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Status Replies posted by Fourthbrook

  1. We really need to fix the problem of zombies duplicating/respawning as they die. I've managed to get 8 zombies from farming one and ended up with 60 minas from it.

  2. Some 3.0 info for you all - In 3.0, mines will be specific to the resource ! Coal mines, Lapis mines, Redstone mines and so on - to promote trade and travel over the map !

    1. Fourthbrook


      no all diamonds will be in my backyard. in big piles! and when you all sneak in and try and get them ill scare you off with a bat.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. When is 3.0 or the events leading to 3.0 expected to occur?

    1. Fourthbrook


      what if its already up and none of you know how to get to it?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Servar? Do you read Servar? , Dis is Angel , DO YOU READ?

    1. Fourthbrook


      I don't think it's called a shock machine...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. Day 41: I've run out of Anime to keep my occupied...things are starting to look grim..

  6. Day 41: I've run out of Anime to keep my occupied...things are starting to look grim..

    1. Fourthbrook


      looked it up and it seems cool. but no go if it has nudity.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  7. Day 41: I've run out of Anime to keep my occupied...things are starting to look grim..

  8. Servers been up for a year and a load of months... still not using a basic anticheat ._.

    1. Fourthbrook


      knockout plugin is glitched. thats what they get for changing my code :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Good debate starts going on so an FM locks it... why? D:

  10. I just witnessed the weirdest RP in LoTC. As punishment for A crime, a man got his butt chopped off. ;-;

  11. I'm at the age where my face is beginning to break out... I feel my soon addiction to make-up growing inside me.. O.o

    1. Fourthbrook


      bad stuff on face = normal

      make up = not normal

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. I'm at the age where my face is beginning to break out... I feel my soon addiction to make-up growing inside me.. O.o

  13. Always look on the bright side of your **** ups? :L

    1. Fourthbrook


      the flower is a lotus... just saying.. anyways very nice work on the wiki

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Excited to record an introductory video for 3.0 dev dairies this coming week !

  15. Is it odd that one of my greatest wishes is to become a cyborg?

  16. God. I've been drifting away from the server. So much. Like. Really. Maybe it's a SIGN or something. Mreh.

    1. Fourthbrook


      its because we never RP will. find me and RP.

  17. YUSS just finished the concept art of my blade. With a special thanks to sokka's space sword as an inspirational weapon! My signature looks mighty fine now :D

  18. I just looked through my entire 'Documents' and 'Pictures' folders. Boy, there were some good memories in there...

  19. A fifth season of Code Lyko is being created. If you are not excited you lived a deprived childhood.

    1. Fourthbrook


      omg loved the show

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