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Ibn Khaldun

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Posts posted by Ibn Khaldun

  1. Moderator Comments



    I will not directly @ the player who abused the forum reporting system (reporting two posters), but I know you'll read this comment. Do not abuse the forum reporting system to report players who are simply lodging their personal opinions regarding whether they think this realm application meets the criteria. Ultimately, that decision rests with Llir and will be processed in an appropriate fashion. Continue to abuse the forum reporting system for posts that are both civil and not breaking rules and I will give you, the abuser of the reporting system, a warning point in return.


  2. Cunimund, from his office as High Curator in the Hand of Horen, sent his page Ambactorix to inform the High Pontiff to expect this latest Golden Bull to be transcribed & published in all Canonist capitols within the next Saint's Day or two. Ambactorix apologized for the delay, informing that Cunimund had been sailing the rivers running throughout the lowlands for amber and the sea outside Whitespire for pearls as is Cingedoz tradition.



    OOC: Back from my Arizona vacation, back into transcribing mode.


  3. BeG7laYivesgY9CfZa60aT5jVhzIOB3IjlHdYDAJSVUOthcPHbxD13Slwdr1-nEKPx2xYc05LpF9EpyPijc1iJZinwrkK83pyjiHr1m6PTauRWrJ8yBaYLlMGBzTakhQ3mDLoTwljBHCAgOwE9LzfA


    Cunimund held the latest correspondence* between himself and Philip Laurent. He bade his page, Ambactorix, to write a response to the following set of sketches. The response read, "Slanu fair Philip, know that your sketch of the Langkette Mountains has captured the earthenwall of my new Barony, Bodbwodz, and it looks a mighty fine depiction. Likewise, I am honored to find the Cathedral of the Four Exalted among your drawings - I maintain one of the largest libraries in Aevos there. My tribe, newly settled in the Barony of Bodbwodz, will begin construction on our land soon and we would be honored to host you in the coming Saint's Week or so. Write me if you need any of my own help as a transcriber, I'd like to produce your sketches in a book very soon." He instructed Ambactorix to inform Philip that the letter came from Cunimund hal'Cingedoz.


    Letter Reference*




  4. RJIHxpVgcmDhwO9hi9jLYl2wQIZ_6T3OWimSg38iSllyC7RLWb1IsJmisPSbXOSvEqUNi7m9E0F1vN1hCZgEw8kKsb8VgUfrrZadkbDA8W_zJBDOatoix3hf-Xg7me41H1E6NMuv77Hd7iizJZ1VqdU

    Discord: https://discord.gg/8m5Yh8cgPj




    Though our tribefolk are far scattered & few

    Few can argue our worth is less than the storied lines

    Lines that connect families across generations

    Lines that draw borders of villages, towns, & nations

    Stations elevated by heroic deed & diligent labor

    Favor us on the scales weighing our worth



    The Cingedoz [also referred to as the Cingedos] are a group of both Highlander families tracing lineage to that ancient-most tribe founded on the continent of Asulon & adopters of that tribal tradition strongly kept to present day. They have, as a function of their loose political composition, dynamically transitioned between being led by chieftains & chieftesses and being a diaspora group whose members have fought for, settled, & served multiple kingdoms. Throughout this time, there have been individual tribesmen & women who have demonstrated heroic courage and ingenuous resolve to aid other individuals, towns & cities, & entire swaths of Descendants.

    With recent events leading the Cingedoz to settle in Aaun, the tribe has now earned a barony under the Principality of Merryweather sworn to Prince Heinrich Lothar [ @Olox_ ]. The barony’s name, Bodbwodz [Common: Raven Expanse], is named in honor of the one of the most heroic & legendary figures in recent Cingedoz history - it is named after Bodbmakos hal’Cingedoz.





    The Cingedoz enjoy a less feudal, less formulaic way of governing within their lands. In foreign lands, they abide by whatever legal system has been written and is enforced, but more freely maneuver conflict, mediation, & the keeping of order whenever they are in the confines of their own territory.


