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Roderick Greymane / Vegas

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Everything posted by Roderick Greymane / Vegas

  1. *A cloaked figure walks up to the arrow imbedded in the wall, he reads it and snarls. He then grips the arrow and rips it out along with the message with it, then hides it in his cloak.* "People should listen... when we say we're not hiring, it means we're not hiring!" he says with a scowl, "Now I have to patch up the damned wall as well... fecking idiots."
  2. Noob ;) #RHIAISANOOB2013

  3. The Huntsman watches as Yaedu puts his credentials in the drop off location and follows him for a bit before he backs away into the shadows and returns to look over the application. He nods, a smile coming to his face, "He looks like a promising one... I'll send a few of the boys to retrieve him and see what he can really do." he says quietly to himself as he walks back towards the Syndicate HQ.
  4. ((Sorry for my absence, but I can no longer accept any applicants for the time being, as I have been banned, I recommend sending a pm to Hawk for more info, or finding another organization because this one is currently without an active leader in game.))
  5. Ranger Silence whistles a short combination of notes and a few seconds later a series of synchronized thumps are heard as the apprentices practice their aim and hit most of the targets in the forest training course for that morning, Silence congratulates the few that hit the targets and speaks quietly with the ones who did not, giving a few tips and telling short stories of his own failures when he had been an apprentice to give them assurance that it happens and that they will get better with practice, after the training had concluded, he walks back towards his home and saw yet another pile of miscellaneous reports and odd assortments of papers were tacked to his door, walking up he grasps the stack and yanks it from the door and enters into his home, he strolls over to his desk and sits down. "Let's see what we have here then..." he lifts his feet up and rests them on top of the desk and begins sifting through the papers until he finds the applications and begins reading the first one, a few moments later he smiles and nods, "An experienced Ranger... hmm, yes he shall do." he inks the stamp and slams it on the paper, then places it in the accepted tray. Silence whistles a few notes and then an apprentice walks in, Silence holds up the application, "Find this lad for me please, I would like to meet him." the apprentice nods and walks out of the room. ((Accepted, pm me on the forums or use a /tell in game for more info and when to start, my MC name is Rurikk just in case you didn't already know. I look forward to meeting you in game and can't wait for you to start your career as a Ranger for Oren.))
  6. ((Little busy and pressed for time so I am going to skip the roleplay I usually add before giving my verdict. The application is being denied for the reasons listed: needs to be fleshed out, you didn't answer some of the questions correctly, and your halfling goes against the written lore a tad bit, but I would like to see you apply again and would be happy to have you join us to enjoy the fun of being a Ranger. If you have any questions as to what you did wrong or failed to answer correctly on the application, feel free to ask here, through a pm, or a /tell ingame. My MC name is Rurikk just incase you didn't already know. Feel free to apply again as soon as you want to.))
  7. Patrolling the edges of Hanseti, just out of the clouds reach, Silence is given a package of reports and other papers, he gives them a quick look and then returns to his scheduled patrolling, a few hours later he returns to his home and sits down in his desk, taking out the stack of reports, he looks at the first one on top and sees that this one is an application. "Hmm, looks like the lad got it all filled out... I'm very glad to see that he did as he was told." taking out a stamp, he slams it onto the application and places it in a tray of other accepted applications. ((Alright, thank you for filling out the full application and being so patient in joining, my MC name is Rurikk in case you didn't already know, send me a pm on the forums or a tell ingame for information and about joining up. Hope to see you soon and get you started in the fun rp style of the Rangers.))
  8. Returning from another morning of hunting, Ranger Silence is confronted by yet another stack of papers at his doorstep, he sighs and walks over to it, picking the papers up and walking inside his home, he sets the papers down with a grumble and plops down into his seat, "Hmm... let's see what we have here then." picking up the first group of papers from the stack, he looks and sees that it's an application, after a few moments he sets it down and frowns, "Looks promising, but the lad forgot to answer a few questions... looks like I will have to put this one on standby until further notice..." he then whistles a short combination of notes and an apprentice walks in, "Take this to the Cloud Temple or wherever it was found and find the lad that filled it out please." the apprentice nods and quickly slips out of the room. ((Your app looks very promising as I said in the roleplay of this post, but you are missing a few important parts of the application itself and I am not allowed to accept an unfinished app nor will I allow an app to be accepted that is not fully filled out, please copy and paste the original app with the filled questions that you forgot and I will reread it and give my verdict.))
