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Old Man Boiendl

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Status Replies posted by Old Man Boiendl

  1. I wanna be the very best. Like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test. To train them is my cause.

  2. So, an archbishop, a Prince Archbishop, a few nobles and some peasants walk into a bar...

  3. So, an archbishop, a Prince Archbishop, a few nobles and some peasants walk into a bar...

  4. Bieng a baby is much more enjoyable than I thought it would be.

  5. Le sigh... there are no old women characters in game... everyone is a yougin anime queen which is a little off putting seeing how I'm over 1000 now... I don't think it would be right for me to date a 23 year old elf... What to do... what to do...

  6. Random Goodnight Status? I think so,

  7. Let me set the scene. Me and a weird kid I have to hang out with are plaing Super Smash bros. He is being obnoxious so I ask.... "What is your EQ?" He replies "It's IQ stupid." Figures...

  8. What should I do for the sequel of "The Fall?" Ideas!

  9. HEre a tips Never say "There is no god" Infront of the Renatus bishop :P

  10. Even when they destroyed our dreams, our home and even our TS channel, we still have each other. And thats the only thing that matters to me :)

  11. What type of role play interests you the most? [ie. Political, War Time, great suffering, etc.]

  12. plague in skravia and im trapped in my house :(

  13. It seems the Silverblades are very protective of Kya's love life :3 Love my family

  14. Perma killed me daughters fiancee *flexes "Good day it was"

  15. Just died while walking in an open field with ten hearts and iron armour... wut.

  16. Anyone here know French? If so, please help me with mah homework!

  17. I approve. You both made me feel happy again today. You two know who you are :)

  18. I am declaring myself Renatus' local senile man, and old man for the year.

  19. I am declaring myself Renatus' local senile man, and old man for the year.

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