    The tribe upholds certain axioms, treated as unassailable principles, that help them understand how best to handle human interaction. The axioms are as follows:

    1. The stranger should be left to their own devices so long as they harm none.
    2. Argue your case, be fiery in your rhetoric.
    3. If one lays hand on another, all others will lay hands on the aggressor.
    4. Praise Iblees and be cast off the high hill.
    5. Better to write contracts in stone, the spoken word can be forgotten.
    6. All mediation must be witnessed at the Klukarunjoz Thingoz.


    These six axioms and their interpretation scaffold a basic system by which the tribesmen & women live their lives & treat themselves, each other, and foreigners. The Cingedoz are usually welcoming of visitors, foreigners, & wayfarers; the possibility of adventure, good news, or indications of trouble nearby are extracted from them that the tribe may be able to gain better reputation, perform heroic deeds, or bring boons back for the benefit of the whole.


    Discourse and debate among the tribe lacks the formality & procedure one may find in the larger, feudal kingdoms - arguments are often welcomed, critiqued, and one may find the tribe’s style of resolving differences and coming to decisions to be more aggressive than other cultures. The one exception in this fierce manner of debate is when a waxtolangoi [Common: Elder] speaks - more often than not, everyone listens intently and restrains their energy.


    The third axiom issues from the martial tradition of the Cingedoz. All men & women are expected to be capable of defending oneself, going on raids, performing well in the military, and thus it is infrequent to find a tribesman or women incapable of putting up a fight in armed (or otherwise physical) conflict. The fourth axiom is an absolute, the utter disdain for Iblees & the eldritch being prominent in the Cingedoz culture.

    The fifth & sixth axioms relate to how the tribe regards social agreements whether in trade, exchange, or other forms. The Cingedoz have a strong tradition in keeping record of their history, their myths, their transactions and also have a strong focus on more public mediation of interests as opposed to private agreements. The Klukarunjoz Thingoz mentioned in the sixth axiom refers to the runestone circle where thingoz [Common: assemblies] take place where important decisions are made.






    Three migrations spurred our tribe from place to place

    First was the migration to Dunrath, frontier of Norland

    Second was the migration to the Daelish cliff-face

    When the Baron Manfred threatened to march his host from Oren

    Third was the migration to the plateau over Khron’Hundmar

    When the Piast Casimir drove us from the Vistulian Isles



    Those tribesmen of the Barony of Bodbwodz trace their histories back to the ancient continent of Asulon and their linkage to the Principality of Merryweather to the previous continent of Almaris. The hiwraed-i-Aedoz [Common: line of Aedoz], whose founder & patriarch was Gaisorix, enjoyed a good relationship with the Merryweather Prince Heinrich I Franz by way of the Cingedoz tribe being a member of the Daelish Confederacy who were originally sworn to the Kingdom of Savoy. Gaisorix & his son Brennus upheld good ties and trade with Merryweather even after the Daelish schism between the clan Ap Fawr & the Radaghastian Vilchyc clan which resulted in the latter seizing power against the former and ruling for a short time on the Daelish (then renamed Vistulian) Isles.


    The increasingly bellicose & problematic decision-making of the Piast Casimir Vilchyc resulted in Brennus eventually leading the Cingedoz tribe to migrate from the south, settling in the snowy mountains where Dwed colonists buried their encampment Khron’Hundmar. There, the Cingedoz constructed a prosperous village overlooking the Dwed cavern-entrance into their encampment where they facilitated trade between the Dwed & surrounding towns & northern kingdoms. Within a few decades, Odoacer, son of Brennus, would abdicate his position as rix [Common: chieftain] of the tribe and decide on Lurana hal’Cingedoz to be the next rix.