  9. ((Any race is allowed to join the ranks of the Phoenix Rangers as long as they are loyal to Renatus/Oren.))
  10. Ranger Silence reads the application brought into his office by a courier, he frowns as he reads it, pulling out a stamp and inks it, slamming it down on the papers, "Not enough information... denied, how do I know who this lad really is if he can't give detailed descriptions of himself..." Silence then grabs the papers and lays then down in a tray, sifting through the rest of his letters and reports for the day. ((Flesh out your application and give more detail, you seem to have great intentions for the Order, but I need to see you put more then just one line answers for each question.))
  11. Ranger Silence returns from his usual morning hunt and finds a note tacked to his door, it reads as so, "Dear Silence, I have some important business to attend to and I shall be busy for a while, you are as of now the acting leader of the Rangers until my return, continue as we have been and make sure to acquire jobs for us and maintain our role in Renatus." signed Ranger Eagle. Silence nods to himself and enters his home to find a stack of papers, a few keys, and a list of all the Ranger's in the Order , he sits down at his desk and sighs, rubbing his temples, he takes out a fresh sheet of paper and dips his quill in an inkwell and begins to write a letter to each of the Ranger's on the list, it reads as so, "All Rangers are to send in reports of their recent activities and if they are still a member of the Phoenix Rangers, please make sure to sign them with your alias and slide them under my door as soon as possible to make our records as up to date as possible." signed Ranger Silence. ((Send me a tell in game or a pm on the forums with your MC name and Ranger Alias stating whether or not you still intend to be in the Order and what your activity status is within the Phoenix Rangers, my MC name is Rurikk if you can't find it.)) ((Also, Ranger Eagle( also known as Hawk, or Awackpenguin) is currently having issues with his Minecraft and is unable to lead for the time being In game, so he made me acting leader until he can return, if you have any further questions feel free to pm him or myself and we will try to answer them to the best of our abilities.))
  12. Name (MC and RP): Rurikk, Gorrkulug Gobo Race: Goblin of course. Preferred Weapon (If any): Bow and Arrow, as well as the mighty bone. Non-Combat Skills (If any): I can spit over 10 feet, skip with one leg, and burp in over three different langauges. Prefered rank: GoboKomtur Your most valued trait from list below: Sneakyness Loyalty Running Intelligence Yelling Foolishness Justice against the metal men Are you willing to take an Gobonic oath?: Yush Do you have a VA?: Not on this character. Additional information: I wish to gut all dem ugly Teutons...
  13. Application For The Rangers: Out of Character information [MCname]: Rurikk [Age]: 16 [Time-Zone]: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada) [How much time you can be online per day]: I can be on about 3-6 hours daily, which could be split between my two accounts that I role-play on. [How long have you been playing on the server?]: I made my account on the 16th of August of last year, and I believe I was accepted about a week later, so roughly a year now. [Why do you, as a player, want to be a Ranger?]: I would like to be a Ranger because it is basically everything I look for in an organization for Charles, who is very much alike what the Rangers are. [Do you have TS?]: Yes [How did you hear of us OOCly]?: I was tasked with restarting/creating a new archery division for Oren, after clicking on the Guild's section for the Forums I spotted the post for the Ranger's and decided to check it out, and maybe even help them become active in the Empire once again. In Character Information Name: Charles Greymane, also known as Ser Charles the Hunter Ranger Name / Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]: The Silent One Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes I have, and I aim to follow it to the best of my abilities. Race: Human Age: 26 Experience: Knight Commander of the Order of the Steadfast Shield of the Holy Oren Empire, Deckhand and Scout for the Obsidian Flame Pirate Crew, Bannerman for August Flay, Peacekeeper of Solace, and many other minor Jobs. Skill levels [All of your skills that have at least one point in them]: -I believe am very skilled in the art of the bow, preferring the long bow over the shorter more compact short bow, after living off the woods for most of my life and then later training and honing my skills in the training grounds of the Oren Empire's best archery ranges. (level 100 Archery) -I am also skilled with the short sword, a weapon I have also learned how to use as an extension of my own being, being it is a requirement of the Holy Oren Empire that all Knights know how to use at least one melee weapon to defend themselves with. (level 100 Swordsmanship) -Having to repair various things while working in the Holy Oren Empire, I have learned how to fix and craft gear such as arrow heads, swords, and varying types of armor, which has given me some experience with the anvil, giving me the ability to keep my blade sharper, and my arrow heads even sharper. (level 75 Blacksmith) Why do you wish to join?: I wish to join and aid