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Status Replies posted by Coconuta

  1. Denied... /sigh.

  2. Invited to Dungeon Realms(Availer's project), how many of you guys were?

    1. Coconuta


      I didn't :(

      And I would actually go on it >.>

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. It has been a good run, but I no longer deserve this. Thanks LoTC, it's been great while it lasted.

  4. Mmmm... Bacon...


  6. What's with the forums being all white and different? D:

  7. "IP.Board's update should now be finished, I'll be editing the skin over the next week" Some people should read the server announcments .-.

  8. So I got something wrong... I'm 14 and thought 50ft = 1mile... no need to insult orl mental problems ovet it

  9. Limit on how far you can see in RP or not? currently you can see about 1,000 ft in RP with max settings .-.

  10. Limit on how far you can see in RP or not? currently you can see about 1,000 ft in RP with max settings .-.

  11. Where's the advantage in a one-handed crossbow? Too small to build up tension to get any decent power or range in the shot, too big and cumbersome to aim with one hand properly, so you'd be using two hands anyway. And they're still too big to hide.

  12. Everyone, go kill Oren. We don't want another ASULON in our hands.. >_>

  13. 3rd on the hunger games. My body is going to explode from adrenaline.

  14. Application colours always seem to come out weird on my computer, are macs awkward or is this just me? :o

  15. Lets attack the undead keep ! For King Edmund!

  16. Besides writing my family's biography, I'm going to attempt to rebuild Al'Khazar from the destroyed world vaq had...

  17. If you could implement one weapon into LotC, what would it be?

  18. What Version is LoTC in? I downgraded back to 1.3.2 and keeps saying outdated by clinet

  19. LoTC Veteran Test: What was the name of the city Galahar was built ontop of

  20. LOTC Veteran Test: ___________ was abandoned by his father (who is a lion) and was trained to be a secret government weapon. This app was infamous as "what not to do".

  21. BBcodes really don't like me :I

  22. Does that LoTC client downgrader thing still work?

  23. Does that LoTC client downgrader thing still work?

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