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Robin Drake

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Status Replies posted by Robin Drake

  1. ... That guy said the words "despawn" and "inventory" in RP...

  2. Digged out a Michael Jackson CD, broke the cover and almost the CD just to listen to one song. Not sure if clumsy, stupid or both.

  3. I shall be making an anime topic, it shall be organized by genre and in alphabetical order! That means its open for people to list all their anime and I shall organize it on the front! Lets all work together so that everyone can find a good anime to watch over the summer!

  4. Subscribed Auv with Orc Facts~ That'll teach him not to display his phone number to the whole internet. ;)

  5. *forever alone on TS* >(T^T)

  6. Panda obssesses and, in many cases, she suffers.

  7. Panda is sorry she wasn't here today... Panda had an epic adventure PLUS she fell into the hands of skyrim...She will do better next time.

  8. I used to have lag too but then I downloaded Optifine... were you expecting an arrow to the knee reference?

  9. I used to have lag too but then I downloaded Optifine... were you expecting an arrow to the knee reference?

  10. I'am an evil, heartless person. Que Sera Sera.

  11. who accepts app team apps? the team or another group

  12. If I get a higher rep than Leland's post count, I will visit Shiftnative's house and knit plushies with him. Not that I wouldn't want to, anyway, but...

  13. I hear people are getting agitated and arguing with eachother,. I offer an alternative, strok my beard and let all your troubles wash away~

  14. Endermen one shot you in diamond freakin' armour.

  15. Endermen one shot you in diamond freakin' armour.

  16. I died and lost what little i had... again.. lord of the craft is no longer fun. get one shotted by endermen then have all my stuff get deleted? no. Why should anyone vote for lord of the craft? In trying to make this server fun for the hardcore uptight possible RPers coming to the server, all these updates have ruined the experience of having to play. you can no longer do anything fun like mob hunting.

  17. Yeah! Make a mod req, wait a few days, and it's answered! (Not hating on the mods, I know they have lots to do. Just making a funny ^_^)

  18. Dreamhack Summer 2012!!!!!!!!

  19. I think Volutional has a crush on every female of the server :P.

  20. You know it is going to be a good day when you come out of the shower smelling like coconut and sugar ~^ ^

  21. Why do moderators complete modreqs when they haven't done anything about them?

  22. I still believe I am better at molestation then Freya.

  23. Also, reputation reset? I used to have like 2 :P

  24. [15/06/12 12:55:14] Matt Scott: Who is more experienced in molestation; Freya or I? [15/06/12 12:55:19] Brokencrowe (Tony): Freya. [15/06/12 12:55:19] Eric ((Iss)): Freya [15/06/12 12:55:23] Rhisereld: Definitely Freya. [15/06/12 12:55:24] King Grim of the Teapot: Obviously Freya [15/06/12 12:55:26] Strife: Freya

  25. [5:08 AM] Syrenne Bannister: #CyberBullies2012

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