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Status Updates posted by Ogedi

  1. lol? i typed /realname wilson and it killed me D:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Redbaron™


      Well i laughed

    3. Ogedi


      -triple facedesk-

    4. Ogedi


      Idk who you are wilson, but when i find out.....

  2. Just punched a guy in the face for hitting his girl.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ogedi


      Yes, cant say im exactly proud of it, but it needed to be done :/ ive seen him do it once before.

    3. Wolf Druid Ouity
    4. The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      The Zealot (Sir_Wyvernos)

      +1 I'm serious, +1 for acting on it and not passing up that moment. Ive seen too many people move on as if nothing happened an regret it later.

  3. Should i DDOS the last empire? :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MediocreGamer


      arm your low orbital ion cannons

    3. Vanus


      The Last Empire.. ?

    4. Wobbajack


      Have you RP'd on any other RP servers: LotC, a few things remind me of them...

  4. Working on new city layout on a creative server, going to be heart stopping on new map.

    1. Arkelos


      Sounds like fun, White Ravens based city?

    2. Ogedi


      White raven funded!

      Hopefully will act as a sort of guild capital!

  5. Hmm what nation leader to council wih next... Elves or orcs?

    1. Dat Burkester

      Dat Burkester

      Orcs will kill you.

    2. Slic3man


      Orcs should be interesting the most :D

  6. Bumbed about boring and costly rp :/

    1. Faeyin


      *wonders why you would somehow knowingly wander into Mori'Quessir territory and NOT expect to die.*

    2. Ogedi


      Actually some mori talked to me because i greeted them in their native toungue. Then rp got smashed from restarts, random people bargin in etc, then some how i ended up as an animal that wasnt aloud to fight back even though i had full diamond armour on :/

      Ended up in the drowner :(

      -goes back to his hole to dig-

  7. Check my thread in general discussion. Play lotc from your apple products :P

    1. Dash_Rogers


      what what what?

    2. Ogedi


      yesh yesh yesh. Legit with 0 lag.

  8. W00t i got a diamond spot on minecraftservers.net!!!! :D

    1. Ogedi


      Hey add me on skype. We are going to rent it.

    2. Ogedi


      Rent it out for a small fee*

  9. YES!!! My project got featured on homepage of PMC!!!!

    1. Ivran


      Where have ju beeeen!?

    2. Ogedi


      I started up my own server.

  10. Ive got a working 1.4.2 jar shift, sending you it on skype now ;)

    1. nppeck


      Are you back?

    2. Ogedi


      Nah, just helping out a fellow server owner :p

  11. Hard days work with my city prototype. A few sneak peaks coming tommorow afternoon. Night aegis!

    1. Maximas1211


      Wish you luck, sounds Awesome!

  12. Go to squat 350 on my second 10-8-6-4 set, and failed

    1. Ogedi


      Thank god for saftey bars

  13. A 32 gig server, and a server sponsered by legendary servers. Lol :)

    1. Ogedi


      Read your pms vaq

  14. Coding his own stat and skill plugin*

  15. Nooooooes D: .09 seconds away from 55 meter high hurtle state record!

  16. This is a very nice feature!

  17. Urg 3 hour lecture

  18. Is minecraft up yet?

  19. 32 stacks of iron mysteriously disappear. Meh new world.

  20. Just slept in untill 1 pm.

  21. Admining on another server and making city prototype for lotc. Made 500k of the city in 10hours. Half way through decided to world edit to speed things up :) looking amazing hoping to implement it Into the new world

  22. Zomg, just relized that we had the undead take over aegis even on... Friday the 13th. Coincidence?

  23. Remastering my GM application pertaining to my new found ideology coinciding with the demands of the position.

  24. :/ you forgot the 2 infront of 50. 185 /50 people on.

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