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Everything posted by Antharin

  1. Graphics are for da baws'

  2. That picture is hilarious, hah!

  3. Awesome posts man. :)

  4. Don't worry, I will have your skin done tomorrow. I have a lot to do tomorrow, but I can get it done, I was a bit lazy today also.

  5. It' nice to see how big LotC has gotten, at first there were hundreds of users with no avatars or signatures, now each user is special and we have at least 350 online during every time, before we had 20-60.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Beneh


      DsDevil. We never did , that was due to a bug , I'm pretty sure.

    3. Guest


      I do recall hearing something of a bug... You might be right ^.^

    4. Viper3X


      Most of them were bots.

  6. It's kind of scary and awesome at the same time. :D

  7. (~-_-)~(~-_-)~(~-_-)~ Antharin ~(-_-~) ~(-_-~) ~(-_-~)

  8. Ye be askin' too much!

  9. Told you it's my penguin. :(

  10. Unfortuneatly I have no penguins to share. :(

  11. It's my penguin! I found it on the interwebz. ;3


  13. Glad that you like it, if you want a drawing of the character like I have then let me know. But I only make them for avatars. :/

  14. Look at the damn skin I made for you! D:

  15. Comments for you.

  16. Oh man that's messed up, never happened to me though. Ps. Wrong forum. ;)
  17. Armaluna has died now, but the Bards still roam Asulon.

  18. True Story.jpg

    Vigleiven had written books about Ayres' death, when he traveled to Asulon he met Antharin. Vigleiven lost his books on the big Alras ship, Antharin recovered them but did not find Vigleiven, so he wrote a story on those books.

  19. I even wrote a book about Vigleiven and Ayres IC, the book's in the Armaluna library.

  20. When shall we set forth for Pancake Island milord?

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