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Status Updates posted by Redbaron™

  1. *Goes to get drink, comes back and sends assassin a message*

    *person offline*


  2. Stop getting Chikaea's hopes up

  3. Ha I basically went through a history course to win. I have enough information to prove you wrooong

  4. Whats your skype?

  5. Well I should of seen that one coming.

  6. We deck the halls with Swag this time of year

  7. You're in trouble.

  8. Hire my sellsword IG

  9. Like a body guard ;p

  10. Hope you calm down a bit

  11. Your avatar, making me laugh

  12. Yes they would, It will happen I agree

  13. Don't worry about all the immature players we have on this server who harassed you. They only made themselves look bad. Welcome back.

  14. y u h8? u mad at ma 1337 sk1ll5 u dun have?

  15. du u evn l1ft????!!!one1!!!

  16. Happy heretical burning day!

  17. Voote my fellow LOTCers

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