it, it shall be done at his expense. IV.02C - All obligations are enforceable immediately unless its completion is requisite on the fulfillment of some future action or event. IV.02D - Obligations made with impossible conditions or requirements shall be deemed in bad faith and made null and void. IV.02E - The condition should be fulfilled should the obligor purposefully prevent its fulfillment. IV.02F - Obligations are extinguished by their payment or performance, forgiveness of the debt, rule of bad faith by the Monarch, Amiratus, Magistrate, or Kritai assigned to the case, or the loss of the thing owed. Art. IV.03 - On Private Documents and Deeds IV.03A - Private documents shall have the same value as a deed between those who executed it and their successors. IV.03B - Private documents may not alter the covenants of a contract if to the detriment of the debtor. IV.03C - If a debtor wishes to accept private documents with provisions beneficial to him, he must also accept those provisions detrimental. Article V - On Contracts Art. V.01 - On Consent V.01A - The formation of a Contract is prerequisite on the consent of both parties, a common cause or reason for the existence of the contract, and an agreed upon object or outcome of the contract. V.01B - Consent is defined as the willing and knowing acceptance of the cause, clauses, and object of the contract. V.01C - Minors may not consent to contracts, unless ruled otherwise by the Monarch, Amiratus, Magister, or Kritai assigned to the case. V.01D - Consent is null and void if caused by error, coercion, intimidation, impairment, incapacitation, or fraudulent misrepresentation. V.01E - Contracts cannot be nullified on the basis of fraud if both parties were acting in bad faith. Art. V.02 - On Matter of Contract V.02A - All things not beyond the bounds of commerce between men of the Kingdom may be bound by contract. Art. V.03 - On Cause of Contract V.03A - Contracts without a cause, unlawful causes, or false causes are null and void. An unlawful cause is a cause ruled to be against the laws or morals of the land. Art. V.04 - On Interpretation V.04A - All parties must abide by the literal meaning of clauses of contracts if they are clear and leave no doubt to the intention of the contract. V.04B - Words with multiple meanings are to be understood by the meaning most in accordance to the nature and subject of the agreement, or, in cases when this may be conflicted, in the benefit of the debtor. V.04C - Obscure clauses may not favor the party who created the obscurity. V.04D - In the event where the intention of the contract is in doubt or cannot be known, the contract is null and void due to this obscurity. Art. V.05 - On Rescission and Nullity V.05A - Validly entered contracts may be rescinded by an agreement of both involved parties or the decision of the King, Amiratus, Magister, or the Kritai appointed to the case. V.05B - Contracts shall not be rescinded due to injury, unless the injury is the result of a fraudulent contract or one entered in bad faith. V.05C - The rescission of a contract obligates the return of any property subject to the contract, and any completed fruits of the contract. V.05D - Contracts may not be rescinded if the object of the contract is in the possession of a third party. V.05E - If this third party acquired the object of the contract through bad faith, he must return the object to its legal owner upon the rescission of the contract. V.05F - Contracts may be annulled by the Magisterium, Amiratus, or the Crown. V.05G - The action for legal annulment must be from a signing party. V.05H - Confirmation of a contract may be implied; written assent is not necessary. Art. V.06 - On Child Labour V.06A - Children below the age of eight will not be allowed to engage in any form of labor. V.06B - Children above the age of eight will be allowed to engage in office and servantry labor. V.06C - Children above the age of twelve will be allowed to engage in manual labor. V.06D - Wards to the Duana, Church, State, or to a Noble House, Squires to a Knight, and children working for their own family (by filiation or adoption) are excluded from Art. V.06A, Art. V.06B, and Art. V.06C. V.06E - Businesses that are found to be in violation of this statute (see: Art. V.06A, Art. V.06B, Art. V.06C) shall be charged with Child Labor, a felony. V.06G - Businesses with repeated offenses shall be barred from continuing their operations and must be given a notice of no less than seven saints days to end their operations. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Robert Joseph de Lyons, Magister of the Kingdom of Balian
  9. THE SEGNORIA OF BALIAN The Noble Assembly 51 B.A. PREAMBLE His Royal Majesty, Alexander I, alongside both his Royal Duana and the noble Peerage of Balian, hereby establish a higher level of Government involvement from the Peers of Balian in directing the efforts that shape the future of Balian. This newfound entity will be called The Segnoria. The purpose of establishing the Segnoria is to create a legislative body that votes on petitions presented to the Crown by any citizen of Balian. Each peer, along with the Syndic of Atrus will have one vote within the Segnoria. I. ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE SEGNORIA The Segnoria of Balian is made up of the Peers of Balian and the Syndic of Atrus who are granted the title of Grandee, or Most Grand Noble of Balian. The Segnoria shall serve as an advisory council for the Crown, offering counsel to the monarch of Balian directly on matters pertaining to both the state and the nobility. Among themselves they will select one of their own to organize meetings and present the outcomes of the votes to the Monarch of Balian. This position will be known as Al Gran Don/Dona or the Grand Lord or Lady. The position is held for 8 years, before the Grandees gather and hold another election. The Al Gran Don/Dona is responsible for organizing meetings for the Segnoria, reporting the outcome of votes to the monarch to give final assent to any legislation proposed, tracking attendance of the peers, and maintaining order while the Segnoria is in session. The inaugural Al Gran Don shall be The Most Hon. Peter d’Arkent, Count of Salia. II. POWERS OF THE SEGNORIA Acting as an advising council to the monarch, the Segnoria is given powers and responsibilities in many areas of importance to the function of Nobility and State. These powers include: Introducing legislation to the Kingdom of Balian. Furthering the national identity of Balian. Mandating and naming national holidays for the kingdom. The identification and naming of surrounding Balianese territory. Providing consensus and opinions on Royal Letters Patent. Giving charter to any royal guild or company. Discussing the status and elevation of those who have shown themselves to be Balianese in which they may be declared a Verdalgo. These men and women in the Balianese aristocracy are honored in society, granting them the privilege to stand on the dais with the King and refer to him as Primo or Prima. The monarch of Balian may also bring important matters of state before the Segnoria to receive council and opinion from the peers of the kingdom. III. GRANDEES OF BALIAN All landed peers of the kingdom are granted the position of Grandee of Balian. Attending and providing sound advice to the Crown shall be considered one of the responsibilities of the Peers. The Syndic of Atrus holds the position of Grandee for their time in office, acting as the voice of the people of the Capital. The following individuals are Grandee of the Realm: Countess of Aquilae Count of Salia Viscount of Pompourelia Viscountess of Renduzzo Baron of Castelorena Baron of Marsana Baron of Tuvia Syndic of Atrus HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca and Valens, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. HIS LORDSHIP, The Most Hon. Peter d’Arkent, Count of Salia, Constable of the Crown, Lord Commander of the Company
  10. Issued by THE OFFICE OF THE LEGATE 10th of Peter’s Glory 51 BA The Kingdom of Norland The Kingdom of Aaun The Dual Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska The Crown of Amaethea The Vale of Nevaehlan The Arch-Principality of Celia’nor The Grand Kingdom of Urguan The Commonwealth of Petra The Silver State of Haelun’or The Principality of Nor’Asath The War Nation of Krugmar The Halfling State of Bywater The Most Serene State of Lurin The United Domain of Vortice The Republic of Vikela The Duchy of Helious The Kingdom of Barrowton
  11. The Royal Codex of the Kingdom of Balian Volume I: Lex Criminalis and Processus Iudicialis Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION I. General Provisions II. Exordium On Royal Authority III. Excerpt Upon the Rights of Man LEX CRIMINALIS Article I - On Definitions Article II - On Injury against the Person Article III - On Injury against Property Article IV - On Injury against the State Article V - On Injury against Morality Article VI - On Injury against Order Article VII - On Inchoate Offenses Article VIII - On Legal Classifications PROCESSUS IUDICIALIS Article I - On Summoning the Court Article II - On Trial upon Arrest Article III - On Legal Procedure Article IV - On Fines Article V - On Physical Punishment Article VI - On Exiles Article VII - On Death Sentences Article VIII - On Prisoners of War Article IX - On Military Criminals Article X - On Peer Criminals Article XI - On Trials of Treason Article XII - On Defense Article XIII - On Repeat Offenders INTRODUCTION General Provisions The Kingdom of Balian: The country in which these laws apply. Constitutes all lands and titles held by the Monarch of Balian and his Vassals. King (or Queen) of Balian: The Reigning Monarch of the Kingdom of Balian. The Crown: The sovereign of the Kingdom of Balian, which controls the Company of Balian and the Balian Peerage and rules under the direction and advice of the Duana. The Royal Codex (TRC): The tomes that shall together cover all laws of the Kingdom of Balian. This First Volume, Lex Criminalis and Processus Iudicialis, shall cover Criminal Law and Judicial Procedures. The Second Volume, Lex Civilis, shall cover Civil Law. The Amiratus: The Amiratus is the chief minister of the Kingdom and is responsible for the proper maintenance and governance of the realm. He wields penultimate authority and is charged with preserving the coronet by all means possible, including in matters of succession. Thus he may also serve as a magistrate in all trials, along with the King and Magister. The Duana: The various stately offices of the Kingdom of Balian, they are comprised of the Amiratus, the Legate, the Censor, the Magister, the Constable, and the Procurator. Their roles are to complete the jobs set out for them in their titles, and to advise the Kingdom on all matters deemed to be necessary by His Royal Majesty. Balian Peerage: The lettered nobility of the Kingdom of Balian. The Magisterium: The Judicial branch of the Balian Government, composed of the Magister, Kritai, Quaestors, Lawyers, and Court Scribes. Exordium On Royal Authority Excerpt Upon the Nature of Royal Authority It is the crown of piety that adorns the King above all other ornaments of kingship. Wealth vanishes; glory perishes, but the gift of God-given government is eternal, and it sets its possessors beyond the reach of oblivion. By the hand of Holy Pontiffs, the King is bestowed a dignity beyond all honors, for it is a dignity bestowed by God. His soul is rendered pure upon ascent and thenceforth reflects the state of his dominions; if sallow be his domain, his spirit languishes in its equal. He weighs the sins of men, and is thus burdened to toil towards a realm kin to the heavens. By the nature of his body, the King is alike to other men--but by his authority, he is above all others, and no man can claim greater jurisdiction. The Royal Office is that of the Lord’s vice-regent in this world, and is wholly unbound by common or temporal law. He is inalienable and indomitable, as he must be so as to govern justly and fairly. In receiving this dignity, the King is compelled to emulate He who granted it, for though all men serve him, he is servant to God. Earthly pomp degrades the majesty of his office, as does wickedness and laxity. To afford wisdom and mercy akin to the Lord’s is the King’s greatest faculty; he is credited with greater capacity than any other to work justice. Yet no man is his judge, and God his only confessor. The King is eminent in all things; he is above the sun that retreats before darkness, and the seas which accede to the ravings of the stars. He is greater than the winds which toss without abandon, and the earth that lays indolent still despite calamity. The King of Balian manifest: successor to its prophets and master to the world, the sovereign of all humanity who provides that esteemed folk with just governance. - Prince-Father Charles Polycarp, Metropolitan of Felsen, 1527 Excerpt Upon the Rights of Man Humanity, created by God in the image of His Prophets, is bestowed upon through His Divine Power the guaranteed, inalienable rights of Man, held above all law and rule. Through the power of the Royal Crown, they are enforced and protected immaculate and indefinite, only transgressed by committing a mortal sin. The Rights of Man include; ● THE RIGHT TO LIFE, so no man will ever be taken to the Skies so soon. ● THE RIGHT TO LIBERTY, so no man will ever be bonded by the shackles of slavery. ● THE RIGHT TO TRIAL, so no man accused of a crime shall be subject to punishment or penalty without first having been judged so by a jury of his peers; having been allowed fair and proper representation; and to always be presumed innocent until proven guilty. These rights are the backbone of human liberty and law, preventing the slip of chaos as seen in time immemorial, acting as a shield before the dark arrows of tyranny and selfish ambition. All sons of the First Prophet, no matter of blood, language, or culture, carry upon them these golden laurels of freedom, through right of birth and sapienic kinship. - Joseph I, 1718 LEX CRIMINALIS Article I - On Definitions Art. I.01 - The activity of the Lex Criminalis is to elucidate our wishes for the dispensation of justice within our realm. At our charge, its precepts are enacted, and in our absence, they shall service the state in contending against iniquity. We thus commit our servants to see to its righteous execution, in accordance with the three principles of law: to live virtuously, to trespass no one, and to give each his due. Art. I.02 - Thus we consider all crime to be an injury against one of the five following areas: the individual, property, the state, morality, or public order. Additionally, the seventh chapter concerns inchoate offenses, and the eighth legal defenses for the mitigation of punishment. Art. I.03 - Of the offenses enumerated herein, each is classified according to its degree, upon which culpability and just punishment shall be evaluated. The applicable sanction for each crime and degree of injury are recorded within Title I. These degrees are: Art. I.03A - Infractions, of least severity, include the appropriated sentences: monetary fine up to two hundred and fifty mina, disbarring from public office for up to two annum, confinement to prison for up to two annum, banishment up to two annum, conscription up to five annum, designated service to faith up to five annum, flogging up to fifteen lashes, birching up to fifteen lashes, pillory up to one hour, branding by hot iron on the chest or buttocks. Art. I.03B - Misdemeanors, of middling severity, include the appropriated sentences: monetary fine up to five-hundred mina, disbarring from public office for up to ten annum, confinement to prison for up to ten annum, banishment up to ten annum, conscription up to twenty annum, designated service to faith up to twenty annum, flogging up to thirty lashes, birching up to thirty lashes, pillory up to three hours, branding by hot iron on a limb, chest, or buttocks. Art. I.03C - Felonies, of great severity, include the appropriated sentences: monetary fine of up to a thousand mina, disbarring from public office for up to a lifetime, confinement to prison for up to a lifetime, banishment up to a lifetime, conscription up to a lifetime, designated service to faith up to a lifetime, flogging up to sixty lashes, birching up to sixty lashes, pillory up to three hours, branding by hot iron on a limb, chest, buttocks, or face, removal of the hand, tongue, or a number of fingers, execution by hanging or beheading. Art. I.03D - Treason, of intolerable severity, includes the appropriate sentences: execution by hanging or beheading, execution by crossbow or arbalest if the offender is an enlisted soldier. Art. I.04 - In disputes between nobles, knights, or squires, where the primary harm is against the honor or character of the defendant (Art. II.08A, Art. II.08B, Art. II.08C, Art, III.06A, Art. III.09A, Art. V.01A, Art. V.02A, and Art. V.03A), a trial may be forgone if both parties agree to a duel, with clearly defined terms which must be mutually agreed to without duress or pressure upon either party. In the case of the defendant winning the duel, the charges are to be dropped. In the case of the defendant losing the duel, they are to be sentenced by the court with punishments in line with the severity of the crime committed. Art. I.05 - Retroaction of All laws, unless otherwise stated, take effect on the moment of ascent and do not apply retroactively to previous time periods. Laws which act retroactively must state such in an ex post facto clause. