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Status Updates posted by Akeron

  1. I'm a cool cat.

    1. Mitchamaya


      Cool cats are the best cats.

  2. Everyone go google 'The Big Red Bear Ate An Apple'. What's the first result?

  3. Have a good holiday, Lord of the Craft.

  4. I just noticed your signature is about me and some of the guards that insist on stalking me. Very funny.

  5. Smell 'ya later broseph. Hope we meet in the future.

  6. Fixed you're broken rating bar*.

  7. When I see your facial expression/suit, I'd guess you were a car saleswoman, hardy har har.

  8. lol u has nu frends k.

    Stay strong fellow Alchemist. I haven't spent seven months to raise a single Apprentwhateveryouare.

  9. ^edited

    Edited by Akeron
    what even is this
  10. Naturally I've seen you as a mature person and deserving of trust.

    Unfortunately, this opinion, like the ones I've had for many others, had died months ago.

  11. Where the **** have you been! :R

  12. edited

    Edited by Akeron
    removing all the cringe from my home page
  13. Still haven't forgotton, wizard. You owe me a home in Al'Khazar.

  14. hey, you know how i gave you 50k?

    i'm going to need that back.

    Kidding, haha.

  15. I WOULD, *edited

    Edited by Akeron
    removing all the cringe from my home page
  16. *edited

    Edited by Akeron
    numero five cringo


  19. Teamspeak?

  20. I miss you. :(

  21. Oh my lord. A year ago from today I applied to be a diplomat of Oren. You accepted me, even know I had been drinking. What a colorful occasion that was.

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