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Everything posted by Polgrath

  1. Cataris for RPer of Week

    1. Rilath


      I nominate myself~

  2. I was actually concerned about the bans for a sec...

  3. Time to HORDE some beans. Day Z installed and ready to roll. :3
  4. what is your profile picture bro? its...different

  5. Polgrath

    Nice Server

    I don't know why but I like this gentleman's style. Keep doing your thang bandito.

  7. Day-Z Day-zeee, Give me your answer do

  8. If you all can ever afford Day-Z that is :3 Dohohohoho
  9. There are crossbows in Day-Z!11 I shall get one and proceed to speak in a hick accent and see visions of my handless bretheren.
  10. We shall crush them as the seas do the shores, the hammer does to the anvil, and as Rick did to Shane.
  11. More Mageshields! :3

    1. EmeraldStag


      lolyup, just gotta kill of my current char first~

    2. Neutonic


      jesus how many are there now ?

    3. Polgrath
  12. Pretty sure there are actually radios in-game? Correct me if wrong :P
  13. Which one do you guys prefer to use when playing Day-Z? Personally I like the in-game voice client for the added difficulty and realism along with RP value but it's not as convenient as Teamspeak due to it being local only. What do you prefer speaking with and why? Maybe a combination of all?
  14. Step 1, Go to Cloud temple 2. Get mages robe dissed by people of every race. 3. Polgrath cries himself to sleep tonight :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Polgrath
    3. Adagea


      I thought it was pretty. But I'm weird, and you should probably take that as an insult :o

    4. Polgrath


      Naw I had a different one on:P

  15. Merry Nativemis!

  16. Note to self, Liches are not best friend material :P

  17. If the Wizard of Oz was in LOTC he'd be banned for powergaming.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Everman111


      He was a therapist for say.

    3. 154684321654951


      Turns out he was using a modded client, still got perm banned.

    4. lugarthecougar


      He had big head mode on

  18. Application: Out of Character: MC name: Chris6672 RP name: Polgrath Race: Dark Elf Do you meet the basic recruit requirements? Yes, I have 10 Swordsmanship Skill. In Character: You read the Oath of the Guard: Quote -I swear to abide by all the rules of Normandor and the Kingdom of Malinor. -I swear to uphold the peace, justice and sanctity of the Elder Tree. -I swear not to abuse my powers, to assist my brothers in arms and to conduct myself professionally. -I swear to follow the chain of command and strive to prove myself to them. “As brothers in arms we strive to ensure the security and prosperity of our city. Harbingers of death to all who would oppose Her, paragons of justice to all who defy Her, protector of Her sanctity.” Signed: Polgrath *The Sentinel asks you questions so he may ponder over your request to join the Guard, he beckons you to keep it brief* Question 1: What can you contribute to the Guard of Normandor? A. Although not a mage of great power,I am observant, quick-witted, and well versed in the arcane art. My knowedge of many forgotten secrets will come in handy against threats incomprehensible to the average guard. Question 2: Armoured persons approach our gates, they are open. You don’t know why they are here. What do you do? A.Run to the gate to quickly shut them, before asking them of their purpose here. Question 3: Where do you wish to progress in the Guard? A. I wish to gain knowledge and thus power in my ascent within the ranks of the guard. My dream position is that of Senital of The Arcane Arts (Going to put nearly all my skills in magic upon implementation)
  19. Shadrin > Wandering alone :P

  20. Current List of members active in the fate of New Athenos: Myself, Polgrath Heergoth(ericthecurly) Gavin(Vicentee) Will_Forestin (James 2K) Master Architect Omithiel Peace Keeper Botar Blackrock (conordude8) DustyHat(Sucio) Danial_Silversword(DKWON) If I left anyone out, please let me know. (( Also remember to post in Sucio's floating city lore thread in ideas and lore to help get his awesome writing made into a floating reality. :) ))
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