the Empire even more, hopefully being able to finally use my skill set for the betterment of the Empire and its people, being on the front lines hacking and slashing my way through the enemy is a job I have had to carry out for some time now, and I would rather use my skills in stealth, the bow, as well as my own words to gain information, and maybe even quell the fighting our Grand Empire is always involved in somewhat by doing so. Describe your personality: I am a Calm, Quiet, and Intelligent person and some would even describe me as a gentlemen with the ladies and in the court. Describe your personal attributes: I am quite refined with anything I do, preferring to think before carrying out with any of my actions. I enjoy spending my free time in the woods, hunting and exploring what wonders the serenity of the trees and wildlife hold. Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Renatus and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: I swear on my life and my oath that I have made to the Emperor himself, that I will be honorable and just with my actions and stay loyal to the Rangers and the Empire. Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: I have only served the Holy Oren Empire in my short life, and plan to always serve the Empire as a loyal citizen and defender. I believe loyalty to the Empire is the only reasonable way to live, because we are not savages and aim only to bring peace and prosperity to the lands of Asulon. How did you hear of us [[RPly]]? The recruiter at the Cloud Temple?: While patrolling the outlying lands of Arethor, I was confronted by one of the Recruiters for the Ranger's just outside of the Arethor Stables at your Ranger's Outpost. Do you understand you, as a ranger, will be fighting for Renatus? Absolutely and I plan to keep serving the Empire even after my time as a Ranger is complete. Some Additional Out of Character Questions [show me you know how to talk in OOC:] Talking out of character is done by using either the ( or [ symbol, and goes like this, (Hey will you be online tomorrow? [Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being a ranger?]: Yes, I plan to commit myself as much as possible, while still carrying out other responsibilities such as school work and my other characters on the server. [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] Villain Application for 1, and 2a. 2b Mini-Villain Application [Link to Server Application:] I do not have the application link as it is archived and unavailable to me. [When applying, grammar and capitalization matter!]
  14. ((And to answer your question about making a new white list application to become a villain, its a no, you just have to make the villain app for the character that you want it for.))
  15. ((You would first have to be accepted to the server, then you would need to play for at least a week on the server. I would recommend playing the server for a bit before you apply to become a villain.))
  16. Sounds kind of cool, I would hope that you flesh it out a bit and give the event more meaning so others can understand what you would like to happen in the event and so on.
  17. I hope something is done about Solace and Salvus soon, I would hate to see another great city that had so much potential die out and stay abandoned like some of many towns and cities that are now doing the same.
  18. 3/10 Seen your posts every so often over the last month.
  19. In Character RP Name: Charles Greymane -The Hunter Age: 24 Race: Human Short Biography (1-2 Paragraphs): Charles Greymane is a quiet and calm young man who spent his earlier years hunting the forest of Asulon and grew quite deadly with the bow and arrow because of this. As he grew Charles began to venture out of the forests from time to time to sell furs and pelt, along with the occasional animal following behind him that he would sell to a butcher or a farmer who needed it. When the time came for Charles to leave the forest he explored quite a lot in his late teens and earned a small reputation as a great shot with the bow and would usually be found roaming from town to town offering his skills with the bow, after a few years though Charles began to miss his old home, the forests, and decided to venture back and try to live as he once had. A year after he started living in the forests Charles was forced into service as a pirate on the Obsidian Flame a ship that once ruled the seas from Skull Port and on, but after a few years of indentured service and his choice to join the crew, Charles was once again left without a job when the Captain mysteriously disappeared leaving the crew to wander around the seas and eventually leave the life as a pirate. Charles is now back home looking for a place that he can offer his skills once again and earn a living for himself. Previous line of work: Peace Keeper Recruit for Salvus, Captain of the Guard for Azaghost Hold, and many other jobs that I cannot mention to protect previous employers. What are your professions and talents?: I am a free-lance bowman that spends time when off duty or out of work hunting in the forests, skinning and trapping to earn a meager living. I am quite stealthy and quiet when it comes to stalking my prey. How proficient are you in combat? (Combat Levels) Archery -99 (with about 10k left) Swords -41 Why do you want to join House Flay? After his