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Status Updates posted by Djinne

  1. Shotgun all the loot at felsen rn

  2. September the 21st. That's longer than availer!

  3. Haha don't worry about it hehe.

  4. Well, if Ever is leaving LotC it seems like I'll have no competition for my video.

    1. Djinne


      I wonder if that means I get all the prizes.

    2. Lago


      Video? WHARE IZ TEH VIDEO>

    3. Djinne


      Mine isn't up yet, haha.

  5. Hm. I suppose a lich would be able to use the enderchibi model, if they wanted to.

  6. In LoTC, Everybody must have 10,000 scars on their shoulder.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Each of my scars have 10,000 scars on them.

    3. MrSyth


      @Djinne not true... I have yet to meet a Mali'Aheral with scars.

    4. MonkeyCoffee


      @(=>人<=) You are holy, the first one to find a hole in the "Soviet Russia" saying.

      *goes to pray*

  7. Why are there always chickens in creative?

    1. Urahra


      Chickens - the new Herobrine? Story at 11.

  8. And so, my lore parade begins on the small island of 'about me' Page.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Samoblivion
    3. Djinne


      'Well, you see. They channel the mana down their gun, and it comes out as very refined black dots, because it is so compact.'

    4. gingernut97
  9. servers' back up

  10. Brace yourselves! We are all going to die!

  11. Log in, Skeleton mob apocolypse, Die. Server closes. Goodbye items >.

  12. Before I make any kind of lore post, what do you guys think about sharing magic? Up to a cap.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Djinne


      That is the very reason I didn't make the post immediately. There are so many magic lore posts... On the other hand, it seems quite useful, and could be a useful tool, though only known by a select few.

    3. Djinne


      >.< My post looks too long. I will probs wait before posting this magic :P When there are less magic posts.

    4. ski_king3


      I always like reading new lore, even if it's magic lore. People do more magic lore posts because it's the most easily expanded on.

  13. Meh, I am doing my french GCSE early, got an a* in it. (I am french) Got an A for film studies.

  14. The most contraversial villain app of the decade! Yeah

    1. SparehoeCakes
    2. Djinne


      Lol. was an overstatement for fun :P

  15. Wow, just found out availer is banned (was absent when it happened) I thought he was like, untouchable. Shame he is gone.

  16. Woo for senegal's epicly slow internet speed (but the holiday is lovely)

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