    Obscure is the interregnum between Lurana’s rule as chieftess and the eventual emergence of the Cingedoz on the continent of Aevos. Some tribesmen remained part of Khron’Hundmar while others migrated to the Duchy of Minitz before colonisation of the current continent. On Aevos, two figures emerged as potential reuniters of the tribe - Artorious hiwraed-i-Ambiorix & Cunimund hiwraed-i-Cunobellunoz. The two men labored together to raise various runestones on the continent with prominent ones in Aaun, Dunfarthing, Haense, & Lurin. Cunimund climbed the ranks of the Aaunic Royal Government, finally earning the position of Head Curator of the Clementine Court due to his difficult & diligent work transcribing official documents & Canonist texts such as the Legenda Sanctorum.


    In Aaun, Cunimund found himself working closely with Heinrich II Lothar of Merryweather & the Lady Chamberlain Aleksandra Milena; Heinrich II’s wife. Like a split thread being intertwined together again; the Cingedoz and the Principality found themselves on good terms & ties. The Barony of Bodbwodz, given to Cunimund for his continued labours in Aaun, being the product of this recent cooperation between the two peoples.





    The tribal tradition is upheld by three - those Highlanders who can trace lineage to the ancestry stretching back to Asulon, those adopting the tradition & practice it freely regardless of their race, & those descendants who are related to the folk through intermarriage. Some of the notable, living characters as of the year 1940 [144 Second Age] are:


    [Left to Right: Grimhildr, Ogmios, Owain, Morgause, Cunimund, Holly]



    Grimhildr Arkent-Chen nee Falkenrath

    Descendant of the Hiwraed-i-Hrundzur


    A lower-level politician in the Kingdom of Balian. She is incidentally related to the hiwraed-i-Hdunzdur, though she does not currently know it at present due to her father lying about her mother who was a Cingedoz. She is a poet with multiple published works, a smith, warrior, & an alchemist.





    Ogmios hal’Cingedoz

    Cingedoz, Hiwraed-i-Catuvolcus


    A strong, yet quiet Cingedoz whose youth leaves him seeking purpose & heroic reputation.





    Owain Ap Fawr


    Adopter, descendant to the Old Reig of the Daels


    A renowned archer and woodworker who currently resides in the Kingdom of Haense.





    Morgause hal’Hrundzdur
    Cingedoz, Hiwraed-i-Hrundzur



    A waxtolangoi [Common: Elder] who was born on the continent of Almaris. She serves currently in the Balianese armada as a privado [Common: private of the navy] and is learning alchemy under the tutelage of King Adrian.





    Cunimund hal’Cingedoz
    @Ibn Khaldun

    Cingedoz, Hiwraed-i-Cunobellunoz



    A waxtolangoi who was born a decade and a half before the colonisation of Aevos. He migrated to the United Kingdom of Aaun, first gaining employment within the Church of the Canon and specifically acting as Temple Librarian under Cardinal Arnaud of the Archbishop of Albarosa. He would eventually find himself, through diligence in transcribing works and serving the Clementine Court, becoming the High Curator of the Office of Enlightenment just before King James Leopold’s passing.





    Holly hal'Cingedoz


    Adopter of the Tradition


    A unique member of the tribe, she has labored intensively to research and compile works about Spraekjom - the language of the Cingedoz.




    If you find yourself enjoying incredible cultural reads and/or looking to potentially create a character who is either Highlander Cingedoz, descended from the Cingedoz, or want to adopt the culture on an existing character - read more here:





  5. tRFSYt3.jpg


    The High Curator, being both privy to correspondence within Aaun & from Father Mikhail, compared the two letters in his office in the Hand of Horen. He leaned over to his page, Ambactorix, and bade him to ride across Aaun & the nearby nations to instruct his Cingedoz kin & those adopters of the tribal tradition to be wary around any dressed or making mention of their being members of any Aevosian nunnery. Keep one eye trained on those dressed in full modesty, not all dressed this way do so in God-fearing honestyTrack them like those boars we espy, might be we need to arrest them for their lie. He folded the bounty letter discreetly and tucked it against his chest inside his tunic.