indentured service on the Obsidian Flame was served and his choice to stay on the ship as a full fledged crew member, Charles was saddened to find that one day while waking up from a massive hangover that involved plenty of drinking from the night before, that Captain Woolbeard had disappeared. Over the following months the Obsidian Flame's crew began to desert so they could find other lines of work to quench their tastes for adventure. Charles was one of the last to leave Skull Port and he did it on a burdened heart, when he returned home he had found that the little hut that he had spent most of his child hood and young adult life in, had been reclaimed by the forest and was nothing more then a heap of collapsed walls, overgrown weeds, and rotted furniture. Charles turned to rebuilding his small home and hunting the forest once again, while doing the occasional odd job for anything that the forest couldn't provide for him. One day while he was trading some furs to get some salt preserves, Charles found a piece of parchment nailed to the village board that stated that House Flay was hiring bannermen and only the most ruthless and hardened men and women were being accepted to join the ranks of the Houses guard, Charles decided it was time to take up a new line of work and walked home to pack up his supplies and see if the recruiter would accept his skills. Would you be willing to swear loyalty to House Flay and Count August Flay? Yes I would. Out of Character MC Name: Rurikk Do you have the following (Not Required): Skype (Y/N) Yes TeamSpeak (Y/N) Yes Which evils do you have an accepted villain application for? (Include a link to your VA): 1 and 2a, working on getting 2b. VA for 1, and 2a
  20. Edit: reread through everything and just saw you want it in a pm, oops :P. I will send it now.
  21. [Questions] MC Name: Rurikk Why do you want to join? I would like to join because currently I am just in the Obsidian Flame pirate crew and they are only active on the weekends, so I am hoping to join as it will give me more Rp to do in my free time and IC my character has spent all of his minas from pirate raids so he is taking a chance at the life of thievery to finance his life in the long months between each of these pirate raids. How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience? I would like to think that my Rp is very fun and I hope others think that way as well, I plan on being very active as a member of this guild and showing my skills to my mentors and leaders to prove myself and them that I will be an asset to the guild and provide many riches for them. What do you think are vital in RP? (I.e Emotes, RP fights over MC fights etc) Whats most vital in Rp to me is having fun and ultimately doing this while also following the server and villain rules. You also have to take into account that good Rp involves the use of emotes and doesnt always have to have pvp, rolling is not a rule, but most people like to use it so sometimes you have to agree with the player or players that you are Roleplaying with and roll for actions, even if it is not a common thing you do when roleplaying. To break the guild laws, or the Server laws is instant banishment unless in a specific circumstance where you are offered an appeal form by the guild, do you understand this? Yes [Character Questions] RP name: Charles Greymane Biography: (Important note: Charles has two different dialects, one is the common english speaking dialect used by almost every race, and his second dialect is that of the pirates, he will use either when it best suits him in any situation.) The wind is blowing and the reeds are swaying with the breeze, the prey is calmly eating some seeds while clucking around the rivers edge. Charles slowly crawls closer and knocks and arrow. As he pulls back the arrow and aims the arrow towards home he hears a crashing through the forest coming closer. "Quickly catch the bloody thing before it flys away!" Screams some oddly dressed men as they come crashing out of the trees with some nets and clubs in their hands. Charles just barely rolled out of the way as the group ran past, but it was too late for the man chasing after them as he stumble over Charles yelping out as he hit the ground with a thud. The group turns around to see what has happened to their fallen friend and they see Charles stand up out of no where on top of the man. "Get 'im!" Screamed one of the group. Charles turns around startled from hearing the command and sees the group charging straight towards him, he grabs his bow from the ground and sprints into the woods. While running he forgets to check his surroundings and doesn't notice the smoke arising from the forest top up ahead before its too late and he crashes head on into a towering man. He tries to get up but one of the men nearby grabs him by his cloak and lifts him into the air. "What'll we do with 'im Captain?" asks the man. "Hmmm, I'll be the judge of that Willie" says Woolbeard as he examines Charles. "What're ye doin' out here any way lad?" he asks. "I was hunting near the river before your men came running out of the forest and scared away my prey, and in the confusion one of them tripped on me, causing the rest of them to charge after me, which led me to stumble into this camp you have here." Charles tells the man. The man notices Charles bow and quiver along with some waterfowl