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Status Updates posted by TRAY

  1. *posts A-Team 2 months ago, still hasn't been reviewed *Than browkencrowe posts his App yesterday, instantly gets accepted the next day O.o....... Favoritism? I'm not trying to spread any hate, but I don't see that fair I've been waiting soo long for Auv/Seventh to review mine but it still hasn't happened. I've seen people post an app than a few days later the get accepted WHAT!? IS THIS!!?? Keep in mind I mean this in no way offensive to these people but I...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danny


      His was reviewed because it was to be accepted, after the app team discussed him.

    3. TRAY


      Like I said though is I needed to flame this somewhere. Sorry if I cause an offence, and I know this wont help me in anyway but still, and creeper I deleted that post..

    4. Lirinya


      Brokencrowe is known to be useful and good. He had been mentioned several times before he even posted an application. I'm rather annoyed with people calling favouritism. If your app is good you will be accepted. If not, it won't. Apps don't HAVE to be reviewed. Much like GM apps.

  2. *Wants to be part of the A-Team, but no one really understands how badly

    1. Altariel_Alfakyn


      I understand the feeling..

  3. /register




  4. Admins why you no check Ban Appeals?

    1. Austin


      Be Patient, you broke the rules you can wait.

  5. Are there vikings now in LOTC?

    1. Lykos


      There've been vikings in LOTC since Asulon... at least in guild form.

    2. TRAY



      How have I never known!!

  6. Awesome I lost 1k all my items and it killed my wolf that took me nearly 3 weeks just to find -.- thanks alot for that storm it was really great

    1. Cappy


      VorKalan (Swgrclan) got most, if not all of your stuff. He's waiting for you to come and get it.

    2. shiftnative


      The storms are from the 1.2.4 :/ silly mojang

  7. Aww :( Junior Seau died this morning R.I.P. One hell of a Linebacker

  8. Been 2 months, and still no one has checked my A-Team App :/

    1. Dasaro


      Patience my friend...

    2. Dante


      Actually if it's being ignored that's a good thing. It means it's up to par with their standards and has a possibility of being accepted.

    3. 0000


      Or they've forgotten about it and it will never be accepted >:D

      Kidding, patience.

  9. BuBbAKLuTcH, The most unknown on the server :)

    1. Divinus


      probably because its always night, therefore, we can never see you

  10. Can an admin help me I have a question

  11. Can't get on the server after the restart.

    1. Lord of the Nublets
    2. Overland


      Try using a different IP mentioned in this post:

  12. Dear future applicants of LoTC, when writing your bios, please come up with a story more original than your parents dying from Orcs, or some kind of tragedy. Thank you ~ Every A-Team Member :P

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Octovian


      I killed my parents.

    3. CowsGoMoo


      I... ate my parents.


      I'm gunna.

      Watch out, Stral and Dante~

    4. 0000


      My parents were killed by undead orcs. I have been trying to exact my revenge for several hundred years. I blame my evil and villainous actions purely on that fact.

    1. shiftnative


      Good thing you don't have a modrequest open! ;p

    2. Korvic


      Need moar GMs! :P

  13. Everyone's saying that the server's dying, because everyone's leaving. But I just think it's the end of the first generation LoTC of players.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. shiftnative


      them's some strong words! I think there are quite alot of players whove been around for nearly a year - maybe a new "event team" will help things along for some

    3. Guest


      I do believe I along with a few others, are the last first dayers. Who are not GM.

    4. higgsyy


      I came in round sept maybe? And i aint leaving nay time soon

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