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Posts posted by Ever

  1. Woo, that was a lot to read though I'd be lying if I said I didn't skim a lot of it. Nothing I really wanna address specifically but I do want have a heart to heart with you guys. 


    This server means a lot to me. Like... a lot, a lot. I've grown right alongside LoTC from the very start. I've put in hundreds, hell, maybe even a thousand+ hours of my time into the server for no other reasons than because I love the server and I want my players to enjoy it as much as I did when I was a normal player. Seeing people having fun roleplaying, developing friendships, and just having an all around good time is the reason this job is at all bearable- and yes, it is a job.  It feels weird to say that when I'm spending my free time elsewhere like playing another game, I feel really guilty that I'm not actively working on the server by doing modreqs or helping people in some way. The few weeks I took off to finish out my semester nearly killed me, I swear. 


    I don't even know what I want to talk about here, I guess I'm just rambling. This tag is a burden as much as it is an opportunity to help and serve. I've coveted it for years- finally I could truly make a difference rather than be a modreq workhorse but... it's hard. There's so much I wanted to do- WANT to do even yet but it's difficult to muster up the energy to do them. It's not like three years ago where my days were 50% LoTC, 50% sleep. I've still got free time but when my choices are sleep, play another game, watch a movie, etc. VS work on a server where people vehemently attack one another or trash the server/each other at every opportunity... I tend not to. 


    I've been shaky the past month or two. I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep doing this or not. I'm feeling renewed and ready to get back at it, though, and that's thanks in part to your guys' kind words / legitimate criticisms. I just wish you guys would be kinder to each other. You don't have to love or like each other. Just show a sliver of respect. I really want the server to be the best it can be. I want players WANTING to be here rather than loitering around because they feel obligated to still play. I want to do everything I can to provide the best experience for you guys. I know we don't always make the greatest decisions (though we're trying our best, I promise). I know we can be slow to act or too quick to react. I know there's legitimate kinks in the way we operate that need to be worked out. I know we can be better just as I know you can be better.


    I can't make everyone happy but I can sure as hell try. What's the point in me being in this position if I don't? Thanks guys.

  2. Last minute announcement here so everyone is on the same page for this warclaim: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/153139-battle-of-the-gray-peninsula/?page=1


    We’ve (@Pyro™, @Tsuyose, @Marijuanaology, @Tahmas, and @Ever) spent a few hours discussing things last night. That discussion should have happened a few days prior which is why we’re dealing with a whole confused mess at the moment. I apologize for that. Due to this miscommunication, no one is really prepared. While some people were told to prepare as if it WAS going to happen, there’s still a lot of preparations that have not been attended to due to the assumption that, again, it would be called off due to admin decision. For now, the warclaim is being pushed back one week, to next Saturday. This gives players more time to prepare and possibly discuss peace terms, and it gives us time to be ready to prepare the server for a large battle.


    Instead of a warclaim today, though, we’ll be setting up a warzone similar to Fenn’s. I’ll have Thomas to explain the details below. Hopefully this is a conclusion that most people can agree with or enjoy. The admin team wants to interfere with roleplay as little as possible but sometimes we need to step in and deny some terms, or clear specific things up. I apologize again for springing this on you guys last second and I’ll continue to strive for better communication in the future.


  3. I spent 3 or 4 hours last night (attempting) discussing this with a few people: @Pyro™, @Tsuyose, @Marijuanaology. I want to interfere with roleplay as little as possible hence why I tried to get both sides to agree to some sort of terms. The justifications for this battle are murky at best and it seems to be dripping with OOC intentions are both sides. In any case, if a battle DOES take place, it will never reach the conquest stage. I'm explicitly denying that portion right now. Again, I want to interfere with roleplay as little as possible, but there's not a single good thing that will come of it. Fracturing an already dead playerbase further while forcing them to once again find a new place to settle will only harm the way player's interact with each other more and more. All land that has been conquered via warclaim so far has sat empty and untouched for months and I'm not going to allow a repeat of that. Roleplay should be fun for both sides, at least to an extent. Would appreciate it if Pyro and Humanistic touched bases with me as soon as possible.

  4. 14 hours ago, Gridlock said:

    No this is not it. The problem with Lotc is that everyone is crying and whining about 'the problem of lotc'. Instead of whining and complaining go work to get rid of what's bothering you jesus christ people. Stop crying about the problem and start trying to fix it. All your whining is NOT going to fix whatever you're crying about. Just because a small group of people has it's feelings hurt doesn't mean the rest will adapt, this isn't some magical world in which everyone is happy. Others won't change as a result to your whining, and if you haven't noticed that by now you haven't been paying much attention. Go do something about whatever the **** is bothering you. Seriously getting sick of all these Boohoo threads.


    I don't think that's a very good way to look at things. You can't dismiss legitimate problems by telling people to "suck it up". 




    Just reminding people to keep things civil. No shitslinging or attacking one another.

  5. On 11/19/2016 at 3:06 PM, Hero_Prodigy said:

    Are the resource isles the only places you can gather resources? If so, why not make them a bit bigger, with mines able to have a variety of ores in them?

    Also, why not make raiding on cities and war a bit more common? I live in Johannesburg on my character, and I never really see any war happening, or hear about skrimishes.

    Finally, why are animals in the wilderness so uncommon? I never really see any.



    1. As of now, the three resource isles are the only place you can gather materials without being on a region. You can collect wood/dirt/stone/etc., from other areas, they just won't regenerate. We're working on updating our current spawn so that it will include multiple resource locations like the resource isles, but consolidated to one location. Mines should have a decent mixture of ore in them as they are vanilla rates and distribution as far as I'm aware.