strung over his shoulder. "Ye be a tracker as well by the look of ye?" The Captain asks. "Yes sir, hunted these woods for most of my life, I would like to say I know them like the back of my hand" Charles tells him. The Captain nods and looks at the man holding Charles. "Alright to the brig with 'im Willie, put 'im to work tomorrow when we set out for the seas." Woolbeards tells him. Charles looks back towards the woods sadly as he is dragged into the ships brig. Yawning Charles is awakened by the ring of a ladle banging against a pot. "Time to work ye' scallywags!" Yells one of the crew. The group of men drag their chains up the stairs and onto the deck, getting ready for another day of forced service on Captain Woolbeards ship. As they work a seagul swoops down and snatches away Woolbeard's favorite hat, causing him to go into a rage screaming at the crew to retrieve his hat. Charles looks up from scrubbing the deck to see the seagul high above the ship, he knows that no one on the ship can throw that high enough let alone have the skill to shoot it out of the sky. He notices one of the crew men is trying to string his bow to try and shoot the bird, dragging his chain he walks up to the man and snatches the bow and string from him and startling him in the bold action. "Ye' are going to snap the damned thing trying to string it like that!" He scolds the man, he then slips the bow between his legs and pulls the string onto the notch. Taking an arrow from the startled mans hand he knocks it onto the string and looks into the sky, sure enough the bird is still there flying high above everyones reach. He aims the arrow and releases it, the arrow soars through the sky and hits home knocking the bird out of the sky, as it plummits the captain walks right under it and it lands on his head still clutching the hat in his beak. Charles smirks and places the bow in the crew mans hand and goes back to scrubbing the deck. A few moments later he hears footsteps near him and his chain is lifted, thinking he is in trouble Charles quickly stands up ready for his lashings, surprised he sees though that his chain has been unlocked and taken off his leg. "Well lad, I believe ye are our new Striker, le'me be the first to welcome ye to the crew" Willie tells him as he hands Charles his gear that was comfiscated during his capture. "Thank ye' sir, I won't dissappoint ye' or the captain." He says while rubbing his chafed leg where the chain had been for so long. A few months later Charles is leading the crew through unchartered lands using only his compass and a badly drawn map of the area showing the location to a temple rumored to hold untouched treasures by man. "This way looks to be like the chart tells us" He tells them. As they walk Charles hears an almost silent noise. "Quiet ye' bloody fools, I think I just heard something" He whispers. He listens once more and then he hears it, the pitter patter of many feet running through the forest. "It be an ambush!" He yells as an arrow shoots out from the trees ripping out the throat of the man next to him. They all pull out their various blades and form a circle fending off the blades of an unknown enemy. Charles notices a crack in the formation as one of the crew drops to the ground bleeding from a wound to the chest, He quickly fires an arrow into the gap dropping the man who had just killed his friend. It ends just as quickly as it had started, the attackers retreat and leave the party behind. "Well that was a hell of a fight" Laughed one of the men as he caught his breath. "Striker just get us out of here now!" Ordered Woolbeard using Charles' nickname, but then he noticed that Charles had walked ahead of the group and was just staring into the trees. "Captain, I believe I know why we were attacked, it be the temple, we've found it" Charles shouted back. The group quickly rounded up the supplies to catch up with Charles and broke through the brush and stood there standing like he was, in awe at magnificent temple completely built out of lapis and gold. "It's just like the story says Captain" spoke one of the men. "Aye that it is lad, that it is, alright boys break off what ever you can carry and lets get the hell out of here!" Yells Captain Woolbeard as he ran towards the temple. The men all laughed and chanted songs as the Captain sat next to Charles excuses his friends from the table leaving just the two of them. "You know striker, I would like to thank ye' for bringing this grand amount of booty my ship and her crew" Woolbeard told him. "Well thank ye' sir, it be the least I can do for all that were lost finding it" Charles grinned. "Yes, I am sure they would think the same as well" He said as he slapped Charles on the back. "Now for the reason why I came to talk to ye', yer service is up Charles" He said using his real name. "I am releasing ye' from your forced service on my ship" He tells Charles with great composure, but Charles can see he is holding back his sadness at losing such a great man. "Well thank ye' kindly sir, I am glad to be my own man again, but there is just one thing left to ask" Charles says. "And that is lad?" The Captain asks. "Well sir, would ye' like to take me on as a full fledged crew worker, and a free man?" He says smirking. "Ahh Charles, I knew ye' would make the right choice an' stay" Woolbeard laughs. "What can I say sir, ye' and