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Status Replies posted by Sykogenic

  1. Ugh...People broke into Karik's Vaults... There's like only three Dwarves that were even allowed into the best part of the Vaults... /RAGEARBREK

  2. Ugh...People broke into Karik's Vaults... There's like only three Dwarves that were even allowed into the best part of the Vaults... /RAGEARBREK

  3. Ugh...People broke into Karik's Vaults... There's like only three Dwarves that were even allowed into the best part of the Vaults... /RAGEARBREK

  4. Heist Succesful! Up yours Karik!

  5. Heist Succesful! Up yours Karik!

  6. *facepalm* died in a dungeon by falling through a piston trap. lost 2 gold swords, 2 stacks of arrows and a whole load of building supplies....FUUUUUUUUUU

  7. I see apples. Do you see oranges?

  8. So 1.1 or 1.2.3?

  9. It's not Mister Smooth nor Missus Mooth.

  10. Wish I could go over to whereever Mithas lives and give the bullies some aloha hospitality.....with my fist and a hell of a lot of crappy insults.

  11. Wish I could go over to whereever Mithas lives and give the bullies some aloha hospitality.....with my fist and a hell of a lot of crappy insults.

  12. having issues connecting to the server "internal exception: java.net.socketexception:connection reset" is the exact wording of it,do you know what the issue might be?

  13. Is anyone behind me that there should be an application for being a Hero? Yes i did kinda steal all about the heroes from Angelos post

  14. having issues connecting to the server "internal exception: java.net.socketexception:connection reset" is the exact wording of it,do you know what the issue might be?

  15. Ughhh, ok, serious time to get stuff off my mind. Why is there almost NO epic heroes anymore? There is epic villains, epic neutral guys, but no epic heroes. Its like people automatically assume you are a better rper, or are more powerful if your a villain!

  16. Time to have chicks in latex stick their fingers and sharp metal in my mouth :

  17. Time to have chicks in latex stick their fingers and sharp metal in my mouth :

  18. I come to wonder, why is LotC architecture based solely off of Tudorian English/Gothic for Humans? Where's the variety?

  19. I come to wonder, why is LotC architecture based solely off of Tudorian English/Gothic for Humans? Where's the variety?

  20. :3 Bein' a dwarf again~ Wehehehe

  21. Why are girls so hungry all the time?

  22. Anyone wanna RP as the Son of a Master Thief? Pm me :D

  23. School went on lock down today because of a potential riot :/

  24. If Lysle ever died, not saying he will soon, but if he did, I have three choices of characters. Aedron Bellecote, a vicious cunning pirate, Haelen Blacklocks a drunken hilarious Dwarf who has been on adventures for 100 years and is coming home to his brother and cousins, Cataris conDoin a powerful illusionist and necromancer. Hmm.

  25. Stuffed crust Meat lovers with ranch... My heart... but oh so delicious...

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