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About susitsu

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  • Birthday 07/25/1995

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    hmu if u want it

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    Something Something Shade Side

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  1. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/53824-magic-canon-part-i/ "Horen and Urguan were attracted most to the manipulation of the Void as a basic but powerful form of magic and passed his information to their learned sons, calling these first magic users Mages." So why again can only Ironguts use magic when Urguan did?
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    2. gam


      Because that's the way the dwarves have and always have done it. None of us have ever had a problem with it. Why do people keep trying to stick their heads in our business when it doesn't affect them?

    3. tnoy23


      Easy Deckolo. It is a common misconception there's a lore reasoning behind it, don't freak out.

    4. gam


      Yeah sorry, didn't mean to sound angry lol. To explain it better, it's not a lore thing, it's a cultural thing. Other clans CAN use magic, it's just frowned upon ICly. I actually taught a Stormhammer hydromancy, but I had to do it in secret because of the cultural thing.

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