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Old Man Boiendl

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Status Replies posted by Old Man Boiendl

  1. Making a pretty awesome valley

  2. Wait one hour for my WorldPainter creation to render, and BAM. I notice I forgot to do the Biomes.

  3. Continue the story word by word! Once..

  4. So... is it safe to come back, or are the rage levels still over 9000?

  5. i Am PRetty sure I reaLize what this FOOLiShness is all about.

  6. Farewell 50% of LotC's swag. *waves*

  7. It's like no-one listens to any of my ideas...

  8. Chinese food...Y u so expensive!?!?!

  9. I am asking to return to LoTC I will not be on as much as I used to due to track and the IRL problems I have been having. I but I'm coming back.

  10. I lost the game.

  11. Just accepted to the server! Thank you to all for all the help!

  12. ....Sooo scince Burkester is now off LoTC and IG he's practically dead. Who wants to be Kya's new husband/love intrest? XD

  13. I've noticed a alarming amount of "..." posts recently on the forums. In the interests of cleanliness and peace of mind, please direct all of your ... to this status.

  14. *Thinking of ways to stop his char from dying

  15. A fallen hero stands in front of the invading army of orcs with his hood on, slowly he takes it off, tears in his eyes, tears for the loved ones that have already fallen, he rises one last time against the superior power, knowing he is going to die as he slashes the first attackers until he is finally hit. He goes down to his knees, blood in his hands and falls down to the earth in the crimson sunset.

  16. *twiddles thumbs* n_n

  17. *Boiendl sits at his desk with a heavy heart and writes his retirment note*

  18. When you feel your mother's hand trmbling beneath your and see her lying helplessly in the hospital bed, a single tear runs down your fave but then they dont stop All of you should be gratful of what you have in life because Im losing my mother every passing minute

  19. I am taking an extended leave of absence from the server. A fond farewell to all my friends, I shall see you all again soon. To NekoDanie, I truly am sorry and regret my actions on ts today - you in no way warranted that kind of language. This is not a ban appeal, just a humble apology.

  20. *trying to figure a way to incorporate metaphysics into the game

  21. Why is the ale always gone?

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