the crew have grown on me and I am sure none of ye' would be able to find a more suitable striker than me self!" He chuckles. The two clink their mugs and sing along with the chanting while laughing at each others stories. A few years later after countless raids and pillages Charles was left with nothing to do but roam the port while his Captain Woolbeard's ship The Obsidian Flame was being repaired following a failed raid leaving the ship in bad repair and needing a new mast. Walking down the street Charles scanned the shops looking for a Fletcher's hut to get some spare arrows and a new string for his bow, as he spotted the shop he felt a quick and almost unoticeable tug at his belt, when he looked down he saw that his coinpurse had been cut clean off his belt. He quickly looked up to see the thief rushing through the crowd and into the closest alley, Charles ran after the thief and arrived at the alley to see the thief turn the corner at the far end. Charles sprinted down the alley way and found the other side empty, as he was just about to give up his keen eyes caught the edge of a door shut along the side of the alley, he quietly unsheathed his short bow from his shoulder sheath and cautiously walked towards the door trying to be as quiet as possible as he knocked an arrow. When he opened the door he was surprised to not only find the thief who took his coinpurse but a group of others dressed similar to the person. "Well done sir, I must applaud you on your skills of stealth and trailing one of our best without her knowing it." Said a man who suddenly appeared right out of the shadows from a corner of the room. "All I want are the minas that I had in that coinpurse and to leave you lot to your business." Charles stated speaking in the common dialect. "Well here you go sir, you have earned them back tenfold." The man said as he tossed him a bag of minas larger then the one he had before. "But I must ask you, would you like put those skills to the test and work for a greater cause?" "What kind of cause are we talking about?" Charles asked skeptically. "The kind that would benefit all of us greatly and along the way make you absolutely rich, now what do you say, walk with the money or join the greatest association of thieves alive?" Charles thought for a moment and decided he had plenty of time due to the ship's state in the docks. "I guess my skills could be of use, when do we start?" He said with a grin. Personality: Quiet, calm, and patient Motives: He yearns for the thrill of danger and everything else that comes wtih it, he loves to show off his skills as a bowman and takes pleasure in challenging his skills. Aspirations: He would like to see what the world has to offer outside of just the forests he grew up in and to experience the thrills of a dangerous life. [Open Response. Answer all questions] You notice a rich foreign merchant in the markets browsing wares such as jewellery, weaponry and armor. You notice a stall owner has just walked away from his stall for a few moments, several guards are patrolling the area, the merchant walks towards the stall to browse its wares. To the North is a sewer grate you could escape through, though the guards seem to be patrolling it more than usual. How will you pull of this thievery? Charles walks down the market streets and notices that a rich looking merchant has stopped at an equally rich stall stocked with many different kinds of jewelry and other items, as he notices this he sees that the stalls owner has walked into his stock house to get an item for the merchant. Charles quickly asseses the situation and decides that the meat vender wouldn't mind losing one of his swine, Charles unsheaths a throwing stiletto and flips it out of his cloak right into the ribs of the pig sending it into a rage startling everyone in the market, while this is happening he quickly walks up behind the merchant and swipes his coinpurse as well as a few pieces of the jewelry to be pawned off later, by the time the uproar is calmed down in the market Charles is already gone and on his way. The Upright Man has asked of you to steal a scroll from a house that is just outside the city limits of Alras, the house seems to be alive with laughter and drunken men, you look through a window to see the chest is in the room, while 5 drunken men sit around the fire telling war stories, they seem armed but drunk, you see in the corner of your eye a small hole in the roof into the room. The door hinges are old and rusty, it can be easily kicked down. How will you pull of this thievery? The men are happily drinking and singing a song when the door creaks open and a man stumbles in looking like he is already drunk. "Mind if I joinsh ye' I thought I shmelled the shcent of a fine barrel of ale..hic!" slurred the man drunkly. "Heh heh if you can down anymore friend looksh ash if you have had enough already." Chuckles one of the men. "Don'tsh worry lad I haven't had enough to knock me out just yet." The drunk states and sits down and joins in on the song. As the group continues to drink themselves silly, the man urges them to finish the current barrel of ale, a few hours later the barrel is empty and they decide to open another one, the stranger stands up slowly and trudges towards the new untapped barrel and opens it while the others sway back and forth laughing to each other. The man