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Status Replies posted by bungo

  1. Gave Gideon Flint n Steel for his RP bday he runs off happy wanting to burn people alive~

  2. So what's happened with the plague, has it died down?

  3. Hey, everyone! Go to the VAT section and check out the updated rules! I'm sure some of you will be very happy. :3

  4. 15+ Bread Fight might have crashed the server o.o

  5. Don't use the Arethor boat to the Holy Lands, it drowns you

  6. Good Bye.

  7. Yay, Exams...

  8. Feel like I am on rp vacation, I have no job but to be a nuisance. My suggestion is that if you don't know what you want your next character to be, be a child.

  9. App team, let's jump on that pileup before it gets bigger

  10. Won't be playing mister Bentley Finley for a little while then.

  11. Right-handed or left-handed, go.

  12. Got killed by a baby mylas holding a bed..

  13. What nation do you think Renatus should take after Hanseti?

  14. And strip mining is bannable because?

  15. And strip mining is bannable because?

  16. I apologize to you all.

  17. Random Staff Member of the Day: Serenityonyx

  18. Random Staff Member of the Day #2: Vekaro's Granddad! (Aislin dat powerhungreh mofo

  19. Random Staff Member of the Day: Serenityonyx

  20. I am thoroughly enjoying writing Gronkk's VA.

  21. LotC is becoming a chore, expect inactivity.

  22. Yes or no? Will you say no?

  23. Damn you Evelyn! You Ninja'd the app I was doing.. I even wrote Pending on it. Lol, oh well. Bed time for Pokeh

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