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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Elfen_

  1. Mew meow meow mew meow!

  2. this fuckin song

  3. Now I've got a tale to tell you

  4. Did someone say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?

  5. Who is the best lore master that I could talk to?

  6. Who is the best lore master that I could talk to?

  7. Thinking of making a new char? make a Forest Dwarf! Join Clan treebeard today!

  8. Thinking of making a new char? make a Forest Dwarf! Join Clan treebeard today!

  9. Thinking of making a new char? make a Forest Dwarf! Join Clan treebeard today!

  10. Thinking of making a new char? make a Forest Dwarf! Join Clan treebeard today!

  11. Thinking of making a new char? make a Forest Dwarf! Join Clan treebeard today!

  12. Man this place brings back so much nostalgia.

  13. I just want to be able to RP without

  14. How about for the next map reset we just keep it simple? Everyone in LOTC uses lots of wood and resources 'n junk... How about Vailor ends up like Easter Island (The stone Tiki-Head island)? The habitants of Easter Island used logs to move the giant Stone heads they made, but cut down the trees too quick, forcing them to move away. I think we should have this happen, even if saplings in MC replant really fast.


    We just weren't as considerate to the environment so there was a shortage of trees, causing us to move if we wanted to live... Much more practical than, "Thanhium bomb destroys land" or "Giant worms kill us" IMO...


    This is kind of a rough idea, and probably most of you won't like it, but I personally believe it is practical, and probably fun to RP.

  15. I love you all

  16. Been here almost five years. Wtf.. I mean haven't been the most active but I like to check forums from time to time or jump in game for a month or two...from time to time..

  17. why did the human guards kill the dark elf who refused to sleep?


     he was resisting a rest

  18. 15f7bacc31d3b38183b03e9c67d62ec7.png

    Guis am i doin it rite?

  19. I've gone from 2k, to 6k, to 8k posts in a couple of months...

  20. Armor doesn't degrade in 1.9 ... Thoughts?

  21. Armor doesn't degrade in 1.9 ... Thoughts?

  22. Armor doesn't degrade in 1.9 ... Thoughts?

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