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article 2 - On Injury Against the Person Art. II.01 - On Assault II.01A - Where an individual intentionally makes an unlawful attempt, coupled with a present ability, to commit a violent injury on the person of another, this shall be Assault, a misdemeanor. Art. II.02 - On Battery II.02A - Where an individual intentionally commits upon another an unlawful act of violence which brings about lasting but not permanent injury, incapacitates for any length of time, or utilizes a dangerous weapon, this shall be Battery, a misdemeanor. II.02B - Where an individual unintentionally physically harms a member of the Royal House or Duana, this shall be Harmed Majesty, a felony. II.02C - Where an individual intentionally physically harms a member of the Royal House or Duana, this shall be Harmed Majesty, and charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. II.03 - On Manslaughter II.03A - Where an individual brings about the death of another without malice or intent through an accident or an act of recklessness or negligence, this shall be Involuntary Manslaughter, a felony. II.03B - Where an individual brings about the death of another without malice upon a sudden quarrel or heat of passion, this shall be Voluntary Manslaughter, a felony. II.03C - Where an individual kills a member of the Royal House or Duana without malice, this shall be the crime of Killing of a Government Official, and charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. II.04 - On Murder II.04A - Where an individual intentionally commits such an act of violence upon another which brings about their death with premeditation, this shall be Murder of the First Degree, a felony. II.04B - Where an individual intentionally commits such an act of violence upon another which brings about their death without premeditation, this shall be Murder of the Second Degree, a felony. II.04C - Where an individual murders a member of the Royal House or Duana, with or without premeditation, this shall be the crime of Murder of a Government Official, and charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. II.05 - On Mayhem II.05A - Where an individual intentionally or negligently commits such an act as to bring about the dismemberment of another, the destruction of an eye or other irreparable loss of an appendage or organ, this shall be Mayhem, a felony. II.05B - Where an individual imposes, threatens, or engages in the clipping of ears, this shall be Shearing, a felony. Art. II.06 - On Kidnapping II.06A - Where an individual intentionally abducts, restrains, or confines another individual against their will without physical harm or endangerment of the victim, this shall be Kidnapping, a misdemeanor. II.06B - Where an individual intentionally abducts, restrains, or confines another individual against their will, and in the course of this brings about physical harm or endangerment of the victim, this shall be Kidnapping, a felony. II.06B - Where an individual intentionally abducts, restrains, or confines a member of the Royal House or Duana against their will, with or without threat of harm or endangerment, this shall be Kidnapping of a Government Official, with the penalty of Treason. Art. II.07 - On Hostages II.07A - Where an individual who commits the offense of kidnapping, as defined in Art. II.06, against a person for the purposes of protection from arrest, which substantially increases harm to the victim, this shall be Hostage Taking, a felony. Art. II.08 - On Defamation II.08A - Where an individual disseminates false information about an individual, with intent to harm the reputation of that individual, through speaking in a private setting or limited manner, this shall be Slander, an infraction. II.08B - Where an individual disseminates false information about an individual, with intent to harm the reputation of that individual, through speaking in a public space or widespread manner, this shall be Slander, a misdemeanor. II.08C - Where an individual disseminates false information about an individual, with intent to harm the reputation of that individual, through the distribution of printed materials, this shall be Libel, a misdemeanor. II.08D - Where an individual intentionally and deliberately defames a member of the Royal House or Duana, or the Royal House or Duana as a whole, this shall be Injured Majesty, a felony. Art. II.09 - On Impersonation II.09A - Where an individual intentionally assumes the identity of another individual for any purpose except the carrying out of high treason, this shall be impersonation, an infraction. II.09B - Where an individual intentionally assumes the identity of another individual in order to carry out high treason, this shall be impersonation, charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. II.010 - On Torture and Cruel and Unusual Punishment II.010A - Where an individual intentionally afflicts another with injury for revenge or coercion of one party to another, this shall be Torture, a felony. II.010B - Where an individual sustains the imprisonment of an individual who is below the age of majority, this shall be the Imprisonment of a Minor, a misdemeanor. II.010C - Uses of torture and enhanced interrogation may only be employed with an expressly written and signed writ from a Royal Magistrate in a court of law. The provision of this amendment and due process for the permission of torture by a court of law shall be waived for those deemed as enemy combatants of the Kingdom of Balian. Art. II.011 - On Malpractice II.011A - Where an individual knowingly mistreats or denies necessary care to a patient to a point of great damage, this shall be defined as Malpractice, a misdemeanor. II.011B - If an individual knowingly mistreats or denies necessary care to a patient to the point of death, this shall be treated as Murder in the First Degree, a felony. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article III - On Injury Against Property Art. III.01 - On Theft and Larceny III.01A - Where an individual intentionally deprives another of moveable property without the consent of its owner, and this property totals less than fifty minas in value, this shall be Petty Theft, an infraction. III.01B - Where an individual intentionally deprives another of moveable property without the consent of its owner, and this property totals greater than fifty minas but less than five hundred minas in value, this shall be Larceny, a misdemeanor. III.01C - Where an individual intentionally deprives another of moveable property without the consent of its owner, and this property totals greater than five hundred minas in value, this shall be Grand Larceny, a felony. III.01D - Where an individual intentionally deprives a member of the Royal Family, a Noble House of the Peerage, or a member of the Duana of moveable property without the consent of its owner, or steals state-owned property, and this property is of little monetary, sentimental, governmental, or historical value, this shall be Larceny against a Government Official, a felony. III.01E - Where an individual intentionally deprives a member of the Royal Family, a Noble House of the Peerage, or a member of the Duana of moveable property without the consent of its owner, or steals state-owned property, and this property is of significant monetary, sentimental, governmental, or historical value, this shall be Grand Larceny against a Government Official, a crime of Treason. Art. III.02 - On Burglary III.02A - Where an individual unlawfully enters an uninhabited property this shall be Petty Burglary, a misdemeanor. III.02B - Where an individual unlawfully enters an inhabited property, this shall be Burglary, a felony. III.02C - Where an individual unlawfully enters the restricted or private property of a member of the Royal Family, a Noble House of the Peerage, a Duana Member, or of the Government, this shall be Burglary of Government Property, a crime of Treason. Art. III.03 - On Possession of Burglary Tools III.03A - Where an individual is in possession of any tool, explosive or any other device commonly used in the commission of a burglary, theft or other crime with the intent to make use thereof in commission of a crime, this shall be Possession of Burglary Tools, an infraction. Art. III.04 - On Robbery III.04A - Where an individual intentionally deprives an owner of his moveable property through violence or threat of violence, this shall be Robbery, a felony. III.04B - Where an individual intentionally deprives a member of the Royal Family, a Noble House of the Peerage, or the Duana of his moveable property through violence or threat of violence, this shall be Robbery of a Government Official, a crime of Treason. Art. III.05 - On Forgery III.05A - Where an individual, with the intent to defraud, knowing that he or she has no authority to do so, signs the name of another person or of a fictitious person, this shall be Forgery, an infraction. Art. III.06 - On Vandalism III.06A - Where an individual intentionally or negligently damaged or defaced the property of another, and this damage is of small or moderate amounts, this shall be Vandalism in the Second Degree, an infraction. III.06B - Where an individual intentionally or negligently damaged or defaced the property of another, and this damage is of great amounts, this shall be Vandalism in the First Degree, a misdemeanor. Art. III.07 - On Arson III.07A - Where an individual negligently damages or defaces the property of another through fire, this shall be Arson in the Second Degree, an misdemeanor. III.07B - Where an individual intentionally damages or defaces the property of another through fire, this shall be Arson in the First Degree, a felony. Art. III.08 - On Trespassing III.08A - Where an individual refuses to leave another’s property, or returns to a property they’ve been barred from, this shall be Trespassing, an infraction. III.08B - Where an individual refuses to leave the private property of a member of the Royal Family, a Noble House of the Peerage, a Duana Member, or a restricted part of a Government property, or returns to such a property that they’ve been barred from, this shall be Trespassing on Government Property, a felony. Art. III.09 - On Bad Debt III.09A - Where an individual fails to resolve a relatively small or moderate debt to another individual in a reasonable amount of time, this shall be Bad Debt in the Second Degree, a misdemeanor. III.09B - Where an individual fails to resolve a relatively large debt to another individual in a reasonable amount of time, this shall be Bad Debt in the First Degree, a felony. III.09C - Before convicting an individual of Bad Debt, a court should look to seize an individual's assets. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article IV - On Injury Against the State Art. IV.01 - On Treason and Sedition IV.01A - Where an individual commits acts with the intent to compromise the integrity of the Crown and its constituent institutions by waging insurrection and seeking the destruction of the Royal State by impugning the character and person of the Crown through subversive means such as collusion with enemy entities and actors against the State, this shall be the crime of Treason. IV.01B - Where an individual commits acts with the intent to compromise the integrity of the Crown and its constituent institutions by waging insurrection, committing acts of violence, or raising flag in rebellion against the Royal State, this shall be the crime of Treason. IV.01C - Where an individual intentionally distributes writings that incite people to rise in insurrection, commit acts of violence or raise their flags against the Crown or encourage others through speech to rise in insurrection, commit acts of violence or raise their flags against the Crown, this shall be be the crime of Treason. Art. IV.02 - On Contraband IV.02A - Where an individual knowingly possesses illegal substances, literature, or items, this shall be the crime of Contraband, an infraction. IV.02B - Where an individual knowingly sells, markets, purchases, or transfers ownership of illegal substances, literature, or items, this shall be the crime of Contraband, a misdemeanor. IV.02C - Where an individual knowingly manufactures illegal substances, literature, or items, this shall be the crime of Contraband, a felony. Art. IV.03 - On Obstruction IV.03A - Where an individual interferes with, obstructs the progress of, or otherwise hinders government officials and prosecutors during the apprehension or investigation of a criminal or criminal activity, this shall be the crime of Obstruction, an infraction. Art. IV.04 - On Absconding IV.04A - Where an individual fails or intentionally avoids surrendering oneself to the custody of Royal officials at the appropriate time, this shall be the crime of Absconding, and in the case of the awaiting trial immediately confirms guilt, dismissing the need for lawful hearing. Art. IV.05 - On Bribery IV.05A - Where an individual persuades or attempts to persuade any judicial officer, juror, referee, arbitrator, public official, government official, or any person who may be authorized by the law to hear or determine any question or controversy, with the intent to influence their vote, opinion or decision with a monetary gift, this shall be Bribery, a misdemeanor. IV.05B - Where an judicial officer, juror, referee, arbitrator, public official, government official, or any person who may be authorized by the law to hear or determine any question or controversy accepts or attempts to accept a monetary gift, for the intent of influencing their vote, opinion or decision, this shall be Bribery, a felony. Art. IV.06 - On Extortion IV.06A - Where an individual obtains money, titles, or other property from another with his or her consent, or the obtaining of an official act from a public office, induced by a wrongful use of force or fear, this shall be Extortion, a misdemeanor. Art. IV.07 - On Perjury IV.07A - Where an individual intentionally misleads, deceives, or withholds pertinent information from an interrogating agent of the law during the course of a criminal or civil trial, this shall be Perjury, a felony. IV.07B - Where an individual intentionally misleads, deceives, or withholds pertinent information from an interrogating agent of the law during the course of a trial of treason, this shall be Perjury, charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. IV.08 - On Fraud IV.08A - Where an individual intentionally or negligently fails to abide by the terms of a written or verbal contract, misleads regarding its terms, or provides insufficient consideration for its completion, to the detriment of another, and this detriment is of small or moderate amounts, this shall be Fraud, an infraction. IV.08B - Where an individual intentionally or negligently fails to abide by the terms of a written or verbal contract, misleads regarding its terms, or provides insufficient consideration for its completion, to the detriment of another, and this detriment is of great amounts, this shall be Fraud, a misdemeanor. Art. IV.09 - On Embezzlement IV.09A - When a government official intentionally or negligently, steals, withholds, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the Balianian Kingdom, this shall be Embezzlement, charged with the penalty of Treason. Art. IV.010 - On Unauthorized Military Organizations IV.010A - When an individual intentionally or negligently operates as a part of an organization that meets the definition of a private military organization and is operating under an expired authorization, this shall be an Unauthorized Military Organization in the Second Degree, an infraction. IV.010B - When an individual intentionally or negligently operates as a part of an organization that meets the definition of a private military organization and has not received proper authorization, this shall be an Unauthorized Military Organization in the First Degree, a misdemeanor. Art. IV.011 - On Disobedience IV.011A - Where an individual refuses to appear before the Royal Diet after being summoned by one of its chambers, this shall be the crime of disobedience, an infraction. IV.011B - Where an individual refuses to appear before the Royal Courts after being summoned by its presiding Justice, this shall be the crime of Petty Disobedience, an infraction. IV.011C - Where an agent of the law refuses to enforce a ruling, writ or order of the Royal Courts, this shall be the crime of Disobedience, a misdemeanor. IV.011D - Where an individual refuses a direct order of a member of the Royal Family or Duana, this shall be the crime of Disobedience, a felony. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article V - On Injury against Morality Art. V.01 - On Indecency V.01A - Where an individual intentionally and deliberately dresses in an immoral or obscene fashion, usually in a sexual manner, this shall be the crime of Indecency, an infraction. Art. V.02 - On Deviancy V.02A - Where an individual intentionally acts in unusual or unaccepted standards, especially in social or political behavior, this shall be the crime of Deviancy, an infraction. Art. V.03 - On Obscene Materials V.03A - Where an individual possesses materials that are determined to be obscene to a reasonable person, this shall be the crime of Obscene Materials, an infraction. Art. V.04 - On Fornication V.04A - Where an unmarried individual intentionally fornicates another individual in a public or private location, this shall be the crime of Fornication, an infraction. Art. V.05 - On Adultery V.05A - Where a married individual intentionally fornicates with another who is not the spouse, this shall be the crime of Adultery, a misdemeanor. Art. V.06 - On Consanguinity V.06A - Where an individual intentionally fornicates or has an immoral relationship with one’s close family, such as with father, with mother, with siblings, with aunts, with uncles, with nieces or nephews, with close cousins, or with offspring, this shall be the crime of Consanguinity, a misdemeanor. V.06B - Where the Consanguineous parties are married under the Church of Canon, then a annulment of that marriage may be sought from them by the Magisterium. If the parties entered a civil union under the Kingdom of Balian, then that civil union can be nullified in addition to any other punishments for the consanguinity, as it is invalid per Lex Civilis Art. I.04H and I.04I. Art. V.07 - On Devilry V.07A - Where an individual intentionally and actively participates in the worship of demons and devils, evangelizes the worship of demons and devils, or encourages the growth of demonic cults, this shall be the crime of Devilry, a felony. Art. V.08 - On Dark Magics V.08A - Where an individual intentionally partakes or practices Necromancy, Mysticism, or Blood Magic, this shall be the crime of Dark Magic, a felony. V.08B - Where an individual is found to have become a Vampire, Azdrazi, Herald, Undead, Naztherak, or other Dark Creature or Entity, and who refuses any possible cure to their affliction, this shall be the crime of Dark Magic, a felony. V.08C - Where an individual is found to be intentionally and knowingly harboring, hiding, or aiding Dark Mages or Creatures, this shall be the crime of Aiding in Dark Magic, a felony. