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The Confessors Of Numendil


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The Confessors of Numendil





In times of great strife and fear, yet more brave warriors emerge from Numendil. as far removed from the Radiant Templars of Numendil or the resourceful Rangers of Caladas as possible, the Confessors were founded with a different goal in mind, a force made in dedication to the practice of rooting out evil and safeguarding the faith.

While all men and women of Numendil share in the righteous and zealous fury, those who choose the path of Confessor dedicate themselves entirely to the practice and carry out their duties at any cost. Be it life or limb, a Confessor will serve in the name of GOD no matter the price that must be paid. Treading a path interwoven with both subtle discretion and fierce zeal, the Confessors are ever on the lookout to add to their ranks.


Admission requires:

  • A Yearning for a diligent life of service in the name of GOD

  • That One's soul has seen 20 years

  • An education in the word of GOD or the desire to learn

  • A history of devout living such as receiving baptism


All those who meet these requirements shall be admitted to the ranks, those who demonstrate their dedication shall serve so long as their heart remains steadfast.

Those who fail to perform will be discharged from service with their honor intact. As the role of a Confessor is not the path for everyone, those who begin on this road may at any time return to serve GOD in other more suitable capacities.




Initiation and Training:
All those who meet the above requirements may approach any Officer of the Army of Numendil for Enlistment. Upon joining the ranks one will either be admitted directly as a Confessor should they meet or exceed the requirements to be one. All others shall be made an “Aspirant” until they have been admitted in full. These members will be expected to work tirelessly to meet expectations.


A Confessor Upon full admittance shall at minimum:

  • Know of GODs word and be studied in the Dogma and Principles of the Church: A Confessor must know intimately the details of GOD This is not a merely recital of scripture; a Confessor must internalize the dogma and principles of the Church, understanding them deeply and profoundly.

  • Know of GODs foes and their methods in detail: A Confessor is taught to recognize the many faces of GODs foes, delving into their methods, tactics, and motivations. Ensuring they may not be caught unprepared to serve in HIS name

  • Have served Numendil for 4 Saints weeks and as an Aspirant for at least 2: Time is the tool used hone and create mastery in all things Confessors aspire too, not only must one know Service to GOD but they must also know Service to their Worldly liege

  • Have taken action against an enemy of GOD: Knowledge and time alone don't make a Confessor. One must take action in their pursuits to defend the faith and thus before any can fill the role of a Confessor they must take decisive action against an Enemy of GOD




Uniform and Arms: 

The Uniform of a Confessor differs from that of the Guards and Knights of Numendil, devoid of the standard gleaming radiant star, their cloaks bear a singular circle upon the color of their home nation – an austere yet potent emblem of the endless scope of GODs intent and will.

Beyond that, a Confessor’s tool kit is often more varied in nature than the standard guardsman. Due to the nature of GODs foes a, Confessor is Faced with adversaries as diverse as malevolent Magi, to the sinister Darkspawn. A Confessor must ready themself to confront and vanquish them all in the name of GOD.




Tenets of Service:

Absolute Faith: A Confessor's heart is to serve as an unwavering beacon of faith, ever alight with the Divine White Flame, a Confessor’s will is hardened and rarely broken.


Boundless Sacrifice: No price is too great, no journey too arduous. For the sanctity of Numendil and the Church, a Confessor will brave any storm and bear any burden.


Undying Vigilance: Ever watchful, a Confessor's eyes pierce through darkness, always seeking threats to the realm and the faith uprooting it at every opportunity.

Service to The Tar: The teachings of GOD and his word remain forever paramount. However, the Confessor, in their worldly duties, serve at the discretion of the Tar of Numendil, protecting their people's faith and secrets.





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Nerium sat in the Bastion Garden, tracing a fresh golden scar on his chest, and reconsidering his peaceful ways. 


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