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About xo31

  • Birthday 09/12/2005

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    magic begging, powergaming, and metagaming
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  1. i feel like making the server 18+ would be good for more reasons than just the fact i once saw a pregnant vampire get executed, and then her stomach was split open to look for the dead fetus. 

    being able to simulate an entirely separate life on lotc is insane. and as a lot of people said a while ago, the silent majority of lotc is romance rping. it'd be insane and catastrophic to ban it. #ImJustSayin

    1. Werew0lf


      we dont need the server to be +18


      u'd be depriving people of a very good and creative fantasy roleplay outlets. we shouldn't be punishing a large population of lotcers due to a weird minority who cant stop this behaviour


      people just dont have common sense in this server. a lot of graphic torture is required to be FTB'd if players are uncomfortable



    2. xo31


      you raise valid points but in that reality we need everyone to have common sense which will literally never happen. half of LOTC is people with beautiful creative energy to share and the other half is people who's real life is shitty, so they create a new persona in the fantasy land

    3. Werew0lf


      yeah fair and all but making it 18+ isn’t going to change anything. kids will just lie about their age and then everyone will assume everyone is of age and will do even weirder shit

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