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VI - On Injury against Order Art. VI.01 - On Vagrancy VI.01A - Where an individual intentionally lives the life of a vagrant, participating in improper begging, and illegally staying in residences and towns, this shall be the crime of Vagrancy, a misdemeanor. Art. VI.02 - On Concealment of Identity VI.02A - Where an individual intentionally conceals or hides one's identity to an agent of the law, this shall be the crime of Concealment of Identity, an infraction. Art. VI.03 - On Vigilantism VI.03A - Where an individual intentionally apprehends, convicts, or punishes another individual of a crime but is not an agent of the law or given permission by the Royal Office, this shall be the crime of Vigilantism, a felony. Art. VI.04 - On Disturbing the Peace VI.04A - Where an individual intentionally and deliberately hinders or interrupts the common peace by embellished performance or immoral behavior, this shall be the crime of Disturbing the Peace, a misdemeanor. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VII - On Inchoate Offenses Art. VII.01 - On Criminal Organizations and Entities VII.01A - Where an individual of a criminal organization, or entity, has been convicted of a minimum of two offenses within the following tables of the TRC; Article II, Article III, Article IV, Article V, Article VI, or Treason. In which scenario any executive legal bodies of the Kingdom may enact the following law to further arrest, investigate and prosecute any individuals of the associated organization or entity, and is subject to the same class of punishment of the crime committed by the instigator. VII.01B - Where an individual of a criminal organization, or entity, has been convicted of a minimum of two offenses within the following tables of the TRC; Article II, Article III, Article IV, Article V, Article VI, or Treason. In which scenario any executive legal bodies of the Kingdom may enact the following law to further cease and withhold any assets belonging to the specified criminal organization or entity. Art. VII.02 - On Crime by Association VII.02A - Where an individual is directly associated with any convicted criminal, wherein evidence provided suggests cooperation between the convicted criminal and the individual, this shall be crime by association, and is subject to the same class of punishment of the crime of which the individual is associated with. VII.02B - In which scenario any executive legal bodies of the Kingdom may enact the following law to further arrest, investigate and prosecute any individuals of the associated organization or entity, and is subject to the same class of punishment of the crime committed by the instigator. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VIII - On Legal Classifications Art. VIII.01 - On Conspiracy - Where an individual knowingly signals intent to commit a crime at a future time, this shall be the crime of conspiracy, and is subject to the same class of punishment of the crime which conspiracy is caused for. Art. VIII.02 - On Incitement - Where an individual intentionally incites or encourages another individual into committing a crime, this shall be the crime of incitement, and is subject to the same class of punishment of the crime which incitement is caused for. Art. VIII.03 - On Attempt - Where an individual actively attempts, but fails to commit, a crime, the individual shall be held liable with a mitigated punishment according to the crime which was attempted. Art. VIII.04 - On Inadmissible Evidence - Where an individual accuses another of a crime where evidence was obtained through criminal means, the individual accused is not held liable. Art. VIII.05 - To a willing person, it is not a crime - Where an individual consents or actively places oneself in a position of harm or danger, that individual may not bring a claim against another party in tort or delict. Art. VIII.06 - In Equal Fault - Where the individual held liable for a crime and the party convicting the individual for a crime is deemed both at fault, whether for the same crime or similar, both the individual and the convicting party shall not be held liable. Art. VIII.07 - On Duress - Where an individual commits a crime intentionally, but under reasonably proximate threat of force equal to or less than the severity of the crime committed, that individual shall not be held liable. Rather, the individual responsible for the threat shall be held liable. Art. VIII.08 - On Entrapment - Where an individual is encouraged or compelled by an agent of the law to commit a crime they otherwise would not have intended to commit, that individual shall not be held liable. Art. VIII.09 - On Infancy - Where an individual is below the age of twelve years and commits a lesser crime, that individual shall not be held liable. If the individual commits a greater crime, the individual shall be held liable with mitigated punishment or lesser conviction. Art. VIII.10 - On Necessity - Where an individual is compelled by circumstances beyond their control, as a last resort, to commit a crime in order to prevent a more injurious outcome, that individual shall not be held liable. Art. VIII.11 - On Provocation - Where an individual is invoked or compelled by another individual to act with a sudden or temporary loss of self control and commits a crime as a response, the individual shall be held liable with mitigated punishment or lesser conviction. Art. VIII.12 - On Incapability - Where an individual is physically or mentally unable to meet the requirements given by law for punishment or conviction, the individual shall not be held liable. Art. VIII.13 - On Immunity - Where an agent of the law, in the course of their duties and acting within the bounds assigned to them, is compelled to commit a violation of the law, that agent shall not be held liable. PROCESSUS IUDICIALIS Article I - On Summoning the Court PI. I.01 - The Quaestor on the case, the intended Plaintiff, or the Claimant of a civil case, will send a letter to the Magister or make them aware of the case and their intent to pursue it legally. PI. I.02 - The Magister will review the letter and either approve or deny the case. PI. I.03 - If approved, the Magister will nominate a Kritai to oversee the trial and letters will be sent to all involved with the case at hand in order to summon them to court. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article II - On Trial upon Arrest PI. II.01 - Should it be deemed necessary, a recently arrested criminal may be immediately taken to court for a trial. PI. II.02 - This should be approved by The Magister before occurring, but if necessary, can be skipped over. PI. II.03 - Any available Kritai will oversee this case and any Quaestor or Lawyer will prosecute, after being given the information. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article III - On Legal Procedure PI. III.01 - At the start of a trial, all shall rise for the Kritai before they take a seat, officially beginning court. PI. III.02 - The prosecution will make an opening statement summing up their side of the case within a paragraph, followed by the defendant also making an opening statement summing up their side of the case within a paragraph. PI. III.03 - The prosecution will then make 1-3 points, using evidence as a point of proof for their case. They should keep their points concise and to the point less they be cut off by the Kritai, should they believe it necessary. PI. III.04 - The defense will then make their own 1-3 points, using their own evidence, or rebuttal any points made by the prosecution. They also should keep their points concise, less they be cut off by the Kritai. PI. III.05 - Both sides will then make their closing statements, which should again be paragraph sized, the prosecution first and then the defence. PI. III.06 - The Judge will finally render a verdict after hearing both closing statements, and then the punishment will be carried out by the Company of Balian. PI. III.07 - Objections are not to be allowed under any circumstances, as the Kritai will take into account anything they believe to be untoward. PI. III.08 - All trials should be documented for future reference by a scribe. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article IV - On Fines PI. IV.01 - A fine may be given out by a NCO of the Company of Balian or above, or a Kritai on the spot, as long as the crime committed warrants a fine of under 500 mina. PI. IV.02 - All fines must be given to The Magister, who will subsequently hand the money over to The Procurator. PI. IV.03 - If unable to pay the fine, a person will receive either an exile or physical punishment, as decided by a Kritai. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article V - On Physical Punishment PI. V.01 - A crime may be punished with a physical punishment e.g. removal of a hand. If this is decided upon, then said punishment will be carried out in a humane manner. PI. V.02 - The body part will be removed with a swift swing of a blade, it will then immediately be cauterized by fire, or any other medical procedure should a doctor be present to administer it. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VI - On Exiles PI. VI.01 - If a person is punished with exile, they will be given a Saint’s day to remove their belongings from the city before they are placed in exile. PI. VI.02 - Following this a sketch should be made of the person. This sketch and their name will be posted in the gatehouse, for any guard to see should the person try to return. PI. VI.03 - Should they return before their exile is over, they may be subject to further punishment, should it be a longer exile, fine or physical punishment. PI. VI.04 - Exile may be appealed, if this is the case, the person punished should send a letter to The Magister, who will then review the case and determine the course of action from there. PI. VI.05 - A letter shall be sent to the exiled individual once their period of exile is over, notifying them that they are free to return should they please. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VII - On Death Sentences PI. VII.01 - Should a person be sentenced to death, their death will be dealt with in a humane manner. PI. VII.02 - The punished may call for their last rites, as afforded to them by the canonist church, should they be a canonist. PI. VII.03 - When it comes time for the criminal to be killed, their head should be placed on a block, for them to be beheaded. PI. VII.04 - Customarily, it is the Kritai who should swing the sword killing the criminal, however this can be waived should a Kritai not be present. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article VIII - On Prisoners of War PI. VIII.01 - Should an enemy be captured in war, their fate may be decided by The Magister, a Kritai or any officer of the Company of Balian, with a trial being overlooked due to the circumstances. PI. VIII.02 - Should there be a disagreement about how to handle this situation, the view of The Magister or Kritai will supersede the military officials. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article IX - On Military Criminals PI. IX.01 - If a member of The Company of Balian commits an offense that is not a higher assault, mutilation, murder or treason, they will be afforded a court martial, which the captain will oversee. PI. IX.02 - If a member of The Company of Balian commits an offense that is not a higher assault, mutilation, murder or treason, they will receive a Magisterium investigation and a subsequent trial. PI. IX.03 - If a member of The Company of Balian is found to have abused their powers to fine lower crimes or pass judgment in war time situations, they will receive a Magisterium investigation and a subsequent trial, potentially resulting in dishonorable discharge or another punishment. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article X - On Peer Criminals PI. X.01 - If a Peer commits an offense, once they have been investigated by the Magisterium, they will be trialed only by The Magister, The Amiratus, or The Reigning Monarch. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article XI - On Trials of Treason PI. XI.01 - A trial concerning the act of treason will only ever be trialed by The Magister, The Amiratus, or The Reigning Monarch. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article XII - On Defence PI. XII.01 - A defendant may call for their own lawyer to defend them in court should they want to. PI. XII.02 - If the lawyer doesn’t arrive within 30 Saint’s minutes, the court will not allow for the defence to have a lawyer and the defendant must defend themselves. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Article XIII - On Repeat Offenders PI. XIII.01 - A criminal who has before been found guilty of a crime, will have their punishment increased. E.g a 400 mina fine would become a 600 mina fine. PI. XIII.02 - Should a criminal who commits low level crimes (Those who receive punishments under 500 mina) repeat their offenses, they will not be fined on the spot and subsequently be sent to trial. Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Robert Joseph de Lyons, Magister of the Kingdom of Balian
  12. Issued by THE OFFICE OF THE LEGATE 8th of Owyn's Flame in the year of our Lord 50 BA The Kingdom of Norland The Kingdom of Aaun The Dual Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska The Crown of Amaethea The Vale of Nevaehlan The Arch-Principality of Celia’nor The Grand Kingdom of Urguan The Commonwealth of Petra The Silver State of Haelun’or The Principality of Nor’Asath The War Nation of Krugmar The Halfling State of Bywater The Most Serene State of Lurin The United Domain of Vortice The Republic of Vikela The Duchy of Helious The Kingdom of Barrowton
  13. Issued by THE OFFICE OF THE LEGATE 7th of Owyn's Flame in the year of our Lord 50 BA With the growing tensions of the Almaris political climate, the Office of the Legate does now introduce a travel advisory system for the people of Balian. This system will be broken up into three sections labeled as “phases”. Nations in the realm of Almaris will be given a label which represent the current political climate and how safe the government deems that nation to be for the travelers within our nation's midst. The first phase is applied to nations and areas within Almaris which hold little to no danger. Also not uncommon, it is often that nations will switch out of phase one relatively often as danger may present itself more or less often. Characteristics of a nation labeled as phase one will include reasons such as little to no banditry on their roads, a lack of dark spawn activity as well as positive diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Balian. The second phase of the travel advisory log is given to nations which present mild danger within its borders. Phase two is the most common phase for nations to be in as danger is mild yet prevalent enough to encourage Balian citizens to keep their guard up at times. Allies of the Kingdom of Balian will commonly have phase two applied to their nation as political tensions across the realm often fluctuate and dissipate. Characteristics of a nation labeled as phase two will include reasons such as mild to growing dark spawn activity, prevalent banditry as well as tense political relations with the Kingdom of Balian and or its allies. The third and final phase of the travel advisory log is applied to nations with prevalent danger within its borders which pose a threat to the citizens of Balian. Citizens are advised to avoid travel to these nations and territories for risk of being put in eminent danger. Characteristics of a nation labeled as phase three will include reasons such as prevalent dark spawn activity, civil war and high political tensions within the nation as well as with the Kingdom of Balian and its allies. Signed, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Princess Elena Casimira, The Princess Royal, Countess of Rosemoor
  14. Appointment of a New Censor and Magister 7th of Horen’s Calling,50 B.A. To the citizens of The Kingdom of Balian, After interviews with the candidates and deliberation amongst the members of the Duana, the roles of Censor and Magister have been appointed to the following people: The new Magister shall be Robyn de Lyons and the new Censor shall be Princess Lydia Antheia Novellen. IN NOMINE DEI, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca and Valens, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Ledicort Vuiller, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana.