  6.  The following books have recently been added to purchase:

    • The Woldzkiy People Vol I:: 3 minas per copy.
    • Recording the Ancient Language of the Kharajyr:: 4 minas per copy.
    • Dunshire History:: 3 minas per copy.
    • Notes on the Diabel:: 3 minas per copy, a great book for beast hunters!
    • The Confessors of Numendil:: 3 minas per copy.
    • Scyfling Culture: Ancient Customs of Marriage & Burial Vol I & II:: 10 minas per all 2 volumes.
    • Logick Vol I:: 4 minas per copy, will be a continued series published by Aaun's Office of Enlightenment.


    [OOC] Preview of Books




  7. gzqp14g.png


    Cunimund stood in his office in the Hand of Horen in Whitespire, letting his page Ambactorix fit him into his armor. Be not that far from me, for trouble is near; haste Thee to help me. The young page rested an iron spangenhelm fitted with twin crescents, end to end forged and attached to the top of the helm and inlaid with amber and sea coral, atop Cunimund's head. Blessed be the Lord my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight. Cunimund cinched a longsword to his belt and slid javelins into the clutch sewn into the underside of his shield. My goodness, and my fortress; my high tower, and my deliverer. Ambactorix stood back to inspect Cunimund one last time. We shall remain in Aaun, but be prepared to march in Aaun's mighty host against what dēofoloz think themselves capable to stay our might.

  8. If someone would like to discuss their concerns with me, I invite them to reach out on Discord. I'd like to offer a hand in refining how these concerns are presented and argued in hopes they are received better, understood better, and hopefully resolved or a compromise is reached. Likewise, I'm willing to mediate any concerns between players too.



    PREFACE: Please note that the following guide is NOT intended to manage or regulate new or existing cultures founded on the Lord of the Craft. This guide IS intended to provide advice, ideas, and reflections for those either maintaining an existing culture or interested in creating a new culture in the current iteration of Lord of the Craft. Also, sorry for any formatting issues - I'm trying to use two-column layouts. This improved-upon guide is intended for the Guides subforum with the permission of CT member Amayonnaise.





    Culture, in the real world, tends to be an inscrutable term that conjures different definitions for different people. The term ‘culture’ can include a people’s conventions, cuisine, dialect, dress, language, rituals, values and helps us differentiate the human variety that has emerged on Earth over thousands of years.


    Cultural Roleplay, in Lord of the Craft, is a simple affair. Cultures are one of the means that players have to introduce variety within specific races & sub-races while being free from most oversight by server management. Cultures only instill cosmetic and behavioral differences whereas races & subraces can offer mechanical differences such as height, strength, and other attributes that is regulated by server management.


    In the following guide, I will divide my content between Out-of-Character & In-Character considerations:





    Culture in Lord of Craft can be one of the most powerful tools of fictional creation. A number of cultures have existed since the beginning of the server and multiple cultures have waxed and waned throughout the server’s duration. The following points should be taken into consideration for existing and would-be authors of cultures in LotC:


    + The origin & inception

    In crafting a new culture, one should consider a viable origin story. Both in terms of creative mythology and in connecting this new culture to present conditions in-game. This builds plausibility that may attract other players to participate with you and you enter into this new culture with some sense of how your characters may interact with the present game-world.


    + The quality and interactivity

    The quality of a culture is only limited by the author’s (and co-participants) quality of creating, disseminating, and enacting a culture’s elements both in writing and in roleplaying. A balance ought to be struck between making a culture too elaborate that gatekeeping may occur between older players and newer players and too simple that the lack of imagination has an effect on attracting new players and interest in other groups interacting with yours.1


    + The camaraderie and cooperation

    Cultural groups tend to be smaller than racial playerbases and nation playerbases. This should allow for a tighter-knit sense of togetherness among your players. It is important, both for the sake of avoiding stress and for easier interactions, to set the tone early on so that all players involved can feel at ease with one another and to have clear goals that everyone can align with.



