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    Roseen Mossborn
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    Forest Dwarf

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  1. Recently Ben asked what a true hero is. I decided to modify his question to ask two new questions. What is a true antihero? And why don't I (and maybe others will agree with me) see more antihero type personas in lotc? Why is it always super good moral heroes or super evil darkspawn villains with little middleground? Would love to hear some thoughts on this topic from the community at large. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. sam33497


      lanre cerusil

    3. Onnensr


      anti-villains let me do my griffith larp

    4. SethWolf


      Well played anti-heroes exist, but they are in my experience very subtle and low-key. This is because if you aren't a deep-sleep auto-pilot moral crusader, you can often get executed for stepping out of line in most places. They - atleast in my experience, usually serve as middle-men or 'fixers' for the good guys inbetween quests when they need a favor, or act as their narrative descent into the seedier underside of the societies they live in.


      They're also usually not strangers to brushing shoulders with the evil-spectrum of characters, which again is why they are usually extremely low-key, because if you're ever discovered to have any connection with them at all - even if it was for a little favor, John Townguard will lose his shit and you'll be promptly killed.

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