  15. 11th of Godfrey's Triumph, 49 BA Salutations- and welcome to Almaris (or whatever realm we’re in now.. or just LoTC in general). Balian is a great community, developed over a year now between a group of friends that lost a war a long time ago. It is extremely close knit- and very welcoming to any players, old or new. We pride ourselves on our inclusive RP- and our RP that we believe is of quite a high standard. We hope you decide to tag along and enjoy it too, just as we would enjoy having you. - Shmeepicus (Alexander I) In the southern lands of Almaris, a shining desert Kingdom under the grace of GOD stands in stalwart beauty. The Kingdom of Balian, a southern Canonist nation welcomes all visitors from all walks of life to come visit, socialize and reside within its prosperous borders. THE CITY OF ATRUS Atrus, the glistening walled capital of the Kingdom of Balian, is the seat of the Royal Crown of Balian. The Palatio Monterosa, home of the Royal Family is located within the city. The vibrant colors and the marble structures present within the city displays Balian’s colorful and prosperous atmosphere. The city is divided into four districts, each containing structures of importance. KING JOHN’S SQUARE Named after the first king of Balian, John Casimir, the square is the main area of Atrus. Upon entering the city, the first sight a traveler will come upon is the statue of John Casimir. They will then be met by the many distinct bazaars and shops, including the wonderful tavern and casino, and Atrus’s very own bakery. Here in Saint John’s Square the traveler may find many individuals to interact with or many shops to indulge their consumerist tendencies in. THE CHURCH DISTRICT La Sorella Basilica is the main attraction within this district. Its beautiful marble structure, its stained glass windows and its doma styled prismarine roofings is an excellent example of both Balian’s prosperous wealth and dedication to GOD and the canonist faith. The Basilica, cared for by His Eminence, Cardinal Teodosio Tyria, Vice Chancellor of the Church of Canon and the clergy of Balian is the main area for the practitioners of the Canonist faith. Many services, religious sermons and religious events sponsored by the Church and the Royal Duana of Balian are held within the Basilica. The Church District also contains some residential areas beside the La Sorella Basilica. THE THEATER DISTRICT What is a city without entertainment? The Saint’s Lothar theater district contains the official public theater of Atrus, The Saint Lothar’s Theater. Here is where much of Balian’s entertainment happens. One may find performances from the Bards’ College here or from Balian’s very own citizens. The theater district also contains residential homes for the Balianese citizens. The entertainment within the theater never disappoints! Here in Saint Lothar’s Theater is where stars are born! THE MARKET DISTRICT The Market District contains stalls and shops for citizens and traveling consumers alike to indulge in purchasing, haggling or at times even selling products that are grown or handmade in the Kingdom of Balian. Certain exotic products from other nations and settlements throughout Almaris are also sold here. The Market District contains the bulk of the residential homes in Atrus. THE BALIANESE CULTURE The culture of Balian can be described as a mixture of Petrine, Bathalite and Rhenyari influence. Its people tend to be more liberal, and tolerant than other human nations. Freedom of speech and participation in society is highly valued in Balian culture. Each of its citizens are encouraged to speak the truth. Yet, formalities and titles must also be respected. The Royal Family and the aristocracy of Balian are expected to provide for and take care of their fellow commoner citizens. The social ladder within the Kingdom of Balian tends to be a fairer climb than most other canonist nations. Mercantilism is a highly valued economic principle within the kingdom. The three most valued pillars of Balianese identity are: Faith, State, and Prosperity. THE GOVERNMENT OF BALIAN The government of Balian is an absolute monarchy. The Crown of Balian holds absolute authority over the nation and all of its affairs. Under the Crown sits the Royal Duana, the governing body of Balian that is tasked with handling the nation’s affairs. The Duana's body consists of various secretaries that head government offices comprising the Amiratus, Legate, Censor, Magister, Constable, Procurator, Agent-General of the Clergy and the Principal Secretary. THE AMIRATUS Also known as the Seneschal of the Crown- is the head of the Royal Duana and the chief advisor to the King. The Amiratus is considered the penultimate authority in the Kingdom, second to only the Crown. The associate members of the Duana answer to the Amiratus and the Crown. THE LEGATE Also known as the Secretary of Foreign Affairs- is responsible for the world view of Balian as well as the pacts and treaties that the nation holds. They are considered the chief diplomat of Balian. THE MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR Manages the various holdings of Balian. They are responsible for the Ecumene, or land survey of Balian, ensuring that the land as a whole is held to royal architectural standards. They are also the head of the immigration department in Balian. THE PROCURATOR The chief financial minister of Balian, entrusted with all of Balian’s financial matters, procuring more money for the Kingdom and looking over any spending of the nation. THE CENSOR The chief scribe of Balian. They take minutes of important meetings, organize the government press and the Royal Balianese Academy. They also maintain the census and oversee any elections within Balian. THE CONSTABLE The Captain of the Company of Balian, which is the national army of the Kingdom of Balian. The constable is responsible for the maintenance and command of the national army. THE MAGISTER The head of the Balian Judicial system. The Magister oversees most judicial matters within Balian and is the chief justice of the Balian judiciary. The Magister also advises the Crown in appointing judges, known as Kritai, for the Kingdom. THE AGENT-GENERAL OF THE CLERGY Tasked with promoting religious and cultural institutions within the realm. The Agent-General helps ensure that the Kingdom of Balian acts with the interest of the state faith of Canonism, they are the chief representative of Balian to the Church of Canon and to the High Pontiff’s Curia. THE PRINCIPAL SECRETARY Tasked with collecting intelligence and making internal reports within the Duana on potential improvements that may be made within the Kingdom of Balian. They also follow up with the many different offices within the Duana on behalf of the Amiratus and the Crown. THE SUPREME ASSEMBLY OF THE LAZZARI The City of Atrus contains its own local government. The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari, spearheaded by the Syndic, consists of a member of four concios whom manage and govern the city’s infrastructure. The Assembly and the Syndic meet bi-weekly in the Assembly Hall of Atrus. Even if granted semi-autonomy, they answer to both the Crown and the Royal Duana. THE COMPANY OF BALIAN The standing military of Balian is named The Company of Balian (COB). The Company of Balian is the primary military force of the Kingdom of Balian. The highest authority of the Company is The Crown, followed by the Amiratus and then the Constable. The Company’s culture is one of camaraderie and brotherhood. Much like Balian’s culture, the Company represents Balianese ideals in all of its ranks. The Company is the primary law enforcement and defense force of the Kingdom. Being a member of The Company can be considered a prestige among the Balianese citizens, their work and dutiful commitment to keeping order and safety within the borders of Balian is considered a heroic and respectful service to the Kingdom and The Crown. THE BALIANESE PEERAGE The Peers of The Kingdom of Balian, also known as the Nobility, are among the most prominent families in Balian. Each Noble House has had a heavy hand in the founding, construction, and day-to-day life of Balian. THE COMMITTAL HOUSE OF VUILLER THE COMMITTAL HOUSE OF D’ARKENT THE VISCOMITAL HOUSE OF SARKOZIC THE VISCOMITAL HOUSE OF DARKWOOD THE BARONIAL HOUSE OF RUTHERN THE BARONIAL HOUSE OF GALBRAITH THE BARONIAL HOUSE OF KERVALLEN THE COURT OF MONTEROSA THE GOVERNESS OF THE COURT Tasked with keeping and maintaining the Palatio Monterosa and the court. The Governess is in charge of all events which may take place within the Kingdom of Balian, as well as creating events specifically for the palace court. The Governess is in charge with creating positions within the court and hiring the appropriate people to fill them as they act as a representative of themselves and the Court. The Monterosa Court, headed by the Governess of the Court, is a major hub for events and activities for nobles and commoners alike. The Court of Monterosa, located within the Royal Palace, conducts and maintains activity and many events within the Kingdom of Balian, hosting events such as Royal Court where the citizenry are free to petition the King of Balian or other members of leadership. The Royal Family resides within the Palace and members of the noble peerages often frequent the Palace for meetings and their freetime. Celebrations such as feasts and balls are held within the Palace and everyone within the Kingdom is welcomed to enjoy the sights and grandeur of the Palatio Monterosa. THE ROYAL FAMILY OF BALIAN The Royal Household of Balian are descendants of King John I of Balian who was a Novellen Prince of the Empire of Oren. Having founded the Kingdom of Balian, the Royal Household holds strong ties to Imperial Oren within their bloodline and continues to hold the surname Novellen with d’Atrus (of Atrus) added on to set them apart from other Novellen descendants in the realm. His Majesty, ALEXANDER I, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca,Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa. His Royal Highness, HADRIAN CASIMIR, Prince of Monterosa, Duke of Abretta, Heir-Presumptive of the Kingdom of Balian His Royal Highness, ALEXIOS MICHAEL, Count of Pavano Her Royal Highness, ELENA CASIMIRA, Princess Royal of Balian, Countess of Rosemoor Her Royal Highness, LYDIA ANTHEIA, Countess of Caluzzo LOCATION OF BALIAN Balian’s location is situated in the South East of Almaris. The Kingdom can be reached by traveling through South Hub and taking the Camel in front of the Oasis which directly takes the traveler to the entrance of Atrus. Here is a depiction of the camel at the Oasis, the map and location of the Kingdom of Balian: (The Oasis Camel to Balian) (Coordinates: X: 1787, Y:3228)
  16. THE BALIANESE THE HEARTLANDERS OF THE TERRA DEL SUR Volume I Luis Francesc Jacint-Almeida i Martin & Rupert Theobert Napier Royal Balianese Academy 2 Harren’s Folly 1915 IC | 48 BA VOLUME I: CONTENTS I. Introduction II. History III. Civic Culture IV. Physical Traits V. Language and Nomenclature VOLUME II: CONTENTS VI. Introduction VII. Martial Culture VIII. Religion IX. Cuisine X. Notable Figures I. INTRODUCTION Dear reader, The Balianese are a people forged in the crucible of catastrophe, war and exile. Since the days of the Brothers’ War to the present era of Cloudbreaker and new Atrus, the story of Balian has been one of survival against the odds. Despite this, much of our history has never been consigned to written work. For decades now, the Royal Balianese Academy has sought to generate support for a comprehensive effort documenting the development of Balianese civilization. Though our work is far from completed, we aim for this publication to form the framework for that movement. In this volume, we aim to provide an in-depth study of the Balianese, encompassing elements of Balianese culture ranging from the history of the Terra del Sur to the development of the Balianese language. Important distinction must be made between the demonym of ‘Balianese’ and ‘Balianite’. In this context, the label of Balianese applies to those modern inhabitants of the Kingdom of Balian founded by John I in the 19th century. Balianite, subsequently referred to as Balthalite from here on in this text, refers to the ancient people of Balian in the time of Saint Lothar of Balian, several millennia ago, and despite some scholarly misconceptions is not applicable to the present-day Balianese. Though we initially set out to publish this text in a single document, over the course of the writing process, the body of our work became too lengthy to justify this. That being so, we have split this title into two volumes. May the educated reader derive some illumination from both. Viva al Regne, Almeida & Napier II. HISTORY The modern Balianese identity can be described as a composite of three major influences: the Petrine peoples of the fallen Holy Orenian Empire, the Rhenyari of the east, and the lost civilization of the Balthalites. Each has played a significant role in shaping the national traditions of the Heartlanders of the Terra del Sur, albeit the Petrine primarily by blood and heritage, and the Rhenyari and Balthalites by ethos and culture. The oldest of Balian’s codified heroes, or nobelissimos, that Balianese nobility can claim lineage from is Anne Augusta, Holy Orenian Empress, and for good reason. It is her union with Joseph II that begins the modern Petrine identity from which the Balianese claim descent. Anne Augusta’s marriage to Joseph II marked a watershed moment among the Heartlander peoples, where two long estranged camps of Heartlander identities, the commercially-inclined Adrians and the imperious, militant Renatians, came together under Peter III with the Edict of Succession of 1759 to captain one of the great civilizations of the world. PETRINE HERITAGE The new Petrine identity corresponded with the great successes of the Imperial capital of Helena in the eighteenth century, the era coming to be defined by its people’s resilience, grit, cosmopolitanism, legal scholarship, adherence to martial drill, urban reform, and mysticism. A more in-depth understanding of the Petrine identity can be found in Celestine E. Herbert’s The Heart of the Tapestry: An Ethnographic Study of the Imperial Crownlands. However, the failure and excesses of various Imperial monarchs and their governments festered into a slow national decline. A crisis of identity loomed as the Petrine people had failed to define their traditions beyond their Imperial achievements. With a leadership too unaligned to deliver meaningful reform of the crumbling state, the Petrine culture stagnated and never managed to invigorate a now meretricious Empire. Civil discord, rebellion, coups, and great coalition wars all checkered the Empire’s last days, before it finally collapsed in a succession war between the imperial princes Peter Augustus and Frederick Charles. When the Brothers’ War concluded and Oren’s last emperor, Peter IV, had been slain by Frederick Fratricida, the usurper rounded up and forcibly deported all those who had fought in support of his elder brother’s throne. Ultimately, whatever national ambitions of the Petrine people to return to their past glories went to the grave with their final monarch. THE GRANDUCATO AND THE HARVEST WAR (1869—1884) Peter IV’s uncle and supporter, the Prince John Casimir of Renzfeld, realized this truth, and began to set course away from the ruins of the Empire into the new lands south, to work towards a new kind of providence for his displaced followers. The growing identity of the settlers was colored by the Prince’s own personal taste - John’s upbringing at court had brought him a particular fascination with the tales of Old Rhen, propagated by the first Novellen Governor of the Palace, Jahan Basrid. He adopted neo-Akritian dress, customs, and even their stargazing traditions, to mixed reception among the now displaced Petrine people. By tracking the star of Saint Lothar of Balian, John Casimir found a natural spring on the Mont Monterosa, and founded the city of Atrus upon it, electing to form the Grand Duchy of Balian in honor of the saint whose star led him to such an oasis. His reign is where the Balianese language emerged, a form of bastard Flexio that was utilized to unify the indigenous Qali, the Petrine settlers, and Rhenyari traders that often came to bargain for the settlement’s resources and, more often than not, prey on the King’s Akritophilia. The Balianese identity remained muddled and uncodified for a long time, as great swathes of the population remained unconvinced of John’s Akritian fascinations, and instead clung to Imperial legend in the hope of redemption. A notable split in the nascent Balianese identity emerged after a brigade including the Balianese knight Sir Apollyon Marshall managed to slay King Frederick during the Harvest War, thereby avenging the lost cause of the last Emperor. Some saw justice delivered in full, while others saw an opportunity to restore the Petrine connection to the mainland. THE DIASPORAZION (1884—1900) The allied victory in the Harvest War had led the nascent Balianese duchy to royal