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Diamond VIP
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Status Replies posted by Monomakhos

  1. Can we please get rid of all the signs in Petrus and reduce the lag. Is that something we can do. This is ridiculous.

  2. i.gyazo.com/58d666494262ba27b2c80e80785fb493.png I need to stop playing gingers in my Dragon Age playthroughs.

  3. Gm's shouldn't be allowed to do pvp... especially with overpowered weapons with no proof they didn't spawn it in.

  4. Aesterwald The Great

  5. hahae im athe master of my onw BODY

  6. SMH at Oren rebels. Are you seriously rebelling against Tuvya, the most chill of all Emperors?

  7. These recent PK post's honestly sound like monologues written by angsty, confused teenagers.

  8. How're the Adoonians faring?

  9. eddywilson's a sick priest tbh

  10. i have actually built a cult following of dragoaboos, dragon age will rule supreme

  11. i have actually built a cult following of dragoaboos, dragon age will rule supreme

  12. Praise the Maker.

  13. Raptor hates Dragon Age, innit.

  14. Anyone up for some Civ V?

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