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Everything posted by VonEbs

  1. Hello Neighbor!~

  2. "Disrespecting the Administrators and GM’s and FM’s is acceptable, however, we ask that you do not launch personal attacks onto them."

  3. You do realize I am allowed to disrespect you, right? Check the rules.

  4. Minute I get on minershoes.com, it goes down XD

  5. Happy St. patrick's day all!

  6. Should I start a coalition of no more forms?

    1. everblue2er101


      Will there be a form to join it?

    2. 。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      。◕‿‿◕。 Hawk Whitestorm

      ^ lol

      VonEbs, I didn't make a form. Don't overreact.

    3. 0000


      Make a form to be the maker the form for the Coalition of no more forms.

      But who makes THAT form?

  7. Is there a form I need to use to report irresponsible FM's, or should I just send it to Native?

  8. Remember all of the Logalogs? The Shrew river chieftains?

  9. RIP Brian Jacques

  10. Post a response O Queen of Queens!

  11. I think the gm moderated one should be removed, as this Alefest has been in planning for a long time.
  12. Fast travel will be epic.

  13. Cannot wait for fast travel.

  14. How does one become an Old Hat?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Friendly Guy

      Friendly Guy

      Backin my Day there was no old hat *Coughs like an old man*

    3. craotor


      Needs to be awsome

    4. Nononymous


      *coughs and corrects craotor*

      Needs to be the Definition of Awesome

  15. I love when I do this, creating a status war. Have fun all.

  16. I would like to help organize it, I love masquerade balls.
  17. The status above this one is the best today.

  18. They are changing the backgrounds as I watch!

  19. Y u so... Liri?

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