ascendancy, but it also had led to the formation of two factions under John I’s reign - each dividing their support between his two sons, Alexander and Constantine. While Alexander, heir to Balian, sought to continue the King’s model of neo-Akritianism, Constantine rejected what he believed was fundamentally the clumsy imitation of a long-dead civilization with no tangible connection to the settlers of the Monterosa. These dissenting views came to a head when the King and the Chancellor of the Petra contracted an arranged marriage between Prince Constantine and the Archduchess of the Petra, Renilde Novellen-Temesch et Moere, thereby sending his second son north to the lands of the old country. Within a decade, many former Imperial officers and bureaucrats (by now of venerable years) left for the Petra with Constantine, who adopted the Petran name of Constanz-Anton upon assuming his role as the Archduchess’ consort. This exodus greatly diminished the quality of Balian’s leadership, placing a strain on the country’s administrative and military resources. Moreover, emigration was not confined to the educated classes, with many of the children of the first pioneers leaving the Terra del Sur seeking further economic opportunities in the industrialized Heartlands, as migrant workers. In the midst of this phenomena, known as the Diasporazion, the octogenarian John I expired, his constitution weakened by the crisis. The Diasporazion was accompanied by the proliferation of anti-Balianese sentiment amongst the Heartlands, spurred by local feeling turning against the migrant workers. This antipathy was compounded in part by the Imperial ancestry of the Balianese, with many Heartlanders holding the legacy of the Empire in ill regard. THE RENOVATIO (1900—) The impact that the Diasporazion had on the Balianese identity cannot be understated. With much of the country's administrative talent sourced elsewhere, Atrus and its surrounding territories proved more prone to famine, emigration, disease, and economic hardship. By the year Alexander I had finally inherited, Balian’s adult population had roughly halved since its height during the time of his predecessor’s royal coronation. However, it was under Alexander’s reign that the Safar Missive reached the Balianese government and spurred significant change for its ailing society. A letter from the foreign power of Ba’as, it challenged Balian’s neo-Akritianism and instead offered a new path for the country’s development by aligning with the eastern realm’s values and interests. As a result, Balian welcomed a number of eastern administrators to rebuild their country’s infrastructure and bureaucracy, reform their cultural identity, and capitalize on one of the rare benefits of their location in the arid south - the pursuit of rare artifacts of the St. Lothar’s lost Balthalite civilization, that Ba’as revealed was in the Terra del Sur. Under King Alexander, Balian has pursued a policy of Renovatio, codifying many of its traditions and building up new institutions. Rather than simply mirror the extinct Akritian kingdoms of old, the Renovatio pushes Balian to take cultural concepts from Petrine, Rhenyari, and old Balthalite society to build a new model one. As more and more of the Stones of St. Lothar, tablets depicting his life and realm, were recovered, Balianese society began to see itself as a modern successor to the extinct Balthalite civilization, and thus began to mold their society closer to his image. All these reforms came in a timely fashion, as they gave Balian the momentum and drive to confront one of its greatest challenges, the mythical undead dragon Cloudbreaker. Defeating the aberration had been a clear triumph for the Balianese. The new Atrus built in the wake of its draconic assault has become the center of a new definitive Balianese identity, one that transcends imperial ambition and now exists as its own unique entity. “Que es la rota, sino locomozion manifesta? Per avanza, empegna mais oltre, encontra la frontera, i empresa, Aquest era esperit de la Veca Balian. Una coche movida per duos rotas, fe i stat.” (What is the wheel, but locomotion manifest? To roll onwards, push further, find the frontier, and enterprise. That was the ethos of the Old Balian. A chariot driven by two wheels, faith and state.) St. Lothar of Balian, The Second Tablet: On the Wheel, translated into Balianese and Common, c. 1912 III. CIVIC CULTURE FE, STAT I PROSPERITAT The rhyming archwords of the Balianese phrase ‘fe, stat i prosperitat’ translate to Common as ‘faith, state and prosperity’, and this motto neatly summarizes the ethos of the Heartlanders of the Terra del Sur. (The markets of Renduzzo, in the Kingdom of Balian.) The virtue of faith, while in modern times is usually interpreted as connoting religious piety and loyalty to the Church of the Canon, actually carries a deeper meaning as Saint Lothar intended it. In the Lotharian context, faith is a force that eclipses temporal logic and reason, linking to the ultimate truth and powering the meaning and purpose derived from that connection. It is an intangible yet powerful source of guidance transcending the limitations of the physical world, and it was this interpretation of faith that rallied the primordial Balthalites in their quest under Saint Lothar. Likewise, the phrase’s reference to the state refers not specifically to a political entity - but to the collective, a community bound together by shared values, beliefs and aspirations. Far from being composed singularly of governing institutions and a regulatory authority, the Lotharian interpretation of the state entails a manifestation of the collective soul of the people. In this context, the word ‘state’ can be aligned more accurately with the modern notion of a ‘society’, in the sense that it is a partnership between its members. This partnership cannot thrive without common ground and confraternity, and so the ideal of the Balianese state serves as a source of inspiration and guidance by providing this unity of purpose. While the components of ‘faith’ and ‘state’ derive directly from the primordial writings of Saint Lothar in his Second Tablet, the third pronouncement of prosperity was coined from the philosophy of the founder of Balian, John the First, itself built off the Lotharian command of ‘enterprise’ referenced within the same text. To be Balianese is to be a pioneer, to make a living off whatever resources are available, to survive in the toughest of climes and to disavow the decadence of the last years of the Old Empire. Hard work and an inclination towards commerce are highly valued amongst the Balianese, an inheritance from the mercantile cultures of Helena and Ves, and this is tempered by the iron endurance of a frontier civilization. LOTHARIANISMO Lotharianismo, in the Common tongue expressed as ‘Lotharianism’, is best described as an expression of the ethno-cultural identity championed by the Balianese. Due to their inheritance of the Lothar Stones, as well as the founding myth of Balian’s settlement being derived from the Star of Lothar, the Balianese perceive themselves as successor to the primordial Balthalites, and hence idolize Saint Lothar as their champion. Lotharianism has now emerged as one of the forefront cultural ideologies that make up Balianese thought. Saint Lothar is viewed as an icon only next to the Exalted in their faith, and the way that Balianese navigate society is sometimes predicated on the notion of contemplating what the First Knight would do when faced with a similar challenge. The interpretation of Saint Lothar in Balianese society is best characterized as his role as the Bannerlord, rebelling and deposing his corrupted father Emperor Bero alongside his virtuous, cosmopolitan companions, called in Balianese the Lotharistas. Lothar’s band is often described as one with a strong collective will, and we see that manifest in modern Balianese society, with the capital of Balian’s motto being Things Held in Common. Other depictions link back to his work as a poet and author in the Lothar Stones, celebrating his visions of trade, love, and war. Lotharianism is a natural extension of the historical Providental thought of the Petrine people. Both act as north stars that guide their populations towards a stronger sense of virtue and national spirit. However, unlike the Eye of Providence - which existed only as a metaphysical concept inspired by Emperor Peter III’s interpretations of the Canon, the great body of which was focused on striving towards the progressive ‘achievement’ of Providence - Lotharianismo anchors itself in past antiquity, with the romantic legends of Saint Lothar and the Balthalite people. LA HAZIENTA The hazienta is an outcrop of the cultural value which the Balianese place on industriousness and commercial activity, particularly given the context of the untamed wasteland of the Terra del Sur. That being so, the concept of a hazienta is difficult to translate, but can be roughly approximated to that of an ‘estate’ or ‘factory’, in that it constitutes a private landholding dedicated to the production of some resource for sale on the market, either domestically or for export. One aspect of the noblesse oblige that the aristocrats of Balian are expected to honor is the duty of maintaining a healthy hazienta. The land grants bestowed to peers of the realm ought to be productive in some capacity, whether in matters commercial, agricultural, or industrial. Given their status as a settler people, such work is not seen as beneath the Balianese nobility or landholders, but rather part of their cultural inheritance. To help tame the arid Terra del Sur and build novel enterprise is regarded as a great virtue, and a reminder of the ingenuity and assiduousness of a people once in exile. An especially productive hazienta can lay the foundation towards a trade post or settlement under the Balianese crown. (A hazienta in the hinterlands of Balian.) Balianese faith and folklore often reflects such sentiment as well, promoting the stories of how the Exalted Sigismund began his fortune in the empire bottling and selling spirits, or how the noble Saint Godwin Stafyr, even at the height of his renown, still joined his loggers at their common trade. In an ideal Balianese society, the Crown and council often review the health of the various hazientas, offering support to peers and landholders to ensure the patchwork network of trade and commerce around the capital is in good health. Hazientas with an agricultural focus may produce hardy crops amenable to the heat of the Balianese climate, including but not limited to grapes, sugar, coffee, tomatoes, peppers, cotton, lemons, olives, rice and other grains. Those of a more industrial scale may entail vineyards, mills, oil presses, abattoirs and textile factories, as well as sundry other enterprises such as silver mines or steelworks. Many hazientas contain a handful of these related activities under a common ownership, with each step of production integrated in a way that maximizes self-sufficiency. LA FUSTA The fusta is an article of clothing woven from any textile and worn over the shoulders as a protective outer layer, constituting a key component of the Balianese national dress for both genders. These garments are typically dyed or decorated with colorful patterns and symbols, often suggestive of the heritage and status of the wearer. They were originally contrived in the last century to protect from the tumultuous weather conditions of the Terra del Sur, with different fabrics tailored for use in variant temperatures. This is expressed most commonly through linen or cotton fustas, which are well-suited to the summer heat of Balian, however, winter fustas are more frequently woven from wool or other heavy fabrics. They may be worn by civilians or as a part of military dress, in which instance they are designed to partially cover a soldier’s cuirass. (LEFT: A gentleman of Atrus, wearing a civilian’s fusta and wide-brimmed hat.) RIGHT: The Constable of Balian, wearing the fusta of la Casa de Arquent.) The Balianese word fusta is itself a bastardization of the Rhenyari fustanella, the furred moon-cloaks of Old Ba’as from which the fusta is originally derived. When introduced by Rhenyari traders some time in the 19th century, the fustanella - designed originally for the mountainous climes of their far-flung homeland - proved too hot and cumbersome for the Balianese sun. Moreover, the Rhenyari fustanella was complex and expensive to manufacture, with local tailors unable to effectively replicate it without the advanced knowledge of the craftsmen of Ba’as. Accordingly, the weavers of Atrus adapted it into a far simpler, looser, blanket-like garment slung over the shoulders instead of worn as a great-cloak. The original Rhenyari custom was for each fustanella’s coloration to reflect its wearer’s noble lineage. For example, the prolific Basrid family were identifiable by their customary pearl-white cloaks, even well into the time of their considerable Imperialization. These traditions have continued with the Balianese fusta, with those mantles dyed a geometric purple and yellow characteristic of those associated with the ruling dynasty. ALS VERDALGOS The verdalgos (f. verdalgas) are the men and women of the Balianese aristocracy, enjoying the highest status at the court of Atrus and the privileges associated with this standing. The word verdalgo itself originates as an informal contraction of the Balianese phrase ‘ver de algo’, translating to ‘son of something’ or ‘son of someone’. They are distinct from peers, who hold a peerage in fief to the King of Balian by way of royal letters, but may not necessarily hold verdalgo status. Verdalgos have the right to stand at the dais with the King at his court, and are gifted a personalized fusta in their familial colors in the setting of a royal ceremony, whereby the monarch lowers the garment over their shoulders. Individual verdalgos of the highest regard are also eligible for personal tax concessions (not including taxes on peerages) when granted by royal decree, in exchange for the pledge of their personal military service. As with most of the upper strata of Balian, they are addressed with the prefix of don or dona for men and women respectively. However, as a sign of familiarity and the royal favor, they are also entitled to the oral address of primo and prima when spoken to by the monarch. (A depiction of a penniless verdalgo de leinua, having taken up the career of an adventuring ‘condotier’ (mercenary) in the wastelands of the Terra del Sur.) The criteria for being accepted as a verdalgo remains somewhat nebulous, with different grades of verdalgo status existing in the public consciousness. For this reason, the Royal Balianese Academy established the following standards for recognition of an individual enjoying the standing of a verdalgo. The adoption and exhibition of Balianese culture and nomenclature, which is considered the most important and non-negotiable factor, and therefore cannot be compromised; Possessing four grandparents recognized as either verdalgos or ancient Imperial nobility, in the case of retrospectively recognized verdalgos de leinua (of lineage); Productivity and contribution to the realm, in the case of verdalgos de merit (of merit), who are officiated by letters patent from the Crown; Marriage within one’s status; Literacy, including a documented family history. While verdalgo status is technically heritable, it may also be deprived from individuals who diverge from these criteria. Moreover, the grandchild of a verdalgo de merit, if all other grandparents were recognized as verdalgos of any kind, is automatically considered a verdalgo de leinua. Despite the austere origins of the hard-bitten Balianese identity, most verdalgos have a rather contradictory reputation for a gentleman’s flamboyance and a colorful sense of dress. IV. PHYSICAL TRAITS The Balianese phenotype carries with it many similarities with that of other Heartlander subgroups, however, ultimately also entails a handful of key differences. The information conveyed herein is a general assessment, with exceptions existing as they do in most civilizations. The first wave of emigration of exiled Imperials to the arid climate of the Terra del Sur represented a substantial change in the conditions they were accustomed to enduring, leading the indigenous people of the South to dub them with the lighthearted label of the ‘Redfolk’ - in reference to the settlers’ perpetually-sunburnt skin. Today, only those Balianese of undiluted Imperial ancestry remain flushed scarlet under the sun’s rays, but the sobriquet of the Redfolk remains as a colloquialism. More typically, Balianese are tanned or olive-skinned, more so than the average Heartlander of temperate climes but not so swarthy as a Qalasheen. They tend towards darker hair colors such as black, dark brown, or copper, on account of a few generations of admixture with Rhenyari and other Farfolk, however, blondes and light browns do exist less commonly. The Balianese are usually far more hirsute than other Heartlanders, with most men possessing an abundance of coarse facial and body hair