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Status Updates posted by Artisane

  1. "Drikk starts trying to stuff his pockets with emeralds after not succeeding in putting the emeralds into his bank, Drikk now has over 9 stacks of emeralds in his pockets."

  2. Aegis...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aelvus


      ... was pretty cool

    3. Spinzir


      ... Was the most amazing thing.

    4. Artisane


      It wont be forgotten :/

  3. Am I the only one with bad lag on Lotc right now?

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      I was getting extremely bad lag spikes last night.

  4. Can somebody post a link here of that program that un-updates minecraft? I wanna come on the server but had a bit of a brain fart.

  5. Do ideas on the "Ideas" Forum take a while to get accepted or denied?

    1. Queen of Aegis

      Queen of Aegis

      depends if it is good idea or not

  6. Dose a Warn status ever go away? Like even if it was in 2011? During Aegis?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Artisane


      But ive had it since October 2011- Not sure the point in it being there when it has no relevance to anything any more :L

    3. argonian


      Problem is, the FM team has changed a lot since Aegis, so the person that warned you mightn't be an FM any more

    4. nppeck
  7. Dose anybody know any active dark elven settlements? If so then can you post a link to there post here? Thanks ~

  8. Dose it say I am not whitelisted on the server because the server is Offline? Or have a been removed from the white list? Probably panicking for no reason...

    1. Glasiconas


      Most likely because the server is down, mate. :P You should only start worrying if that happens when its online. xP

    2. Artisane
    3. Artisane


      Thanks "Mate".

  9. Feeling good after the Skravian victory

  10. For some odd reason I can not change my skin... I am stuck with the default mine craft skin... I go through the stages of changing the skin and getting the confirmation message but... no changed skin... :L

  11. Hey guys, ive had a mind fart... who is the time druid on the forums called ???

    1. Artisane


      Well he is the Time Druid ingame, but I don't know his forum name

    2. Arkelos


      I think he got banned.

    3. Artisane
  12. How do you make Vodka? In Lotc.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Artisane
    3. Waverly Antoinette

      Waverly Antoinette

      Well, you get water and mix it with roses! You want to make perfume, right?

    4. Fredfort (jens6851)
  13. How high is an average elf?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Thrym


      Depends on its subrace

    3. Artisane


      Different subraces come from different elven nations?

    4. Artisane


      There is no simple "elf"?

  14. How is everyone today?

    1. Mucky


      Good. I answered Big Whoop Wanna Fight about it?

    2. Artisane


      It was rhetorical... everything on this comment is Rhetorical!!! So I cant reply sorry.

  15. How is everyone today?

  16. I have been role playing with my current Character "Drikk" since the move from Aegis to Asulon (Forgive my spelling), And have decided that its due time for me to create a new fresh young character to let loose into the world. What would be the best way for me to approach wanting to create this new character? So- Am I requierd to make a whole new app for the character or where I am already part of the server is there a different method?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cyndikate


      No! Just play your character.

    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Here's a guide that helps you play your character to the max!


    4. Artisane
  17. I have noticed about 20 people with these custom group names- How do we go about getting one of these ( By Group I meen the Member, Stone miner, old hat and so on )

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Artisane


      So you are saying that after 500posts are posted we can request a custom group title?

    3. everblue2er101


      You can request a title at any time, or do it yourself when you reach 500 posts. Forum groups have requirements depending on the group.

    4. Artisane


      I would see it as more of a Title.

  18. I killed a cultist... I feel special.

  19. I think Bukkit has updated to 1.4.6, no winks or nudges involved.

    1. Artisane


      Well I think so anyway... Im not Bukkit expert thoe.

  20. I think when Vaq did that live stream... Somebody got pissed...

  21. I wanted to have Cobwebs spawned in to add a more realistic feel to this cave we are creating. Why are cobwebs placed by "Gm's" Not allowed to be spawned in. And Im not looking for the awnser off "Oh because the rules say derp, I wan't to know how much damage adding cobwebs to a cave to help improve Rp will do to the server? Thanks-

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Artisane


      So dose this mean a Gm can never spawn in a cobweb block? As if they spawn one in dose this not make it unfair on me?

    3. everblue2er101


      Um. That is a little strange. I guess there is a concern that you could abuse them to trap people or get a lot of string. Maybe PM the GM and explain exactly what you want done and why?

    4. Artisane


      I don't care if the Gm even spawns the block, places the block and even protects them single blocks.

  22. I wonder if there are people who spend more time on the forums then on the actual server?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jon Evaglno

      Jon Evaglno

      Guilty as charged. I can't be on as much as I'm on the forums, due to a certain thing called school.

    3. Artisane


      Well I may have to agree with you there, you realisticaly need to have team speak and be active on the forums to have a real noticeable importance to the server in whole... unless your the most epic Role-player in history.

    4. Artisane


      Then again, I could argue against that... ignore that post.

  23. I'm Wondering whether or not we will be required to reset our characters when the new *map* arrives? Or have we not had enough information to back this up?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Old-Rattlesnake


      You *will* be able to keep your old character.

    3. MrSyth


      It's up to you to decide. If you've had enough of a character, it's the perfect time to drop it in the hands of evil. If you like your character and want to move on, go on the boat/ship/portal/whatever we'll be using to travel to the new lands.

    4. Artisane


      Thank you ^^ I'll probably most defiantly kill off my current character - Have a few "different" Ideas for the one I've been developing.

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