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Robin Drake

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Status Replies posted by Robin Drake

  1. Some people just want to watch the world burn...

  2. Question LotC. I am on my front lawn with my cat and my laptop. The air is nice, the temperature is cool, and I'm in the shade. No ants in my pants yet, although I feel one on my leg atm... Nope, it's gone now. Got my headphones so I can listen to my music. Is this peace, or no? ^_^

  3. That moment when you realize what "asl" on Omegle means... x___x'

  4. Medieval insults for the win!

  5. Carl Sagan FTW.

  6. Trying to find native -_- its like playing "wheres waldo" with a world wide map...

  7. ... i have that old feel back... that feel of aegis...

  8. That feel when no one on your LoL team picks Flash...

  9. My sleeping patterns have gone all odd...

  10. orcs... are rapist... and perverts...

  11. Anyone know where I could upload my SFM video? My youtube keeps saying it's a dupe of a previous video...

  12. We need more reinforcement for the selling of RP items, like Amulets or trinkets.

  13. The build for the Healer Hall is now complete, thank you kindlt LOTC for allowing us the honour of doing this, for providing us with the location AND creative. Truly you are awesome. Also a hearfelt thanks to EVERY GM that has helped us, stayed with us. I will always have a soft spot for you all!. Thanks again!!!

  14. Just want to say a huge thank you to all the staff and GMs who have helped in the construction of the healer hall. Thank you for all your patience, thanks for being ok when I got stuck on steps, and thanks for all your time. Great stuff. On with the RP :) Thanks!!!!

  15. Time to change my forum Avatar to something more akin to my character

  16. Going to the movies, actually have service!! Panda is having lots of fun and has been writing a journal and recording videos so you can see what panda is doing... If any one cares! Panda cares, she missed you all so much!!

  17. brb, busy crushing hopes and dreams

  18. Ehm, within the Oren Empire... how does the Baron rank truly work?

  19. Just found out there's an MC server called "Planeta Minecraft". Where have I heard that name before...

  20. UNBAN PUGSY 2012

  21. On a website where you essentially ask for things and give things away, saw a post saying 'Long shot, but looking for a Minecraft account for my little boy' I awwwed

  22. *Sniffs £805 in cash as he lies in bed after a hard days work

  23. Reasons why I don't cook: I burnt a bag of popcorn. Just the bag...and the bag won't open..

  24. finished speeches, now just awaiting my soup and main coirse to come. i am rather hungry... *noms arm*

  25. finished speeches, now just awaiting my soup and main coirse to come. i am rather hungry... *noms arm*

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