quickly concentrates and pulls out a little potion meant to knock out farm animals in times of labor, he pours the potion in with all the servings of ale and trudges back to the group laughing as well and slides their drinks to them. Half an hour later the men are all asleep and the man lets out a quick short burst whistle, Charles quickly drops out of the tree outside and scales up the hole in the roof, and looks inside the house noticeing as planned that all the man are asleep, he then crawls in through the hole and drops to the floor stealthily. Looking around the room he notices the glass case and walks up to it, as he gets close to it one of the men begins to stur, Charles falls to the floor and crawls towards the shadows until the man falls back asleep. Charles slowly walks up the case this time and takes out a lockpick and after a few minutes the lock clicks and the case opens up to show the scroll, Charles takes the scroll gently and leaves a thank you card and closes the case and nods to his paid associate and crawls out of the hole in the roof out into the darkness of the night. An old man has taken rest from his travels under a tree, his bag is to the left of him, he appears to have a dagger on him. In the far distance you see some travellers coming, though they are still a far while off. How will you pull of this thievery? Charles would casually walk up to the man and notice that he looks like he is parched and needs a drink, like a gentlement he would offer his water pouch and sit down next to the man as he takes his drink. As the old man is drinking Charles silently takes out a dagger and thumps the man at the base of his skull knocking him out, slumping the old man looks like he has fallen asleep to any passerby, Charles then quickly goes to work and begins to work the satchel off of the old mans shoulder and notices that the group is now only a couple hundred feet away. Being rushed Charles decides to just rip the satchel from the old mans grip and sprints in the woods as the group walks up to the unconcious man to investigate.
  22. “Official Asulon Pillage & Plunder Application” MC Name: Rurikk Forum Name: Charles_Greymane In Character Name: Charles Greymane How long have you been on the server: Since August of 2011. How many characters have you played in that time: Just two characters. Link to your ACCEPTED Villain App: My Pirate Villain Application Link to your Server Application: My app is one of the apps that was wiped in the files that were moved. Lets see your pirate skin: My Skin Backstory of your character and why he should join the crew.(2-4 paragraphs): How Charles came to meet the infamous Woolbeard and his hardy crew of Pirates: The wind is blowing and the reeds are swaying with the breeze, the prey is calmly eating some seeds while clucking around the rivers edge. Charles slowly crawls closer and knocks and arrow. As he pulls back the arrow and aims the arrow towards home he hears a crashing through the forest coming closer. "Quickly catch the bloody thing before it flys away!" Screams some oddly dressed men as they come crashing out of the trees with some nets and clubs in their hands. Charles just barely rolled out of the way as the group ran past, but it was too late for the man chasing after them as he stumble over Charles yelping out as he hit the ground with a thud. The group turns around to see what has happened to their fallen friend and they see Charles stand up out of no where on top of the man. "Get 'im!" Screamed one of the group. Charles turns around startled from hearing the command and sees the group charging straight towards him, he grabs his bow from the ground and sprints into the woods. While running he forgets to check his surroundings and doesn't notice the smoke arising from the forest top up ahead before its too late and he crashes head on into a towering man. He tries to get up but one of the men nearby grabs him by his cloak and lifts him into the air. "What'll we do with 'im Captain?" asks the man. "Hmmm, I'll be the judge of that Willie" says Woolbeard as he examines Charles. "What're ye doin' out here any way lad?" he asks. "I was hunting near the river before your men came running out of the forest and scared away my prey, and in the confusion one of them tripped on me, causing the rest of them to charge after me, which led me to stumble into this camp you have here." Charles tells the man. The man notices Charles bow and quiver along with some waterfowl strung over his shoulder. "Ye be a tracker as well by the look of ye?" The Captain asks. "Yes sir, hunted these woods for most of my life, I would like to say I know them like the back of my hand" Charles tells him. The Captain nods and looks at the man holding Charles. "Alright to the brig with 'im Willie, put 'im to work tomorrow when we set out for the seas." Woolbeards tells him. Charles looks back towards the woods sadly as he is dragged into the ships brig. Yawning Charles is awakened by the ring of a ladle banging against a pot. "Time to work ye' scallywags!" Yells one of the crew. The group of men drag their chains up the stairs and onto the deck, getting ready for another day of forced service on Captain Woolbeards ship. As they work a seagul swoops down and snatches away Woolbeard's favorite hat, causing him to go into a rage screaming at the crew to retrieve his hat. Charles