    2. Raids tend to happen quite often but wars are rare. Wars generally come as a result of major political upheaval (coups, rebellions, assassinations) or repeated attacks or raids by one group towards another.


    3. Don't believe animals naturally spawn in the wild; you can receive animal eggs from voting / /redeem keys, buying eggs from other players, or buying animals.  

  6. Hey guys! We're interested in the more economic/profession side of the server's gameplay. I've got a few questions for you to answer. Your input will help shape the next few updates that pertain to minas and the economy. 


    Please paste the questions and your answers below!





    * - Tell me about your character. What race are they? What is their in-character job? What professions do you have on that persona?


    * - Why did you choose the professions you chose? What made you pick it over all the rest, even those who don't have a ton of players already working on them? Do your professions match your character's roleplay/in-character profession? 


    * - How many minas do you have on that persona? On all your personas? How many minas do you gain in a week?


    * - What do you spend your money on? What do you save up for? What's something you want to buy but don't have enough for?


    * - How often do you trade items for minas? If you're a crafter, approximately how many crafts do you sell? 


    * - Have you ever seen a nexus item (read: non RP) that you've gone "That's a pretty good item. I'm going to spend minas to buy it."? If so, what has it  been?


    Also check out:

    1.11 Update Timeline (Plus Your View: 1.11 Content)

    Fenn Warzone

    Fast Travel Route Charters

  7. 2 hours ago, Harold said:

    history repeats itself yet again, it was removed for a reason 


    when will we get the manpower plugin?


    The map went without fast travels (besides Malin isle -> Tahn, Ceru, Asul) because the playerbase opted for a more-compact map with no fast travels. Unfortunately that doesn't work too well with the multi-island system. Island to island travel is impossible without the use of soulstones and even traversing through a mainland island is somewhat of a pain with how empty the land tends to be. I still firmly believe that our custom fast travel plug-in will properly balance fast travel. We'll have to put up with "overpowered" fast travels in the mean time, though.


    As of now, there are no plans for a manpower plugin. There were miscommunication issues during the development process that led to problems. The tile system should still be considered in a 'test-run' phase. It's very likely that it will receive major tweaks, additions, or amendments in the future, and, if a manpower tracker would prove useful, it will be looked into again.


    After some discussion with a few tech team members, the plugin IS being worked on. The original one was scrapped, but a revised manpower tracking plug-in is indeed in the works. I apologize for giving the wrong answer here; I was out of the loop on my own accord and spoke on behalf of people who were more knowledgeable on the state of the plug-in.




    Hey guys, simple post tonight. The custom fast travel plug-in has run into a few snags, so in the mean time we'll be using default sign travel. Once the plug-in is finished, all fast travels will retroactively have the custom fast travel plug-in applied to them.


    Hopefully this should help alleviate the long travel time between locations as well as liven up some less-than-active areas. Any questions, suggestions, comments, or complaints, please post 'em below!


    Also check out:



  9. Travel Charter Format:





    Land charter (cart) or Sea charter (boat):


    Island: (Tahn- Oren/Dwarves/Elves, Ceru - Sutica, Asul - Haria)


    Point A: (Name of city, settlement, capitall, etc.)

    Exact co-ordinates of Point A:


    Point B:  (Name of city, settlement, capitall, etc.)

    Exact co-ordinates of Point B:






    • Carts cost 500 minas + 50 minas per 100 blocks covered from Point A to Point B.
    • Ships cost 1000 minas + 25 minas per 100 blocks covered from Point A to Point B. They can cross from island to island.




    Miscellaneous Info/Requirements:


    • You must have your own cart or boat built. A second copy of it will be copy and pasted via world edit at the destination.
    • The primary owner/settlement owners of both locations must give their consent to the fast travel, preferably via post on the charter.
    • The price can be paid by either party or shared. 
    • The travel route can be discontinued by either side but cannot be re-instated without paying the original price again. Only the "owners" of the route can ask to have it discontinued.
    • Ship routes are only available on shorelines or bodies of water that lead to the ocean.
    • Taking fast travels to a location with the intent of raiding is against the rules.
    • Cart routes are only available between capital/settlement and settlement/capital.
    • Ship routes are available between settlement/settlement and settlement/capital.
    • Once the custom plug-in is finished, it will be applied retroactively to all fast travels currently enabled.
    • Prices may change in the future.



  10. Personally, I think the barrier to entry is very easy to get past. Everyone saying that blah is stopping them from playing an Orc... just give it a shot! It's been quite some time since I've actually roleplayed as an Orc, but all the players then were incredibly welcoming. Trying to learn and incorporate a language into your speech is a bit difficult at first but it grows much, much easier in time. Really, all you need to know is like 10 basic words and you're good to go, the rest is just spelling words as they sound rather than how they're spelled, or at least that's how I've always done it. That's the great thing with accents, you can go as soft or hard as you want. I've played with Dwarves that have just the slightest bit of accent, while other sounds like they have a mouth full of marshmallows. No one is going to rag on you for not speaking 100% perfect blah or Orcish accent. 

  11. Professions should not hinder or limit what you can do, but give you added bonuses for doing so. 


    I shouldn't need a specific level to cut down certain wood or mine certain stone. But if I have a high lumberjacking or mining level, I should have an added chance to find additional resources. Extra logs, bird nests containing gemstones (runescape!), stuff like that. Mining should let you find extra loot, faster mining, etc.


    Don't force someone to grind something just so they can play the base game. Reward them for grinding with additional rewards. 

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