ranging from straight to slightly curled. (LEFT: The profile of a typical Balianese torrevalier.) (RIGHT: A Balianese noblewoman, at a masquerade.) Dark-rimmed and sunken eyes are prevalent amongst the Balianese, with irises of any coloring. Those with most Imperial ancestry tend towards gray, a holdout from the prolific reproduction of the primeval House of Horen, but greens, browns and blues are also present among the broader population. Additionally, most Balianese have aquiline noses, frequently verging towards hooked - another trait which they share with the Qalasheen Farfolk, distinguishing them from both conventional Heartlanders and the more distant Highlanders. They generally have a prominent facial structure, with a strong jawline and high cheekbones. Elder Balianese are usually prematurely lined and grave when compared to their Heartland progenitors, with leather-like faces from decades of sun exposure. The fashion of Balian tends towards bright and warm colors, reflective of the climate within which they have made their home. This may range from the flamboyance of a verdalgo gentleman to the simple red and orange fusta of a common merchant. The heat of the Terra del Sur makes the heavy furs and tight frocks of the Heartlands untenable, and so light and breathable forms of clothing are preferred. Wide-brimmed hats are common as shields from the sun, often pinned up on one side and, and in the case of wealthier Balianese, trimmed with an ostrich plume. For the same purpose, robes and veils of manifold colors are popular among Balianese ladies. A rare few articles of clothing are influenced by a neo-Akritian design, however, too much of an emphasis on these customs is broadly considered to be gauche and dated, akin to wearing a costume. “Ave Imperium! The Empire that was is gone, but the eternal Empire remains, indissoluble by worldly mandate. The throne lies empty, but we hail to our Emperor as we await his coming.” Mariano Saturnino Ferraz, Nomenclature in the Language of Balian, 1891 V. LANGUAGE AND NOMENCLATURE At time of writing, the Royal Balianese Academy has become aware of the widespread practice of admixing Balianese and Common in speech, with no respect to the grammatical rules of either and presumably for nationalistic reasons. While this enthusiasm must be commended, there is no reason for a Balianese gentleman to mangle the Common speech with the local language to create a kind of ‘half-half’, pidgin language. These systems of grammar are fundamentally incompatible, particularly when concerning personal pronouns and verbs. While it is understood that the codification of Balianese is a continued work in progress, these practices were not Ferraz’s intention when he ascribed the vulgar dialect of Atrus to a written form. Moreover, they are at odds with the Academy’s mission to further our language and protect its integrity. All Balianese are educated in the grammar of Common and should speak accordingly. In order to promote foreign investment in, and trade with, our homeland, we must preserve our connections with the world at large. These interests are not served by our representatives using a garbled lexicon. However, the Balianese language may be judiciously employed in some normal circumstances, specifically in the context of statements that require little grammatical parsing with Common, such as greetings, courtesies, interjections and maxims. As a general rule, the use of these singular expressions (i.e ‘ai’ or ‘nen’) is acceptable in Common, whereas pronouns (i.e ‘teu’ or ‘eu’) and more complicated, mixed sentences, are inadvisable. The Royal Balianese Academy remains available for the translation of any document into linguistically-prescribed Balianese upon request, without charge. That being so, we have compiled a reference list for the aforementioned acceptable expressions, which are fit for inclusion in everyday vernacular speech. COMMON PHRASES IN BALIANESE Ai - ‘Yes’. Pronounced ‘aye’. Originates from the Common, specifically the Highlander dialectal, ‘aye’. Nen - ‘No’. Pronounced ‘nenn’. Originates from the Common ‘no’, and is analogous to most negatives. Saluto / Salut - ‘Hello’ or ‘hail’. Pronounced ‘SAH-lu-TO’. Originates from the Flexio ‘salus’, specifically meaning ‘to your health’. Adeus - ‘Goodbye’ (Informal). Pronounced ‘ad-EH-us’. An informal goodbye, cognatic to the Auvergnat ‘adieu’ and with a common ancestor in Flexio from the phrase ‘a deus’, meaning ‘to God’. Vale - ‘Goodbye’ (Formal). Pronounced ‘VAL-eh’. A formal goodbye, from the Flexio ‘vale’ with the same meaning, albeit a different pronunciation. Seldom used among friends and more typical in formal correspondence. Graza - ‘Thanks’ or ‘thank-you’. Pronounced ‘GRAT-za’. A corruption of the Flexio ‘gratia’, in the long form ‘gratia a deus’, meaning ‘thanks be to God’. Now applicable as a general sign of gratitude. Per fauri - ‘Please’. Pronounced ‘per FOW-ri’. Translates directly to ‘for your favor’, in the context of ‘favor’ meaning good-will. Functionally, an analogue to the Common ‘please’, with a cognatic origin through the word ‘plea’. Informally, simply expressed as ‘fauri’. Clar - ‘Of course’ or ‘I agree’. Pronounced ‘klar’. This word literally means ‘clear’ in Balianese, but is more typically used to express agreement or acknowledgement. Oxala - ‘I hope,’ or ‘If only’. Pronounced ‘o-HA-la’. A corruption of the Qalasheen expression ‘inshallah’, meaning ‘God willing’. Note that the ‘x’ in Balianese is always pronounced as an ‘h’ sound. Otimo - ‘Excellent’ or ‘very well’. Pronounced ‘ott-IH-mo’. While directly translating to ‘optimal’ in Balianese, it is more often used as a synonym for ‘good’ or ‘very well’, expressing confirmation or praise. Embruxat - An expletive. Pronounced ‘em-bru-HAT’. A derivative of the Balianese word ‘embruxata’, meaning ‘bewitched’, in the verb form ‘embruxar’, as in ‘to be bewitched’. A curse word, only to be used in an informal context, and usually exclaimed. Avanza - ‘Forward’ or ‘advance’. Pronounced ‘ah-VAN-za’. Primarily used as a military command, but also applicable in civilian use in the setting of ‘let’s go’, ‘let’s leave’, or ‘let’s commence’. An imperative form of the verb ‘avanzar’, meaning ‘to advance’. NOMENCLATURE For further guidance as to Balianese nomenclature with respect to personal names or toponyms, please either contact the Royal Balianese Academy or refer to those resources it has endorsed. You have reached the conclusion of Volume I of The Balianese (Almeida & Napier, 1915).
  17. AMENDMENT TO THE ROYAL EDICT OF BRUCCA 12th of Sun's Smile, 48 BA The Kingdom of Balian, by and through decree of His Majesty King Alexander, and counsel from The Royal Duana, hereby address the preamble of Article I of the Royal Edict of Brucca: I. “The Supreme Assembly of the Lazzari, a council of six members, named Concio of the Lazzari, or Assemblymen and Assemblywomen, are tasked to be the legislative body of the First Commune of Atrus.” And amend the quantity of Concios of the Supreme Assembly of Lazzari to: A1. A total of FIVE members. The Syndic shall be considered a fifth member of the Concio and shall be elected three years after the elections of the Concios. This Amendment to the Royal Edict of Brucca shall be in effect immediately, Ex Nunc. IN NOMINE DEI, HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Count of Monteres, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Ledicort Vuiller, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Duana HIS EXCELLENCY, Baron Gaius Rosius var Ruthern, Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Balian HIS EXCELLENCY, Lord Kasimir Sarkozic, Lord Censor of the Kingdom of Balian
  18. THE LOTHAR STONES THE FOURTH TABLET On Commerce The Lothar Stones are marble engravings revealing life in the Bathalite Empire, otherwise known as Old Balian, dated somewhere between the fifth to seventh century. They are attributed to St. Lothar the Bannerlord, who served as one of the final dynasts of that ancient civilization. At least twelve of these stones are believed to be in existence, with each depicting the perspectives of Lothar and his Bathalites on various topics. They are written in Old Bathalite, a script similar to non-Dragaari Flexio. The Bathalites were renowned for being one of the most innovative heartlander polities of their time, believed to have spread their influence all throughout Almaris with their rich trade networks, strong piety, and powerful chariot warriors. Although Almaris hosted some larger cities and even more developed polities, Old Balian seems to be regarded as the continent’s commercial capital. It was the largest (possibly only) harbor in southern Almaris capable of fielding deepwater vessels. The Old Balthalites, for their part, reveled in their role as the seat of the continental economy. On Commerce was recovered by Amiratus Ledicort Vuiller on an expedition toward an old Balthalite colony south of Urguan. Details of his expedition can be found in the missive here. The tablet was then translated by Teodosio Cardinal Tyria and the Amiratus over a two year period - the adaption expedited through the knowledge gained in translating On The Wheel. SYNOPSIS The fourth tablet elaborates on the mercantile philosophy of the Balthalites, which emphasized wealth as coming from a diversity of goods rather than an abundance of any specific treasure. Several lines underscore the Balthalites’ religious attitudes which, while archaic and somewhat foreign from modern Canonism, do demonstrate that they had retained the first two of the Holy Scrolls and and at least some of the oral histories of the True Faith. In particular, the reference to the Creator’s watchful eye over cheating in the marketplace is certainly an allusion to the Epistle to the Harrenites. Outside of celebrating the Balthalite Empire’s wealth, the fourth tablet also gives insight into their social attitudes. As inhabitants of such a commercial hub, the Old Balthalites co-opted the political and cultural innovations of their neighbors eagerly; contemporary records show that market officials were selected by a combination of democratic means and sortition, and that this style of governance was recognized as an explicitly elven import. Most significantly, this tablet also enlightens us as to the nature of Old Balian’s neighbors. Some, such as the democratic elves of Belesis, are familiar to us. Others, such as the portal-crafting magelords that were ancient Almarisian dwarves, are entirely foreign and even border on fantasy. Nevertheless, St. Lothar’s glowing descriptions indicate that he wished to maintain positive relationships with all of them; archaeological records suggest this is likely because auxiliaries from all three mentioned groups participated in the overthrow of the Mad Emperor. It remains to be seen whether these polities were actually representative of their respective races in Almaris, or if they were merely small—but favored—allies of the Balthalites. IV. COMMERCE Translated by Cardinal Teodosia Tyria and Amiratus Ledicort Vuiller This artist’s rendering of the fourth tablet depicts the crew of a Balthalite ship unloading goods received during a trade mission. Immediately noticeable is the diversity of both culture and physical appearance in Balthalite culture. The two dark-skinned men in the foreground are wearing girdles that indicate their status as servants along with southern headdresses which mark them as recent arrivals. Yet, in the background, another man of similar complexion wears the cape of a native Balthalite nobleman. The central figure sports a pointed cap, which was the traditional attire of a merchant “capo,” the leader of each such expedition. We of Balthali treasure the handiwork of the Creator. We admire the beauty of the wild and of the tame. Therefore we esteem that work in all our trades. In the quarries, every stone is cut as if for the House of Worship. At the loom, every sash is woven as if for our beloved. In Peroz, a priest watches the market and sanctifies the scales. Whoever cheats in trade is a thief from the Creator. Thus our merchants are always reverent of their goods and honest in exchange. They go out into far lands with eagerness. We offer up the treasures of our land and our hands lovingly. In return we receive the bounties of our fellows. We were taught that the greatest wealth is not of the world, but of the spirit. Therefore knowledge is a bounty as well, and is valued in trade. With this knowledge we offer that which is treasured by the natives of each land. In Belesis there are elves who elect their prince by vote of the people. They treasure the stone of our quarries, for they have none. We bring to them porphyry and alabaster in splendid shapes. Two years ago we sold them a myriad of stones in twelve colors. These they use to cast their votes in onyx urns also of our make. They gave to us three wondrous phials which magnify the alchemist’s art. By these phials, our dyes are brightened and our silver made purer. But more treasured than this, we learned their custom of vote-casting. Today it is used to choose the blesser of the scales in Peroz. In the south we also know an orc tribe who were cast away from their people. Their king’s back is twisted but his mind is straight and sharp. Therefore he loves to bargain for our knowledge. First we brought to him our letters and then maps of the heavens. His tribe gave generously in return, and called our letters staying-words. For our maps they gave to us cinnamon and cloves, and tasteful spices of all kinds. For our letters they taught us of their secret springs and refuges. Now our merchants range farther across the land and sprinkle their bread with cinnamon. We raise our cups in honor of those outcasts. Strangest of our neighbors are the dwarf-sages. They know the subtle virtues of the elements, and put them to wise uses in enchantment. To them we bring the tools of their magic, the inks and glass alembics. With these, they say they devise doors between the worlds. And for us they share brass tools to reckon the heavens. Our ships see now the routes traced by the stars. However what is esteemed highest is that which is traded among many. The greatest knowledge is known by all. The greatest wealth is shared by everyone. Therefore we also bring to others the treasures that were given to us. We have brought the sextants and astrolabes of the dwarves to the hunchbacked king. Joyfully he spreads his sails on distant shores, and we meet his ships in amity. We brought the vote-casting of Belesis to the dwarves. Now the worthiest scholars rule them and no door is barred to their arts. We brought the fine spices of the south to the elves. Now they eat every meal merrily, and their wine is renowned in all nations. Every land and people is thereby made richer. Whoever gives generously also gives to the Creator. Whatever is shared is multiplied.
  19. On Standardized Testing and Government Wardships In lieu of the recent allegations of unfair advantage and inequity in the standardized testing requirement to participate in the bureaucracy of the Kingdom of Balian, the Royal Balianese Academy hereinafter known as the RBA, by and through counsel of His Majesty, Alexander I and his Royal Duana, hereby abolish the standardized testing system and introduce a Government Wardship and Employment initiative for the citizens of Balian. As stated in the previous missive when standardized tests were introduced, public participation is extremely imperative and beneficial in the Balian political and social ecosystem. It is unfortunate that the commoners within Balian have not been able to take part in this fundamental and beautiful right enshrined for every Balianese Citizen. The standardized testing initiative, initially believed to be an experiment, was intended to be a solution to provide a meritocratic approach to finding potential scholars and wards for His Majesty’s government. However, the exams merely distinguished the clear cut divide between the education of the Nobility and the Commoners. Thus, as of the publishing of this missive, the Royal Balianese Academy is hereby abolishing the standardized testing initiative and, in conjunction with the Royal Duana, shall promote a more holistic approach to the education of the youth of Balian. The Government Wardship initiative shall consist of three main objectives: The education of the youth of Balian regardless of social class, the social mobility of the commoners, and the scouting for the next generation of leaders who will serve at the pleasure of His Majesty, Alexander I. In order to participate in the Government Wardship initiative, the Citizens of Balian must fill out the census. The citizen may express their interest in working for the government and specify a certain department. Once they have done so, they shall be contacted by a member of the Royal Duana for an interview. Signed, Her Excellency, Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Lady Procurator of the Kingdom of Balian. His Excellency, Gaius Rosius var Ruthern, Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Balian His Excellency, Kasimir Sarkozic, Lord Censor of the Kingdom of Balian.