    Cultural groups fit a tapestry of other various roleplay groups who interact based on proximity and motives. Your culture will both affect others based on your values, conventions, characters’ goals and agendas and be affected by others. The following pieces of advice pertain to how you might make a great impact in the game-world:


    + Values dictate Interactivity

    A culture’s values help shape the in-group’s mindset, worldview, and opinions. At least, in the beginning, values can take the steering wheel to guide how you interact with the game-world and its other groups. Please note that I am not opposing a player developing a ‘mind of their own’, but that should be a development that takes time whilst the values are your starting template. These values can color a worldview that can produce organic conflict, prevent staid roleplay where you interact the same with every single other player, and can also create potential roleplay that affects others.


    + Cultural Barriers

    This is an unique perspective, one that I know may be met with disagreement. Different cultures, with their variety of languages, dialects, and custom, may create roleplay by way of providing ‘barriers’ for other players to figure out how to handle. One such example of the ‘language barrier’ that may be presented between two players - this can be conducive for more roleplay (though I personally advise folding the barriers in front of new players to the server).




    1. The age range of those playing Lord of the Craft varies widely, so this addendum may not be particularly interesting for some. I usually encourage players to read and learn more about world mythology and cultures to both observe the breadth of variety that one can imagine and to understand the more abstract values and morals of said cultures. I personally recommend reading ‘The Hero with a Thousand Faces’ & ‘The Power of Myth’ by Joseph Campbell. One of the less appreciated, but really appealing premises of cultural roleplay is the ability to demonstrate both creativity and practical understanding of how culture operates both behaviorally and expressively.
    2. There is a matter often associated with cultural roleplay that is divisive in the community: the act of replicating real-world entities in the game-world. Generally, the usage of names in particular isn’t an entirely serious matter as naming conventions in a fantasy setting tend to be eclectic as is. The usage of more than just names, such as a real-world value systems, language, or dress, is not restricted by the server, but one should remain mindful that any culture in the game must coalesce with the game-world and not with real-world entities (ie: humans in-game based on medieval Europe must recognize and interact with Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs, and not with an al-Andalus, the Doge of Venice, and the Norsemen for example). Deriving some degree of content from real-world entities will remain a subjective matter with some finding the derivation intriguing while others will tend to not participate in such derivations.
    3. After having a conversation with a friend, I think it is worth mentioning two examples to illustrate the importance that your culture originate from some time and circumstance in the game-world as opposed to starting something completely anachronistic or ill-adapted to the game-world. I will use two of my own created cultures/groups, the successful Teutonic Order and the not-so-successful Subudai. The Teutonic Order developed out of roleplay circumstances whereas the Subudai simply emerged without a backstory or any in-game circumstances that explained the emergence.
    4. New Addition: I find that giving your culture some way to impact the "tangible" Minecraft map in some way usually goes a long way in giving players motive and opportunity to continue playing characters part of a given culture. I will use an example from yet another culture I've written for LotC, the Cingedoz/Cingedos - the placement of runestones across the map containing translatable sentences from the group's conlang to Common [OOC English] & the recordings of deeds, treaties, & other interactions. Players will feel more fascination being able to leave a mark on the map for others to see, to interact with, and from prospective roleplay to generate from.
    • Please feel free to submit further points of importance to me privately via Discord or the forums. Also, don't be afraid to bounce ideas off of me if you are interested in improving on an existing culture or looking to create a new one.


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    The Clementine Court







    Penned by 

    The High Curator




    The Office of Enlightenment, newly formed since the Clementine Court Reforms of 1936, is an office tasked with the development, propagation, and improvement of intellectual endeavors within the entirety of the United Kingdom of Aaun. The Office is headed by a Head Curator, currently CUNIMUND HAL’CINGEDOZ, who has a cadre of specialists including the Lord Archivist, currently SER ALARIC DENUREM; Head Librarian, currently WITOLD JAZLOWIECKI; Grand Mage, currently WILLEM WICK; Court Herald, currently RICHARD VON LEOPOLD; & the Master Alchemist with no one seated in this position as of the Imperial Year 1937.


