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Robin Drake

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Status Replies posted by Robin Drake

  1. finished speeches, now just awaiting my soup and main coirse to come. i am rather hungry... *noms arm*

  2. finished speeches, now just awaiting my soup and main coirse to come. i am rather hungry... *noms arm*

  3. Gaaaak! I opened my mouth and a bug flew in >.

  4. Gaaaak! I opened my mouth and a bug flew in >.

  5. -Is about to play DayZ- .-.

  6. -Is about to play DayZ- .-.

  7. The GMs can't ban anyone with an IP in Americuh tuday, as the Founding Fathers shall smite them if they do so.

  8. Seriously need a way to make money ._. My mom is slowly draining me.

  9. My phone auto corrects anything with "hom" in it to "homo" Wtf is up with that? I tried to tell my friend "I'm home" and it turned out "I'm homo" I feel like my jimmies have been rustled...

  10. Sooooo, people talkin' **** behind my back and want me off the Event Team. How about this, you send me a PM stating why, and I will accept it and improve?

  11. Looking forward to Robin looting Schwaan's body on DayZ. Please, take screens! x3 Jokes aside, congratulations at this point.

  12. All Failure to connect problems are all due to Minecraft. Only some people can log on.

  13. I saved my 2500th post for a VA denial ._. Does that make me a monster?

  14. Hello LotC, I was thinking of doing a (almost) Daily blog for my character. (Kinda like Journal enteries) What do you guys think?

  15. hmm I have to choose 2 non Digital Media classes for my fall semester... I ahve no idea what to pick, anyone got any suggestions?

  16. I've grown addicted to Tic-Tacs...

  17. PPFFPTPTPFPFPTPPZZ I can't believe I didn't post that I was gonna be at camp for 2 weeks. #ditz... But yea, it was fun.

  18. If your happy and you know it burn a village....

  19. No I'm NOT leading. The post I made is in RP :P


  21. Thinking of re-rolling to an swordsman. It is so hard being a god damn trader/merchant >:(

  22. So, how old is your girlfriend on a scale of 1-10?

  23. ^o^ I have had a good time today on this server, I like it a lot. :3

  24. Step 1, Go to Cloud temple 2. Get mages robe dissed by people of every race. 3. Polgrath cries himself to sleep tonight :P

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