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Status Replies posted by Coconuta

  1. Great, got a geography test tomorrow, where I have to know ALL countries and their capitals q_q

  2. Buys Mount and Blade a few days ago, Mount and Blade goes on offer for 75% off, facepalms

  3. Never trust anyone that uses "XD"

  4. This is so confusing it's not letting me do a new topic at all so I carnt apply grrrr

  5. Testificates, please, there is NOT a party in my manor...

  6. Does; anyone; else; remember; Ben; Powell;?

  7. Does; anyone; else; remember; Ben; Powell;?

  8. You can do one of the most amazing things you've ever achieved in your life, and people will forget it by tommorow, but say just one wrong thing, they brand you an ******* for the rest of your life...

  9. The Grammar Nazi's rise.

  10. Hmm, from the ban appeal section. "Where players may disputr their bans through appeals or arguments" serms that your not allowed to do the last part

  11. Magic Applications D: God help us.

  12. Still, can't... get to sleep... daheck? ._.

  13. My mum is kicking me out today. Let's face it: Reality sucks.

  14. Could someone give me help? I need to know how to give people perms.

  15. 'Unknown Command. Type "help" for help." -types /help- "You do not have access to that command." *slow claps*

  16. Why do people write forums posts for leaving? Just leave if you want to...don't burden me with your issues.

  17. Having some incredible Lebanese food for lunch! Great way to end the first day of finals. :D

  18. 6,666 profile view~ Next person viewing gets paddled >:|

  19. Gonna go online and find some MORI to role play with. Mori people get online if you's can :o

  20. I still believe I am better at molestation then Freya.

  21. Hope England gets a decent reef for the game, come on england! :3

  22. /Ooc, you were better in Aegis. Now you're a disgrace to the past OOCers.

  23. *Someone sais applications are fun to read, server crashes again* Facepalm? ._.

  24. Am I the only person who actually likes talking on wandering soul chat to the wandering souls? :3

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