    In addition to the cadre of specialists, the office welcomes scholars regardless of their station or royal birth to collaborate with us. Whether individuals seek an official position, to be contracted for specific projects, or work part time for an agreed-upon period of time; we welcome those who are willing to work in cooperation either on projects initiated from the head of our office or on projects suggested by those individuals.




    That we may give the clearest of details on what we intend with the phrase intellectual arts, we will give an overview of the different genres of the intellectual arts that our readers or hopeful scholars may be further encouraged to reach out to us.



    I.I. Rhetoric

    I.II. Dialectic

    I.III. Oratory

    Rhetoric, Dialectic, & Oratory are all sciences directly impacting the way we speak, our convincing or lack thereof, and our ability to impress on the audience the importance of what we speak.



    II.I. Logic

    II.II. Language

    II.III. Poetics

    II.IV. Mythology

    Logic, Language, Poetics, & Mythology are all sciences that, though communicated, exercise more of our mental faculties and rely less on the style of our spoken speech while also being conveyed with the same weight in the written letter.



    III.I. Alchemy

    III.II. Botany

    III.III. Biology

    Alchemy, Botany, & Biology are all sciences that, though can be spoken of and written about, are best studied with repeated and rigorous observation. No amount of speaking or writing will tease out equally what good observation and study will bring out on these subjects.



    IV.I. Astronomy

    IV.II. Cartography

    IV.III. Architecture

    These structured sciences are categorized separately in that they give sense to the structure that GOD created, in the case of astronomy, and the structure of humans socially [through cartography and the lay of the land and its political domains] & structurally [through architecture].




    These intellectual arts and these modest hierarchical trees are not exhaustive and there are other subjects that we are welcome to pursue and we welcome others to contact us in regards to.


    If you do not find yourself interested in scholarly labours, but are interested in purchasing any of our current publications or would like to request a work transcribed - please visit our Manuscriptorium.


    If you do find yourself interested and believing yourself capable of being a scholar, we welcome you to fill out an application below and/or send a letter to the High Curator to be sent to his office in the Hand of Horen.



    Application Form



    Place of Residence:

    What intellectual sciences/arts do you have an interest in?


  11. GeZSDRo.jpg




    The growing orchestra of weeping, grieving, & mourning voices filled Cunimund's office even with its door shut. He dropped his writing utensil back into its paired inkpot and sat back in his chair. How the halls echoed with each choked utterance and cathartic release of emotion. Cunimund closed the tome he was working on and smoothed a letter parchment atop its front cover. Ambactorix, his page, pressed his back against the office door from the inside as if trying to keep it closed against the ramming of a hundred voices calling out to God or professing inner-most love for that perished King. Cunimund scribbled neatly on the surface of the letter, rolled it up, and bade Ambactorix to leave his post at the door and to send the letter to Prince Edmund. Its contents read as follows:


    "Slanu, Good Fortune to you my King Edmund, King of the United Kingdom of Aaun. My labors as the High Curator and my office, the Office of Enlightenment, are at your disposal. I will serve loyally as I did the late James Leopold."

  12.   The following books have recently been added to purchase:

    • Aqvilae aet Caelii-A Report on Caelian Culture with Prisoners:: 4 minas per copy.
    • Trial Record for the Caelians after the Battle of the City Square:: 4 minas per copy.
    • Vira'tir-The Protectors of Talar'nor:: 3 minas per copy, High Princess of Talar'nor can request a copy at no cost.
    • Laurir'heial:: 3 minas per copy, High Princess of Talar'nor can request a copy at no cost.
    • The Court of Talar'nor:: 3 minas per 2 copy, High Princess of Talar'nor can request a copy at no cost.


    [OOC] Preview of Books




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