  20. On the Encouragement of Scholars This missive from the Royal Balianese Academy exists to expand on the knowledge of the public as to our history and cultural values of Atrus, in order to better secure a future for Balian and ensure the next generation may properly learn what it is to be a Balianite. Should one seek out history books, it will further allow the future leaders of our Nation to take note of their ancestors and their doings to be properly informed in the doings of the present. This author hopes that the encouragement here will aid in bringing forth these historical and cultural texts for Balian to peruse as they should wish. And in turn hopes that this will quell the masses as this opportunity is open to noble and commoner alike. The following texts listed are payable upon completion and approval of quality. History of Balian The Reign of John I: A book meant to encompass the first King of Balians reign. 15+ pages, it needs a title page, 75 minas for an original. An extra 75 minas if a forum post is also made. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. The Brothers War: A book on the Brothers War that led to Balians founding. 15+ pages,it needs a title page, 75 minas for an original book, an extra 75 minas if a forum post is also made. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. The Siege of Cloudbreaker: A book recounting the details of the fight against Undead Cloudbreaker in Balian. 10+ pages, it needs a title page, 50 minas for an original. An extra 50 minas if a forum post is also made. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. Government and Politics Nobility in Balian: A book scribed from the Duties and Responsibilities of Nobility forum post, meant to be directly transcribed from the piece itself. It needs a title page, 25 minas for an original. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. On Leadership: A Course in Administration: A book scribed from the On Leadership: A Course in Administration forum post, meant to be directly transcribed from the piece itself. It needs a title page, 25 minas for an original. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. The Noble City of Atrus: A book scribed from the The Noble City of Atrus: Wildflower of the South forum post, meant to be directly transcribed from the piece itself. It needs a title page, 25 minas for an original. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. The Arts Balianite Theatre: A book scribed from the Balianite Theatre forum post, meant to be directly transcribed from the piece itself. It needs a title page, 25 minas for an original. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. Song of the Farfolk Volunteers: A book scribed from the A tune raised in Balian forum post, meant to be directly transcribed from the piece itself. It needs a title page, 15 minas for an original. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. The Crimson Sands: A book scribed from the Crimson Sands poem forum post, meant to be directly transcribed from the piece itself. It needs a title page, 15 minas for an original. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. The Valiance of Balian: A book scribed from the Valiance of Balian forum post but made into a children's book, meant to be directly transcribed from the piece itself. It needs a title page, 25 minas for an original. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. The First Tablet of Saint Lothar: A book scribed from the translation of the First Tablet of Saint Lothar: On Faith forum post, meant to be directly transcribed from the piece itself. It needs a title page, 25 minas for an original. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. The Second Tablet of Saint Lothar: A book scribed from the translation of the First Tablet of Saint Lothar: On the Wheel forum post, meant to be directly transcribed from the piece itself. It needs a title page, 25 minas for an original. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. On Religion On Balian Marriage: A book scribed from the Balian Marriage forum post, meant to be directly transcribed from the piece itself. It needs a title page, 25 minas for an original. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. Negotiable Miscellaneous Topics Balians Flora and Fauna: A book on the varying plants and wildlife amidst that of Balian. It needs a title page. Depending on length, price is entirely negotiable. Amount negotiated is doubled if a forum post is also written. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. The Nobelissimos: A book on one of the named Nobelissimos, containing that of their history. It needs a title page. Depending on length, price is entirely negotiable. Amount negotiated is doubled if a forum post is also written. It needs prior approval and acceptance of its quality. Signed, Her Excellency, Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Lady Procurator of the Kingdom of Balian. His Excellency, Gaius Rosius var Ruthern, Minister of Interior of the Kingdom of Balian His Excellency, Kasimir Sarkozic, Lord Censor of the Kingdom of Balian.
  21. Nobelissimos: The August Heroes of Balian “Above all other affairs of state rests the duty to propagate the spirit of the nation. A great army, a flourishing court, and a strong arm of law are all essential, but we look only to our ancestors in the Empire to see where that may not be enough. Without national spirit, the age of heroes is lost, and communities become undone to greed, ambition, and personal interest. One way to hone national spirit is by honoring those among us who have made significant contributions to our traditions, who have selflessly lived their lives to enrich our people and our way of life. In Balian, we will call these individuals Nobelissimos, or most noble, and they serve as shining examples of the honor, virtue, kinship, and ingenuity that define our culture. Through the creation of the Nobelissimo state honor, the Kingdom of Balian not only celebrates the deeds of these individuals, but also imbues the youth of our realm with the values and ideals that have made our traditions great. The Nobelissimos will inspire future generations to strive for greatness, to put the needs of our people before their own, and to always defend our culture with honor and integrity. It is with great pride and humility that We declare these individuals as Nobelissimos. Their names will be forever etched in the annals of our history, and their deeds will be remembered for all time. We urge each and every one of you to take the time to learn about these heroes, to tell their stories to your children and grandchildren, and to live by the examples they have set. Together, We will ensure that our culture endures and thrives for many centuries to come." King Alexander on the Nobelissimos, 111 S.A., delivered at court. By bringing together the Petrine institution of Generalissimo with the eastern institution of the ‘state hagiography’, the Crown of Balian has created the state honor of Nobelissimo, or most noble, to consecrate those who have cultivated incalculable influence towards the Balianese identity. As the state believes that the Balianese culture emerged as an off-shoot of the Petrine one, these heroes should not chronologically predate the Eighth Empire, and instead should be modern heroes who have lived towards the values that the Balianese aspire towards. There are three ranks that make up the state honor. It begins with the title of patricos, or patricians in the Balianese language, which is granted to those who have lived virtuous and exceptional lives worth emulating, and are often tied to one particular concept. They are given a title in Balianese, most often the trade that gave them such renown i.e. “She is loved in this country like the Magissa.” Then there are the nobelissimos, or most noble - they are the heroes that predate Balian whose contributions to state culture have left consequential legacies in the Kingdom’s society. To be named nobelissimo is to be named without peer in a particular facet, and one is given a sobriquet that corresponds to what they are known for. For example, High Pontiff St. James II is regarded as Al Vetraissimo, or the most exceptional glazier, - the way he lived, there shall never be a glazier as grand. Another example is Anne Augusta, or La Rubinissima - the way she lived, there shall never be a ruby as grand. These sobriquets can be used to refer to these figures in popular conversation i.e. “She commands like the Toroblancissimo reborn.” “His stories have the Vetraissimo’s touch.” Finally, there are the Balianissimos, or the most Balian. They are the nobelissimos that actually lived in the Kingdom of Balian and directly contributed to Balian’s identity, rather than indirectly. Thus, they are distinguished even further. At the onset of this new honor, only one figure of history has earned the title of Balianissimo, and that is John I, Balian’s founder, who wields the sobriquet Protobalianissimo, or roughly translated, the most exceptional Balianese above other exceptional Balianese. This state honor has been given to eleven figures directly by the King in the year 111 SA, however, a formal procedure by which a representative body of the people can raise a hero to such titles is expected to be organized every ten to twenty-five years, beginning with either Balian’s 50th anniversary, or its 75th. The Balianissimos John I ‘The Founder’, First King of Balian: THE PROTOBALIANISSIMO There should be little question as to whether Balian's Gian al Gran, or John I, deserves the great state honor of Nobelissimo. He is the prototype of the Balianese identity. When faced with the ruin of the Holy Orenian Empire at the end of the Brother’s War, it was he with the foresight to envision a new society free from the trappings of the old regime. John navigated multiple crises, from the initial Petrine exodus from the northern continent into the Terra del Sur to various armed conflicts such as the Harvest War, the EATO War, and the Ruffian’s War. He also oversaw the initial construction of the oasis of Atrus upon the Monterosa and settled its many nobles. As Balian’s first duke and king, the country would never have come to prominence without his personal investment and leadership. He is styled Protobalianissimo, or the most exceptional Balianese over other exceptional Balianese, for his role in founding the nation. Important Works https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/212446-a-righteous-coronet/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/215741-completed-nation-kingdom-of-balian/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/215796-the-faithful-prosper/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/216566-to-answer-a-call/ The Nobelissimos Bl. Anne Augusta: THE RUBINISSIMA Anne I, Holy Orenian Empress, also known as Anne the Good, has earned a special regard in Balianese society as one of its great heroes and ancestors. While all Balianese would acknowledge their Petrine roots emerge from Peter III’s reign, Anne’s war against the Inferni in the sands of Korvassa, as well as her nation’s exodus from Arcas to Almaris ring closer with the spirit of Balian, which also suffered darkspawn calamity at the hands of the undead dragon Cloudbreaker, as well as a similar exodus from the heartlands to the dunes of the southern continent. Anne is seen as a national hero who managed to weather the greatest of crises to build Providence, both literally as in the city, and figuratively as in a model society. For many of Balian’s founders, her reign was one where they entered their adulthood and began their professional journey in the empire. Thus, even over generations, there is a special fondness for Empress Anne. Her personal character as a monarch of great contemplation and resolve is one that speaks to the values of Balianese society as well, with her portrait and namesake found all throughout Balianese culture. She is styled La Rubinissima, or the most exceptional ruby, for her role in maintaining imperial dignity while weathering the great political and military conflicts of her time. Important Works https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/191118-the-imperial-mark/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194089-the-empires-inquisition/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/195023-the-imperial-coronation/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/195262-edict-of-separation/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/195965-on-matters-of-inferi-an-open-invitation/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197456-anne/ Alren DeNurem: THE TOROBLANCISSIMO The 4th Generalissimo of the Holy Orenian Empire, Alren DeNurem is regarded as a military commander and strategist that is unparalleled, and the chief influence of all Balianese military operations. He emerged among the officer corps during the Holy Orenian Empire’s formative war, the Rubern War, and delivered key military reforms to turn the Imperial State Army from a vision into the largest army of its time. In his personal life, Alren was a noted military engineer, pioneering the return of cannons into imperial warfare. Alren’s penchant for military logistics and drill cannot be understated, building a new cadre of imperial patriots through his command. He remained Oren’s top military mind beyond his victory in the Rubern War, weathering Oren through the controversial Merryweather War and emerging as a forefront leader in the war against the Inferi. Many of the founding members of Balian were proud products of the ISA system that he cultivated, and much of Balian’s logistics and pool of resources come from the institutions he built within the army. Every Balianese commander can only hope to emulate his successes. He is styled as Al Torocblancissimo, or the most exceptional white bull, for the sobriquet he earned under the reign of Peter III as the White Bull of the Empire. Important Works https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/188616-isa-1st-regiment-fieldguide/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194744-the-ministry-of-war-1783/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/192030-isa-service-medals/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194437-general-alren-denurem-the-white-bull/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194377-victory-in-defeat/ Elizabeth Anne: THE SCIACALISSIMA The title of Princess Imperial had meant little until the time of Elizabeth Anne, who transformed the position into one of great influence through her progressive endeavors. Born as the eldest child of Anne Augusta, some in Balianese society even reflect that she may have made for a greater monarch than her more military minded brother John VII, and certainly the dotard Philip III. Her career spans from serving in the ISA as a Lieutenant in the Imperial Medical Corps, a stint as Chancellor of the Imperial State University, and a landmark tenure as the first woman Imperial Grandee in the House of Lords. She also organized the innovative Social Season, strengthening imperial ties and sentiments by bringing nobility from all across the empire to the capital for merry-making and introductions. Above all her successes though is her resilience in proposing the Rosemoor Bill, a piece of legislation that would have eliminated male-preference inheritance for peers and instead afford equal inheritance for both genders. While defeated and later censured from the House of Lords for her efforts, the proposed policy ended up so popular that Philip III was forced to adopt it anyway. Given that Rosemoor Succession is now Balianese crown policy and the Social Season endures in Balian as the Symposia, she is seen as a pioneer in national service and a model for all Balianese to aspire toward. She is styled as La Sciacalissima, or the most exceptional jackalope, after the venerable pet jackalope Atticus she kept. The animal mirrored the regal and dignified nature she brought to her various offices, and came to be known later in Balianese society as her personal motif. Important Works https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/199586-the-social-season/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/201446-the-nature-of-the-title-of-princess-imperial/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197196-the-imperial-university-of-providence/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194124-comprehensive-guide-to-field-medicine/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/203578-the-rosemoor-convention/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/204301-providence-a-reflection-of-the-past/ Jahan Basrid: THE SUSISSIMO Of all the imperial heroes that the Balianese pay homage to, there is not a more influential storyteller than that of the great governor of Peter III’s palace, Jahan Basrid. While his formal role in imperial society was that of chief diplomat as Secretary of Foreign Affairs, informally, Jahan Basrid regaled the legends of old Rhen to many of the noble youths of the imperial palaces, raising multiple monarchs such as John VII under his tutelage. The premises of these stories later served as a founding principle for King John the Founder’s vision for a new society, one that looked east and south for new inspiration on a civil society. Without Jahan’s tales, the Akritian and Rhenyari influence that colors Balian would not be found. The tales of heroes like Akritara, Magara, and Radagha, or the inspirations for the Balianese fusta, all were delivered west through the Sage of Susa’s will. He is styled as Al Sussissimo, or the most exceptional Susan, after the title he held as a peer, the Count of Susa. Important Works https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/192566-the-novellen-palace/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/187995-the-imperial-office-of-foreign-affairs/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193544-once-a-soldier-always-a-gunner/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/205439-the-high-culture-of-the-rhenyar/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/204988-the-arcane-zodiac/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/198566-the-final-story/ High Pontiff St. James II: THE VETRAISSIMO The Church of the Canon owes a great deal to the efforts of St. James, so much so that he is often called the modern St. Daniel. After decades of religious indifference and controversy, the 18th century High Pontiff ushered in a new age of contemporary faith, bringing the Church into harmony with a modernizing empire. His greatest work was the adaptation of the entire Holy Scrolls into the common tongue, completing the work begun by his predecessors some three centuries prior. In doing so, he initiated a resurgence of Canonist literacy which has not yet abated. His renown in Balian is in large part owed to this; he was personal catechist to the ancestor of many Balianese, and every copy of the Holy Scrolls includes both his name and personal commentaries on the translation. Beyond even these accomplishments, St. James is responsible for the Church’s contemporary character and its relationship with the faithful. His revisions of the canon law resolved key issues of ecclesiastical authority that had plagued humanity