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Lawrence Berell

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Status Updates posted by Lawrence Berell

  1. Ah. Got some more if you're interested.

    "Om nom nom Halflings" for one, and "I love Lucas Black so- wait, isn't he that dude who dudes stuff out? Burn him!"

  2. Ah. Skype it is then!

  3. All who are asking for acceptance in their status', be patient. Your time of retribution will come...

    Why don't you play Battlecraft in the meantime, our sister server :)

  4. And something special is done. Hello, hello! How are you? Hello, hello! It's good to see you! I say hello! I'm happy that you came. I say hello! Please, tell me, your name!

    1. Wretched


      Isaac! Why does he continue to cry!?

    2. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Because his 'mom' is a psychopath who wants to sacrifice him to God. But he's too badass, and can kill all her weird offspring with the sheer power of those water droplets. Oh yeah, and sometimes he can shoot lasers from his mouth because he sold his soul to the devil.

      I play that game way too much.

  5. Argh! First Tech exam On Wednesday, and I've got creative block. Plus, the cast refuse to work unless they're supervised because WHY NOT? ITS ONLY AN ALEVEL EXAM!

    1. Zarsies



  6. Argy bargy, can't believe my shift needs to be extended at work >.

  7. Bah, humbug.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Desires


      Hey Ninja, long time no see.!

    3. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Hey Desires! n.n How have you been?

      Tavari, you shall be whatever I wish!

    4. Eleatic
  8. Because you are a member of the Ninja club [FM]

  9. Because you've not made an effort >=3

  10. Check the sexiness which is Ninja.

  11. Coming back as a ghost? You can't explain that...

    But you can ban for it *lifts pink hammar ready to ban Auzzie*

  12. Cooome back Mr Handless!

  13. Damn you for stealin' ma garl

  14. DAMN!

    Parents snatched le laptop. I'll have to sneak onlater .w.

  15. Derp; I'm supposed to be working :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lawrence Berell
    3. Tegrof


      I feel with you! I should be studying...

    4. ♦ Kal ♦

      ♦ Kal ♦

      cool. thx Ninja. Forum would not let me report them.

  16. Doing work, yawn -.-

  17. Dubstep eh? We need to do a collab once I get Protools on my home computer ^^

  18. Dug up my old villain app, and found you supported it! I don't think I ever gave you thanks, but... thanks!

  19. Even if you have an ungodly amount of playtime for TF2, even if you know pi to all those places... I have completed the BoI after a mere few weeks- you have had a year, and still it eludes you.

  20. FFFFUUUUU!!!

    No one click the links! There is a spammer about!!

    Hide yo kids. Hide yo wives. And if you have neither, I'm availible ;)

    1. Zarsies


      :3... Im availible then :3

  21. Flays: Bullying innocent dark elven women since 2012.

    1. Zarsies


      Oh you have /NO/ idea. :3

    2. Zarsies


      Oh you have /NO/ idea. :3

  22. Fractured my wrist. Said break being displaced. #SpeedBump

    1. Jexdane


      What, did you drop the baby on it?

    2. Lawrence Berell

      Lawrence Berell

      Came of a bloody mountain bike at a speedbump.

  23. Gah, Messenger full, how the nether do I delete on an iPod?!??!?

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