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- Aether VIP -
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Status Replies posted by Elfen_

  1. *Read stuff I posted three years ago*


  2. knees weak arms spaghetti pretty sure i got influenza virus...etti.

  3. please help I cant sign in because I changed my mc name and my posts aren't fully showing

  4. please help I cant sign in because I changed my mc name and my posts aren't fully showing

  5. Why does Felsen cause my minecraft to crash? Like I start walking towards it and it crashes me. Only way to get away from Felsen is to look down and find the cart to somewhere else or soulstone

  6. This plugin with the sitting-on-stairs thing is gonna cause so many ppl to glitch their way to places. make it like the old one

  7. Should shields have some sort of skill-dependent stat or should they simply be vanilla mechanics?

  8. All of the descendant races have a stereotype, can someone give us halflings a stereotype? :(

  9. Irehearts are always looking for new dwarves!?!?!

  10. When did punching someone at a distance to tell them to halt became a feature?

  11. Bruh, you should totally cone 2 Hall when I git home.

  12. Irehearts are always looking for new dwarves!?!?!

  13. Oy vey, the EULA regulations enforcement has begun. Better not take my item naming, I

  14. If GMs could not complete modreqs from offline players, that'd be great.

  15. If GMs could not complete modreqs from offline players, that'd be great.

  16. Bruh, you should totally cone 2 Hall when I git home.

  17. I hate that feeling when you are debating on a PK or not. Like, I love this character but things are building up to it.

  18. I hate that feeling when you are debating on a PK or not. Like, I love this character but things are building up to it.

  19. I hate that feeling when you are debating on a PK or not. Like, I love this character but things are building up to it.

  20. I hate that feeling when you are debating on a PK or not. Like, I love this character but things are building up to it.

  21. I hate that feeling when you are debating on a PK or not. Like, I love this character but things are building up to it.

  22. I hate that feeling when you are debating on a PK or not. Like, I love this character but things are building up to it.

  23. Wondering if my elf needs a haircut/shave. Current:


  24. Wondering if my elf needs a haircut/shave. Current:


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