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Status Replies posted by Coconuta

  1. So, what's your favourite? Aegis, The Verge, Asulon, Kalos, Elysium or Anthos?

  2. Not sure if serious ban, or another trolly one o.O

    1. Coconuta


      Its a phrase/joke, he wont take any real offence to it :P

      (Anyone who knows a certain youtube guy would get it)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Not sure if serious ban, or another trolly one o.O

    1. Coconuta


      All I did was suggest a plugin and explain what it does :P


      ^^ Tricks clients into thinking its a 1.4.7 server and uses bukkit, but the clients that are 1.5 connect to it

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. Getting hate isn't annoying, the fact you have no clue why and its from former freinds is. ._. :(

  5. Rumors, y u no leave meh alone?

  6. Constantly getting told to quit the server and that I should never of been unbanned :(

    1. Coconuta


      I guess, Haters gonna hate? xD

      I'ma just deal with it. Let 'em waste there time messaging meh

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hopefully I don't get killed for no reason on my way to Malinor today.

    1. Coconuta


      -The 10 men turn out to not have villain apps- xD

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Long time no seeee. Haaaai. :/..

  9. Cwash? :C

    1. Coconuta


      Also you left OOC from spam, but I was the one spamming. SO YOU LEFT OOC FROM ME </3

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  10. Locking a post to cause prevent flame, however the only flamy-grade thing was in the OP, not the replies, however locking it to prevent replies? but leaving the only flamey thing... I SEE NO LOGIC ._.

  11. "Disconnect.spam"?

  12. Coconuta made the best topic ever.

    1. Coconuta


      I didn't lash out, lashing out would be "YOU **** **** GO *** YOURSELF YOU ****** *8*TEAHU(AFAEFB" Instead I pointed out things that people have done wrong and what could do better .-.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Coconuta made the best topic ever.

    1. Coconuta


      Danroth, you just made the worst point possible, your taking the mic out of a disability after me saying people should stop using phrases like that in a topic? ._.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. Coconuta made the best topic ever.

    1. Coconuta


      Thanks, however apparently its flamey, despite the fact that the words stay there so the only flamy thing could be replies, however no one had replied in the firstplace, making the lock reason Void. ._.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. I dont get how a post should be locked for flaming before it starts to even get replies, it was a simple much needed post ._.

  16. Gets told not to cause Drama, by someone who constantly rants and makes angry posts, when he gives feedback about something that has needed to be said for a while. ._.

    1. Coconuta


      Thats the point, the server needs to sort itself out BEFORE 3.0

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. minas or die!111

  18. About to PvP and the server goes down, greeaaat >.>

    1. Coconuta


      I hate large scale RP fights, so long... and boring >.> you gain nothing from them whereas everyone finds large scale or small PvP fights fun ^^

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Saw another ginger in Sainsburys a week after my last sighting of a ginger. My race is dying out.

  20. Apps

    1. Coconuta


      I meant that the apps are a reflection of someones creativity and writing skill (Always have been) where as some of the oldest people on the server have shockingly bad apps that would never get accepted now, and they would proberbly of not even attempted newer apps :p

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)


  22. Elder Scrolls Question of the day: What is the company name of the developers of Elder Scrolls Online?

  23. 9,998 Profile views o.O

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