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Toryk Embane

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Status Updates posted by Toryk Embane

  1. due to the ulcer on my cornea i am unable to wear contacts, light is painful and my eye is a threshold for pain. this is going to be a fun few weeks...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      D: Durin!I'll add this "Ulcer" fellow to the Book.

    3. Nononymous


      Ulcer sounds like a mean guy. Want me to kill him?

    4. racingbrother


      Don't be sad, BE GLAD!!!

  2. Working on pictures of the Nawari camp members.

    1. Salamandra


      You'll never catch me, NEVER!

      Unless I'm standing on a tent xD

    2. Salamandra


      You'll never catch me, NEVER!

      Unless I'm standing on a tent xD

    3. Arkelos


      I can always eat a sheep for a picture :3 I be in yo base, snatchin yo babies up

  3. Threatened an elf today because he called dwarves savages. Then he goes on about how I proved his point...It pissed me off.

    1. Yamnothere


      Savage dwarf be savag-.. Gentle?

    2. Mitchamaya


      Don't take anything IC personally.

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity

      Wolf Druid Ouity

      Get told XD I was called savage for killing 5 people today >_>

  4. I dislike everyone who hasn't been on for months, they all come in and troll everyone making the rp terrible. The cap should be raised so anyone who hasn't paid can play. But don't worry all of these trollers will be bored of the server so they will then leave and never be seen again.

    1. Danny
    2. Slic3man


      It's not too ignorant because people who had left because they were bored decided to come back. It jams up the server. I would like them to come on, but if they left then leave. Do not run back clogging the server up.

  5. http://bighead201.blogspot.com/ So this is my blog where I'm gong to be putting some rp related writings of mine if you care to take a look. Hey and even leave a comment, some feedback. Oh and th runesmithing idea wll be expanded on by me and some friends.
    1. Trouvo


      we do have an RP blog system available on the web site...

  6. Just got back fromThe Hunger Games midnight premiere!

  7. Well, was in the ER from 9:30-2 because of my throat. Not sure what it is but I'm guessing allergic reaction. Fun times.

    1. Arbrek the Ancient

      Arbrek the Ancient

      Oh..Wow...That sucks...

  8. I love my new signature!

  9. Best troll ever. Drake and Josh, making Megan believe aliens are coming to Earth.

  10. first is the worst, second is the best

  11. Hey I need some help with some stuff for my idea.

  12. YEAH another Tau player. *cries to himself* I'm so happy.

  13. Hey arbrek I'll be on in 20 minutes.

  14. So, uh, how many apps have you denied?

  15. And when I make my alternate account, could you check it out?

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