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Status Replies posted by Haelphon

  1. Shoutout to Alan, Aedan and Birc for being my longest bro-friends on LOTC.

  2. Shoutout to Alan, Aedan and Birc for being my longest bro-friends on LOTC.

  3. Shoutout to Alan, Aedan and Birc for being my longest bro-friends on LOTC.

  4. If you have anything you want to be shown on this week's LOTCBC, PM me or LegoXBOX with the subject "News Report" and provide a link!

  5. This is how us High Elves feel.
  6. My posts will never be serious again. New avatar.

  7. I AM NOT A DRUID :[

  8. Time to find a domestic teacher so I can ominously light torches from across a pub :3

  9. This plugins isnt very good. Remove the stamina and it would be amazing. And also remove the mining fati

  10. Pyromancer's coming to my town next week, going to take wonderbar firework pix 4 all of u

  11. I heard voting makes your characters able to fly and walk through walls and outpowergame everyone else. Mayhaps we ought to get votin'?

  12. Don't forget to vote!

  13. So, are we ever ACTUALLY going to get out of deadlock? Or will these promises continue to be tied up like a Congressional funding project?

  14. Friday off and two days without anyone in the house. I am a happy guy right now

  15. Why can't I resolve host name on the server or teamspeak?

  16. The Great Tea Empire shall soon take over all business in Anthos!

  17. Which class to take, The Use of Syntax in 14th Century Bulgarian Poetry or The Rise and Fall of the Empire of Madagascar... Ah, choices.

  18. I'm baAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaack.

  19. I'm baAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaack.

  20. Whatever FM edited the part on my posts that would normally say "Coal miner" or whatever to Master of Giveaways, THANK YOU that is amazing!

  21. I think cybering should be the only offense that cannot be appealed. thoughts?

    1. Haelphon


      What about hacking when we tell you not to in the rules...

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

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