looks up from scrubbing the deck to see the seagul high above the ship, he knows that no one on the ship can throw that high enough let alone have the skill to shoot it out of the sky. He notices one of the crew men is trying to string his bow to try and shoot the bird, dragging his chain he walks up to the man and snatches the bow and string from him and startling him in the bold action. "Ye' are going to snap the damned thing trying to string it like that!" He scolds the man, he then slips the bow between his legs and pulls the string onto the notch. Taking an arrow from the startled mans hand he knocks it onto the string and looks into the sky, sure enough the bird is still there flying high above everyones reach. He aims the arrow and releases it, the arrow soars through the sky and hits home knocking the bird out of the sky, as it plummits the captain walks right under it and it lands on his head still clutching the hat in his beak. Charles smirks and places the bow in the crew mans hand and goes back to scrubbing the deck. A few moments later he hears footsteps near him and his chain is lifted, thinking he is in trouble Charles quickly stands up ready for his lashings, surprised he sees though that his chain has been unlocked and taken off his leg. "Well lad, I believe ye are our new Striker, le'me be the first to welcome ye to the crew" Willie tells him as he hands Charles his gear that was comfiscated during his capture. "Thank ye' sir, I won't dissappoint ye' or the captain." He says while rubbing his chafed leg where the chain had been for so long. A few months later Charles is leading the crew through unchartered lands using only his compass and a badly drawn map of the area showing the location to a temple rumored to hold untouched treasures by man. "This way looks to be like the chart tells us" He tells them. As they walk Charles hears an almost silent noise. "Quiet ye' bloody fools, I think I just heard something" He whispers. He listens once more and then he hears it, the pitter patter of many feet running through the forest. "It be an ambush!" He yells as an arrow shoots out from the trees ripping out the throat of the man next to him. They all pull out their various blades and form a circle fending off the blades of an unknown enemy. Charles notices a crack in the formation as one of the crew drops to the ground bleeding from a wound to the chest, He quickly fires an arrow into the gap dropping the man who had just killed his friend. It ends just as quickly as it had started, the attackers retreat and leave the party behind. "Well that was a hell of a fight" Laughed one of the men as he caught his breath. "Striker just get us out of here now!" Ordered Woolbeard using Charles' nickname, but then he noticed that Charles had walked ahead of the group and was just staring into the trees. "Captain, I believe I know why we were attacked, it be the temple, we've found it" Charles shouted back. The group quickly rounded up the supplies to catch up with Charles and broke through the brush and stood there standing like he was, in awe at magnificent temple completely built out of lapis and gold. "It's just like the story says Captain" spoke one of the men. "Aye that it is lad, that it is, alright boys break off what ever you can carry and lets get the hell out of here!" Yells Captain Woolbeard as he ran towards the temple. The men all laughed and chanted songs as the Captain sat next to Charles excuses his friends from the table leaving just the two of them. "You know striker, I would like to thank ye' for bringing this grand amount of booty my ship and her crew" Woolbeard told him. "Well thank ye' sir, it be the least I can do for all that were lost finding it" Charles grinned. "Yes, I am sure they would think the same as well" He said as he slapped Charles on the back. "Now for the reason why I came to talk to ye', yer service is up Charles" He said using his real name. "I am releasing ye' from your forced service on my ship" He tells Charles with great composure, but Charles can see he is holding back his sadness at losing such a great man. "Well thank ye' kindly sir, I am glad to be my own man again, but there is just one thing left to ask" Charles says. "And that is lad?" The Captain asks. "Well sir, would ye' like to take me on as a full fledged crew worker, and a free man?" He says smirking. "Ahh Charles, I knew ye' would make the right choice an' stay" Woolbeard laughs. "What can I say sir, ye' and the crew have grown on me and I am sure none of ye' would be able to find a more suitable striker than me self!" He chuckles. The two clink their mugs and sing along with the chanting while laughing at each others stories. What type of MAJOR RP have you participated in on this server: My character is a veteran of the wars and skirmishes against the Undead Keep. He has also fought back the Blood Mages that have been terrorizing the nation of Salvus. References(at least 2 good references to your RP ability. Yes, I will be contacting them): troopermatthew and Zezimus
  23. ((Hey this looks alot better from the first post you made, it looks like you are starting to create more of the ranks and other parts of the guild yourself instead of what you had done before.))
  24. Borus I am seeking an apprentice to train if you would like to be mine.
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