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Dat Meman46

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About Dat Meman46

  • Birthday 12/10/1995

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  1. Although I never really got into robbing since aegis it's nice to know that the admins will allow a player to simply walk away from aggressive roleplay that could involve them, god forbid, losing! So in a total it takes over a day worth of typing to fill out a villain application and even when it's completed you don't gain much.

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    2. V0idsoldier


      Villains = nonexistent right now.

    3. ek_knight


      The argument that is being made against that is: Why RP with someone who doesn't want to RP with you?

    4. Swgrclan


      The argument of "getting a villain app just for the stuff" sounds like nonsense. If I'm going to get a VA for robbery, yes I am. I am getting it so my character has these items.

      If someone walks away from a robbery without proper role-play and a poor excuse of "I don't want to RP this", it should be strike-able.

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