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Status Updates posted by MrWizzard

  1. Look out for the Canny Cantrip in the near future...

  2. Looking for a 1.8 skinner to rework my old skins. Please PM me!

  3. Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him ...(Oh, man, this is so bad, it's good)... A super calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.

    1. Mephistophelian


      ;3 I just recently stoped saying that cause everyone around me is sick of hearing the joke, or don't get half of the words I say in the last sentence.

    2. Kim
  4. Maverik's off traveling to the different ports to explore all of Asulon. Sorta like how I'm going to be on college trips all this week... Cya Saturday!

  5. my fault? MY FAULT!


    You can't pin me! >:D

  6. No I am revamping them. You would no that if you actually read the last post. :P

  7. On Christmas Vacation now. If you'll excuse me, Skyrim and I need some time alone.

  8. Planning to open the Chronic Cantrip in Aegis 2.0 but I may be able to get it up before then.

    1. MrWizzard


      Please donate materials so it can go up faster!

  9. Sagwort had promised me to help me find and introduce me to a druid, and since he wansn't going to be on this weekend, he said to check with you or Olek to help in his stead.

    Is there a time and place where we can meet this weekend to do this?

    *looking down below* you need an apprentice? I thought someone like you would be crawling with them?

  10. Skyrim here! *puts up sign* Gone Dragonslaying.

    1. MrWizzard


      For those who are wondering about Todd Tanner IG, he's off meditating and other stuff. Focusing on inner control and peace.

  11. So I came back for a little bit, looked into the new magic rp. I am intrested in it, but I'm looking at my schedule and school is approaching fast. So sadly, I'm going to have to refrain from playing LOTC some more. Not to worry, I've found some other rp servers. While not a dedicated as you wonderful people are, they provide an intresting rp experience none the less. My favorit so far is a zombie apocolypse style one. In the words of hippies "See ya on the flip side!"

  12. The Candid Cantrip: Magic and Alchemy at a reasonable price. Your thoughts?

    1. TavernLich


      Can we egg and TP the place?

    2. MrWizzard


      I'd rather you not. Though that could be an event other people could offer.

  13. This makes me want to jump on and make a dwarf character:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      Minecraft youtubers are strange folk. Sometimes they'll make really awesome things (CaptainSparklez's Fallen Kingdom, etc.) and then they'll go right back to boring ol' let's plays.

    3. monkeypoacher


      Either way, you can safely say that going 'diggy diggy hole' in a dwarven settlement will not end well ;)

    4. MrWizzard


      Well now you just have me wanting to tempt fate there char.

  14. Walker/Seeker of Secret/Hidden Knowledge. That remind/inspire any words from anyone, like detective or wizard?

  15. Well... I feel foolish. Just wrote a book, now I probably need to redo it on the new book feature later...

  16. What's happened to the server?

    1. Netphreak


      Depends what you mean...?

    2. Judas
  17. When do you want to get on and rp?

  18. Where'd you get that avatar? Is it realted to your rp?

  19. Yeah... so it's been a few months, and I think I may be taking an even longer break. Helping with some other rp servers n' stuff. So, Maverik is dead. And since Mav's never really had a unique place in LotC, I hope to make up for that is his death via freak noodle accident. Peace out!

    1. Skippy
    2. MrWizzard


      :D Someone cares! ^^

    3. MrWizzard


      :D Someone cares! ^^

  20. You ever feel like this? : http://tinyurl.com/mecnout

    1. Grouchy
    2. Googlesearch


      **** the new pokemon

    3. KarmaDelta


      I never felt like FunnyJunk.

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