in centuries past, establishing a framework for permanent harmony between crown and laurel. He canonized an unprecedented number of saints, and is today responsible for fully 1/6th of saints in the modern calendar. The Pontiff’s contemporaries considered his moral character to be unimpeachable and possibly otherworldly; he had encountered numerous saintly apparitions and called down the physical intercession of the Archangel Michael. At the height of his 49 year reign, St. James' reputation was so great that he commanded even Emperor Peter III himself, bringing an end to the Sutican War and uniting all Canondom in a crusade against the Inferi. He is styled as Al Vetraissimo, or the most exceptional glazier, after the humble profession he practiced before entering the priesthood. Important Works https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/189659-the-holy-scrolls/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/192506-epochs-of-the-empire-volume-i-the-prophetic-era/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197696-codex-iurius-canonici-danielus-pontifex-second-edition/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/195249-the-age-of-reason/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193846-transcript-of-the-imperial-quadricentennial-mass/ The Patricos Mariano Saturnino Ferraz: THE LINGUISTA Mariano Saturnino Ferrza maintains the status of Patrico as the founder of the Royal Balianese Academy, an influential institution that spurs much cultural development in Balian, as well as codifying the Balianese language for public consumption. He is styled as Al Linguista, or the linguist, for his academic and linguistic pursuits. Important Works Yuliya Styrne: THE DRAMMATURGA The greatest playwright in Canonist history, the crippled Yuliya Styrne rose far beyond her station to rivet imperial society with a catalog that spans almost fifty years of work. Balianese society holds a deep affinity towards the arts, and to recite Yuliya’s works is considered a sign of great virtue and intelligence within the country. She is styled as La Drammaturga, or the playwright, for her prolific body of work and good character. Important Works https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193198-the-collected-works-of-bianca-la-fleur/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/199208-1809-providence-open-badminton-tourney-registration-open/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197197-course-syllabus-writing-for-the-stage/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/200177-%E2%9C%A9-rising-stars-of-providence-%E2%9C%A9-winners/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/200204-pk-%F0%9D%90%9F%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%A7%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%A5-%F0%9D%90%9C%F0%9D%90%AE%F0%9D%90%AB%F0%9D%90%AD%F0%9D%90%9A%F0%9D%90%A2%F0%9D%90%A7/ Joseph Adler: THE CONSULIER A hero of Peter III’s Holy Orenian Empire, Joseph Adler emerged as the founder of the Imperial State Constables, as well as its first influential Solicitor-General. The Consulier is given full honors for spearheading the legal reforms in the Empire that serve as the foundation of Balianese law today. He is styled as Al Consulier, or the lawman, for his service as captain of the imperial Constables and chief lawman of the empire. Important Works https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/191197-the-imperial-constabulary/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/190649-the-crown-v-othaman-and-alimar/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/200509-renewed-request-for-judicial-review-article-i-of-the-non-partisan-courts-act-1768/ Alpha Carrington: THE MAGISSA The daring half elf daughter of the great merchant Green Carrington, Alexandra Carrington, otherwise known as Alpha, is renowned as one of the great workhorses of the Carrington mercantile empire as well as a powerful mage. Her travels and exploits are made into myth in Balianese society, as she forged powerful trade companies and spread arcane knowledge wherever she went. She is styled as La Magissa, or the mage, for her service as a wandering wizard that empowered the fortunes of many of Balian’s ancestors. Important Works https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/192525-the-honorable-company-of-vintners-brewers-innholders/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/189875-the-brave-and-noble-sir-humphrey-the-musical/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/189565-the-carrington-gambling-house/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/188761-mayoral-proclamation-resignation/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/196363-carrington-co-the-end/ Ivan var Ruthern: THE MARTIER Ivan Ruthern is seen as a great martyr of the Brother’s War, having sacrificed himself to save a generation of noble children when expected to turn them over to royalist forces. His sacrifice ensured many youth, namely the entire Vuiller line, to continue a new life in Balian, over facing imprisonment and death at the hands of Frederick’s men. He is styled as Al Martier, or the martyr, for his personal sacrifice. Important Works https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/211774-pk-by-bones-and-barrows/
  22. THE LOTHAR STONES THE FIRST TABLET On Faith The Lothar Stones are marble engravings revealing life in the Bathalite Empire, otherwise known as Old Balian, dated somewhere between the fifth to seventh century. They are attributed to St. Lothar the Bannerlord, who served as one of the final dynasts of that ancient civilization. At least twelve of these stones are believed to be in existence, with each depicting the perspectives of Lothar and his Bathalites on various topics. They are written in Old Bathalite, a script similar to non-Dragaari Flexio. The Bathalites were renowned for being one of the most innovative heartlander polities of their time, believed to have spread their influence all throughout Almaris with their rich trade networks, strong piety, and powerful chariot warriors. ___ On Faith was recovered around Henry's Wharf by Simon Basrid at the turn of the nineteenth century. However, when presented to Joseph II, the monarch decided the matter was not worth pursuing, and thus the Rhenyari statesmen instead delivered the relic east to Ba'as. It was translated there by the First Vizier at the time, Caspian of Rhen, before returning back to Almaris as part of an diplomatic exchange of gifts over a century later by the hands of the Pigeon Knight, Sir Sarson Halgrim. SYNOPSIS The first tablet describes faith among the Balthalites. They claim to champion the Virtue and Spirit, while other heartlander states had succumbed either to deity worship or the whims of a landed and divided priest class. Their temples are described as iconoclast, rejecting the images of saints or exalted in full focus to their Creator, who is said to be depicted as a swirling heavenly focus known as Empyrean. However, their traditions also reveal that they opened their temples for service to other populations who maintained the laws revealed in the Scroll of Virtue. The imagery of Balthalite worship is described to revolve heavily around icons of celestial bodies in homage to the mysteries of the seven skies, as the Lotharingian cross was not invented until what we believe is later in Lothar’s life. Their priests are reported to have lived among the community as administrators and civic leaders, and to have tattooed images of the heavens upon themselves to celebrate their faith. A concept known as the milk of the cosmos is also described to inspire the people to live virtuously. It is difficult to discern whether the milk of the cosmos is something innate to all creation, a sacred elixir used in worship or ablution, or both. ___ I. FAITH Translated by Caspian of Rhen The illustrations of the stone itself is a crude depiction of one of the temples that may have existed in the Balthalite civilization. Within it, a priest with various brandings looks to be giving instruction to a set of humans, elves, and halflings about the celestial ecstasy that can be found in the seven skies. The icon of the Empyrean seems to be depicted front and center as the focus of the priest’s lecture, and is depicted as a swirling vortex of heavenly light spun by a pair of what may be priestly acolytes. Along the walls are writings in Balthalite praising the works of the Creator and his two prophets, and pleas toward the awaited two prophets and their associated texts. In the land of Balthali, the people are faithful and devout. We are a monotheist people, believing in the one true creator of all things. The Virtue and the Spirit, our holy texts, guide our lives. As we wait for two Sons of Spirit to reveal themselves. Our great temples are places of reverence and contemplation. They are inspired by the miracles of our Creator One in Peroz is named the House of Worship. Within these temples, we forbid any graven images of our heroes. They distract us from seeking the truth. Instead, we paint and spin the Empyrean. The temple in Peroz is not only for the worship of the Virtue and the Spirit. There are many people of all faiths and races in our empire. We give them space in our temple to pray and lead their service So long as they honor the rules of our Virtue and our land. Together, we may deepen the mortal understanding. The custodians of these temples are known all over the world. They are our holy priests and priestesses. If they are truly pious, they brand themselves the stars and celestial bodies. So they move this earth as though they carry the Seven Skies with them. Most holy is to brand the star on the forehead. It is forbidden among the laity. But we may wear a sash with this icon instead in reverence. We are taught to carry the milk of the cosmos. The Holy Light of the Skies. This means we must act with wisdom, logic, and restraint. And should use our duty and gifts for all. Our priests teach us these values through service. They live among us, not apart from us As scribes, emissaries, elected officials, stewards, and civil leaders. It is said a priest who does not serve his people first Will be more cursed than the dog who spits water. The measure of their worth is not in their robes or temples But in the good of their service and action. That is how our faith will grow.
  23. THE CATALOGUS BARONUM An Archive of Peers Preamble The Catalogus Baronum, as commissioned by His Majesty, Alexander I, is an administrative catalog that stands as the official recorded documentation of the kingdom’s nobility and peerages. This archive will be maintained by the Royal Duana and its retainers, though will also serve as a historical reference for future generations of citizens, nobles, and historians. All peers within the Kingdom of Balian are expected to submit the appropriate information pertaining to their house and its history, as well as notable figures, relics, etc. Those who wish to may also request aid from the Crown in writing their contribution to the catalog, in lieu of completing it themselves. Existing peers, upon the publication of this catalog, shall be provided with a predetermined format by which they might note down the deeds and achievements of their noble line. Any new peerages granted following the publication of this catalog shall be approached by an attending scribe of the C rown, to begin the process of adding to this archive. These efforts are made to maintain a consistent uniform between the various entries. The Nobility of the Kingdom of Balian (As of the 21st of Godfrey’s Triumph, 43 BA) The Royal House The House Novellen of Balian The Comital Houses The House Vuiller The House d’Arkent The Viscomital Houses The House Sarkozic The House Darkwood The Baronial Houses The House Ruthern The House Galbraith The House Kervallen HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Alexander I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Brucca,Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera. [OOC: Players roleplaying as peers may reserve a reply in order to work on their house information. If anyone needs help completing their entry or has questions about what to include, please feel free to message author [MunaZaldrizoti#5064] on Discord!]
  24. THE LOTHAR STONES THE SECOND TABLET On The Wheel The Lothar Stones are marble engravings revealing life in the Bathalite Empire, otherwise known as Old Balian, dated somewhere between the fifth to seventh century. They are attributed to St. Lothar the Bannerlord, who served as one of the final dynasts of that ancient civilization. At least twelve of these stones are believed to be in existence, with each depicting the perspectives of Lothar and his Bathalites on various topics. They are written in Old Bathalite, a script similar to non-Dragaari Flexio. The Bathalites were renowned for being one of the most innovative heartlander polities of their time, believed to have spread their influence all throughout Almaris with their rich trade networks, strong piety, and powerful chariot warriors. On The Wheel was recovered in the caverns below the city of Atrus by Constable Peter d’Arkent after a terrible earthquake. It was then translated by Teodosio Cardinal Tyria with the aid of Amiratus Ledicort Vuiller after eight years - a watershed moment in linguistics, archeology, and Canonist history. An account detailing the translation can be found here. SYNOPSIS The second tablet describes the founding myth of the Balthalite civilization. It opens with an allegory of the wheel’s significance to the Bathalites, as well as introducing their hero Balthier, the brawny leader of one of the many tribes in Aaun. The stone claims that Balthier’s forefathers, alongside the Ashfords, or Escheveurds, rose up as Owyn’s chief lieutenants in the Exalted’s rebellion, giving them noble pedigree. Balthier’s chief advisors are also named, consisting of his Rhenyari wife, Sybille, and his amiratus, Edgar of Aaun. The legend of Sybille supports what we know as the cultural influences of Old Balian. While the Bathalite commons inextricably maintained their Aaunite roots, its nobility took great inspiration from the east. Her depiction in Akritian dress, along with the swirls of Empyrean, or the Creator, reveals a worldly and rich leader that may have contributed the most to the identity of the early Bathalite state. The title of the tablet, Wheel seems to lend this theory further credence. Sybille is responsible for cultivating the symbol of the Empyrean in piety, as well as designing the quintessential symbol of Old Balian, the chariot, for conquest. Both these icons would be unfamiliar to the Almaris natives, who would come to learn these respective wheels as symbols of authority. On the other hand, discerning the character of Edgar from this tablet alone is difficult, but the stone reveals that the Balthalite line had a patrilinear connection to the Exalted Owyn through Edgar of Jrent, as well as rare access to understanding Dragaari Flexio through his education. His title of amiratus, while conventionally meaning admiral, seems to instead here mean something alike to chief minister or seneschal, as he serves as Balthier’s right hand man, and even weds his son to Balthier’s daughter. The stone also sheds light into the state of the heartlander realms of antiquity, confirming beliefs regarding infighting and feuding over ‘the power of dragons’. Balthier, Sybille, and Edgar all seem in consensus that these wars were unproductive, and sought a new land away from civil decline. Whether the ‘power of the dragons’ described in the stone involved religious warfare over the Pact of Asioth, or a more political conflict between the priestly bloodlines of Owyn’s descendants is left to be uncovered, however. Finally, the Balthalites declaring an empire is startling information for anyone who dabbled in the historiography of St. Lothar. Old Balian was not previously thought to be so splendorous as to rival Harren’s Idunia. We know now that the Bathalite Empire was driven to its own self-destruction via excess and cruelty, with St. Lothar himself vowing to lower the imperial standard for good. However, Wheel reveals a rare level of prosperity and paramountcy that a proto-Canonist power of old enjoyed. Perhaps such knowledge was intentionally minimized to support the exceptionalism of the Holy Orenian Empire. ___ II. WHEEL The second tablet’s engraving depicts what appears to be Empress Sybille, open-handed, in traditional Akritian dress. Along her sleeves, crown, and the hem of her dress are depictions of the swirling Empyrean. What is the wheel but locomotion manifest? To roll onwards, push further, find the frontier, and enterprise. That was the ethos of the Old Balian. A chariot driven by two wheels, faith and state. In the beginning, there was Balthier of Aaun, a man of command and renown. Though he lacked education, he commanded great respect as a peerless warrior in the Valley of Jrent. His ancestor Balthalain rose up alongside the Escheveurds against King Harren. And Balthier himself had slain the lycanthrope. Balthier wed a daughter of Akritia, Sybille, a skilled sailor and visionary in her own right. She stood to inherit a mighty fleet, and his bride price to her was one-hundred of his honor guard. Together, they could create a future away from the machinations of Aaun Where priests warred another over the power of the dragons. Balthier’s amiratus was the priest Edgar who descended from King Owyn. But Edgar had rejected the dragon keeper’s struggles. Instead, he knew the art of haruspicy After burning a golden auroch, he saw promise in the south. When plague came from the east, Balthier and his tribe set sail. With him were his wife, Sybille, and four daughters who taught him virtues from the court of Rhen. Alongside them was Edgar, who taught him the Old Flexio. These lessons made it so our Balthier could read, rule, and pray as King Owyn did. They sailed for forty-eight days before striking land in our Almaris and settled along the fork of a river. The foundation of our capital of Sibilsgard was made there. The land was named after our Sybille. She earned the honor after fashioning her husband a chariot to rule from. A moving throne conquers, a still throne falters. This was their saying. Almaris was home to many scattered tribes. More men had inhabited this land than that of Aaun and Rhen put together. However, these men were lacking in their worship or wisdoms. Many did not even know the wheel. Some called Balthier devil, and claimed his throne moved on spinning snakes. Others welcomed the riches, faith, and learning of Sibilsgard. All began to realize our industrious state. After uniting fifteen tribes in this virgin land of Almaris. Balthier and Sybille understood this was a world of ponderlot and mandragora. Silver, marble, and ironwood, rich beyond splendor. Their country would command a size and fortune beyond even the over-kings of Idunia. And bring the Scroll of Virtue and Spirit to an untold population. So with Edgar’s blessing, he was named Emperor, a king above kings At his coronation, he wed his eldest daughter Balthild to Edgar’s son Edred. And declared our Balthalite Empire, and as its crest, the wheels.
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