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Everything posted by Aryon

  1. Dat server crash.

  2. Mind PM'ing me the IP?

  3. You guys all wish you had my amazing beats, and my amazing song I just made. -To Hyp- Yes, being a good DJ is another thing that gets the chicks.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aryon


      say one word about the periodic table and I will find you on monday and eat you. Easy for me too, since I am taller then you. Remember that when you stalk me.

    3. hypercrit


      You aren't taller than me...I just create the illusion that I am short so people think I am weak. And it wasn't about the periodic table, the song was called "Ten Minutes of My Life"

    4. Aryon


      *Screams out in agony.* DEAR GOD MY EARS! Oh, and you are a midget. End of story, no questions asked. Problem = Solved.

  4. You just wait until your server is back online. You WILL regret giving me OP.

  5. You already met me, that I am sure of. *Glares at him, for he was stalking him for the day.*

  6. Dat moment when Hyp and his friend stalk you IRL :/

  7. An Orc. To be, or to make Aryon have a traumatic event which makes him a villain. Which one?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      only get the VA if you know wyou will need it

    3. Zarsies


      Both of course, it's that simple~ .___.

    4. Zarsies


      Both of course, it's that simple~ .___.

  8. ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS! Look out applicants!

    1. everblue2er101


      *Prepares to watch the hopes and dreams of dozens collapse under his gaze...*

    2. Aryon


      *Fires continuous bolts of red 'DENIED' out of his staff, screaming "WHY DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT POWER-GAMING AND META-GAMING ARE!"

  9. Aryon

    Are you still playing in Australian time? Because I have not seen you around...

  10. ~OOC Wow, your going really well, Simon. Looks like this guild is working out better then the Black Hand!
  11. Alethion is Un-Banned! Let there be parties!

  12. Aryon

    Listen, Alethion. You will be making a ban appeal. I will get the WHOLE server to support it. If you do not get un-banned, I will revolt against Native. Please. I miss you a TON. Make an appeal.

  13. Aryon

    Where you been! I feel lonely D;

  14. Going through friends apps in the Applications Archives xD

    1. Aryon


      Tell me about it.

    2. Aryon


      Looking at GM applications to the server :3

  15. Just brought someone back to life. BEAT DAT!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Blundermore


      I have brought over 28 people back to life with Ascended powers in my time and the others even more so. Checkmate :p

    3. domainoft


      I gave birth to two children > saving any number of lives.

    4. Tronan


      *scoffs show off *goes and trys to save someone

  16. Dey see me trollin', They hatin'!

  17. 18,271 posts in the Applications Archive...Holy crap...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. argonian


      Over 8,000 I would say. According to the server details thing(at least back then), there was thousands of players. I read the server details in July and it might have been posted even sooner.

    3. argonian


      Well it was obviously posted sooner but I meant updated to say thousands, I doubt we had thousands when there were first posted :P

    4. argonian
  18. Kahzo, what the hell have you done...

  19. No apps for me to accept / deny D:

    1. Rhisereld


      Well then, maybe I should slack.

  20. Anyone know any rules to stop all the OOC Renatus flamers? I am beginning to get VERY sad.

    1. VonAulus


      Call the fire department, they should fix it.

    2. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Or call the exterminator. They deal with all sorts of pests.

  21. Okay. Done with my application spree. PEACE!

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